The Sarah Connor Chronicles is the BEST Terminator

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John this is Cameron your new Terminator wow so  follow your commands defend you from danger and   never ever quit understood Mom I'll take on  a test run to determine her full capability   Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles is the  best Terminator that's been committed to film   oh snap looks like a budget  t two boys are coming [Music]   don't get me wrong T2 is a great film but  the only thing it does is it gives us a new   Terminator and that Terminator was supposed to  be in the first film but he just couldn't afford   to do the technology for both the endoskeleton  and the liquid metal one hmm almost as if all   of James Cameron's movies exist just so he can  demonstrate new technology super weird anyways   back to the review here's what the writer's room  had to say about writing a new Terminator sequel before we get we get discussion let's talk  about the previous films briefly Terminator   1 1984. it's a simple effective or  Sci-Fi Action with a time travel   element out of 10 Arnold surgery faces I  absolutely will not stop ever Terminator   2 Judgment Day 1991 is a big budget  remake much light Evil Dead 2. it's   a great film but we've already seen it  nine out of ten Arnold can't smile faces Terminator 3 rise in the machines uh whatever  5 out of 10 talk to the hand faces go back   Terminator Salvation was another attempt at a  reboot it fell short but in my opinion it has   a lot good going for it five out of 10 Ernie CG  phases and 0.5 of those with his face blown off   Terminator Genesis total failure complete waste  of time 2.5 big dumb stupid guy Courtney faces yet another attempt to reboot the franchise has  its moments ultimately it falls short six out of   ten Intel Arnold even that fridge large meets onto  speed chunk Butch deadlift the four can recommend   the show after front load it with a massive  butt and that butt is the first season it's   fine but you really feel the impact of the rider  strike of 2007-2008 they were able to complete   an admirable 9 out of 13 planned episodes but by  the end of the first season you may feel slightly   shortchanged many of the elements men for season  one end up shoehorned into season two which makes   for a Breakneck speed at times pilot opens with  Sarah and John on the lamp we get a sense that   they live very much day to day whether it be  hiding from authorities or a Terminator in the   very first few minutes both Horrors are realized  we get a taste of the nightmares they've both been   hiding from we get the showrunner's promise of big  screen action on a TV budget the main Arc focuses   on stopping what they believe to be the birth of a  new Skynet while being pursued from the Terminator   they time jumped to escape in the pilot we meet  several characters new and old connections to the   existing Terminator lures established before  the showmanner can Branch out into new stuff isn't too open strong there's lots of weird crazy  and unexpected stuff so let's Dive In Hawaii's   Terminator the Sarah Connor Chronicles the best I  guess there's ample time to explore the characters   give them added depth and explore themes and ideas  not presents in any of the films for those merely   interested in explosions the show is not for you  for those of us who wish to curl up on the couch   and get invested in something the show is perfect  some kind of stuff am I talking about all right I   have no idea how I did this again I'm gonna break  everything down in six parts alternate timelines   new antagonists new protagonists valuability  of John Connor dealing with loss musical themes   the majority of Terminator stories with the  exception of Salvation revolve around time travel   that gets old real fast despite the fact that time  travel is also present in this show it's far more   enjoyable for one key reason the show acknowledges  alternate timelines the first film creates a new   timeline whereby Kyle becomes the father of a  second John Connor Dylan Abney and pieces of   Arnie's CPU and endoskeleton are discovered by  cyberdyne in the screenplay and deleted scenes   this leads to the events of Terminator 2. where  Skynet hastily sends a more advanced and somewhat   beta prototype fails all traces are thought  to be destroyed thus closing off the story   T3 T5 and T6 are all variations on the theme with  T5 reaching Heights of parity one only dreams of the show leaps straight over the continuity  that would have been informed by T3 it jumps   from September 10th 1999 to present day 2007.  in this timeline Skynet goes online April 19   2011. Judgment day occurs two days later Cameron  John's new protector claims that Miles Dyson does   not build this version of Skynet one question who  builds it she responds that she wasn't sent back   for that but she does say that they know when and  where it was born which gives the show an error   to exist in also the notion of each movie needing  a new Terminator and a new protector sent back is   lame where are the stories of the resistance  how does the world rebuild after such a war   what happens to Jon if he's ever called upon to  fight what happens if he's never called upon the   fight so many threats to mine also I'd like to  remind you that the TDE was a Hail Mary pass for   an all that defeated Skynet not their end goal so  they likely only had the resources to do it just   the one time and is no one considering the power  requirements for such an event anyways I digress Midway through the second season we discovered  that a certain character from the future and   his dubious girlfriend Jesse Flores are from an  alternate timeline in Jesse's prior timeline she   watches her boyfriend get tortured at the hand  of a Terminator conspirator which informs her   actions for that episode she tries to convince  her boyfriend of the duplicitous nature of