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exposing the rulers of darkness in recognition of the highest power vol 1 second edition by Ike Nathan Uzoma in this book you will read of the author's battles with mighty rulers of darkens after his deliverance as well as the victory which God gave to him in each battle you will read of the diverse elements of darkness inherent in witchcraft manipulations you will read of the greatest battle in the spirit realm fought among the other occult grandmasters all over the world above all you will read of the infallible authority of Christ - Jesus as the highest power in the universe and much more the author was a grand master at the occult who found Christ about the author before his encounter with and submission to Christ I can use all my was a leading guru living perfect master of occult mysteries he was a professor of esoteric metaphysics of the sank higher mystery College of India leggett of the great white Brotherhood of Tibet defender of ancient order of Lord Ying er of Persia fellow of the International Society for Patanjali yoga etc he authored 11 different books in esotericism psychical research occultism and noetic sciences including many article used in the secret monographs ciphers and livers of different cults societies and fraternities he was also the living Grand Master of the Supreme Council of spirits known as the order of astral and terrestrial hierarchy in 1990 he was ordained and proclaimed to be the expected Messiah avatar thus he became the worshipful master and Godman in every realm of esoteric power kingdoms of darkness as well as the founder and first leader of the secret cult the Komen's Order after his submission to the Lord however Jesus Christ appeared to him in different occasions and commanded him to go and bear witness of my power to the faithful and the faithless in fulfillment of this evangelist Ike Nathan Uzoma has been testifying and proclaiming the supreme power of Christ in diverse places the full testimony of his conversion is contained in his book occult brand master now in Christ this book also written by him is in two volumes his testimony confessions and publications are made to expose and condemn the operations and manipulations of the huge number of wicked spirits of the account and thus exalt the recognition of the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ as the only bonafide a master Lord and Savior of man general message for volumes 1 & 2 weakening devices of the enemy watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak Matthew 26:41 consequent to the almighty power inherent in the Word of God and in all things relating to the worship of the Godhead it is absolutely imperative for every believer to spend enough time in the holy presence of Christ every morning if you are a true follower of Jesus Christ you must spend enough time in the presence of the Lord your God each morning to receive the Word of God and to pray the same into your innermost spiritual being for therein lies the subtle energy of the Almighty that will sustain your spiritual power throughout the day don't forget this nevertheless there are highly concentrated metaphysical power of Devil's projected daily from the kingdoms of Darden's against the true followers of Jesus Christ all over the world these evil elements of Darkness are formed in all the 1270 regions of demonic powers on earth and they are launched against Christians for more 30 million occult centres of the earth when launched into the invisible layers of the astral motion by every 12 midnight such elements of darkness which carry sleep waves are specifically designed and commanded to fight against believers and weaken them from every 3 a.m. to 6:00 a.m. via sleep gratification and manipulations this is solely perpetrated to neutralize believers so that majority of the proclaimed people of God will neither pray nor search the Scriptures during this blessed period now in all the kingdoms of darkness the higher witches and wizards recognize every 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. to be highly auspicious in the world of man this recognition is based on the spiritual understanding that during this blessed period the universal creative energy accelerates to increase and to quicken the vibration potency life energy and power of each and everyone who is at that time engaged in any of the following bona fide a spiritual act s-- 1 sincere and righteous prayer to the Almighty God through our Lord master and Savior Jesus Christ to profound meditation in search of the deeper meaning of the word of God the Holy Scriptures 3 singing the songs of praise to Jesus Christ to the Holy Spirit or to the Heavenly Father for other related spiritual activities which are directly connected to the glorification of the Lamb of God Christ now let it be emphasized that the evil forces in high and low places dread any faithful and righteous child of God on earth who prays sings praises unto the Lord and studies the Holy Scriptures always especially between 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. daily therefore awake o servant of God do not submit to the manipulations and devices of the Prince of Darkness Satan which are made only to weaken your body and mind and cause you to gratify yourself in the illusion of sleep every morning make sure that you sleep only when the Spirit of God wants you to do so woe to the earth man who will succumb to the temptation and manipulation of sleeping when demons want him to sleep for such a man can never escape the fiery darts of the wicked please be warned that when asleep waves of witchcrafts strikes you if you are not absolutely watchful as required by Christ the subtle operations of such power will gradually neutralize your prayer life consequently your physical mental and spiritual faculties could to this end become a playground for the experiments of the forces of Satan again if you are a true follower of our Lord Jesus Christ do not ever think or say that the psychic elements of spirits operating in the darkens are not aware of you and as such they will never attempt to fight you or manipulate you with the aforementioned sleep wave be informed that when sleep waves are launched against believers by evil spirits from all the 30 million occult centers on earth for the sole purpose of weakening of people of God what attracted towards any living child of God is the Signet of the son of man this glorious signet is the invisible sign showing that one is a righteous child of God it is a dazzling light radiating on the forehead of each and every true member of the body of Christ this is a sign which all demons and some of their human agents are aware of by a metaphysical recognition therefore o servant of God know thou this that the glorious light on your forehead is the major invisible sign that usually attracts the forces of darkness to come and fight against you know thou also that the moment of this glorious light is quenched you are gone therefore strive always to keep your light let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your father which is in heaven Matthew 5:16 the weakening devices of the enemy cannot fail to attack you if you are a true disciple of Christ but behold you have the highest power in Christ to overcome not only his weakening devices but all the devices crafts and manipulations of the pit of hell a devoted believer who prays and hears from the Lord every morning will invariably live in the essence of the Blessed power of the Almighty Creator to hear from the Lord via the Holy Scriptures or otherwise is the bona fide process to enough power that will constantly banish the powers of darkness from your life this is the more reason the weakening devices of Satan are launched against believers for the moment you are weak spiritually you are bereft of the power to fight against demons and their agents nevertheless what I have said so far does not and cannot imply that a faithful servant of Christ should not pray in the day and in the night a believer must pray always pray without ceasing now please be informed that there is no period in the world of man wherein the forces of darkness are not engaged in battle against humanity however the important point in this connection is that the weakening devices of the enemy operates on a more prominent level from 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. daily this is strictly due to the recognition of the auspicious nature of such a period for this indeed is a great spiritual period of blessings to those who are truly in contact with the Holy Spirit through the potency of the worship of Christ even then the psychic manipulations of great spirit of darkness still operate in high and low places both in the day and in the night for instance by every 12 midday the higher astral forces demons of the air operate against the earth men from some esoteric focal point in the space via the radiations of the Sun planet by so doing these astral forces contribute to perpetrate the occult manipulations which subjects the children of men under the sway of Maya zero-point furthermore there is another major area of manipulation by which you may attend church service for many years without a single blessing from the Lord your God I am speaking strictly to believers it is important to note as I was directly informed by Christ that there are three major periods of great blessings in every church service that is whenever the people of God are gathered in the holy presence of God in every living Church on earth an angel of God is there to bless the Holy Ones each and every service there are three periods in which these blessing are poured out for instance if your church service starts by 6:30 p.m. the angel of God will be present to bless as many as aver before or by this time thus if you come late before the Lord you have missed the first blessing the second blessing of the Lord is poured by the angels of God in the midst of believers during the time of offering and if by then you are outside the church or if you refuse to give for the work of God the elements of darkness demons have manipulated and hindered you from receiving this second blessing the third and final blessing comes at the time of benediction that is at the end of the service therefore if you leave the house of the Lord before the end of service you are bereft of the last blessing to this end demons can manipulate a person who is not watchful and thus hinder him from receiving blessings in the house of God for several years therefore o beloved one be watchful always that you may transcend the manipulation of the forces of darkness watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation in the morning watch in the day watch and in the night watch the Lord had warned I say unto you I say unto all what those who have ears to hear let them hear like Nathan you Zama part one battles and victories after deliverance no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper and every tongue that shall rise against the end judgment thou shalt condemn this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of me saith the Lord isaiah 54:17 the cause of battle in the holy scriptures the lord made a special promise of protection to all his faithful servants on earth who are called by his name even by the name of our lord jesus christ though his faithful servants the Almighty God decreed no weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper we should note however that the Almighty God did not promise that weapon of principalities and powers of darkness shall not be formed against a believer rather he promised that when such evil manipulations of demons are projected against his servant they cannot prosper they must fail and come to naught that is the eternal promise of the Lord our God in other words the powers of darkness and their human agents could buy their volition gathered together and make an evil plan against a believer but by the eternal decree of the Almighty God and in the name of Jesus Christ the manipulations of such an evil plan must flee when it is about to be executed hence it cannot stand now as a believer I have become absorbed in the recognition that whereas principalities and powers of darkens may freely gather to plan against me I will always have victory for as long as I remain faithful true and worthy to Jehovah God Almighty and to my Lord and Master Jesus Christ behold they shall surely gather together but not by me whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake isaiah 54:15 consequent to my total deliverance from the swamp of the powers of darkness and from the morass of esoterica blue of metaphysical operation occultism in which I was a proclaimed living Grandmaster in the past it became evident to me that I have become a major target of psychic attack by the highest entities demons of the seven occult kingdoms this is obvious owing to the fact that my open confessions as well as my breaking of the oaths of mystical secrecy occult vows and governance of the order of astral and terrestrial hierarchy and much more were major psychic offenses that must definitely attract the wrath of spirits on the offender in accordance with the laws of the inner planes to this end I knew very well that by virtue of my act of submission to the only begotten Son of God Jesus Christ many great demons who were my spirit friends in the past such as Sat girl Pina the Nagas mutant Faru me Nataraja Tao Elam Kalia Aradia who Ling Sagna etc will now project forces to attack me I knew that even chitin am the proclaimed Most High God of the seven occult kingdoms who is Satan in disguise will come to me for a battle of course I also knew that some principal human agents of the powers of darkness who were my former colleagues will still try their manipulations against me nevertheless I am ever confident of the fact that in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ these demons and their human agents will always fail in all their manipulations against me I am totally convinced that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of the universe and that whoever is in him is free and free indeed praise the Lord assurance of victory there is no doubt that the evil powers of the enemy principalities and powers of darkins are in existence in this universe the Lord himself recognized the existence of these powers whilst he even called them serpents and scorpions behold I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt you Luke 10:19 evidently it was clear to me while I was operating with the powers of darkness that the true believers in Jesus Christ are absolutely beyond destruction as a believer I know that I now have the same irresistible power of Christ and that with this power I will as well tread on every power of the seven occult kingdoms that may come to fight me I know that I now have the absolute power in the Son of God to fight and subdue each and every demon in this universe including the entity called Satan the Lord had categorically stated that the supreme power given to each and every believer in his name to tread on serpents and scorpions shall also be used by them to subdue all the power of the enemy thus it is certain that the believer is destined to always overcome not some of you or many but all the power of demons in high and low places and our Lord also stated that in each and every battle against the power of darkness nothing shall by any means hurt his faithful servants praise the Lord on my own part the way in which the mighty power of Christ manifested in the highest plane of demons kalani and delivered me at Anangu is enough to sustain my confidence that no evil power in this universe can harm me for as long as I abide in Christ see the book occult brand master now in Christ by Ike Nathan uzoma indeed I knew that from the moment I became a believer my spiritual power and strength will come only in the name and in the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ subject of course to the intensity and degree of my objective and subjective attachment surrender and faith in the Savior Jesus another point that was clear to me is the fact that the powers of darkness would use my dream state as the main battlefield of manipulations against me nevertheless with the assurance of total victory of the Lord on my part through the omnipotent name of Jesus Christ in all aspect of spiritual battle the great war between me and my former so-called spirit friends demons began immediate after my encounter with Christ and submission to him the first attack the first attack of the powers of the darkens against me occurred in less than five hours after my total submission to the Son of God it was on the night of Sunday 6th of September 1992 that I encountered Jesus Christ during a fierce occult operation in an igloo Nigeria and it was on Tuesday 8th of September 1992 that I gave my life fully to Christ broke the oaths of mystical secrecy and made open confessions in the congregation of saints few hours after breaking the secret as and covenants with the power of Darkness I dozed off and immediately three demons came to attack me I observed that these demons were from the Gobi Desert the headquarters of the witches of a broom Merlin it may be record that in the past I was both a master and commander in the realm of the abreu Merlin witches my first cosmic initiation at the age of seven years which covered a total of 10,000 degrees of esoteric forces demons was conducted in the Gobi Desert by the witches of Abramelin consequently the witches of a broom Merlin were the first to project spirit against me as soon as I broke my secret governance with demons it happened that as soon as I dozed off I saw three demons coming against me with speed I saw when the three demons simultaneously changed and the three became one cat the cat then came towards my eyes to remove them this was designed to make me blind immediately but I overcame by the strength of the Almighty God for it came to pass that when the evil cat finally approached me I shouted Jesus saved me then the cat fell down dead while the three demons appeared from it and escaped I opened my eyes and started to pray