The Sandwich Shop ๐Ÿฅช | Peppa Pig Tales Full Episodes

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[Music] hello Peppa and her family are ordering lunch at a sandwich shop Peppa we don't order at the counter in this sandwich shop we order at the special screens oh sorry why don't you have a go at ordering a sandwich Peppa ooh you can select different toppings for your baguette by pressing the pictures I'm I'm very hungry I want a really big long bagette please lettuce tomato and lots of cheese Peppa is adding lots of cheese and her sandwich is getting bigger and bigger I know you're hungry Peppa but that might be a bit too much cheese oh okay now press the center button so the chef can make your order the chefs have received Peppa's order from the machine and are hard at work making it it looks so yummy and cheesy now it's George's turn to pick his [Music] sandwich look that children's meal comes with a special surprise surprise ha George can't wait for his special surprise now it's Mummy Pig's turn to order I'll just have my usual tomato and mushroom with six pickled onions two cheese slices olives no cucumber half a red pepper and a Sprinkle of chili sauce and a whole whe poppy SE baguette um did you say cucumber surprise surise George no uh-oh George no I suppose it's always good to try new things Peppa and George are enjoying their lunch while they wait for mommy's extra special sandwich M it's very cheesy Dy sh surprise Mummy Pig sandwich is being made it's a bit bigger than she expected [Music] uh it's ready mommy oh how um big I don't think I can eat all this on my own would you like some oh it's a bit spicy M but very tasty I might have a new favorite everyone loves their sandwiches even if they aren't exactly what they meant to order today Peppa and her friends are going to the Sweet Shop hello Miss Rabbit I'd like to buy everything in the Sweet Shop please here is my coin Peppa and her friends each have one coin to buy a sweet with here is my coin too and mine and mine wow what a lot of money but I'm afraid it's not enough to buy everything in the shop oh yes one coin is perfect for trying my new sweet making machines [Music] though just choose a machine pop your coin in the slot and push the big red button M strawberry laces n but strawberries are fruits not sweets my sweets are made with delicious real fruit much tastier and much healthier yummy strawberries they look like hair you're right I've got a strawberry ponytail my turn my turn Emily Elephant has found a rainbow lollipop machine for this machine you have to push the buttons to choose your favorite fruity flavors H yellow banana ooh you love red apples and pink raspberries and blue blueberries and green apples you like all the [Music] flavors so fruy look it's a big spinning bow that's a candy floss machine why why don't you pop your coin in and give it a go oo it tastes like coconut it looks just like you Suzy and now it looks even more like you what is that only one way to find out but I thought this was a sweee machine not a money machine can I use this to buy some real sweeties you don't need to that coin is a sweetie pepper it's a chocolate coin chocolate hooray Peppa loves a sweet treat from the Sweet Shop everyone loves a sweet treat from the sweet shop today Peppa and her family are at the supermarket they're going to pay for their shopping at the T huh sorry got to nip to the L use the self checkout if you like the self checkout lets you scan and pay for your shopping all by yourself it's a big shopping robot would you twoo like to scan the shopping yes please hello hello customers hello shopping robots please Place bags in the bagging area um bag yes George mommy's handbag is a bag this bag is the wrong bag the shopping robot needs shopping bags this bag is the right bag please scan shopping be Peppa and George like scanning the shopping item not scanned try again oh um be item still not scanned try again there is a rather long queue waiting to use the shopping robot item not scanned it's not working item not scanned item not scanned item item item item items scanned yay please put 10 cartons of juice in the bagging area 10 we don't need that much juice um cancel juice more juice added please put 60 carttons of juice in the bagging area canel oh this should do it Mummy Pig is very good with computers and shopping robots how do we beat this mommy the pineapple doesn't have a little sticker to scan we have to find it on the screen pine cones no pine nuts no ah Pine Apple here we go yay item is too light oh um How About Now item two heavy error error error error this one how about now and [Music] now stop press the button on the side everyone in the supermarket is trying to help too many error oh oh no the shopping robot is broken sorry everyone I'm back who's next [Music] me oh terrific everyone loves going shopping please scan shopping but not everyone loves the shopping Robot Dinos today Mummy Pig has brought Peppa and George for a special visit to the toy shop hello I'm looking for a mummy and two little ones for a special toy shop treat have you seen them that's us is it well what are you waiting for let's go hooray oh this is where you're able to create your very own special toy ooh just swipe through to choose you could pick a robot or a princess or a silly monster or a dinosaur I didn't know you