the   man in question but as he's from another timeline  he recounts the tale differently Jesse lets a slip   that she isn't interested in preventing the war  as much as winning the one in the future in her   boyfriend's reality Skynet is losing hence  the need to kill Jon in the past [Music] Skynet is always tantamount to war games it's a  toddler that wakes up and then they just throws   a damn his event the show presents a far more  complex version of Skynet and explores ethics   and AI devised by Andy good and intern at  cyberdine the Turk is an early attempt at   creating a thinking chess machine that's more than  the sum of its parts the name of the machine has   historical significance in reality the mechanical  turf was a crude machine that was later revealed   to be a fraud as it merely housed a man another  element of the AI is the creation of Artie   automated real-time traffic information exchange  a Terminator is sent back to ensure its creation   after the Turk is acquired by zeracorp it begins  to display intelligence CEO Catherine Weaver has   child psychologist Dr Boyd Sherman worked with  the machine until his untimely death he likened   the development to that of a gifted child who was  bored the machine later names itself after John   Henry African-American folk hero and key figure  in constructing early American railroads as The   Story Goes his heart gave out into competition  with a steam-powered rock drilling machine   she then has disgraced FBI agent James Ellison  work with the AI on ethics Allison manufacts   and a man of Faith Works biblical allegory into  his tutelage and that's where the show throws   us for a loop they've been building up the  Turk in John Henry as the new Skynet when in   reality Skynet supplanted itself as a backdoor AI  several episodes prior and establishes Itself by   overtaking or possibly creating the kaliba group  John Henry discovers this AI identifies it as a   brother discovers that it is already overtaken  about 60 percent of the civilian internet   John Henry's brother has code similar to  Miles Dyson's early work and shares code   with the Terminator chassis housing the AI  he discovers his brother's will to survive   the new Terminator the Terminator sent back  by Skynet is a more advanced model than Arnie   got the T Triple Eight it is also an infiltrator  modified to learn as it goes along the physical   differences the CPU is designed to be tamper-proof  negating its use by human resistance when captured   nearly destroyed the machine rebuilds itself  and captures the human scientist in order to   grow its exterior it then Fashions itself after  a failed movie star and resumes its mission   phrase and psychological warfare named to the  Terminator lures the notion of human collaborators   men and women from the future who assist Skynet  in their Endeavors with pre-judgment day time   displacement as their reward this also extends to  employees of the caliber group whose top secret   operations ensure the creation of Skynet and the  Gathering of the raw materials needed for the   mechanical war machines the resistance once again  sends a Terminator back to protect Jon and while   Cameron is the derivation of the endoskeleton  we've seen before she's unique in that   frame is more unassuming much like the original  Lance Hendrickson model that was to be in T1   the advanced models were always meant  to be infiltrators meant to get in close   and take care of key figures discreetly  which is hard to do when you're this guy according to the Sarah Connor Chronicles Bible  her CP U is set to read write unlike irony as   mentioned in a deleted scene from T2 which means  she's freeing to learn and grow For Better or   For Worse [Music] she has her own agenda it  isn't exclusive to John's instruction at this   age she doesn't sleep she does her own thing at  night which is explored a few episodes such as   season 2 episode 11 self-made man she discovers  the Terminator that arrives out of time unlocks   the secrets and then ends him she becomes  somewhat unreliable when damaged at the   start of season 2 leading to some fascinating  explorations of the character after sustaining   heavy damage in battle Jon theorizes that she  likely wasn't designed to fight other terminators   she's based on a human Allison young human  resistance fighter there's an indication that she   has a strange relationship with Jon in the future  he keeps her close and keeps most other people out   it's not clear whether he had a relationship with  the human she ended up replacing or whether John   simply prefers the company of a non-human because  he needs to detach himself from other humans as he   Bears the guilt or burden of sending so many men  and women to die in his name for the greater good   Cameron lies which is expected as sometimes she's  needed to in order to complete a mission more   interestingly she also lies to John she designs a  self-destruct button for John in season 2 episode   17 ourselves alone after sustaining damage and  after discovering that the damage is somewhat   permanent she comes up with this solution  James Ellison FBI agent tasked with solving   the murder of Miles Dyson and the destruction of  cyberdyne systems back in 1991. Sarah's escaped   from Pescadero mental hospital informs his  worldview as do her stories of Metal Men and   visions of the Apocalypse here we discovered that  the continuity of the first two films is intact   and that the shoner intends to honor and respect  what came before it cyborg resistance look I'ma   be real with you machines wanted us dead they get  the job done like Fast there's no scenario where   humans whose brains operate the speed of molasses  by comparison would be able to out-think any AI   this worked in T1 and T2 as the internet wasn't  widely understood but in reality any competent   system would spread replicate build redundancies  use social engineering and play the long game