The Sad *DEATH* of PumpBow in Clash Royale

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yo what's going on boys today I'm going to be playing some Puma on ladder if you guys enjoyed the video make sure to like And subscribe and Poma is one of my best decks of all time and it's also one of my favorite decks of all time so definitely going to be a fun video although it might be a little bit hard to take games off pumo because it's kind of bad in the meta void came out and everything so pump doesn't get any value if they void on it then pump only gets like one Elixir out of it so you're netive -2 in total because you get one Elixir and then you get the one when it dies okay I'll be on the side over here I'm going to go for a fire spray make this jump oh no the Goblin's going to take it out okay I need to KN on top now though all right not too bad I'm going to have a second pump down sometime soon I'm actually going to Avid on this cuz it's going to take out the bats and then the mega net as well okay really good void nice that's so clutch man just being able to drop a through Elixir void on a whole Mega knite and then kill it so it doesn't do any damage okay good defense on the wall breakers I'm going to go for a pump on the back right double pump should be fine this guy might have lost already I'm not oh yeah he definitely lost oh yeah that's good game right there I mean I'm going to try to defend this with a void maybe um see if I can keep my tower but dude he's so low like he's not going to be able to defend my next push even if he gets the Elixir back I'm going to be up so much cuz I have two pumps down on the field so what I'm going to do is I'm going to act Spa on the right oh yeah facing absolute potato here doesn't realize he just lost okay I'd like to try and see him defend this not going to lie going to go for a LP and then I'm going to Knight I'm going to fire spr on the side for the bats oh yeah that's over like what does he do now wall breakers okay but one of them dies and then I can pop my ability and then go Evo skellies and he's so dead oh perfect I didn't even know he had a log but he plays a log so now he's definitely not going to have anything wait a minute that might be a king Tower yeah wait that's actually going to be on the king Tower cuz I'm going to void on this and then I'm just going to KN on the pocket to T for the left side dagger Duchess all right let's go easy oh my God I bet he's not too happy about that I'll take the window though super nice win for the first game I'm going to hop right in I will see when I find a match all I'm in my next match here facing jori see what deck he's playing okay guys I'm going to go for a knight in the back here because I want to get to my Evo like normally I would Fire Spirit at the back but I want to get to my Evo Knight quicker so I'm going to go for a knight in the back also going to try to get to my pump right now easy pump in the middle okay bomber and the Phoenix it might be the giant deck kind of annoying that we're still Facing the Giant deck because like half the deck got a Nerf and uh the Nerf got delayed like the balance update got delayed because Super Cell messed up again let me show you guys what happened so basically they try to implement the balance ofate without having to do a maintenance break and that messed up something apparently and then yeah people were just pulling out massive rewards from the chest they were getting a lot of Champions like completely maxed out Champions and then getting a lot of elite wild cards as well fortunately though they are going to grab their rewards back and then they're also not going to ban anyone which is really good by the way cuz if you guys remember the last bug I literally got banned like a lot of content creators got banned too but yeah this was a lot better handled but let me show you guys what someone pulled out by the way this guy lost but yeah let me show you a screenshot of what somebody pulled out from the chest man he's looking at it makes me crack up dude look at all those Elite wild cards man I wish I had those dang holy okay yeah those Elite wild cards actually like would full Max this account and I have like 40 non- maxed cards on this account so that would be some crazy crazy rewards but unfortunately though they're going to grab it back and this guy lost because he overcommitted with the RG and he didn't have anything in hand for the EXP I'll take the win I'm going to hop right in I will see when I find a match um I think I made two people give up so far not too bad not too bad all right I'm in my next match here see what deck this guy's playing also guys I don't know if I mentioned this yet but you can also try to switch out some of the cards for like some of the other cards that people prefer I know a lot of people prefer log in Expo so you could probably try to play um log for like one of the spirits or even the skeletons and you can also try to play the Queen for the Alp I mean Queen's really good right now so you could try that but I feel like the void like makes Queen a little bit worse than LP which is okay which is not bad Queen's still broken but you could try it out though I'm going to help be in the back okay let's go for the X oh this guy lost I'm just going to void and that was like a prediction skeletons right there or I guess he didn't know that I had a void so that was really bad but going to AO here and now he lost let's go easy good game I'm going to pop my ability that's going to hit the Knight hopefully even if not I win o it hit the Knight let's go he couldn't get the aress down on time and now he has no Elixir so he lost that was so good man I just voited on the Expo and then I got plus three from that and then I just went in and then now he couldn't play anything on Max because I got the ability off on time too kind of unfair for him but I'm going to be him a little bit he was kind of bming at the start thing is I might forget like really important things but I never forget someone who BMS me so if you face me don't BM me I'm just playing you can BM me but I'll just BM back aan my next matcher okay I'm going to cycle a knight in the back always cycle a evil Knight in the back if you have the evil for if not then you can try to play your spirits and then try to get to your pump although I don't know what other Evo you could play in Expo except for like skellies and Knight pumo specifically not Expo but I'm going to