after which I read the Holy Bible praise the Lord the flood of Satan two days later 10th of September 1992 I was in a dream and the greatest power of the seven occult kingdoms Satan whom I knew in the as none came against me like a flood the Holy Scriptures had promised that when the enemy shall come in like a flood the Spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him Isaiah 59 19 in this experience I witnessed how the Holy Spirit of the Almighty God lifted up standard against the Prince of Darkness only in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ it happened in this dream that I saw myself in the space between the earth and the sky indeed I thought that he was going to destroy me I said to myself I have come to the end of life nevertheless a thought came to me through the Spirit of God and caused me to remember that I should call upon Jesus Christ because at first I forgot the name of my Lord this was a manipulation operated against me by the demons of forgetfulness in order for Satan to prevail over me but the Gate of Hell power of darkness cannot prevail against a servant of God in the name of our Lord Jesus our men praise the Lord finally Satan in the form of great mountain came to fall upon me that is to kill me and by this I would not have woken up rather I would have died in a sleep state but as soon as he came to fall upon me the Spirit of the Lord strengthened me then I share tab keys escribe is mighty Mountain Satan felt before me and became a little boy of about three years old as soon as I called upon the omnipotent name of the Son of God Jesus Christ then Satan spoke to me he said I am chit UNAM whom you knew and I am Satan the great one I'm the last enemy of the Christians I'm out against you and I vow to fight you till you are consumed if you refuse to come back to me I rebuked him again in the name of Christ and woke up this was another victory for me within 72 hours after my deliverance as the name of Jesus Christ my Lord foiled the evil plans of Satan and his demons against me and I believe that the Lord will always overcome for me according to his infallible promise therefore all they that devour thee shall be devoured and all thine adversaries every one of them shall go into captivity and they did all these shall be a spoil and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey Jeremiah 30 16 appeal for reconciliation on Saturday 12th of September 1992 which was four days after my deliverance at about 1:45 p.m. I opened my eyes physically and saw three demons before me they includes sat gopinatha my former spiritual guide Elam the king of rets of the Venus planet and tell the guardian angel of the witches of a broom Merlin these demons greatly appealed to me so please come back and reconcile with them that I should return to the esoteric realms of spirit and assume my throne as the Living perfect master of occult mysteries they stated that it would be very disastrous for me and them if I should neglect their appeal and proceed in opposition and continue open confessions of major esoteric and Doc held secrets to the earth men and the followers of Jesus Christ then they promised that forgiveness shall be decreed upon me if I could return without delay these demons who claim to have come to me on behalf of the seven occult kingdoms spoke again and concluded that the sign of my official reconciliation with them should be that within fourteen days from that day I should come to a certain place and meet with them they also promised that during this meeting forces of the highest esoteric consciousness shall be projected to restore my formula powers which was banished from me during my encounter with Jesus after which I shall be led to the presence of chit and AM for the consummation of our reconciliation it was Elam the chief entity ruling the city of rets of the Venus planet who spoke to me of all these while sat gopinatha and Tao concurred nevertheless I rebuked them and when I shouted I stand only for the true power of Jesus they vanished and waited in vain for me and the battle continued now some people have asked why demons could still appear to me whereas I am now a believer of course as a believer the Spirit of God could still open your eyes to see beyond the physical world in my own situation I believed that God wanted me to practically witness the potency of the name of his son Jesus Christ in order to perfect my faith in him for the fact that demons appeared to a believer does not mean that such a believer is in connection with them though certain appearances of demons has to do with specific connections but the appearance of demons to a true believer has to do with direct or indirect attack even the so called appeal for reconciliation was an indirect attack in itself against me which will ultimately destroy me if I submit to the appeal for the thief Satan cometh not but for to steal and to kill and to destroy John 10:10 therefore demons could come to a believer who may or may not see them physically or spiritually like in my own case but what is important however is that they demons must see no unrighteousness whenever they come to you so that you will overcome in Matthew chapter 4 verses 1 to 11 we read of how Satan appeared to tempt our Lord Jesus Christ and how the Lord overcome and in John chapter 14 verse 30 Jesus Christ declared for the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me this is what is important demons may come to you but let them have absolutely nothing in you in Jesus name our men also in Zechariah chapter 3 we read of how Satan appeared and stood at right hand of the high priest Joshua to resist him Satan still appeared there even though there was an angel of God before Joshua nevertheless Satan was finally banished by Jehovah God Almighty I was flummoxed few days at the end of the fourteen days in which the devil's required that I should come back and reconcile with them I was alone in the house reading the Holy Bible suddenly the devil came again and began to speak and I heard them they spoke and accused me of being an evil man because that threw me many souls have gone to the lake of fire whereas I had received Christ so as to escape the same fire i rebuked these forces in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and they ceased however I could not immediately overcome the negative vibrations of the accusations of these devils against me I was supposed to pray at this point but I was unable to do so rather I found myself considering the points raised by the Devils in this sack you zation then the memory of my wickedness against people in the past fully revived in me consequently an evil thought from the enemy came to me and this thought was greatly forcing me to submit to what the devil had stated indeed I wrongly followed the force of this thought of demons to reason that it would truly be unjust for me to make any preparation for heaven whereas through my former acts of wickedness many souls are now weeping and gnashing their teeth in the lake of fire from that moment I was confused whilst my mind became weak after few hours I received strength from the Lord I observed that the Spirit of God was strongly persuading me to go ahead with Jesus Christ and that all is well with me at the same time the thoughts from the devil's intensified and was also persuading me to return to the kingdom of darkness then I was flummoxed the decree of death that same day in which my mind was weak and flummoxed via the accusation of Devils against me I was truly unable to pray as required and as soon as I slept in the night about five hundred spirit demons gathered to take me away these demons were led by a great demon whom I knew before as mutant ferreira me I fought these demons at first but they subdued me because I did not remember to call the name of the Lord rather I fought only with my strength and my strength failed me a believer must never fight on his personal spiritual strength which can always fail but he should depend solely on their Lord the source of everlasting strength however having subdued me the demons carried me to the midst of unclean spirits around the Pyramid of Egypt their mutant Faru me passed a death decree on me he ordered some demons to force me to have sexual intercourse with a certain unclean spirit in that realm so that the decree of death upon me will be fulfilled within seventy-two hours on earth then a demon came as a girl and she was nude I was commanded to fornicate with her but I strongly resisted at this point I fully remembered the name and the power of my Lord Jesus Christ which I forgot right from the beginning of this battle as soon as I remembered my lord I shouted Jesus saved me immediately the Spirit of God lifted me up from the midst of unclean spirit I found myself walking on a straight road but the forces of darken still pursued me from behind at a point I could not see any of the demons following after me but I saw many traps set against me in that same Road nevertheless I escaped all the traps but at the end of the mall a while I was still walking on the road I saw more than fifty thousand demons gathered against me again then I stopped a strange and mighty spirit came to me from the midst of these demons this spirit introduced himself to me again as Satan the great one the form with which he appeared was like the body of a man with the head of an elephant his two heads were like the head of a little baby I have never seen him in this form before the chief demon known to appear in the form of a man with four hands and with the head of an elephant is gar Nessa one of the 33 million demigods known in the Indian occultism when Satan came to me he proclaimed at the end has come for me he declared that he has come to transform me into a vulture and to carry me away that I may leave with him forever never to return to the earth again as Satan was still speaking greater strength came to me again from the Spirit of God and I shouted the blood of Jesus immediately Satan and his demons fled whilst I also woke up consequently I began to pray that the father should please forgive me in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for giving some consideration to the accusations of demons against me I knew that it was by virtue of this act that the powers of darkins almost destroyed me I also thank the Lord for the victory he gave me over Satan and his demons from that moment I submitted myself to seek the face of the Father through fasting and prayer it dawned on me and forth on the highest state of conviction that my former proclaimed spirit friends the powers of darkness were totally out in all aspects to destroy me from that moment I knew that I must not leave one stone unturned in my submission to Jesus Christ the only living power invisible servants on Friday 2nd of October 1992 around 2 a.m. I had a dream in this dream experience I saw myself with a big key then I also saw a very mighty prison house inside this prison were millions of demons who were my invisible servants when I was the living grand master of the order of astral and terrestrial hierarchy they were the spirits I used then to execute our cult to decree in every realm of esoteric manipulations I observed that the whole of these spirits were locked up inside the strong prison house whilst I noticed also that the key with me was the key that could open the prison gate without which these demons cannot go out but when the demon saw me through the gate they gathered and began to rejoice they began to sing that their master has come back to set them free and delete them furthermore these demons began to pray to me they requested that I should open the door for them so that they could go out to look for food to eat to drink human blood they told me most sincerely that since I left they have been very hungry because that a holy one an angel of God came and locked them up in prison I spoke to these demons and informed them that I am now for Jesus Christ living only by his grace and power and that I am for Christ all the days of my life finally I left these unclean spirits without opening the door of the gate of the prison for them as they requested thus they remained hungry in their predicament and may they remain hungry forever in Jesus name Amen a seal of Yama on Monday 5th of October 1992 around 11:30 7:00 p.m. some demons came to fight me while I was reading the Holy Bible this was not a dream they came but could not enter the house in which I was thus they began to invite me they requested that I should please come and meet them so that we could discuss something very important but I knew that they truly came to fight me these demons led by the demon Aradia who was once my second personality in the occult realms stated that he could no longer approach me due to a great flame of fire that filled the room in which I was this is the holy fire of protection of the Almighty God I rebuked these forces of darkness in the name of the Lord and Savior of the universe Jesus Christ and they fled nevertheless that same night the demons in question came in my dream experience but this time they were very angry when I saw them they gathered around me saying that they have come to collect the seal of Lord Yama from me they told me that they were directly sent by Queen Vidal the entity ruling the occult kingdom of the earth planet who lives in an occult city in Persia now Iran at this time I was still at Enugu while the so-called seal of Lord Yama was in my mystical sanctum at Benin City I tried to explain to these demons that the seal was in Benin City but they were not prepared to take it easy with me then I also became very angry with them to the extent that I did not remember to call upon the Lord my God I based my anger on the consideration that these demons were minor entities and could not have come to me as such when I was the living Grand Master of spirits but this was wrong on my part for in such a situation I was not supposed to discuss with them I could have rebuked them hence I did not remember to call upon their Lord and while I was still angry these demons gathered at last to chain me it was at this point that I remembered to call the son of God to help me and as soon as I shouted Jesus the Spirit of God threw me off from the midst of these forces of darkness then I found myself inside a gospel church at enugu from where I woke up from that moment I began to fast and pray I also prayed for the spiritual ability to always remember Jesus Christ at all times burning of mystical paraphernalia all that I have stated above took place at Enugu Nigeria for a period of about 60 days from the first day I gave my life to Christ who delivered me from the powers of darkness there were many other battles which the Lord fought for me a Telugu that are not contained here for indeed it was a daily battle that I experienced immediately after my deliverance and breaking of the oaths of mystical secrecy now I thank our holy and righteous father who gave me victory in all such battles through our Lord Jesus Christ our men while in a new goo also Jesus Christ appeared to me and commanded me to go and bear witness of his power before the faithful and faithless this was between the night of 9th October to the morning of 10th of October 1992 this visitation of our Lord told me many things that strengthened my faith he even told me that my ministry will begin after one year of my salvation however I returned to Benin City on Thursday 5th of November 1992 on Sunday the 8th of November 1992 around 9:00 p.m. all my former mystical paraphernalia at Benin City were committed to the flames of course some were also destroyed at enugu why I consider it important to recall the experience of burning the occult materials was because of little fear that was in me at first but which was banished thereafter my fear was because of the secret vows which I took and sealed with a human blood on some of the paraphernalia I vowed for instance that such materials must never be burnt with fire and that I cannot destroy them in any form by any means for as long as I live on earth I even signed and sealed with blood that whenever and wherever and such materials are burnt with fire the entity demon governing them will manifest physically and seen as a lion through the first smoke and fire and will then vanish to possess me in tan so that I will from that moment become mad on earth to this end I entertained some secret fear when the materials were about to be burnt thought came to me from the enemy and I began to think that anytime from now I would be mad all the ministers present joined their hands together to form a circle and I stood in the midst of them then they prayed mightily and I felt the vibration and potency of their prayer all over me the Spirit of God descended upon me on a higher degree whilst the spirits of fear were banished from me at this point I could not believe that I was the very person who was initially afraid at last the whole occult paraphernalia from my former mystical sanctum were destroyed in Jesus name are men and that everything has been well with me since after this goes to vindicate Jesus Christ as the consummation of the highest power Jesus is the Lord of all praise the Lord another accusation on Saturday the 28th of November 1992 around 2:00 p.m. I was in the house alone reading the Holy Bible when suddenly the enemies demons came and began to speak I did not see any of them but I heard their voices they spoke and strongly accused me once again of being an evil and wicked man because that threw me many souls have gone to hell whereas I am now heading to heaven these demons continued they stated that they are now fully aware of the plan of God for my life that this include the fact that God will use me to glorify his name on earth and finally cause me to go astray so that he will be able to send me also to the lake of fire but I strongly rebuked these demons in the name of Jesus Christ and they ceased I called them liars and manipulators and I used some verses of the Bible to proclaim the positivity of the will of God for my life including the fact that I am now a new creature and that the old things of my former life are passed away the Bible