The Scenes Killer Frost

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[Music] [Music] [Music] I'm the patient don't hold back [Music] [Music] no Nigel don't do this this isn't you you don't know anything about me mother I know I wasn't much of a mother and I know I have a lot to make up for but I know I didn't raise a killer for whatever it's worth I am so sorry I'm sorry honey but listen to me you must not use these powers under any circumstances [Music] is this some sort of bold fashion choice because you're not a medic surprise [Music] happy now [Music] [Music] [Music] where is alchemy tell me where alchemy is maybe it's time you started fearing me [Music] [Music] excuse me [Applause] I need you to come with me I said be quiet searching part of our freezer two deaths you do not understand [Music] get outta here Albert sound that severed your triceps are I even with your healing utilities they'll take four hours to regenerate don't follow me [Music] unfortunately my so believe me when I say concern every one of them my questions or I will harm you and your family won't mind snow snow dude [Music] [Music] how's the leg I'm sorry Caitlin cold flesh come on live up to your name killer frost I want to see some killing you want to be the villain this is what they do they kill their friends because nothing matters to them anymore right right kill me Caitlin you may not be able to have a perfect Christmas but we can have a white one [Music] losing control okay it's okay just a little bit longer and she's dead sure I know who you are Caitlyn you do not want to do this yes it's Who I am you say this is time for me to take responsibility for my actions time's running over I really am who you are is Caitlin snow I know firsthand the battle going on the side of you I know what it feels like when it happened to me I lost all right I was weak and I let it win and I did I did horrible things to a lot of good people and you don't have to do that you're not gonna do that you're stronger than I am tailing you're far stronger than I am you're one of the strongest people have ever known [Music] [Music] Oh probably should donate that out of carbine rookie mistake you do not want to hurt me guys you know you probably should spend a little more time finding a cure for what ails me I care about you but I do oh come to save the day good now I can't get rid of you [Music] Caitlin you can fight this I know but I don't want to who are you weird therapists admission here is so easy what's wrong we should go wait I should go yeah guys guys we need little help here [Music] loose you guys here we're never do to you so what your saboteurs like you know more fun to reign in hell [Music] [Music] [Music] Savas heart says I'm not about to kill you but I can't have you following me around it was the left leg no guarantee you went faster Caitlin we can talk about this I'll talk you live in an hour you're gonna get a message with an address bring the crazy brand or I will kill your life sweetheart wait doesn't that thing for me killing you Tracy that's everything [Music] hello anybody home but you know that's wrong [Music] I know you're here come out and face me like a woman I didn't think you'd actually show this has to happen I don't want to fight you I don't want to fight you either I want to kill you [Music] bye-bye vibe not like this give me that don't I'm the one he wants okay please don't hurt him you'll do it he'll kill you I'll take my chances [Music] get ready see you later hunter you obey for what you did and you can die the same way twice [Music]
Channel: Heróis & Viloes
Views: 3,622,970
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #killer frost #nevasca #TheFlash
Id: uxhLst406Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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