The San Francisco toilet that almost cost $1,700,000

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you may remember when San Francisco's plans to build a toilet made national headlines it was estimated to cost 1.7 million dollar the throne ended up costing the city far less but still hundreds of thousands of dollars and it's finally here it called for a big celebration in noi Valley our doin was [Music] there it's a celebration fit for the most infamous toilet one that almost caused the price of a house Noy Valley let's hear it for our not $1.7 million bathroom so event organizers decided to have some fun with it everything toilet themed even this band renamed to American Standard at least for the day we couldn't get Toto here so Leslie Crawford organized a toilet bowl celebration at noi Valley Town Square when everybody laughs at you you got to take the power back and laugh at yourself Leslie admit San Francisco deserved all the poop it got when the city announced a $1.7 million price tag people thought it was the perfect example of government waste it's Preposterous because the plumbing was already in the ground when they built this place out I thought it was a little ridiculous myself everybody did yeah that's crazy a private company ended up donating this prefab bathroom but the cost still added up to $200,000 the city says union workers have to connect the plumbing and and do a bunch of other stuff to get it ready I asked the folks who used it how did it go I'm flush with excitement that they have a bathroom now and it gets a 10 out of 10 for me it's great it's a relief and we can relieve ourselves when we have to go we don't have to go to the the restaurant lovely very clean it was spacious and clean and wonderful it is a relief to be able to go finally and Leslie is Happy there's no more bathroom jokes about San Francisco at least for a short while this is a great ending to our story the bathroom is about 50 square ft meaning with its $200,000 price tag it came out to about $4,000 per square foot all right
Views: 1,361
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: KPIX, Late News, Bay Area News, Toilet, Potty, Bathroom, Funny, News, Bay Area, San Francisco, Government, Money, Public Funds
Id: rFup13t_Wco
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 13sec (133 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 24 2024
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