pump in the middle here okay Knight and a bomber it might be Goblin drill Goblin drill also did not get nerfed yet because the big glitch but hopefully it does get nerfed like sometime today I mean like I hope they don't delay it for days cuz that would be horrible I'm trying to like playing the new meta already I'm so tired of this meta just dry drill dry drill dry drill like actually so annoying okay let's go for the bomber I'm going to go for a knight over here to block the bomber not too bad I can't wait for the bomber to be two cycles as well so people can't do that right away it's going to be so fun I'm going to pump in the back left here yo that's some LP damage he's at two Elixir right now probably at three like now ooh night okay okay yo he's kind of low like really really low I could axo right now and then just grab him with wait a minute I could just win here huh I'm going to axo and then Knight in front for the Alp so that the Alp doesn't lock on Maxa and then if he pops the ability then the guardian's going to be on that night too oh really bad drill he should have been defending there not attacking he has like five elixir right now probably six now so he's probably going to LP and an ability I'm going to void on it quickly though yo oh barely did not go through yo hit that hit the guardian nice okay oh my God he's fried okay he's actually dead to those two skellies right there holy crap okay I thought I was going to be struggling to get wins but I'm actually just winning really easily I don't know how but I made three people four actually including this guy give up so I'll take the win let me see if I can keep it going I mean I don't know maybe I'll jinx it maybe I'll lose but hopefully not going to hop right in there see when I find a match all right I'm in my next match here facing Burk see what deck he's playing I'm going to go for a knight actually going to Skelly in the back first also have a Skelly so I don't need toight in the back necessarily ooh almost back to my uh pump that meant to be a knight but now I have to out peie so that it kills the princess quickly yikes that was not meant to be a fire Spirit though all good though I'm going to go for a pump in the middle oh I need to defend that first wait is that in the back dude I'm blind I'm actually just blind all right no one saw that I'm going to go for a pump in the middle here uh get my pump game started and then maybe I'll try to go for like a second one in a second in 20 seconds is maybe when I get it back oh he has a poison I don't even need to get it back I just won here I think void is going to take out the Inferno Tower and then I just win no I think I do Ice Spirit at the middle okay a on the left here all right I'm going to go for Skelly on the side he's probably going to gobling in and then try to go for Inferno Tower so I'm going to Knight here I'm going to vot on the spears too cuz they get one tapped and then The Inferno Tower is also going to die you can't afford a knight right now oh bad skellies okay I think he's dead probably going to Knight and then try to go for like Electro spear or something but I already got a lot of damage so he can't do much right now princess okay wait I could just go for a LP and then pop like a really late ability on the tower and then try to go Expo again going to go for LP right now I don't care about the two princess shot by the way really don't care about that I'm going to go for an ability like now oh I tried to hit one of those like sneaky abilities but my animation went off you know what I mean like when the lp dies it doesn't look like it pop the ability off but the ability goes off like a second later I was trying to pop those but all good going to go for a fire spirit in the back I'm just going to Evo skellies on the barrel okay good defense on the barrel I'm going to actually on the left and then going to Knight over here I think he's dead like how's he going to defend the AO yeah he's dead I'm going to vot on The Inferno no no way I'm dead wait I need to kill all of them oh my God no no no no no no no okay okay oh my God look at my hand dude I would have been so dead there wow thank God those didn't multiply God I just had like my life flash before my eyes knock going to KN on top of the Spears and then yeah this one's just over I don't know how he's going to come back back from this let me see if he gave up I feel like he might have given up I'm going to a spawn the right but yeah dude I don't know how the deck is working so well maybe I'm just playing it really well but I don't know I thought the deck was not that good but I guess void is like people are still having a hard time adapting to it this guy could not save his Inferno Tower at all and he also played a really bad Barrel I'm going to pop my ability here just going to fire Spirit going to Ice Spirit okay I'll take all my crowns I need a grind pass so I'll take this actually need the crowns right now I'm going to evil Knight and void on the king tower that is going to be a good game okay I'm loving void pumo right now let me see if I'm GNA like jinx it and choke the three Crown streak or not but so far looking pretty good I think that should be five in a row all right I'm in my next match here facing Fox Nick see what deck he's playing I'm going to go for a evil Knight in the back to cycle okay yeah just going to cycle evil Knight maybe bait something out oh never mind I need to defend the mortar so I'm going to go for ice spear at the middle and then V on the mortar okay good defense on the mortar took it out for only for Elixir um he's down one right now cuz he played the skeletons but all good though going to go for skellies in the back and then I'm going to actually spawn the actually no I can't I need to pump here I need to find out what spell he's got probably a rocket or a poison but still want to find out okay it does go for the poison so now I can actually get a fat lock I'm going to Al on the KN going to pull it Opposite in and then just going to oh my goodness never mind never mind he's playing graveyard so I'm going to have to defend this I'm going to go for a fire sprit in the back hope hopefully not a lot of RNG damage yeah that was not too much that was pretty good pop my ability here see if I can bait something bar Barrel okay good bar Barrel on defense I'm actually going to Skelly behind it too to kind of pressure cuz his daggers are out so my Skelly might make it on the tower