THE RUMORS ARE TRUE! | Rainbow Six: Siege (R6 Wind Bastion)

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[Music] maybe I will alright since you asked so damn nicely all right I'm feeling buck today all right I'm feeling first off I'm feeling suppressors I've been all suppresses hard and I figure I'll try out buck with a suppressor cuz I I don't think I have a hand you heard that I heard a calf up here I heard it yep I heard the tiptoes of a little of a little beeyotch of a little creepy [ __ ] tell you what scam me there you go now come give me calf it's called the bait it's called debate that's you know what that was finesse oh hi too many cooks in the kitchen [ __ ] oh god damn it was humming up around it fire trying to get warm weren't they not go job down cuz we lit that one person up so they're probably gonna be watching whoa I knew I heard some ice footsteps easy peasy let's just clean up the LA Impala okay now I'm not sure if they really understand what the hell they was just talking about but we are going in horn-like that's all I know be my focus is pushing heavy so I'm gonna follow suit no let's go oh hi peekaboo [ __ ] let's go up top why not why not I could never remember where to [ __ ] this damn who's that here yeah this hatch over here I always forget what the [ __ ] it is all right they don't have a cab so that's good it's part of people in that rule [ __ ] oh wow no sir i love-tapped his ass to death well [ __ ] trying to see if this room - my rice clear alright shield going there let me know what's up alright oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you died [ __ ] it what's going in oh I got some for your ass huh well oh [ __ ] I guess bullets work whoa bullets work all day baby now I see you and think everybody's on site oh he's already dead alright we're not going that way I don't want to push that mirror y'all heard that somebody's in there doing some I don't know if they breakdancing jerking off I'll know what [ __ ] going on but I just heard somebody here here all right let's get this mirror when she comes in that's potato all those shots got damn bucks this gun kicks this will be my favorite gun in the game if it didn't kick so damn much [ __ ] it yeah who's holding my damn breath you know I'm just saying we've been we've been doing silencers on everybody else yeah gonna need some love all right we're just you know what we're so quiet today we're just like a damn we're like a rumor so we are just this the damn day of rumors whoo I heard a rumor that's right I heard a rumor today no goddamn enemies on this map where the [ __ ] y'all at I'm over here trying to you know pretend I'm a tree 40 seconds and I haven't heard a single peep not even a little bo-peep oh there's a peep well [ __ ] y'all about to hear people's I got sneeze goo ah [ __ ] all right I hear my top there now all right all right they must be coming in up top I'm being a sneaky little [ __ ] today don't you be killing my [ __ ] should be killing my friend he don't know what I came from cuz I'm solid you know silent but deadly [ __ ] it's probably a bad place to be probably a bad place to be since at least two people know I'm there now let me move yeah Blackbeard's up here above me sniping the [ __ ] out of my homies I can't really go up the stairs behind me because my griddle way my ass out scam thermite oh my god being solaced is I'm telling you I've not ever played with silencers nearly this much know what we're gonna go for the long flame now go up here to this office I'm gonna look out the door and we're gonna we're gonna tap his ass am i wanna come through construction who are you coming through construction well I guess honto pretty much got me uh you know [ __ ] all this up for me so yeah hot dogs probably he laid claim to construction all right he didn't ask me permission he just took it they ain't coming this way no way they musta knew it must have heard rumors that I was now here you're about to get skinned starting the timer oh [ __ ] feel like I hear somebody meeting hall yeah they're in there under % oh yeah okay a [ __ ] came around the goddamn corner huh I thought his hair was gonna be up high scared the [ __ ] out of me you know what that's probably more up there get some attention maybe get them looking down that [ __ ] hole nope guess not I'll shoot clash got somebody in here and garage I don't know how many people was there but goddamn I think they left I think they ran I think they ran out of garage over toward Tower sorry hmm honey please loading I don't hear [ __ ] my guess is they went back over to our Tower and they're gonna go through basement either through construction or they went but things are downstairs yeah hundred percent I hear he's trying to peek through a damn reinforced wall somewhere y'all trying to peek we don't blow a hole around here all right Widow glory hole what's up um how about what the [ __ ] just killed you she might have been trying to peek out the front door that's probably whatever oh okay all right we gotta get the [ __ ] out of here who likes [ __ ] was you shooting that Oh an MIT killed somebody okay cavil upstairs got herself a kill somebody coming in this way that it just you just ugly ass ash ugly ash hey don't you be [ __ ] Krauts mammoth to death [Music] they're coming in the door to my right oh [ __ ] um I must have been on the drone us not today [ __ ] um they must have drawn me out of something I don't know huh hurt my goddamn feelings though I see you out there moving Kevin's got a pretty dirty look I guess she's shooting through the floor at the front door it's pretty it's a pretty high level strat I never well maybe I have maybe I've seen it Oh oh my oh my guess what ready for it ready for it and [ __ ] run [Music] prevent further access to the biohazard container ship all right once it garage I want just one end objective I'm moving back and forth I'm telling you I'm feeling I'm feeling strategic all right I'm feeling pretty damn beautiful ah your boy your boy uh oh uh uh oh [ __ ] this will be ice this will be a damn ace were you at come on give it to me [ __ ] you all right and your mother and everyone you love alright these [ __ ] is not happy they're coming in hot get the [ __ ] up off me oh oh now they're really not happy now my only hope is that that Monty pushes kapkan in the closet and leaves me the [ __ ] alone you don't know I'm here yeah semental balcony handle business you know cat get them cat oh nice and you got Monty's attention no move Oh nope I don't have to take a [ __ ] I'm just trying to hide it's multiple it's multiple no wait are you want some too [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it [ __ ] it oh that was so good I wish I could have [ __ ] knife to all three of them in the back oh that was to [ __ ] god that was funny it's one more come on Clash get their attention well that's not quite what I meant Oh Oh don't you ever [ __ ] shoot me huh Oh terrible Oh terrible is too busy [ __ ] trying to congratulate myself well thanks for saving my goddamn life man all right let's go up here see if we look through this window oh okay all right oh my oh my goodness that's not a head oh that's a clash hey you want to jump out listen here [ __ ] I'll think you're the one is screwed watch their first step Oh goddamn just in case oh they little push them out let's get this over it's a nice ass bag right here you see it it's like a knockoff Louie [ __ ] up sit eat all right you get this open good job [ __ ] oh oh yes yes yes yes anybody else woof light him up baby [ __ ] you get - there you go um let's just get right here Oh got an idea we got to miss our - in there in that case oh yeah oh oh we got them both all to hurt my damn feelings they hurt my damn feelings but it was worth it I was there was day I'm worth it alright echoes got this [ __ ] on lock I guess I'm also use all these huh you know where's docket he's way to [ __ ] over there no I needed those heels you son of a [ __ ] four is securing the container alright she just won here I show you nobody else [ __ ] killed doc I wish I could pick some down wish I could pick his heels up and use them there's one left oh he was afk you know [ __ ] it alright that's a so I'll take it you can't tell my dad I know a slow [Music]
Channel: CaRtOoNz
Views: 319,288
Rating: 4.9652953 out of 5
Keywords: cart0onz, cartoonz, cartoons, funny moments, let's play, cartoonz face reveal, rainbow six:siege, rainbow six: siege funtage, rainbow six: siege funny moments, rainbow six siege, rainbow six siege funtage, rainbow six siege funny moments, r6, r6 siege, r6 funny moments, r6 funtage, funtage, grim sky, new operator, maverick, clash, nomad, kaid, wind bastion, blitz elite, elite skin, glaz elite
Id: lrWGBT0VZkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 17sec (1397 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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