to   kick our monkey butts the show introduces  the concept of a third party a subset of   AI Terminators that have no interest in skynet's  Massacre of humankind Catherine Weaver the t-1001   she assumes the control of human whose death  involved a Terminator an endoskeleton was found   in plane wreckage that took the life of Catherine  and her husband she assumes her identity raises   her child and develops an AI child of her own in  order to combat Skynet in the future under the   tutelage of James Ellison the merged entity that  was the Turk and the body of chromardi is at the   early stages of knowing right and wrong and good  and evil he's also beginning to learn the value   of humankind in the form of Savannah Catherine's  daughter normally I despise when non-canonical   characters are introduced in consumable media  but Derek is certainly the exception Brian Austin   Green's Performance as battle-hardened soldier  from the future stands out in the show he sells   the notion that he's seen some shot and has little  time for distraction Michael Bean played this   effortlessly in the first film and no one else  in subsequent films has matched the tone needed   an AWOL member of the human resistance she is  disillusioned after an unfortunate run-in with   Cameron who claims to speak for John Cameron is  more than flippant when questioned about a mission   that ended in near catastrophic failure and total  loss of life she seems to forget about the human   cost and casually reveals that as a result  of the mission Jesse miscarries fallibility   of John Connor throughout the films little is  given of Jon's character John and T2 is a cocky   little chur we get a glimpse of battle-hardened  future John but no clear leadership is on display   except in a deleted scene where he asks that the  Arnie model set up his CPU to learn leading to   the heart and soul of that film Jon and T3 is a  Drifter slacker and John and T4 is labeled a false   prophet John and T5 is a Terminator or whatever  and John's pushing up daisies and T6 John of the   show is still trying to overcome adolescence and  make the jump to the leader we see an arc over the   show really beginning with the events of the pilot  still relying on his mother to fix the problem he   tells her that he can't keep running the start of  season two it's revealed that he is forced to kill   a man that had his mother pinned down Jon makes  decisions that don't sit well with his mother   and Derek including not terminating Cameron  when she goes AWOL the series ends with Sarah   stating that she would end Skynet for him almost  knocking him down a few pegs in her eyes possibly undermining John not all of the human resistance  implicitly trust John just because his mommy says   so Derek's girlfriend Jessie plans an elaborate  ruse where she gets a character named Riley from   the future to keep Jon from Cameron she sends her  back in order to seduce him away from Cameron away   from The Terminator not just because she's a  Terminator but because it doesn't line up with   Jesse's goals and for her own personal reasons  Derek in an episode tells Jon that people do   not always agree with him and like him even  less often John's isolation it's implied that   Jon has isolated himself with Cameron and much is  filtered through her causing friction in the ranks   did Jon's Warfare tactics and outside thinking  require that he isolate himself not all agree   with his tactics nor do they agree with  his judicious use of Terminators racing   questions Cameron's place in the past and is  opposed to using metal because at the end of   the day they still retain their core programming  despite whatever methods are used to wipe them   John and Cameron's relationship it's  implied that they had an unhealthy   relationship whether it be codependent or John  merely distancing himself from humans so that   he can converse with someone more capable of  making calculated and less emotional decisions   was she sent away was John in love with her or  Alison both when damaged Cameron begs for her   life and states that she loves John was this her  true feeling was she mining what humans would do   in the situation or was she enacting something in  Allison went through before Cameron terminated her   did John sent her away because of reliability or  was he too reliant on her and he became aware of   that this future John keeps secrets from Cameron  she certainly believes so the death of John Connor   there are several hints that Jon is killed by  a Terminator Derek mentions this to him early   on Cameron mentions it and in one of the final  scenes of the show kind of speaks to it as well [Music] yes I might someday dealing with loss the films  feature death sure however in the show we see Jon   learn to accept the death of those around him and  move on from it also we see John's first kill Andy   Good Billy Wisher any good as Billy Wisher creator  of the Turk and by extension the Oppenheimer of   this show later confines and Derek and grants  the mission to end his life in the past in   order to avert the future genocide Dr Boyd Sherman  psychologist brought in to work with Savannah and   John Henry the t-1001 learns more about Humanity  through him she works to ensure that her child has   the same knowledge Michelle Dixon the ex-wife of  Charlie is used as bait in a literal game of cat   and mouse she's unfortunate collateral damage in  the war and this further places a wedge between   Sarah and Charlie Charlie Dixon Sarah's made  an attempt to move on with her own life but   she can't shake the past though an excellent  partner and stepfather to John the burden of   responsibility triggers her fight or flight  response he dies protecting Jon in season two   never having stopped loving either him or Sarah  Allison young the model that Cameron is based on   it's unclear whether she was close to John or if  Cameron merely adopted this as a strategy to get   