like dinosaurs dinosaur dinosaur osur George loves dinosaurs there his favorite I guess we know what he'll be making have fun good choice lovely a Spaceman a monster a superhero Peppa and George love making their own toys they both like very different things mine is a robot Dina r W fantastic now with a little toy shop magic the machine will make your toys lovely now you just need to pick an outfit for your toys there are lots of different outfits to choose from but Peppa and George think these outfits are perfect for their new toys H perfect in they go oh dear the toy machine has put the wrong clothes on the toys the machine mixed up their clothes Miss Rabbit oh yes oh well they still look like fun toys to me and very creative flyting is fun wee wait for us Peppa wa wow what is this room this is a special new toy machine just stand here in the midle Peppa what is it doing stay still what was that taada the machine has made a little toy that looks just like pepper look George I'm tiny and so are you and George lovees making toys in the toy shop but George really loves being a toy too yummy tasty F yumy today on the cruise Peppa and her family are at a very special type of restaurant this is a special type of restaurant called a buffet just take a plate and choose the food you want to eat enjoy oh goody the rest buff has lots of different foods to choose from what would you like to eat Peppa spaghetti is my favorite right you are but we mustn't take too much we can always come back and get some more oh good [Music] idea and what would you like George juice than Rusty are you I think we can rustle up some orange juice let's see here aha the orange juice machine is very loud and it hasn't made very much orange juice at all oh juice we'll just have to make some more delicious I can't wait to finished oh you were hungry Peppa can I get some more now please oh of course let's go hooray Grandpa Pig is still trying to make George a cup of orange juice oh dear could we have some more oranges please Miss Rabbit right away Peppa has found a very special pancake machine just one pancake Please Mr Robot I can always come back and get more M Splendid aha granny pig is very excited to eat her spaghetti ah oh thank you pancake robot but now Peppa is thirsty too can I get some juice as well granny of course Grandpa Pig can get you some I do wonder what's taking him so [Music] long Grandpa Pig has finally made a cup of orange juice in fact Grandpa Pig has made lots of cups of orange juice oh the machine has finally stopped making orange juice silly Grandpa you don't need to make all the juice you can always come back and get more Peppa loves the buffet restaurant and George really loves orange juice today is Pancake Day so Peppa and her family are eating at a fancy pancake restaurant hello I'll be your Chef today I make the pancakes right at your table and you get to help what kind of panc pakes can we make any you can think of we have lots of yummy ingredients I'll have the special mushroom pancake please one bananalicious banana pancake with extra bananas for me please coming right up Miss Rabbit is good at making pancakes thank you now a little color [Music] then at the [Music] mushrooms bananas and extra bananas ooh and now for the best bit smelling eating y flipping it exactly woohoo Miss Rabbit is very good at making pancakes [Music] wa taada yay M FW now what would you two like in your pancakes I would like a chocolatey chocolate pancake with chocolate please you clearly have a sweet tooth and you George oh peas and tomor tomato for George and pineapple coconut cabbage H and this no that's Red Hot Chili Peppa Peppa and George like all kinds of ingredients on their pancakes and lots of them Tada yay want to help me flip yeah now on the count of three we'll give them a gentle little flip one two Peppa and George have flipped their pancakes very high and onto Mr Bull's plate oh yummy m t very much M it's sweet and savory crunchy and spicy oh delicious it's a special surprise pancake pancake Peppa and George love making super special surprise pancakes looks like we'll have to make another for you two yay but they really love eating them when they're done [Music] oo today Peppa and her family are making special Halloween treats these monster eyes are tasty why don't you two decorate these cupcakes while I finish making dinner hooray Splendid here you are daddy pig is making the icing for Peppa and George to decorate the cupcakes the colors are changing magic Halloween magic it's not magic I'm afraid just some fruit coloring oh oh will it still taste good fruit coloring only changes the color everything else is still delicious M delicious Peppa is making a spooky pumpkin cupcake while George makes a green dinosaur hello George I'm the spooky pumpkin cake Peppa and George have finished decorating all the cupcakes now we're almost ready to eat I just need to get Mummy Pig from the garden M I love spaghetti and garlic bread H all the extra fruit coloring has given Peppa an idea should we do a special Halloween trick on Mommy and Daddy [Music] Peppa and George are using the fruit coloring to make green spaghetti and purple garlic bread goodness what happened to dinner ah you've added fruit coloring Daddy Pig has his own idea for a Halloween Trick and [Music] Treat this spaghetti is green and the bread is purple yes