nice okay one of them is going to make it I'm going to axer right now I don't think he has much for this he might have a knight but that's about it I'm going to void behind the mortar take it out and then I think the Knight might die to my dagger and the Expo so I think I might be able to get a lock never mind he got back around to LP so he's definitely going to be able to defend the Expo but all good though I'll have to get a lock later on but for now this is not bad I don't mind it I like this spot a lot though especially because I'm going opposite he's got a graveyard in the deck so you have to be really careful and not go same Lane as a graier player especially when they have a evil mortar and a evil Knight could be pretty tough to try to get a lock sometimes so always go opposite L I'm going to go for a pump in the back right I want to bait out the poison on the other side though to kind of split the damage and not let him poison this same side on the left cuz I know that at this point like he's probably not going to switch lanes he's not going to go for the right side so I just have to make sure to kind of like let him play into the left lane and also make sure that he doesn't switch oh he lost okay he had Elixir there I don't know why he didn't night on time he definitely had the Elixir void definitely going to take out the mortar I'm going to go for an LP on his LP and I'll try to XO again I guess I mean he's not going to be able to defend this really oh never mind okay that's why he didn't play the the evil Knight he saved it for the graveyard I'm going to go for an Ice Spirit okay he saved the evil Knight took like 2,000 damage on his Tower to get no damage on my tower oh no that's not good my guy okay I'm going to go for a void on the Knight okay the Alp should DED my Alp and the ax Bell yeah looking good good defense on the ax Bell still but not going to be enough I'm going to go for a skeletons on the guardian to make sure that it doesn't get any damage on that xell going to ice bear I'm just going to go for a fire spr ooh under level bar Barrel yikes going to go for a night up high and that is going to be a good game okay um messed up the win streak or not the win streak the three Crown streak but it's okay still winning the game so it doesn't matter I'll take the win going to be a pretty nice win I'm going to hop right in um I think I'll do a few more I think I already played a lot of games but all the games were kind of quick so I'll do a few more going to hop right in see when I find a match all right I'm in my next match here facing diblo see what deck he's playing I'm going to go for skellies in the back and then I'll just pump in the middle okay let's find I know what duck he's playing oh I did not mean to do that oops my airpods are in my pocket okay giant Skelly e Spirit could this be hogy Q This Could Be hogy Q I'm going to take out the lp only I'm going to Avid on the lp okay and then I'm just going to go for a knight in the middle I'm going to ice spear I need to get to a void again to kill the hog oh this is so awkward okay void over here should only be like three hits on my tower yeah barely three hits should have been two hits but I took three all good though good good defense right there cycle double uh void on defense that's pretty good going to go for a pump on the back left over here and I'm in a pretty good spot never mind he has a void H that is not good at all I just took a Nega -2 Elixir trade but thing is I was already down or actually I was up two Elixir so now we're going to be even with the two Elixir negative deficit on my hand I'm going to go for ax on the left here also going to Ice Spirit yo he played a giant Skelly in the back at the same time okay he's going to Electro spirit I'm going to go for a fire Sprint I'm just going to let the Expo take care of the guards and then I think I'm going to defend on the right lane try to focus on D maybe okay skelly's on the giant Skelly I don't want to play my knight yet one Elixir for six and on the bright side I can also save the Knight for the guardian if he pops it on the left which I don't think he will but yeah he could have okay I'm going to on the left here in the middle so if he goes hog on the right I can still push it over to my XO with the ice spirit so should be a good hog or good Expo I mean not hog that was really bad hog though fat lock we take that I'm going to Knight here to keep the lp alive and then Tesla's going to die maybe I can even pop the ability into the guards I mean beating out guards would be pretty nice I don't mind it I want a void on it too but I don't know if the void is going to take out the guards so I'm not going to do it it's not like it's not practical either to avoid on the guards okay see what he does here I'm going to go for a fire actually going to pump lowkey pump in the middle I'll save him my pump if he goes for a void okay see how good if safe this was eh I mean okay like that's like a earthquake damage on the pump a little bit less than an earthquake like maybe a poison damage on the pump I'm going to void on the lp only okay I should only hit the lp now and then I'm going to fire Spirit okay the hog's going to get like three hits on my tower but that's okay though because I have a lot of Defense on it only two hits okay I'll take that I'm going to void on the guards and the Tesla looking good yo Tesla die ooh save the Expo let's go okay looking good I'm going to pop my ability on the right got a fat lock on the left so I'm going to void cycle now I'm going to go for a void on the tower I think I'll try to go for a ice Spear and then just going to Evo skellies I'm back to my void in one card so I'm going to get to my void just void on the tower play on the tower here he might have to guards or something to stop the damage okay let go for the guards on the last tick but I already got two tick worth of void so I'm definitely going to try to get back to my void and just end the game I think one more void should take the tower yeah void on the side not back to guard so this should be a good game I think let's go okay easy win hope you guys enjoy the video I'm going to end the video there love you guys I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Eragon - Clash Royale
Views: 26,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5QGk6eA5N3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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