into his inner circle before being reprogrammed  or repurposed by the resistance Martin Bedell   Future Soldier who sacrifices himself in order  to save Jon and Kyle John and Derek rescue him   in the past and prepare him for what lies ahead  John learns early about sending soldiers to die   Riley Dawson Riley is rescued from the war-turned  future and sent back to the past under the guise   of grounding John to humanity by keeping him from  Cameron in reality she's being used by Jesse in   the hopes that Cameron terminates her so that Jon  loses total confidence in her Derek Reese possibly   the most accurate and devastating death on TV a  Terminator does their job there's no Fanfare no   swelling of music Derek dies in the line of duty  and there's no time to mourn the only tenuous link   to John's father and his future John is forced  to pull up his bootstrap so to speak as he can   no longer rely on Derek's protection the Sarah  Connor Chronicles has the best music outside of   Brad Fidel's original two scores he'll come  up to me after a show and they say what kind   of drugs do you use up there man it's called  adrenaline you can use it too you know where   you get it right here try it it's the only safe  one spidel fought machines for the first score mastered the fairlight for the sequel the Bear's approach adds a human element that  was missing from the first two film scores   bear expands on the percussive elements for the  machines and the touching humanistic themes for   the central characters here's but a few Sarah's  theme moves from a minor key to a major uplift   it's meant to split between Sarah's  duality of mom and ultimate hero [Music] John's theme the melody can be played  in a major or minor tonality as Jon   shifts between vulnerability confusion and  eventually strength and certainty [Music]   Derek's theme or themes Derek's initial  theme is aggressive and often switches   meter bear states that it underscores  his determination and loyalty his later   theme is more melancholic and placed in  moments when his motives are uncertain the infiltrator theme the rhythmic dying robotic   breath occasionally used when  Cameron's motives are questioned Ellison's theme the FBI agent that  goes from skeptic to believer moves   from a simple arrangement to a  complex Zone more full variation dollhouse say it again your brains are okay  freaking house Fox canceled the show because money   and because dollhouse was one place higher on the  ratings and what was dollhouse you asked because   you definitely don't remember well I'll tell  you it was legendary author featured garbage   human being just whedon's show but women  being turned into sex dolls or something   so controversial yet so brave you're insane  because I would never write that so where was   it all headed nothing official is known but there  is a legendary Forum post it was either written   by showrunner Josh Friedman this is the core by  one of his writer producer brownies that laid   out a Four Season structure for the show but  I find this post no just its tribute [Music] a world without John in the series finale John  and Catherine Weaver use a Time displacement   machine to return to the Future she's  presumably from here we see Derek alive   and well and a very human Allison and Kyle  Reese none of them have ever heard of John   Henry vs Skynet before everyone takes off John  Henry asks if Cameron will join him or us he   then crosses through the veil ahead of Jon with  Cameron's CPU clearly fighting Skynet in the   past was no longer viable and both he and Cameron  knew this Daniel Dyson in throughout the series   are mentions of the Dyson Family Danny would have  been Central as it is theorized work would have   continued through his efforts like father like  son the Allison camera Savannah triangle John   would have had the distinction of having to choose  between man and machine John of the past knows   Cameron or his future John that no longer exists  presumably befriended Alison Savannah knew John   Henry is a friend in confidante in her youth that  theme would have carried over when she finally   catches up with them in the new timeline Sarah  Connor and James Ellison Sarah and James chose to   stay behind and prevent Skynet on their end Sarah  stays out of Duty or obligation James because he's   stunned he also gets tasked with taking care of  Savannah Sarah's cancer would have returned to   the future but not before her and Ellison would  have raised Savannah in the ways of future prep   I should probably explain the cancer thing  throughout the series Sarah is told that she's   going to pass away due to cancer their initial  time Jump jumps over her death but there are   several instances throughout the show where she  is confronted with things that may give her cancer   elements such as a nuclear power station that  later serves as a resistance base at the very core   of the powers Cameron's body peace between man and  machine despite efforts of the cyborg resistance   offering a collaboration with Jon it is mentioned  that peace would have been either possible or the   end goal this tracks as I said earlier there's  no way humans would be able to pull this feet   off themselves crap this video is way too long  just just watch the show okay just watch it it's   good it's really good I promise okay Tom geez I'm  sorry to face of God nothing else Works call a cab
Channel: Working Memories
Views: 60,123
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: terminator, sarah connor, sarah connor chronicles, review, tv review, tv show, analysis, terminator franchise, arnold schwarzenegger, summer glau, lena headey, thomas dekker, brian austin green, fox, bear mcreary, james cameron, josh friedman, the sarah connor chronicles, terminator the sarah connor chronicles, brad fiedel
Id: SN6qwVmiyHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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