THE SCP PROP HUNT! - Garry's Mod Gameplay

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all right OB we have we didn't escape we didn't skip the facility no no no don't talk they're right here the right in front right here yeah right there look right there do you see something [Applause] welcome back to another prop hunt now I have a task for the audience here leave a like on this video if you think one of us is gonna win this whole challenge I'm doing it now I might have the best hiding spot of the entire world right now okay okay officer Brandt and bran flakes um yeah you'd be quiet but Baldy has joined the MTF we're searching for some SCP weirdos we're talking weirdos then that group is led by Oh being Komodo okay Brandon here's the dealio you search those doors I'll search these doors yeah you're weird oh hey hey no coffee your SCO yeah that's cheating you're not allowed to drink coffee no I put that in official rule document that's an unfair caffeinated advantage everybody knows that you're automatically yeah when someone opens them so he could have went by you oh yeah that's true that would be extraordinarily embarrassing I just want to say I have a lovely view of your feet right now what okay so he's not in that room ready ready to Carla get a couch where I can't see you though you're five boxes one behind boxes yeah wait he's over here he's up here somewhere yeah yeah oh yeah we're not paid enough to search for weirdos wait what about this blue box up here I got come on oh okay Oh be are you one of these big cans what's a cat Wow I don't know I get stare at these big cans all day but I don't think it's you I think we should instill a law that with 30 seconds left over yes to move to a new spot ooh I like that law thank you for saying that and you can't move one inch you have to move across the hole that happens yeah that's a good new rule I like that one Brandon thank you say that but when I'm a prop I don't have to do that no you do too fine cracker we're fired turn to the seat beads where then I want to run around them I want to gloat real quick well I mean that's how he's able to find me so fast last thought all right look for movement buddy look a boob it Brandon are you hiding I can't tell you that let's go ahead and kick their butt today yeah yeah I'm down for that no kickin butt okay but and take names boys this is kind of cheap yeah proper you can be really cheap if you wanted to I have heard that cheap is allowed very nice why I get too bored sitting in one spot I have to move every like four seconds it's not proper okay I moved around three times already three talk already buddy give it hit keep you missing him where you're at no yeah you guys are you know save us a hit with like four seconds left nah I was like 20 second I'll play a part I would be a kid can okay listen up so okay so so so so so now I wouldn't think it'd be opposites that I would think dirt dirt so maybe when you're dirty where would you go bathroom - the opposite would be mud I was going to say mud plus can equals tetanus I'm a cat I just give these are good things you kids other thing are we near you was yeah I saw Toby run right past them you're lying no I'm not I better play my game for this out buddy yeah Brandon these doors close really fast buddy I know that kept throwing me off oh no whoo I don't works in here oh okay the only problem with that technique is he can't see Brandon oh yeah he's talking about if York and you can go in and out of the little railings here but if you go in them all the objects disappear I wasn't talking about that well just get away myself things similar I was talking about the giant hole in the back of the wall in the basement you're talking about trying to hold the back of all the basement how are you supposed to get in there when you're a can you could get in there but how are we supposed to get in there watch that hole real quick I just picked them oh stop looking at the hole oh wait a minute oh you saw that this stores open easy this room yeah declared I'm no seven second spy you got 57 seconds okay this is the perfect time to poop myself good idea check the bathroom movie is there a path oh you're the bathroom yeah mmm-hmm hey buddy we're whole lotta thanks the lady here tomorrow what are we doing here party I can't get the store to open half the time they're coast he did not run out he is in there just start don't you think do you think do you think under the bed wait you did get me it was a draw oh I can kill both you at the same time yeah like a win me come on Oh have one point done hi piggies guys I didn't hide it but I wanted to take advantage around you guys oh no Brendan I got this you guys are not taking us back to the SCP facility yuh-huh I did point wait why do you guys win I'm alive that's bugged in the end the empty F always win Brigid replies hi I'm just gonna do circles around Komodo the whole time and then get caught in five seconds wait we're SCPs hunting scps mmm-hmm I'll be you in a good spot buddy you know good spot great body Bloodgood I heard something upstairs I hear something I'm practicing my humming actually [Music] I got him I got him behind a back I just threw a box in your honor are you dead Obie I die what happened you were a tiny cannon a thing full of big cans okay Komodo let's prop this up no idea so let's come up with a plan here okay I would press the teapots triangle a third person so I could cheat a little bit Oh does that actually work yeah I get it either oby you check under things I'll check over things all right let's see if they want to play like winners or losers were winners hi Brandon hi Brad oh he just stepped on me ah ring oh you step up yeah you're lying you definitely saw me from here they missed me come on oh you're spotted I know Oh what was he knew he was like a little bottle or can up the stairs somewhere hey Brandon be wow shucks boom oh he's a cat he's a can you can add you know son let's go darn it he's got to be low on hell I am ah Obi are you checking over things [Laughter] [Applause] all right who's played a vibrating hmm matter what are we doing here buddy what do you mean what I just went by Brandon okay see oh you can't see well we've got a situate to me I'd like a small square II can't but can but Cara but boys this time I'm not messing around I got a spot better than a piece of pie in the middle of Texas but well I'm gonna play so yeah so date Oh too dangerous to you okay come on you're from Texas where do pies hang out oh boy boy - a dress I love it buying spicy super spicy dangerous Obi you know what my favorite movie is spongebob rocky rocky which one is he was a bottle bottle this bottle this bottle [Laughter] what's a bottle I have to do with Rocky
Channel: SpyCakes
Views: 1,560,530
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmod, gmod gameplay, garry's mod, garry's mod gameplay, gmod prop hunt, garry's mod prop hunt, gmod funny moments, garry's mod funny moments, gmod scp, garry's mod scp, gmod scp prop hunt, gmod scp 049, gmod scp 096, garry's mod scp 049, garry's mod scp 096, gmod survival, scp prop hunt, scp funny moments, scp survival, gmod scp survival, garry's mod scp survival, gmod mtf, hide and seek game, gmod hide and seek, spycakes, spycakes gmod, spycakes scp, spycakes prop hunt
Id: T2Gnwv79RPo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 07 2020
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