verses are used to banish these demons include the following the Lord is not slack concerning his promise as some men count slackness but is long-suffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance 2nd Peter 3:9 therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature old things are passed away behold all things have become new 2nd Corinthians 5:17 for I know the thoughts that I think towards you death the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you an expected end Jeremiah 29:11 materialization of demons on Saturday December 5th 1992 around 3 p.m. demons materialized and attacked me on the highest rate of occult projection through the combination of astral terrestrial and Asura spirit which is difficult to manipulate in the seven occult kingdoms and which can only be used in the most fierce and direct attack it happened on that day that as I was walking physically along the street suddenly where I was became night in the midst of the day then five spirits stood before me these spirits were led by an entity demon called Lord satnaam who claimed to be the first manifestation of God in the universe when I saw them I became almost dumb I could not speak their leader pointed at me and said do you think that you can escape us I was trying to force myself to speak call upon Jesus Christ but before I could do so he commanded another demon saying kill him that demon raised an astral weapon called Chakravarty to strike me to death but the Spirit of God came upon me I closed my eyes and with a mighty strength I shouted the blood of Jesus immediately I called upon the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ Satnam and the other four great demons fled whilst the darkens of nitrogen in the brightness of the Sun also vanished then I went home however due to the shock that overwhelmed me during this experience I was sick for two days but the Holy Spirit healed me through Jesus Christ our Lord our men praise the Lord from that day of my battle with these spirits that came solely to kill me i intensified my prayers for baptism with infinite power of the Holy Ghost through Jesus Christ that I may have greater power to live and to always overcome all the manipulations of the enemy as well as to do the work which Jesus Christ had assigned to me battle with Nataraja on Friday the 18th of December 1992 around 2:00 a.m. I force a serious battle in a dream experience in this experience I was with a Christian brother in his car this brother is a pastor whom I knew physically as he was driving some spirit demons came and set fire on the car when we came out of the car we saw buckets filled with water and with them we were able to put the fire off of course the buckets of water that we saw is an expression of the victorious act of the Spirit of God as soon as the fire was put off I looked on one side of the bush and saw a mighty and strong demon sitting in the midst of fire and smoke and this fire and smoke were part of himself I saw clearly and noticed that this demon was now to Raja in the totality of all the occult kingdoms of the earth the air the fire and the water elements this demon called Nataraja is the entity in charge of destruction Nataraja is called lord shiva in hindu occultism and he is invoked and worshipped as one of the deities of the Hindu Trinity Vishnu Brahma and Shiva the consort of Nataraja is goddess Kali the oldest female demon of the air through whom the Indian art of Kali witchcraft came into existence when I saw Nauta Raja I told the pastor that we must fight this demon as we came together and began to rebuke this demon he did not flee rather he stood up and came to us the pastor with me fled when he saw now taraji coming he entered his car and drove away then Nataraja came to me and said so you fear not to rebuke me whereas you know that you are a wanted being in all the realms of spirits the kingdom of the forces of darkness consequently two of us began to fight it was a very serious fight though I did not remember to call upon Christ at first but the Spirit of God still gave me enough strength to withstood Nataraja at a point I seized the two hands of Nataraja but he manifested extra two hands with which he struck me I pushed him away with a great force when I pushed Nataraja away the Spirit of God gave me some verses of the Holy Bible and at the same time I remembered to call upon my Lord thus the moment I shouted Jesus Christ I woke up the Bible verse which the Spirit of God gave me says shall the prey be taken from the mighty or the lawful captive delivered but thus saith the Lord even the captive of the mighty shall be taken away and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered Isaiah 49 24 and 25 it is a fact that by virtue of my submission to our Lord Jesus Christ as well as by my renouncing occultism and the oaths of secrecy I would definitely be considered as a wanted man according to the laws of the occult kingdoms of Satan to this end demons will further consider me a lawful captive in their own perspective if they could get hold of me it is also a fact that I will become a prey of the terrible powers of darkness if I fail to abide always in the keeping power of the Almighty through Christ Jesus but for as long as I remain in Christ I am free yes I am safe for the Lord God Almighty has promised to deliver both the lawful captive in the prey of the terrible praise the Lord when I woke up from this dream experience of my battle with Nataraja I was surprised that as soon as I opened my eyes the same demon cooled Nataraja was physically in my bedroom he was holding a dangerous mystical weapon of destruction Chakravarty indeed I was almost dumbfounded when I saw Nataraja but before he could approach me the Spirit of God gave me strength I lifted up my right hand and shouted I condemn you in the blood of Jesus Christ and behold - Raja was no more he fled from the holy presence of the perfect blood at that point I looked at the time and it was exactly 226 a.m. from that moment I did not sleep rather I began to pray till 6:30 a.m. I prayed to the extent that I later understood that even a neighborhood was disturbed indeed I shouted on top of my voice against the forces of darkness especially and specifically against Nataraja who is the greatest demon in charge of destruction I used many Bible verse in this battle prominent of which was verse 23 of Jeremiah chapter 30 which says behold the whirlwind of the Lord go forth with fury a continuing whirlwind it shall fall with pain upon the head of the wicked in my prayer to the Lord our God through Christ in that hour of battle against the demon of destruction I called upon the whirlwind of the Lord the whirlwind of great fury of the wrath of the Almighty God to strike with pain upon the head of Nataraja and other great demons including the entity Satan the final outcome of my battle against Nataraja was revealed to me two days later this is also contained in this treatise prayer for the Holy Ghost following the intensification of my prayer for the Holy Ghost baptism of power and consequent to my battle with Nataraja on the 18th of December 1992 I began to seek the face of the Lord in a greater level for this baptism now I wish to recall that the strongest prayer ever offered by me during the period of my request for the Holy Ghost as far as my conviction is concerned was on Saturday the 19th of December 1992 this was a day after my battle with Nataraja it happened that day that as I was fasting and praying I fell into a trance around 5:00 p.m. then I saw myself praying to the Almighty inside a white cloud of light I heard a mighty voice which proclaimed saying this is heaven the realm of God return again and wait on earth upon the Lord for soon you shall receive the Holy Ghost I have heard your prayers lightning from above the white cloud pierced the cloud and passed through me with a great force then I returned to my physical awareness revelation from the Lord two days after my battle with Nataraja or on Sunday the 20th of December 1992 around 4:00 p.m. I was fasting and praying in the house after Sunday worship while I was praying I was caught away by the Spirit of God to receive a revelation from the Lord through an angel it was in this revelation that I saw how angel of the Lord was assigned to take care of me all the days of my life the Holy Scriptures had promised that the Almighty God shall give his angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy ways they shall bear thee up in their hands lest thou dash thy foot against a stone some ninety one eleven to twelve the moment the Spirit of God caught me away while I was praying I saw myself walking on a road I was going to meet the congregation of Saints who were gathered in a certain place singing praises to the Father the Son and the Holy Ghost I was so much captivated by the melodies of Em's that as I was walking towards them I did not look back neither did I look to my left side or my right side therefore as I was walking without looking at any side I did not know nor observe that the demon of destruction Nataraja was on a mighty tree on my right side waiting to attack me as soon as I came to that point but then I saw a very huge angel of the Lord in front of me who told me to stop walking I stopped and he came to me the angel pointed at the demon Nataraja who was on the tree and asked me did you see Nataraja I said no I did not see this demon before but when the angel of the Lord pointed at him I saw him immediately now - Raja was in his most dangerous form of destruction which is the form of a black dragon with four heads and eight horns and with three eyes on each head image had also heared a mouth and from each mouth came forth smoke and fire when I saw now - Raja the angel spoke to me and said brother uzoma this is the enemy whom the authorities of the kingdoms of darkins have assigned to kill you by all means and whose assignment was decreed by Satan to fulfill before the third month of the coming year March 1993 the angel continued with your power and strength you cannot overcome him therefore I am sent by your Lord and my Lord to come and banish this unclean spirit forever from you as soon as Nataraja saw that the angel of the Lord was talking to me he changed his form and became part of the tree so that one may think that he was no longer there yet he was there he could not fool the angel of God who came with a mighty strength and power the angel directed me not to move from where I was whilst he ascended to the sky far above the tree in which Nataraja was from that point the angel brought out a strange weapon and shirt Nataraja off the bullets that came out from the weapon of the angel was like whirlwind and when this whirlwind struck with pain upon the head of Nataraja he was immediately transmogrified into water as this water Nataraja was rushing down from the tree it changed into fire and the fire again turned into thick blood when it finally came down and from this thick blood came forth different little serpents reptiles beasts and birds and all of them fled the snotty Raja was banished the angel came back to me again I said to him thank you sir but please sir can I know your name he answered my name shall be of no benefit to you but I shall be with you in your journey of life on earth and for this purpose you shall see me from time to time it is enough for you to know me as a messenger of our Lord Jesus Christ by whose command I come to you at this point the angel began to teach me how to use the strange weapon with which he banished Nataraja I observed that the weapon has 126 holes from which bullets could proceed to strike the enemy I listened to the angel till the end of his teaching after this the angel led me into the midst of the Saints who were singing praises to the Almighty God and the Saints welcomed me one of the many angels who were guiding the congregation of saints came and met me this angel and the one that was with me at first led me into a private room then the angel which banished Nataraja said to me abide here always in the name of Jesus Christ for as long as you remain here by the power of your Lord no evil in the universe show before you all the days of your life while the angel was speaking to me I observed that the room in which we were had changed into a very big house inside this house I saw many things and the angel told me that those things are the blessings of the Lord for me inside this house the angel gave me a mighty book and directed me to read I read the book and saw that it contained the Ministry which Christ has assigned to me the angel again gave me some books with a pen and said I am commanded by our Lord to direct you to write these books and others which we shall reveal to you through these books you shall bear witness on earth of the knowledge the love and the power of Christ finally the angel that talked with me spoke to the second angel and said it was been assigned to you to remain here with our brother uzoma for as long as he abides in this house and in all which has been assigned to him in the name of Jesus Christ we all said our men and immediately I came out of this revelation experience praise the Lord experience of power on Monday the 21st of December 1992 at about 5:00 p.m. I was praying and I saw a great light which flashed upon me then I was filled with power and I began to speak in tongues under the influence of the Holy Ghost power but this was in a brief trance on Tuesday the 22nd of December 1992 around 2:00 a.m. I had a dream in this dream I saw many believers in Christ who might new they gathered around and began to pray for me after praying they cut the hair of my head and brought it to a good shape one of them laid his right hand upon me and the Holy Ghost power came upon me I spoke in tongues but then this was in a dream thereafter I woke up battle in a retreat ground there was a Christian convention retreat which took place in Benin City between 24th to 28th of December 1992 the leader of the prayer and deliverance section for this retreat invited me to take part in that section which I did consequently I focused my mind on great expectation of the miracle and blessings of Christ in this occasion already I had intensified my prayer for the baptism of the Holy Ghost and I had a strong thought that this may occur in a retreat ground in which more than 8,000 people attended in the Holy Bible we are told that there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them GERB 1:6 this was the same thing that happened in the retreat ground wherein the children of God were gathered I observed that the enemies had come however many agents of the powers of darkins were delivered in this retreat around 4 a.m. of Friday 25th of December 1992 I had spiritual experience in a trance while praying while in this trance I saw myself with a sword in an open space like a field and I saw thousands of spirits or demons that gathered to fight me these spirits were led by a demon called his amaura who operates as the controlling deity of the occult zone of taboos Japan hid amorous spoke to me thus you have come here thinking that the Holy Ghost will come upon you but as long as we operate we will see to it that you will not receive this blessed power then here Tamura commanded all the demons to fight me and the battle began with the sword in my hand and by the power of the Almighty God and in the name of Jesus Christ I maimed all the demons that came with hit'em aura not even one of them was left neither could any of them escape the sword in my hand when the sword touches any his head would go off he would then change into an animal and flee when all these demons were banished their leader the demon hich amaura came to me and said hood you are very strong now but I tell you the truth you cannot escape us today except you vow that you will never receive the Holy Ghost baptism otherwise we all shall be here then thousands of spirits each of which were stronger than here Tamura manifested round about the whole realm these demons were led by an entity called Lord Kalia the wicked spirit ruling the band war occult Kingdom or the entire water realm of the powers of darkness as they gathered I said to myself that there would be no need to fight these spirits for I would not be able to subdue them nevertheless the Spirit of God ministered to me I heard a voice which told me call upon the name of your Lord as soon as you call upon Jesus Christ something very disastrous will happen to these unclean spirits the demons did not hear this voice though when I heard this voice I kept quiet at first waiting for the time that all of them would come against me that I may launch the omnipotent name of Christ to blow them off Kalia the leader of these evil spirits came to me and said we are not here to fight you today but for only one purpose we have come now vow according to that purpose that you shall not be baptized with the Holy Ghost if you sign not we will remain in this place with you Kalia commanded many spirits and they began to construct a mighty thick net round about and above me this net was immediately constructed and within it was myself Kalia and thousands of spirit while outside the net was still thousands of strong demons with different weapons or waiting for an order from Kalia so that the great war against me may begin consequently Kalia brought a form for me to fill in this form I was to state among other things that I shall cease to desire for the baptism of the Holy Ghost all the days of my life on earth it was when Kalia brought this form at last that I shouted the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ immediately I called upon the name of my lord the totality of my self changed into a mountain of fire in this form in which I was like a mountain of fire the Spirit of God lifted me above all the demons and beyond the net set against me this experience was even strange to me because when I was lifted up by the Spirit of God as a mountain of fire I again came out of this mountain in my normal form while the whole mountain of fire which was myself fell down upon the forces of darkness and consumed them for the Lord my God is a consuming fire deuteronomy 424 I looked down