it's a Halloween trick but it's just fruit coloring so the food is still all yummy yummy tweet a Halloween trick brilliant you really got me and you used fruit coloring to turn my water orange too no Mommy that's just orange juice oh Peppa loves Halloween tricks almost as much as she loves Halloween treats today Peppa and Susie are playing in the treehouse oh hello Suzie do come along in how awfully terribly kind they're pretending to be grown-ups we should have a big delicious cup p gosh we are having lots of weather aren't we someone is at the door sorry to interrupt your mommy is here to take you home suszie a but we were going to have a tea party like grownups can we ever sleep over in the treehouse Grandpa please oh um of course you can you and Susie can sleep in The Treehouse and Grandpa Pig and I will camp out here to look after you Peppa and Susie are very excited to have a sleepover in the treehouse here are your sleeping bags pillows lots of cuddly toys and the best bit a special Starry Lantern wow wow tada all finished suppose I don't need these Grandpa Pig is excited to sleep in the tent too wo ah or perhaps I do once he has rebuilt it it is bedtime now so Granny and Grandpa Pig are going to their tent good night you two we just here if you need us look suszie my Shadow's really big oo mine is a bird twe tweet and mine is a butterfly it's really loud granny Pig we need you oh is everything okay there was a really loud noise [Music] gosh oh my goodness is it a monster oh oh No Monsters here just Grandpa pigs snoring oh Peppa and Susie love sleeping in the treeh house what's what's all this then de even with Grandpa Pig snoring next door today Peppa and her family are at the supermarket doing their weekly shop beep they're using a special machine to beep their shopping as they go H we have potatoes milk bread careful and beans sorry Mr Bull the supermarket will close in 2 minutes please make your way to the checkout we'd better get a move on this trolley has a very wibbly w L wheel mommy try this one Peppa it's a bit less wobbly but the wibbly wubbles are fun wiby wubbly well if you're sure but I bet mine's faster I'll race you really 1 2 3 go and she's off wait for us first we need some cereal quick George got it and Peppa and George Take the Lead what's next daddy oh um cheese found it beep the [Music] next grapes [Laughter] [Music] beep frozen [Music] peas here they are beep and the last item on the list is toilet paper H the toilet paper is all the way at the other end of the supermarket hello Shoppers the supermarket is about to close quickly everyone look out we're going too fastep Peppa's family have found the toilet paper in fact they found lots of toilet paper okay you lot this store is definitely closed now once all this toilet paper is paid for Peppa and her family love shopping at the supermarket especially for toilet paper today Mummy Pig is going for a relaxing day at the star oh sorry Mommy Pig I've got to close early today I've got the sniffles oh I was really looking forward to my spa day why don't we make a spa at home oh that's a great idea Peppa Peppa is very good at having ideas hello Mrs mummy welcome to the spa oh Peppa has turned the living room into a very special Spa first we are going to um what happened at the spa Mommy well we normally start with a nice cup of lemon water I can do that I'll get you some lemony water Mrs Mommy here you go oh oh M thank you Peppa this is the lemoni water I've ever seen what's next next I'd like to have a foot bath y yay what's a foot bath it's a very small bath just for your feet okay time for your very small bath just for your feet Mrs mommy come on Daddy Peppa and daddy pig are making their very own foot bath this ought to do the trick Ah that's so relaxing Peppa has turned the put baths into a regular bath here are the boats you ordered Miss Peppa you have to have Bubbles and toys in the bath wonderful I'll suggest this to Miss Rabbit what's next mommy next it's time for a massage uh um here lie down on the sofa and I'll show you how it works Peppa finds the massage very tickly your turn mommy ooh it's very different to my normal massage it's a special Peppa massage now the last thing I do at the spa is have a mud mask which is a mask made of mud yes a special Spa mud that's good for your skin I don't think we have any speci special Spa mud here though I've got an idea Peppa is very very good at having ideas we don't need Spar mud when we've got muddy puzzles they're just like muddy puddle face masks Peppa loves a SP day especially when it involves jumping in muddy puddles
Channel: Peppa Pig Tales
Views: 149,810
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2d cartoon, Made for Kids, Pre-school, TV, cartoon, cartoon for kids, flowers, for kids, funny peppa pig, garden, gardening, kids animation, kids cartoon, kids education, kids entertainment, kids playing, kids stories, kids stories about baby, kids videos, pepa pig, peppa pig, peppa pig cartoon, peppa pig english episodes full, peppa pig full episodes, peppa pig song, peppa pig songs, pig peppa pig, pop it, preschool, safe cartoons for kids, sunflower, toddler, video for kids
Id: bQ9lacLaj1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 24sec (1824 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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