from above and I saw that all the evil spirits had become powerless animals of different kinds and each was struggling to escape from the fire in which he is engulfed at the end of this battle I gave thanks and praises to the father who gave me victory through Jesus Christ praise the Lord my Holy Ghost baptism it is important to note that there must be a definite work of heart cleansing sanctification in a believer before he will receive the Holy Ghost baptism in other words a believer must make diligent effort towards holiness in order for the Holy Spirit to come and dwell in him as a matter of fact when the Holy Spirit comes upon a person everything will become possible for him the baptism of the Holy Ghost is based upon the promise of our Lord Jesus Christ to those that believe in him consequently the Holy Father has committed himself to the fulfillment of this promise on earth in the life of each and every true believer the Christian experience of Holy Ghost baptism therefore is the gift of the Blessed power of the Almighty God by which a believer is equipped with the highest power to bear witness of Christ to this end the Lord Jesus stated but ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and ye shall be witness unto me in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria and unto the uttermost part of the earth acts 1:8 the forces of darkins are very much aware of the importance of the Holy Ghost baptism in the life of a believer hence they gather to hinder me from having this experience nevertheless my Lord banished them it was after the evening message on Saturday the 26th of December 1992 that the man of God said let us pray as I bent my head closed my eyes and began to pray I heard the sound of a mighty wind I saw lightning and fire which came from above and overwhelmed me I found myself inside a cloud of light I strongly felt the melting power of the Almighty in the flame of the Holy Ghost that passed through my body soul and spirit I felt as if a thick object has moved from my throat and then I spoke in tongues I was filled with power this was my own experience of the baptism of the Holy Spirit thank you Lord wanted evil spirits around 4:00 a.m. of Sunday the 27th of December 1992 I fell in trance while praying on the retreat ground then I heard a very strong proclamation made in the spirit realm that certain wicked demons have been declared wanted by the Lord and that holy angels have been commanded by Jesus Christ to arrest such devil and send them to the depth of Hell even before the time I saw that one of the wanted demons had come to seek protection under me I asked him what they did by which they were thus declared wanted this unclean spirit answered that they were commanded by Elham the king of rets of the venus planet to kill and bring the blood of a christian sister in lagos nigeria whose constant songs of praise has become a source of disintegration of forces in a venus planet indeed that system must be very strong in the lord this demon stated that while they were out to fulfill the commandment of Elam they were immediately declared wanted by the holy one whilst they fled without fulfilling their mission of killing that sister whom he called mrs. a de Sargon this demon pleaded that I should please escort him to the mountain of India that he may from the travel to meet Elam in the city of rets of the Venus planet without his knowledge however I was waiting to hand him over to the angels of God because the Holy Spirit ministered to me that the Angels are coming when the angels came I saw that they had already arrested many demons the demons that was talking to me seeking for protection turned and began to accuse me as an agent of the forces of darkness before the Angels the Angels rebuked him and told him that the seal of Jesus Christ is upon me the angel who appeared to me before then and banished Nataraja told this demon specifically that I am a servant of the Lord and Master Jesus Christ finally all the Angels that I saw shook hands with me saying congratulations brother Uzoma for your baptism of Holy Ghost then the Holy Angels took all the demons away and I believe that they were cast into the depth of Hell according to the decree of my Lord our men baffle with female demons on Monday the 11th of January 1993 around 2:00 a.m. I was in a dream and about 106 female spirits came to fight me these spirits were led by a lady demon who was my former wife in the water occult realm but who used to visit me physically in those days as my girlfriend as they came and began to fight me my former demon wife held my private part but when I called upon the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ they fled however from that moment my private part began to pain me this pain developed a wicked boil so that for a few days I remained naked in my bedroom this my former demon wife came to fight me for breaking our marriage vow and Covenants on Saturday the 16th of January 1993 around 4:00 I am the pain greatly intensified and I was about to cry but the Word of God came to me via the Holy Spirit and directed me to fast and pray then I began immediately to fast and pray the fasting started from 4 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. the same day while I was praying around 6 p.m. on that Saturday the Word of God came to me again then I heard a mighty voice like a thunder which said to me my son speak my word and prophesy against the boil and pain upon your body and say thus says the Lord henceforth you shall cease to be upon where you are kept by the enemy but upon her shall you remain for everlasting corruption and she shall be in Chains even with her friends until the day comes wherein they shall dwell in the lake of fire then I prophesied according to the Word of God I also prophesied to myself according to the word of the Lord that I shall attend the church service of next day Sunday even though as at that time I was still unable to walk by 12:00 midnight I began to pray and the Holy Spirit caught me away in trance I saw a huge angel of God which stood before me this was the same angel who appeared and banished now to Raja the demon of destruction the angel told me that he has come by the order of the Lord to remove the boil and the pain which the female demon had inflicted on my private part he then directed me to lie down which I did and he removed the boil in the pain furthermore the angel spoke a certain word and the 106 demons including my former spiritual wife appeared the angel put the burden of the boil and the pain upon my former demon wife then he chained all of them and took them away consequently I was completely healed when I came out from this trance experience and I freely and joyfully went to the Sunday church service according to the word of the Lord my God praise the Lord the demon of lust on Sunday the 14th of February 1993 I had a dream around 2:00 a.m. in this dream experienced the demon in charge of lust Queen Radha also called killer of soul came to my house this demon has millions of spirits working under her and they operate the mystical power yoga Maya which enslaves people through sexual manipulations her purpose of coming was to spread lust wave in my environment when lust wave is spread in one's environment such a one will run amok sexually and under the manipulations of yogamaya sex energy he will then perpetrate all sorts of illicit sex when queen Radek aim she sat in the parlor while a Christian brother came to inform me that a certain lady wants to see me then I came out when I saw Radha I did not recognize her because she came in the form of a very pretty girl the moment I saw her she was about to begin her manipulation she removed her dress and remained nude but she was prevented from spreading any lust wave by the Holy Spirit consequently I heard the voice of the Lord and he said to me burn her with fire then I said to Queen Reder declare yourself now before I burn you with fire she became afraid and began to put on her dress at this point her true form appeared whilst I recognized her to be queen redder before she could escape I told her in strong voice let the fire of the holy ghost consume you and she suddenly burst in flames for the Lord my God is a consuming fire battle continues dear reader the spiritual battle that I fought against the invisible elements of darkness since I gave my life fully to the Lord cannot be fully expressed in this treatise the powers of darkens fought me directly they fought me through their human agents and they fought me via false accusation for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against power against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Ephesians 6:12 it is a fact that the Christian daily experiences full of battles battle against the huge invisible entities of the realm of darkness and not against our fellow men consequently the ultimate victory of each and every believer is accomplished when such a believer finally makes heaven eternal Homer Saints therefore I am still presently engaged in spiritual battle like any other believer only that I am a major target of the rulers of darkness nevertheless my hand is made strong by the power of the Almighty thus I fight daily by the strength of the Holy Spirit in the recognition of victory in Christ and by the grace of God I shall publish more of such battles in subsequent works now I think it is more important for me to say that I am destined to overcome all the manipulations of the powers of darkness every believer is destined to overcome through Jesus Christ our Lord our men finally I believe that time has come for believers to transcend denominational attachment and propensity and cooperate to intensify the spiritual warfare against demonic forces in high and low places that we may destroy the yoke of demons in the life of man and thus contribute to the forceful advancement of the gospel of the kingdom god bless your soul - what believers should know about the mysteries of witchcraft there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or charmer or a consulted with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee Deuteronomy 18 10 - 12 prelude on Monday the 29th of November 1993 I was the guest speaker at the mark of Christ school of deliverance GRA vennen City and I spoke on the topic the mysteries of witchcraft this lecture was organized by Reverend Abraham Sheikh Bundy the general overseer of the mark of Christ fellowship though I have been exposing the demonic operations of witchcraft in different places during my confessions and testimony but after the lecture of the day of the loved brother and friend evangelist barrister Chuck's Meunier told me brother Reich what you said during the lecture is for the benefit of every believer please try to publish this lecture in a book thereafter the Holy Spirit ministered to me and confirmed that he truly used brother chucks to speak to me in this regard and without much ado I decided to write on this topic what believer should know about the mysteries of witchcraft as a part of this book the Holy Scripture had warned thou shalt not suffer a witch to live Exodus 22 18 however we are not directed to fight against flesh and blood human being rather we are directed to fight against principalities and powers of darkness in the spirit realm therefore whilst we are expected to kill the witches and wizards physically in the world of man we are however required to kill or banish the manipulations of these evil entities among the children of men via the omniscient potency of ghost power thou shalt not suffer a witch to live let it be done now and let it be done through this publication in the name of blest Christ our men diverse crafts of darkness someone recently wrote to me and said dear Ike Nathan use Alma some people say that the art of white witchcraft practiced in Europe and America is good because of its contribution towards human progress and that the black witchcraft practiced in Africa is evil because it is used for destruction how true is this in connection to the reply I gave to the above let me strongly emphasize that what human beings say here on earth does not and cannot hold in this creation what is important in the universe which must always prevail in every realm of existence is what the Lord says that is the final I wish to warn without much ado that any opinion expressed by a personal group of persons which is contrary to the Word of God emanates from demons I think you are aware of the fact that psychic entities demons could possess a person and speak through him many of what you read in books magazines and newspapers or what you hear in the radio TV etc are the words of demons the invisible forces of darkness could operate via the subtle astral energy and speak through a personal group of persons without the conscious awareness and recognition of such a person or persons this is the essence of manipulations and of the metaphysical authority of devils over all those who are not established in Christ such manipulation is relatively expressed in mark chapter five verse seven there we read and cried with a loud voice and said what have I to do with thee Jesus thou son of the Most High God I adjure thee by God and thou torment me not these were the words and lamentation of an invisible spirit being of the realm of darkness but such as Demon's spoke through a human being whom he had possessed now when people say that the aunt of white witchcraft is good who is talking through them devil yes the chief duty of all the forces of darkness in the world of man is to make evil to appear as good so as to lead the children of men astray from the path of the Blessed Christ consequently the opinion of anyone who is not perfectly in Christ Jesus could be directly or indirectly controlled by demonic forces even one who is in the Lord must daily abide in the perfection of Christ so as to overcome this manipulation take note the mighty powers of darkins are prepared at every moment to use the words of a carnal man an imbecile to promote their crafts therefore whosoever says that the occult art of white witchcraft is good is only being used by demons to accelerate their works the work which are abominations before the Lord I have already stated that the earth men may speak under the manipulations of principalities and powers of darkness they may be manipulated to do this through the limited capacity of their mental standard or by their intuitive perceptions as such human beings may analyze the modus operandi of the art of white witchcraft on a mundane level and consequently proclaim it to be good or place it on a better level than black witchcraft thus such people especially those who are involved in it cannot see anything evil in this so called white witchcraft indeed some of those who are sincerely deceived violate this craft does not even recognize themselves to be witches this is because in some secret societies the art of witchcraft is studied and practiced under such names as wise craft the craft psychic craft esoteric craft etc now people may see nothing wrong in all the elements of witchcraft operating all over the world they may see nothing wrong in such demonic crafts as palmistry geomancy shadow reading physiognomy necromancy astrology occultism esoteric metaphysics mysticism no attack sciences etc people may not discover the evil in the art of white witchcraft or in the use of horoscopes ESP voodoo astral projection etc but the Almighty Creator sees something wrong with all these crafts they are the works of the devil for thus says the Lord there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire or that useth divination or an observer of times or an enchanter or a witch or a charmer or a consulted with familiar spirits or a wizard or a necromancer for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee Deuteronomy 18 10 - 12 it is evident in the Word of God that each and every form of demonic craft weather-wise craft psychic craft esoteric craft etc is an abomination before the Lord it does not matter therefore whether such demonic craft is considered white or black what matters is that they are all abominations before the Creator the knower of all things let it be emphasized that the Almighty Creator God has specifically warned the earth men especially the people of God that there shall not be found among you any of the following people anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire one that uses divination an observer of times an enchanter a witch a charmer a consult familiar spirits a wizard a necromancer there are four major kinds of witchcraft being practiced on earth they include one black witchcraft two white witchcraft three curly witchcraft and four Abramelin or Raja witchcraft consequently all the various crafts condemned in Deuteronomy chapter 18 verse 10 to 12 are under one form of witchcraft or the other now we are going to briefly discuss these crafts one after the other in order to expose their related abominations one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire all over the world there are diverse related to occult and magical rituals in all the kingdoms of darkness through which a person could pass through the fire this demonic craft could be performed physically but often it is done in a subjective psychic experience via astral projection into the realm of spirits in the esoteric mysteries of ancient India there is an occult art called agony yajna in the Sanskrit parlance agony yajna meaning fire sacrifice is an ancient Vedic fire invocation or sacrifice of the secret of India this fire sacrifice agony yagna is performed mostly during one's direct initiation into the Vedic sacred mystery of ancient India and it is done solely in worship of great demons and occult grandmasters operating in India as Carew's demigods ascended masters and avatars fire sacrifice is still in progress in almost all the modern societies that originated in India such as the Divine Light mission guru maharaj ji' the Anand Maha yoga society the Kriya Nanda Society International Society for Krishna consciousness etc in some of these secret societies that originated in India fire sacrifice agony yagna is specifically performed in worship of the demon operating in the occult kingdoms as the Lord of fire this demon is called Agni in some secret societies however fire sacrifice is performed in worship of the great spirit in charge of destruction in all seven occult kingdoms this spirit is known as intrude Lord Shiva in the Hindu religion in the sacred Trinity of the Hindus Shiva is worshipped as God together with Vishnu and Brahma in the Hindu theology it is taught that Brahma who is four heads is the creator of this universe Vishnu is the director who maintains the universe while Shiva is the entity in charge of destruction in the universe these are the doctrines of the Fallen Angels which are abominations before the Lord during some invocations Shiva appears with the name Nataraja in which he manifested with his highest form of destruction Shiva is also the consort spiritual husband of goddess Kali queen of the space who is the oldest female spirit of the first occult kingdom of the air the sky or the astral plane goddess Kali is the originator of the art of Kali witchcraft which is very prominent all over the world the process of accumulating wealth via human sacrifice is perpetrated by The Witches of Kali we shall discuss this process in the last part of this book questions and answers indeed kylie is a very wicked spirit and she is highly respected and feared in all the occult kingdoms as kylie is the originator of kali witchcraft so also is she the originator of fire sacrifice the occult process of passing through the fire which is still being observed by the black witches and the witches of Abramelin indeed all that relates to fire sacrifice whether it is performed by any kind of witch or in worship of any kind of spirit ultimately goes to the queen of the space Carly all the profound followers of Indian occultism in the whole world are totally in submission to the esoteric recognition which promotes Kylie and her crafts as the predominating power presently working out most of the demonic manipulation controlling the world of man these are cultists recognize the present age of man as the age of Kali which is the age by which the earth men are ruled by goddess Kali by the love of money hypocrisy quarrel etc in the indian occultism there are four ages UGA's named after their controlling spirits demons in the esoteric mysteries of ancient Indian it is taught that a man who operates in one day of Brahma creator man is a great guardian spirits demons in the space operating as the fathers of mankind the entire spiritual operations of a man who is divided into seventy one millennium known in the Sanskrit as divya and Divya is again divided into four ages UGA's named after their controlling spirit such as one Satya Yuga to traitor Yuga three drat parry Yuga and four Kali Yuga the present age of man is called Kali Yuga the greatest fire occult sacrifice ever conducted on earth was performed in Egypt in the 13th century BC during the reign of Pharaoh ramus is the second this was conducted to inaugurate the golly you gob an occult Grandmaster then in Egypt called Gopal das it is taught that this guy Lee Yuga will still last on earth for hundreds of years to come but the Lord our God will frustrate the devices of Satan in Jesus name our men there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire during my first cosmic initiation of the operation Starlite conducted in the gobi desert by the Masters of the witches of Abramelin I danced around a burning fire for 108 times and also passed through the fire for seven times as part of the initiation ceremony see occult / and master now in Christ page 96 by Ike Nathan Uzoma this initiation covers a total of 10,000 degree of astro metaphysical powers powers of darkness in some secret societies there is also what is called fire purification performed during one's initiation into the occult in the past in which I was a Grand Master I used to initiate my chile's students via fire purification during such initiation I will sit on a throne while the disciple to be initiated will sit on a so-called holy mat before me about three seven or ten lamps of fire called RT light will be burning between the disciple and myself consequently the disciple must pass his hand through these lamps of fire so as to receive the symbol of initiation from me the officiating guru thus we were taught by spirits demons that both the symbol of initiation and the disciple are purified in the sacred fire through this process but this is an abomination before the Lord it is only the perfect blood of Jesus Christ that can totally purify the earth man there shall not be found among you anyone that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord remember that the devil is out to make evil to appear as good so as to lead you astray furthermore the system of occult initiation into the mysteries of the kingdoms of darkness by which one could pass through the fire was also practiced in the ancient Egypt Babylon Tibet etc this craft even flourished in Jerusalem in about 712 BC during the reign of manis a man assay himself was a master in the crafts of the esotericism of Egypt Persia and Babylon he rebelled against the true worship of the Almighty Jehovah and built altars in the land of Judah for the worship of the hosts of heaven demons operating as planetary spirits see second chronicles 33 1 to 13 the scriptures further reported of his abominations the and he caused his children to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom also he observed times and used enchantments and used witchcraft and dealt with a familiar spirit and with wizards he wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord to provoke him to anger second chronicles 33 6 by virtue of these abominations the scripture says so - a maid Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem to her and to do worse than the hidden whom the Lord had destroyed before the children of Israel and the Lord spoke to man a say and to his people but they would not hearken second chronicles 33 9 - 10 - a and his people disciples acting under the authority of the powers of darkins were convinced that the so called great powers of the occult will help them overcome the wrath of the god of their fathers Jehovah thus they refused to hearken to the voice of God just like many are doing today and the Lord spake to man si and to his people but they would not hearken but could their occult manipulations help them to overcome the wrath of God never listen to what happened to them due to their obnoxious attachment to the fallen angels demons wherefore the Lord brought upon them the captain of the host of the king of Assyria which took manner say among the thorns and bound him with fetters and carried him to Babylon second chronicles 33 11 there is no power in any realm of this great universe that can help an earth man in the day of the wrath of the Almighty if the Lord is with you you are blessed even if all men including all the elements and powers of darkness are against you but woe to you when the Lord Himself is against you for even if all men and all the occult powers are for you you will definitely be carried into Babylon now many people are already carried into Babylon the abode of unclean spirits and it is only Christ that can save them if you are a member of a canker hairy Krishna movement Grail movement Rosicrucian order a morgue research Bureau of The Twilight Zone order of the Silver Star or any secret society you are in Babylon indeed if you are not perfectly situated in Jesus Christ you are in Babylon if you are directly or indirectly in Babylon Christ can still save you if you call upon him all that God wants you to do is to repent of your sins forsake them and then totally submit to Christ as your only Savior in this connection manner safe finally did something which we must appreciate well in Babylon he repented of all his sins and consequently acknowledged Jehovah God as the only living power then the Lord blessed him forgave his sins took him out of Babylon and brought him again to Jerusalem all when he was in affliction he besought the Lord his God and humbled himself greatly before the god of his father's and prayed unto Him and he was entreated of him and heard his supplication and brought him again to Jerusalem into his kingdom then manner se knew that the Lord he was God second Chronicles 33 12 and 13 one that uses defamation defamation is an occult process of using the metaphysical powers of the forces of darkness to manipulate and investigate the unknown in order to learn of what had happened in the past what may happen now or what could happen in the future and this ancient occult art is still in progress in all various forms of witchcraft black white Kali and Raju or Abramelin different paraphernalia are required for divination such as deities images occult mirror : at beads cards livers and intestines of dead men or slaughtered beasts and precious stones to mention but a few the Abramelin witches of the ancient babylon are great masters in the various forms of divination this was relatively confirmed in the book magic supernaturalism and religion which has it that the witches of babylon were masters in the art of prescience predicting the future from the livers and intestines of slaughtered animals from fire and from the brilliancy of precious stones they foretold events from the murmuring of Springs and from the shape of plants atmospheric signs rain clouds wind and lightning were interpreted as foreboding the cracking of furniture and wooden panels foretold future events flies and other insects as well as dogs were the carriers of occult messages there is also a very higher esoteric manipulations by which images are used for divination in the indian occultism there is what is called a growl figure in the Sanskrit parlance which means God in the dirty form in the highest level of occult mysteries there is a process through which a grand master could install their life energy of the cosmic forces into an image to the end that the image could speak in the secret sanctum and be used for the art of divination it is through this same process that the image of the beast Antichrist will speak at last to the earth men and he deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had power to do and he had power to give life unto the image of the Beast that the image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the Beast should be killed Revelation 13 14 and 15 in occultism it is taught that whenever a Grand Master or an avatar installs the life energy of the cosmic forces into an image the Most High God called Chetan am who is Satan in disguise will project his power directly into the image and that by virtue of this the image becomes worthy of worship because it is then God in the image form a growl a gray to this end several images idols are being worshipped and used for divination and different secret societies in the city of Puri India three great images called Lord Jagannatha are installed in the jaganathan temple and worshipped as God the highest deity image of the International Society for Krishna consciousness in the whole Africa is presently installed at Benin City Nigeria these are two great Indian powers called Radha and Shyam asunder they are used for divination by the higher initiates of the society these two images deities are also invoked and worshipped as the lord of africa some masters of indian occultism used the image of saraswati for divination Saraswathi is worshipped as the goddess of knowledge and as the consort of lord brahma the images of Govinda Narayana the new man Krishna etc I will worshiped and used for divination by The Witches of India it is important to note that in many secret societies people worship these images in the sincere thought that they are worshiping the Almighty God in an image form but then they are all sincerely deceived for thus says the Lord thou shalt not make the any graven image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the waters beneath the earth thou shalt not bow down thyself unto them nor serve them for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God visiting the iniquity of the father's upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me Deuteronomy 5 8 & 9 in the ancient Babylon the witches of a broom Merlin were also masters in the occult art of the worship of images and of using the same for divination the three greatest images used for divination in Babylon include that of Nimrod semi Rama's and Tom use Tom use known as Shama stew the egg masters is one of the ascended masters of the air conquer society semi Rama's was the wife of Nimrod the son of cush and cush begat Nimrod he began to be a mighty one in the earth he was a mighty hunter before the Lord wherefore it is said even as nimrod the mighty hunter before the Lord and the beginning of his kingdom was babel Babylon Genesis ten eight to ten nimrod founded Babel or Babylon in 21:32 BC indeed Nimrods kingdom is the first kingdom of man mentioned in holy scriptures the Jewish encyclopedia volume 9 page 309 spoke of Nimrod as he who made all the people rebellious against God in the secret coven at the headquarters of the witches of a broom Merlin located in the Gobi Desert around Afghanistan the image of Nimrod is being worshipped as God incarnate avatar but they call him Sam raghu lord of the Raygun lord of the great Babylon the renowned Jewish historian Josephus in his book antiquities of the Jews spoke of Nimrod verse now it was Nimrod who incited them to such an affront and contempt of God he also gradually changed the government into tyranny seeing no other way of turning men from the fear of God the multitudes were very ready to follow the determination of Nimrod and they built a tower neither sparing any pains nor being in any degree negligent about the work and by reason of the multitude of hands employed in it it grew very high Josephus continued the place wherein they built a tower is now called Babylon after the death of Nimrod his wife semi rama's had sexual intercourse with some astra entities spirits of the air consequently she gave birth to her son tongue use tam use himself was also proclaimed and worshipped in Babylon as an incarnation of God the images of fire animals villas and trees were also used to represent Nimrod Semiramis and Tammuz whilst such images were usually consulted for divination even Nebuchadnezzar and other kings of Babylon were highly involved in this art of divination consulting of images in one occasion the Bible reported that the king of Babylon stood at the parting of the way at the head of the two ways to use divination he made his arrows bright he consulted with images he looked into the liver is equal 21 21 divination through a gravy gray is an occult process by which the powers of darken speak to the earth men this is an abomination before the Lord there shall not be found among you anyone that uses divination the greatest occult book on earth used for the art of divination is the ancient Chinese book called I Ching or the Book of Changes the esoteric principle of I Ching was received from great rulers of darkness by the witches of the Bremen and was consequently sustained on earth via oral tradition this continued until the 12th century BC when it was finally compiled in a book as a matter of fact there are different forms of divination practiced by which is all over the world for instance the art of graphology is a form of occult divination used by white witches graphology is the art of divination via the analysis of one's handwriting through the occult powers of extrasensory perceptions ESP the forces of darkness could assist a graphologist to discover the character interest weaknesses etc of an individual through his or her handwriting furthermore palmistry is another form of divination used by the white witches palmistry is the occult process of predicting one's future or present character through the lines and features of his hands natal astrology geomancy physiognomy tarot cards and shadow reading to mention but a few are various forms of divination z' hitherto in progress among different witches all over the world for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee an observer of times the Oh cult art of astrology is another form of divination it is an esoteric or Astro metaphysical process through which one may observe Times astrology originated in the ancient Babylon via The Witches of Abramelin but it was greatly practiced also in Egypt India China Tibet Assyria Persia Israel etc through the art of astrology which is the same with stargazing demons operating as planetary spirits will assist an astrologer via the unconscious level to prognosticate or anticipate the interactions between various planets in their heavenly houses in accordance with the zodiacal signs in order to counterbalance the malefic effects and nurture benevolent aspects before occult books known as the tetra boobless are the greatest ancient treatise on astrology these books are the work of ancient masters and adepts of the witches of a broom Merlin they were finally compiled in the second century AD by an Egyptian wizard and they are greatly in use today in different secret societies in the past I was also involved in this art of divination especially the natal astrology which has to do with the psychic analysis of horoscopes today many men and women boys and girls usually consult astrological horoscopes in the understanding that the position of the Sun Moon stars and the planets of the time of birth effects their daily lives in one way or the other but this understanding is an abomination before the Lord there is no amount of divination stargazing astrology prognostication analysis of horoscopes that will deliver a wicked man from the wrath of God stand now with thy enchantments and with the multitude of thy sorceries wherein thou has labored from the youth if so be thou shalt be able to profit if so be thou mayst prevail there art we read in the multitude of thy counsels let now the astrologers the stargazers the monthly prognosticators stand up and save thee from these things that we'll come upon thee Isaiah 47 12 and 13 in some newspapers the daily astrological analysis of horoscope based on the 12 signs of the zodiac are published those who consult such astrological analysis may not be aware that they are being linked up with the rulers of darkness however the analysis of horoscopes could work accurately for a personal group of persons but this does not make it valid before the all-mighty it may be record that the demon who took the form of the late prophet Samuel and spoke to King Saul gave saw the accurate information of what would happen to him but this accurate information cannot make such an unclean spirit to be clean before the Lord see 1st Samuel 28 7 to 20 as long as one is serving demons and heading to hell demons does not lose anything by telling him mundane truth nevertheless any information received from unclean spirits as well as the process of divination or otherwise through which such information is received are abomination before the Lord now it is important to note that in accordance with the astro metaphysical principles of the rulers of darkness that the life of each and everyone outside the righteousness of Christ is ruled or controlled by seven different spirits in every 364 days or one year indeed whatever is existing contrary to the will of God in the world of man whether it be marriage business etc is controlled by seven spirits each year these spirits are powerful demons operating as the guardian angels of fate and the cycles of life they are demons within the occult kingdom of the earth for instance if one who is not fully in Christ starts a business or marry on the first day of April a demon will be assigned to control that business or marriage from that day as a matter of fact the first day in which a human being or any other thing is born on earth a demon is projected to dominate and rule such a person or thing consequently the spirit that first began to rule the marriage business or the human life will operate for 52 days after which the second spirit will take over for the next 52 days the third till the seventh spirits will rule one after the other for the same 52 days each and these will total 364 days or one year at the end of the rulership of the seventh demon the first demon will start again the rulership of each spirit has only one propensity or system of operation or better expressed each spirit has his own modus operandi always maintained by him and what I do in the past when people consult me for occult assistance is to invoke these spirits and inquire of their system of operations to this end I could discover for instance that the first spirit ruling ones business does not want him the businessman to borrow money within the 52 days period of his rulership if the man does not comply his business will collapse when invoked each spirit will speak of how he operates when I speak of seven spirits I mean that the life of a carnal man marriage business or otherwise each is ruled by seven spirits when the operations of these seven spirits are discovered for a particular thing one would be commanded to observe the principles of the time period of their operations this is an abomination before the Lord there shall not be found among you an observer of times it is only those living fully in Christ Jesus that can overcome and destroy the manipulations of these so called guardian angels of fate and the cycles of life there is now no condemnation to those which are in Christ Jesus Romans 8:1 Shanta an enchanter is one who through the metaphysical powers of the account makes an enchantment incantations from time to time in order to achieve something the art of incantations or enchantments is practiced by all witches and wizards whether black or white Kylie or Abra melon in the esoteric mysteries of Indian occultism there are different mantras used for enchantments to bewitch people a mantra is an occult sacred formula with the invisible powers of darkness this could be used not only to bewitch people but also for initiation into a secret society thus a mantra could be repeated in prayers and incantations especially by mystics seeking liberation in India there are major mantras used for chanting and incantations in each of the four leading ways of moksha liberation known as one Raja yoga - jnaana yoga 3 bhakti yoga and 4 karma yoga the gaudiya society of India for instance is the greatest ancient secret society in India following the third way of moksha the bhakti-yoga system the Sanskrit word moksha means liberation from the limitations of gross material body via the system of yoga furthermore the greatest master of the gaudiya society in our time is swami prabhupada founder of the International Society for Krishna consciousness it was he who brought the chanting of the greatest mantra of the gaudiya society to America Africa and Europe this is called the Maha mantra supreme sound vibration the chanting of this mantra goes verse Harry Krishna Hari Krishna Krishna Krishna Harry Harry Rama Hari Rama Rama Hari Hara the chanting of the maha mantra is done in worship of the Hindu avatars such as Krishna and Rama a devotee must chant these words Maha mantra for above one thousand seven hundred and twenty eight times every day this is another way of invoking the powers of the Hindu gods there shall not be found among you an enchanter magicians are also very prominent in this manipulations of enchantments or incantations through the esoteric process of occult enchantments spirits of the elements of the earth water air sky and fire could combine the project powers to work with a true magician with such evil powers therefore even an ordinary paper in the hand of the magician could be seen as money by those watching him this was among the things I did in the past the duty of such spirits include to manipulate and bewitched the sight of those watching their agents the magician so that the more they look the less they see this is an abomination before the Lord now be warned that anyone engaged in watching the enchantment and incantations of a magician is by so doing exposing himself to the manipulations of the forces of darkness a witch in a literal sense a witch is a sorceress or any female agent of the forces of darkness practicing the art of black white collie or a broom alene witchcraft but in a relative esoteric parlance the word which applies to both the male and female agents of Satan practicing witchcraft witches and wizards the most active physical society or organization of witchcraft on earth now is the Church of Wicca founded in the United States by Archbishop Gavin Frost other great witchcraft secret societies include the religious order of witchcraft research Bureau of The Twilight Zone garden Aryan governs order Tempe Orientis and the Church of the eternal sources to mention but a few the spirits of witchcraft have unlimited ways through which they manipulate the Earthmen also in the realm of spirits a witch could kill his or her wife husband child mother father brother sister or friend in order to achieve promotion within the kingdoms of darkness thou shalt not suffer a witch to live exodus 20:2 18 all forms of witchcraft are abomination before the Lord a charmer a charmer is one that uses the metaphysical powers of the occult to hypnotize and manipulate another person in one way or the other the powers of darkins used as charm to influence and dominate another person could be projected and concentrated in amulets deities idols rings talismans etc all witches and wizards have occult power to charm another person in the past I used different paraphernalia to Chum and destroy the lives of many people such paraphernalia include one semen fingernail sweat excreta hair etc this craft is a great abomination before the Lord a consulted with familiar spirits this is a highly possessed Twitchell wizard operating as the medium through which great demons functioning as second personalities invisible teachers spiritual guides and ascended masters could speak to the seekers of occult and esoteric knowledge I once served in this occult degree indeed there was a time that the invisible forces demons spoke through me too many people twice every week now this process of consulting with familiar spirits is done via an esoteric and Astra metaphysical craft called cosmic transmission in the mystical parlance this is a process through which a very powerful spirit could directly speak through a well-trained human agent and whatever a demon says through this process of cosmic transmission is proclaimed as an absolute fact and could be published as such sometimes a demon could speak through this process and claim to be the old mighty God it is necessary to state at this point that through this cosmic transmission or consulting with familiar spirits many great accounts mystical religious esoteric metaphysical and psychic books have been written and published the contents of such book are the doctrines of the Fallen Angels which are made to appear as the true teaching of the Almighty God so that those who read and follow such books could be led astray now the spirit speaketh expressly that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of Devil's first Timothy 4:1 beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit after the tradition of men after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ Colossians 2:8 the so called great books which were written through consulting with familiar spirits include the following divine Iliad under the I grant Azuga holy quran watcher in the night of Mencius heat to the secret world's doctrines of the ten immortals srimad-bhagavatam guru granth Sade the doctrine of the mean the Book of Mormon Aquarian gospel of Jesus Christ the grail message volumes one two three the most holy book the teachings of Lord Yama the teachings of lord caitanya bhagavadgita Lotus Sutra I Ching Cherokee sigmod the secret doctrine of Jesus and the terrible blows to mention but a few these books and many others are specific channels through which one could be linked up with the powers of darkness if you have any of these books please destroy them and worship only the true Lord of the universe Jesus Christ these books and their philosophies are abominations before the great almighty Jehovah and the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ a wizard a wizard is a male operating with the clairvoyant powers of the occult or any male involved in the art of Kali black a bream Ellen or white witchcraft a wizard operating with the powers of darkness could project into another person or beyond locked doors and other solid material elements to do evil this was what I did in the past when I was a wizard of the Abramelin witchcraft furthermore a master of the Abramelin could manipulate people and cause them to worship him as God for instance most of those who are being worshipped as God on earth were masters of the abreu malign witchcraft for details see volume 2 of this book Simon of Samaria mentioned in the Bible is a true example of how a wizard could bewitch people and cause them to worship Him as avatar the manifestation of the supreme power of God see acts chapter 8 verses 9 to 11 wizardry is a great abomination before the Lord thou shalt not suffer a witch to live necromancy necromancy is another form of divination it is the occult art of communication with the dead in order to learn or discover something such as the future this are called art is another craft practiced by the witches of a broom Merlin nevertheless necromancy is a process of higher esoteric manipulations of the great rulers of darkness this is so because through this process a demon will disguise himself in the form to speak to the earth men this is designed to deceive the earth meant to believe that the dead could be invoked to appear physically again via the powers of the occult for more on witchcraft and the process of their secret meetings in the realm of spirits see the author's book entitled the spirit realm vol 1 also see occult Grand Master now in Christ by Ike Nathan use Alma for detail on the aspect relating to witchcraft blind initiation for all that do these things are an abomination unto the Lord God bless the reader part 3 questions and answers for there is nothing secret that shall not be made manifest neither anything hid that shall not be known in come abroad Luke 8 17 question 1 what would you say of the power of Jesus Christ in relation to other powers in the universe answer first of all we should recognize that there are various categories of power in this great universe now I am speaking of the diverse units of spiritual and metaphysical powers operating in the human realm as well as in the realms of spirits demons and of the Holy Angels there are various categories of power in the universe but let it be emphasized that each and every category of power operating on earth or in the realm of fire or in the water or in the kingdoms of the air or otherwise is subject to the son of man Jesus Christ Christ Himself also proclaimed all power is given to me in heaven and in earth Matthew 28:18 in the seven occult kingdoms the home of principalities and powers of darkness there are four hundred thousand categories of spirits which are the degrees of operations and manipulations of esoteric forces this is already explained in my book see occult brand master now in Christ by Ike Nathan uzoma in the book of Saint Matthew chapter 17 verse 21 our Lord Jesus Christ confirmed in a relative sense that there are different kinds or categories of demons the Lord said howbeit to this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting the phrase this kind means there are other kinds and among these different kinds of demons includes the array Havas elementals earth masters angel guardians demigods astral forces planetary spirits prefers yamadutas ye and divers guardians of the flame and the ascended masters to mention but a few it is important to note however that the energy essence of some of these Devils is very potent and highly concentrated with esoteric and metaphysical powers to the extent that some of them operate as predominating deities Lord or Prince of some earthly kingdoms nations tribes and major secret societies the human agents of the powers of darkins are also in various categories of occult operations there are minor agents or sub agents of esoteric mysteries who operate in the lowest realms of the kingdoms of darkness there are main agents of demons whose operations covers between 10,000 to 60,000 degrees of esoteric powers there are principal human agents who operate between 60,000 to 100,000 esoteric degrees of the powers of darkness and there are absolute agents of esoteric mysteries avatars who operate in the highest level of esoteric consciousness or between 100,000 to 200,000 Astra metaphysical degrees this was the final level which I reached and became living grandmaster while in this level i was also proclaimed on earth to be the expected master of our time this is the mystical level in which one would reach and claim to be Lord Savior etc through specific manipulations there have always been few human beings in this ultimate level of esoteric mysteries in both the past and the present generations of men all these human agents of the powers of darkens as well as the various categories of demons in all the occult kingdoms are under Satan who is worshipped as the Most High God in all the kingdoms of darkness Satan whom I knew in the past as chit Nam has his realm of spiritual power which is the highest realm of all the occult kingdoms nevertheless Satan the god of this world and all his Empire of forces are under the immutable authority of Jesus Christ the scripture spoke of the authority of Christ verse 4 by him were all the things created that are in heaven and that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him Colossians 1:16 even their holy angels of the Almighty God also have various categories of power this is evident in the holy scriptures for instance in the Bible we found that there was a time when God sent a certain angel to prophet Daniel and that the way of this holy angel was blocked for twenty-one days by a highly concentrated energy essence of great demons operating as the Prince of Persia but another great arranger operating in a higher category of spiritual power came and banished the Prince of Persia and thus rescued the other angel the angel who was rescued told Daniel fear not Daniel for from the first day that thou didst set thine heart to understand and to chasten thyself before thy God thy words were heard and I am come for thy words with the Prince of the kingdom at Persia withstood me one and twenty days but lo Michael of the chief Prince's came to help me proper understanding of the above incident will lead to the recognition that the holy angels of heaven including the Archangels the cherubims and seraphim's the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures to mention but a few all are in different categories of spiritual powers so also are the children of God on earth who are in different levels of the anointing of the holy spirit power now all these categories of spiritual power whether they be that of demons or human agents of the forces of darkness or of the holy angels are limited in one way or the other consequently if you submit to the kingdoms of darkman's and worship demons you are in trouble if you worship Satan the proclaimed god of this world you are gone on the other hand if you worship the holy angels you have failed and if you fear man and worship Him as God then woe to you for the fear of man bringeth a snare proverbs 29:25 the scripture had warned but not your trust in Princes nor in the son of man in whom there is no help charm 146 3 again thus saith the Lord cursed be the man that trusted in man and maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departeth from the Lord Jeremiah 17:5 therefore hear Jesus Christ is the only true power Jesus Christ is the creator the source and the master of all power in every realm of existence Jesus Christ is the son of God in the multi-dimensional Lord and Savior of the universe who operates beyond the propensity of matter space time and energy and anyone who does not enter through Christ to Jesus into the eternal realm of blessed powers but decided presumptuously to enter through the proclaimed lords and gods in high and low places the same is a thief and a robber John 10:1 for though there be that the cooled God's whether in heaven or in earth as there be God's many and Lords many but to us there is one God the Father of whom are all things and we in him and one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him 1st Corinthians 8 5 and 6 in every realm of existence whatever and whosoever stands in opposition to the power of Christ must perish at last and of our Lord Jesus Christ the oh mighty father had decreed that only those who received him are granted the universal spiritual authority to live and operate on earth in the essence of the recognition and power of bona fide ease sonship hence the scriptural expression but as many as received him to them gave he power to become the sons of God even to them that believe on his name John 1:12 question 2 when a believer binds a demon what happens to that demon answer the intensity of the emotional focus of the prayer force of each and every believer will determine what happens to a demon or demons or their human agents if the intensity of one's prayer force is on a lower level such a one may not bind a demon but if one's prayer force has intensified on a greater degree of spiritual consciousness then the potency of his prayer can maim any demon now the objective and subjective intensity of every prayer solely depends on the extent to which a believer is practically involved in the righteousness of the Lord and Savior of the universe our Lord Jesus Christ I am speaking of the righteousness of spirit of Christ in your thoughts words and deeds this is very important for your victory over the Prince of Darkness Satan without the righteousness of Christ no man on earth can overcome the abyss vermin of principalities and powers of darkness the Lord Jesus even admonished he that hath an ear let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna and will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it revelation 2:17 on the binding of demons a believer should first have all recognized the fact that there are different kinds of demons operating against humanity whilst each kind operates in a certain degree of esoteric power within the kingdoms of darkness it was our Lord Jesus Christ who stated specifically that there are some kinds of demons which a believer cannot bind which cannot be cast out or neutralized if such a believer does not uphold and observe prayer and fasting speaking to his disciples on why they were unable to cast out or banished a certain demon Jesus Christ said howbeit to this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting see Matthew 17 14 to 21 this is another way of impressing it upon the consciousness of the disciples at the battle against the powers of darkens requires greater intensity and potency of the spiritual energy and vibration that emanates from fasting and prayer in other words if a believer did not truly fast and pray as required by our Lord and Master Jesus Christ he cannot bind that kind of demon that can only be cast out through prayer and fasting consequently if a believer is slothful in observing the spiritual exercise approved by the Lord such as fasting his prayer force cannot penetrate into the ethereal layers of the kingdoms of darkens to bind and to root out the highly concentrated demons and if a so-called believer is indulging in secret sins his prayer forces will be at a zero point not only that such a believer can do absolutely nothing in binding devils but that even the elemental spirits which are the lowest demons in the kingdoms of darkness can maim him of course our Lord Jesus Christ had empowered each and every believer to bind demonic manipulations and operations verily I say unto you whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven matthew 18 18 but a believer must practically uphold the spiritual condition necessary for success in the process of this binding otherwise he will be defeated in the field of battle our Lord Jesus Christ also spoke of the required condition which a believer must keep - in order for worth so ever he shall bind on earth to be bound in heaven thus the words of the Lord is expressed in the book of Saint John chapter 15 verse 7 as it that if we abide in me and my words abide in you ye shall ask what ye will and it shall be done unto you that is it you must abide in Jesus Christ and the words of the Lord must abide in you but for anything you bind on earth can be bound in heaven obviously when one is fully in Christ and the words of Christ abides fully in him such a believer can pull down the high places of demons he can banish any demon in all the occult kingdoms even the greatest entity of the realms of darkness Satan must flee from such a believer because he is fully in the light Christ is the light of the universe and if Christ is a new every power of Darkness must flee from you st. Paul summarized the condition by which a believer can always bind and overcome the diverse crafts and manipulations of principalities and powers of darkness in chapter 6 verse 10 and 11 of his epistle to the Ephesians he wrote finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil if you are not strong in the Lord and if you do not put on the whole armour of God then you are not recognized you are not recognized by the holy angels of God to be a soldier of Christ neither are you recognized by the Prince of Darkness as a threat to the kingdoms of darkness thus demons cannot flee from you now on what happens to a demon when a true believer in Christ binds him let me say that there are different things that may happen based on certain conditions for instance a fast strong and a true believer in our Lord Jesus Christ binds a demon of lust and cast him away such a demon will be neutralized immediately as far as his operations and manipulations in that dimension of lust are concerned in such a case that demon may be empowered in the kingdoms of darkness to enter into another dimension of operation and he may thus begin to operate as a demon of anger or vanity or otherwise as a matter of fact the mighty powers of darkness as well as their principle and absolute human agents have certain higher manipulations that enables them to often escape whenever they encounter a highly anointed man of God I am saying this by virtue of my past experience in the realm of spirits for instance a demon with four heads and eight hands in his real form may discard this form and sky's himself in a different form to operate and manipulate his power against a believer when a man of God binds this demon in such a condition the demon could discard that form and escape with his true form to continue his evil acts in a different realm consequently the discarded form may change into a powerless or dead animal or otherwise and could be seen as such in a related subjective experience in another occasion a demon may while operating in his true form encounter a highly anointed man of God in such a case the demon is in a real trouble because if the man of God binds him and cast him into the deeper fire it will be done immediately what happens when the man of God binds the demon is that a strange force holy spirit will neutralize the demon spiritually lift him up beyond his resistance and cast him into the realm called Yama lock in the Sanskrit mystical parlance meaning the deeper fire there are still other things that may happen when a true believer binds a demon furthermore what happens to a human agent of the powers of darkness when he encounters a believer in Christ depends on the level of esoteric manipulations of such an agent as well as the level of the anointing of the believer a human agent of the powers of darkness who is in the lower occult level will be immediately neutralized the moment he encounters a man of God but an agent on a higher level may escape through higher manipulations of demons for such an agent to escape he must know when he has to cease in a spiritual battle in order to be able to flee in all aspects however the forces of darkness must flee from a child of God question 3 in your book occult / and master now in Christ you did say that there is around a fire located beyond the earth where people who die in sin go after death on earth could you please explain more about this fire answer I wish to say firstly on this matter that the invisible Kingdom or realm of fire is not created by demons rather it was created by the Almighty God as the last eternal home of Satan his demons and human agents the scripture says and the angels which kept not their first estate but left their own habitation he hath reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day Jude 6 and the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are and shall be tormented day and night forever and ever and whoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire revelation 20:10 and 15 therefore just as the Almighty God created the earth the Sun the moon the star and other heavenly bodies in the universe so also was the eternal realm of fire created by him in the occult recognition the realm of fire is an invisible subterranean region called Yama Locke and from human calculations it is located millions of miles beyond the physical atmosphere this is where sinners go after their death in this physical realm now it is important to note that man is a complex entity existing in three major dimensions or better expressed man is a tripartite being with body soul and spirit in the gross material body the earth man exists on the dimension of the objective consciousness which corresponds roughly to the physical senses and the body of man in essence is limited by the mundane contract it can make that is what we can hear see feel smell etc the body is further limited by the propensity zuv matter space time and energy the body of man belongs to the conscious layer related to the spinal nervous system whilst its major organ of action is the brain which contains present thinking and impressions the tools of operation of the body include volition self-preservation prestige and personality but when possessed by the elements of darkness demons the physical dimension of man body becomes the seat of fear physical disease tiredness and other related predicaments the spirit of man is the real man the human spirit is the active principal entity which makes the body to move and so many ways when the human spirit is totally absent in the body is the body considered dead but the human spirit does not die it is part and parcel of the primordial species of the Creator which is eternal the eternal spirit of man is covered by a subtle potent psychic essence called soul or mind thus both the spirit and soul of man are within the invisible dimension of existence the soul of man mind serves as the channel through which the human spirits project the awareness of being to the physical body there are four fundamental faculties of the mind so through which the awareness from the human spirit is projected to the human body and there is a state of universal super consciousness within the soul or mind of man through which the mind maintains continuous contact with the consciousness of the human spirit whilst it is by the potency of the spirit alone that man could contact the Lord and worship Him the scripture says that God is a spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth John 4:24 the spirit and soul of man belongs to the invisible layer and you can only worship God through the submission of your spirit naturally the spirit of man is the seat of wisdom intuition and inspiration it is the seat of what is called higher self but when a man is born again in the name of Christ and is filled with the Spirit of God his spirit becomes the seat of the Holy Ghost power it is by the potency of this almighty power that the spirit of man operates in the highest essence of inspiration wisdom and intuitive perceptions nevertheless if a man is an agent of demons demons could advance a psychic manipulation through which they could separate the soul from the body and thus carry the soul and spirit of man to operate in the kingdoms of darkness I want to emphasize once again that the human spirit resides inside the soul thus when demons carry the soul out into the kingdoms of darkness through astral projection also travel the soul still retains the capacity of hearing seeing taste etc via the energy of the Spirit at this point the human spirit also maintains consciousness life in the physical body through the silver cord which is invisible so an agent of demons could thus travel outside his body to operate consciously with evil spirits now let it be emphasized that a death the silver cord is finally broken to the end that the soul and the spirit can no longer return to the physical body at this point the eternal existence of the soul transcends the control and manipulations of demons the only place that the soul and spirit of man travels to after death is either heaven or hell and this depends on your relationship with the Almighty God while you are physically alive our Lord Jesus Christ spoke of this in the Holy Scriptures that is in the Gospel according to Saint Luke chapter 16 verse 19 to 31 where he told us of two people who once lived physically on earth the first man Lazarus was a righteous man who served the Lord his God but he was poor the second man the rich man was wicked in the sight of Lord whilst he lived under the authority of the god of this world Satan in connection to this it is very important to note that Jesus is the highest authority in all matters of life death and their life Hereafter he created all things he knows all things consequently he gave man this information about Lazarus and the rich man in order to show what happens to man after physical death therefore the righteous Lazarus died physically on earth but spiritually the angels came and carried his soul and spirit into paradise the wicked rich man also died on earth but his soul and spirit was carried into the fire of hell wherein he opened his eyes and recognized himself in everlasting predicament we should not forget that the rich man represents the sinners and all those who claim to worship God without Christ the doctrine of Satan and the fallen spirits has established in different cults and secret societies hold that man does not go to Hellfire that there is nothing like Hellfire that those who die on earth are reincarnated again they also teach that if there is Hellfire it is a place of reformation for the soul personality this is a great lie the truth is that when one dies in sin the next place he regains awareness is inside the fire of Hell so don't be deceived hell is real question 4 in your book occult Grand Master now in Christ you said that there are only but seven occult kingdoms however another brother spoke of his visit to 14 occult kingdoms how do you reconcile these answer in connection to your question let me recall that in the same book occult brand master now in Christ I did state that there are seven occult kingdoms in the universe and that the totality of these kingdoms is known only to the few grand masters of esoteric mysteries I also stated there that when I speak of the seven occult kingdoms I am speaking from the cosmological verdict of the order of astral and terrestrial hierarchy that projects the final basis of esoteric thought I am NOT speaking from the concept of one particular earthly secret society but from a universal occult recognition I even specifically mentioned that one earthly secret society may discover some regions or planes within an occult kingdom and consequently proclaim such regions or planes to be Kingdom's for instance there are five major zones and 1100 regions for the operations of forces in the entire water realm but some students of esoteric mysteries may call these zones and regions Kingdom in a relative mystical sense such a cultists or human agents are correct but in the ultimate sense of esotericism and occultism they are wrong because all the zones and regions of the entire water realm were in one occult Kingdom called band war Kingdom therefore when an agent of demons speaks of his visit to about 20 or more spiritual kingdoms in the water he is speaking of various zones and regions within one kingdom furthermore one may speak of his visit to about 14 or more kingdoms of darkman's on earth but these are not ultimately recognized as kingdoms rather they're still zones and regions in one Kingdom the occult kingdom of the earth in the occult kingdom of the earth called Tuvok Kingdom there are ten zones 1270 regions and thirty million centres for demonic operations to summer cultists who are below the highest state of esoteric perfection such zones regions and centers of demons on earth are Kingdom's even the first occult kingdom of the air called the astral kingdom has 90 million planes within it whilst these planes are proclaimed to be Kingdom's by some agents of the kingdom of darkness nevertheless the order of Astra and terrestrial hierarchy which coordinates all the occult kingdoms recognize the existence of only seven occult kingdoms and they are one Davitt kingdom which is the occult kingdom of the earth two and war Kingdom which is the water occult kingdom three yemalog kingdom which is a mysterious occult kingdom of fire or the realm of fire for astral kingdom which is the first occult kingdom of the air five terrestrial Kingdom which is the second dog health kingdom of the air six as gyro Kingdom which is the third occult kingdom of the air and seven kilometer the fourth occult kingdom of the air and the headquarters of all the occult kingdoms wherein dwells chitin am satan whom the mystics know as the Most High God see occult brand master now in Christ by Ike Nathan use Alma as early as stated the totality of these occult kingdoms is known only to the few perfect masters of esoteric mysteries these are the human agents who have reached the highest mystical perfection and are empowered to proclaim themselves as Lord and Master on earth this was the perfection which our tained in 1990 in other words those who did not reach the occult level in which every spirit worshipped them cannot know the totality of the occult kingdoms called cosmic manifestation however let me state at this point that some great esoteric cults such as the order of virag ii the great white brotherhood air conquer etc speaks of ten occult kingdoms this is relatively true such mystics consider yama lakh as two kingdoms due to its two major aspects of operation they further consider terrestrial as two kingdoms causal and etheric while they also consider Azure as two separate occult kingdoms satlok and a lair lock in other words the ten occult kingdoms are within the seven occult kingdoms of Satan thus in the Bible Satan is revealed as a beast with seven heads and ten horns and there appeared another wonder in heaven and behold a great red dragon having seven heads and ten horns and seven Crown's upon his heads revelation 12:3 these horns and heads may apply to the occult kingdoms question five in the past you were proclaimed and worshipped as Lord how did this make sense to you then considering the fact that you also knew a few others who are worshiped like wise answer the understanding within the cosmic realms of principalities and powers of darkins relating to the manifestation or the coming of the Lord Messiah Savior or Christ is greatly opposed to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ when the concept of expected master Messiah Christ or Lord is expressed in the realm of spirits they demons hold that this cannot be just only one particular person consequently in all the mystery schools and temples of gold and wisdom within the realm of spirits it is taught for instance that Christ is not a personality but the highest esoteric office of metaphysical power it is further taught that any master in the highest level of Astro metaphysical perfection has attained the office of Christ Christ hood and could thus begin to function as expected Lord in his particular jurisdiction or realm of esoteric operations and manipulations on earth to this end such being as Krishna Buddha Jesus Zoroaster etc are proclaimed by demons and their agents to be past Christ's or ascended masters the above explanation is also the esoteric basis by which there are still few people presently on earth who are claiming to be Lord and Savior for details see volume 2 of this book like myself in the past each of these so-called perfect masters is manipulated to see himself as the Lord of spirits they are sincerely deceived however each is aware of the existence of others some of them operate as enemies but all are aware of their ultimate 'unity in the realm of spirits when one has attained the final and the highest perfection of esoteric mysteries and is empowered by the hierarchy of the forces of all the occult kingdoms to operate on earth as Lord expected master Christ he will also be trained to master the consummate art of manipulations of spiritual and metaphysical forces in his assignment as a proclaimed avatar God among men or cosmic actor in once proclaimed role as expected master he is consequently recognized as a cosmic actor each actor is required by the hierarchy of the esoteric forces demons to act what is called psychic drama or religious drama on earth any religious drama acted on earth by an ordained cosmic actor is considered in the highest realm of spirits demons as a major contribution towards the spiritual advancement progress or promotion of the cosmic manifestations kingdoms of darkness while acting such a religious drama however the proclaimed expected master is further required to operate a spiritual movement secret societies cult church mystical temple sanctum or any related esoteric fraternity but some may also be required to limit their official mystical operations on earth to an already existing society church movement or fraternity within the highest realm of the rulers of Darkness the headquarters of all the occult kingdoms Kalani each and every religious drama approved or ordained by the hierarchy of the esoteric forces demons is recognized to be the final psychic process of translating the greatest occult or metaphysical experience of the invisible multi-dimensional reality to the objective consciousness as such an agent of the kingdoms of darkness who is empowered to operate on earth as a Christ Savior expected master or avatar Godman will also be required to propagate esoteric and exoteric teachings that will relatively negate the existence of Devils hell salvation etc one of the chief duties of such proclaimed Lord is to manipulate people especially his disciples to consider these Devils hell salvation etc as mere symbols of profound cosmic value transcending any degree of a corresponding understanding on earth all these other manipulations of demons designed to deceive humanity question 6 why do some of these so-called Masters operate as enemies on earth answers some of these proclaimed masters who operate as enemies on earth used to fight each other spiritually from time to time in the first place it is a fact that some masters are more famous in the earthly sense than others but all are in the same spiritual level in the occult kingdoms in the past in which I was one of the proclaimed masters on earth I and few others fought greatly at one time or the other what actually brought this fight the enmity among the living perfect masters of esoteric mysteries was a certain vacant and most important throne for human agents in the realm of spirits which we struggled to possess this throne is called the Messiah throne of power a decree was made in the highest occult Kingdom that any living grand perfect master who will fight overcome and possess the throne will become the coordinator of all the living and ascended Grand Master and that from 2000 ad to 2057 ad the whole world shall be manipulated to worship such a one as the one and the only God with the total support of the powers of all the occult kingdoms including all the Grand Master's of the highest occult level already there was a secret plan made to use a great politician in the occult level six six six to cause a Great Tribulation that would reduce the population of mankind to less than 260,000 see occult Grand Master now in Christ by Ike Nathan Uzoma this plan was designed to enable one master to reign as God over all human beings this politician was to finally serve under the false messiah in other words the politician will be the president in the whole world who would direct all human beings to worship the proclaimed master as God in the Holy Bible this evil plan of demons is expressed as the coming of the beast and the false prophet or the reign of the Antichrist which will take place after the rapture of the saints nevertheless many Grand Master's fought because of this Messiah throne in different parts of the world while some joined forces with others during this great battle the first person to declare his intention for this throne was yuku Stuart the moment he did so he immediately attracted my wrath and that of some masters in different parts of the world however yuku Stuart still vowed that he would prevail over all the living grand masters of esoteric mysteries who were opposed to his ambition of becoming the world ruler consequently I and four other Grand Master's set millions of esoteric and metaphysical forces in motion against you crew Stuart within more than 500 million regions of demonic operations in the occult kingdoms I led these forces in battle against yuku Stuart with the assistance of my associates and in less than 30 days of constant projections and manipulations these forces banished and nullified the ambition of you who stood there after he died another person who also fought because of this throne was a will Christ who is also known as and called the Lamb of God in the realm of spirits the will Christ officially challenged me for a fight in connection to the throne the law of every battle connected to the Messiah throne is that whosoever is defeated in a battle can no longer contest for it it is a throne made only for the strongest living Grandmaster my battle with a whew Christ was fought in the first occult kingdom of the air the astral world during this battle I and my forces demons were on one side of an astral river while a woo Christ and his forces were on the other side many living and ascended masters including major entities and powers of the kingdoms of darkness entered into the astral river to watch who would overcome between us but majority of them were secretly in support of me from the other side of the river awooo Christ asked me my friend are you doubting that I am the one who will possess the throne I answered if you are the one then prove yourself and he told me today it will be settled between us and you will know at last that I am the coming world leader having spoken verse the will Christ ascended upwards and manifested greater occult powers by which he expanded himself and covered the face of some parts of the astral clouds then my forces and his began to fight the Grand Master's and higher spirits in my support came out from the river and joined me to fight a whit riced we simultaneously projected forces in motion to fight a will Christ from every side of the astral clouds finally our forces subdued him and compressed him into the size of a football then I ordered my invisible servants to struck him off from the clouds when they did this the Wu Christ fell down from the clouds whilst I got hold of him and put him inside a bag and the battle was over there were Christ was set free from this predicament but his ambition was immediately nullified and because of the chaos which the struggle for this throne brought in the realm of spirits among the living Grand Master's in many parts of the world a stop was put on any battle connected to it and everything about it was deferred till the year 1995 it was agreed that in that year the person who will assume the throne will be elected in the highest occult Kingdom many higher spirits were convinced that I would be elected in that year because they considered me to be more of their aisle in Astro metaphysical operations than other living Grand Master's of esoteric mysteries question 7 does demons have a way of monitoring people especially the believers answers in the book of psalms chapter 37 verse 32 the Bible says that the wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him the wicked in this connection are principalities and powers of Darkness or demons and their human agents whilst the righteous are the true believers in other words demons are always engaged in watching the activities of the believers with only one aim to slay the righteous of course the forces of darkness are also engaged in watching the unbelievers but their psychic energy is more concentrated against the believers the unbelievers are already subjected to the daily manipulations of the powers of darkness whilst the believers are fighting the rulers of dark and so as to free the unbelievers from such manipulations thus the evil powers of demons and their human agents are focused on the highest exasperation against the followers of Christ consequently the holy spirit through Saint Peter had warned each and every Christian to be sober be vigilant because your adversary the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom he may devour first Peter 5:8 the wicked watcheth the righteous and seeketh to slay him yes the forces of darkness have different instructions made with astral or celestial fabrics with which they could peep into the life of a person from time to time and there are some of such instruments with which a person could be constantly monitored by demons on a daily basis the forces of darkness and their human agents have such subtle instruments Astro our medic tater celestial mirror blue water astral gemstone etheric gemstone animus third eye Akashic black stone psychic camera astral television etc with which they could monitor people on earth especially the believers thus demons have different ways and instruments through which they watch the righteous but even with these instruments and much more the true believers in Christ are seen to be beyond destruction some believers are seen inside an ocean of blood the blood of Jesus some are seen as unapproachable pillars of fire while some are still seen inside a fire of protection however if a believer fails to continue in the righteousness of Christ he will lose the protection of the Holy Spirit then demons or their human agents could slay him question 8 what would you say generally about the spiritual war between the believers and the forces of darkness answer every believer is in a spiritual battle against the forces of darkness for we wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against the rulers of the darkness of this world against spiritual wickedness in high places Ephesians 6:12 generally speaking spiritual battles are fought in three major levels the first level of spiritual battle is the elementary level the believers in this level cannot pull down the high places of highly concentrated demons neither can they withstand the high manipulations of demons and their human agents the believers who their spiritual warfare to this elementary level could be wrecked by evil powers in the field of battle in the second level of spiritual battle believers could be strong in the Lord yet they may not want to enter into direct battle with demons operating as controlling spirits or with human agents operating as living Grand Master's such believers however can never be manipulated for as long as they remain strong in the Lord the third or the highest level of spiritual battle is the level in which a believer is constantly strong in the Lord and always engaged in the battle against the territorial forces and mighty controlling powers of darkness it is only such a believer who becomes a major threat to the entire kingdoms of darkness demons and their human agents in high and low places therefore it is very dangerous for any believer to remain in the elementary level of spiritual warfare each and every believer should enter into the highest realm of spiritual battle against principalities and powers of darkness any believer who does not want to be maimed by the fiery darts of the wicked should immediately go beyond the ordinary level of spiritual warfare there was a certain believer in this elementary level of spiritual warfare who married a sister an agent of demons highly possessed by witchcraft forces in a gospel Church the very night after their wedding the man and his wife went to bed around 2:00 a.m. the lady asked her husband brother me and you who is the head of this house the man looked up in surprise why did you ask me this question he asked the woman replied I just want to know tell me who is the head of this house then the man answered according to the Bible man is the head of the house the woman told him that is according to the Bible but I want to know according to you who is the head of this house then the man finally told her according to the Bible I am the head of this house at this point this so-called sister told her husband I don't think that you are the head of this house wait and see then with her demonic powers she transformed herself into a serpent and into a tortoise and into a cat and into a lion and finally into a human being then again she asked her husband now who is the head of this house the man was already possessed by the demons of fear so he answered his wife please you are the head of this house early in the morning of that day the man packed his things and moved to the church although the woman was delivered at last but for the fact that the man married her initially is the outcome of being in an elementary level of warfare there was another brother who also married to highly possessed lady in a gospel church one night his pastor came to pray with him after praying together for some time the man went into bedroom to call his wife to come and join them by that time it was already more than 12:00 midnight when the man entered the bedroom he saw a big serpent instead of his wife he informed the pastor who is a highly anointed man of God the man in the pastor went into the bedroom and began to pray as they began to pray and to plead the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ a hand came out of the serpent then legs came and finally the serpent became the woman the woman was not delivered however rather she traveled to her parents home and died the few days later this is the danger of being in the elementary level of warfare many believers have even lost their lives in this process indeed when it comes to marriage the senses of some believers including some so-called strong ones are dominated by the evil power of lust thus even a strong believer who is not very watchful at this point could be manipulated to marry an agent of devil this should not be so we must become constantly fixed in the highest level of spiritual battle this is the only way we can overcome question nine could you please tell us more of your battle against believers answers in all the seven occult kingdoms believers are called psychic criminals thus demons and their human agents are always engaged in a spiritual battle against Christians during my occult operations I fought believers in diverse ways some of which are already contained in my book occult Grand Master now in Christ for instance there was a time that a prominent evangelist from USA came to Nigeria for a crusade which was held in Colaba Kluber is one of the 1270 regions of demonic powers on earth then some of my specific manipulations were concentrated in Colaba consequently I vowed that the crusade must not hold whilst I mobilized thousands of spirits to operate and direct the proposed crusade we were fully aware that this evangelist was coming to annihilate some of our operations therefore we did not take it kindly with him rather we advanced higher manipulations against the organizers of the crusade I projected about 600,000 spirit to fight the crusade organisers and because these believers were not prayerful in the Lord as required they were manipulated and impelled into spiritual slothfulness whilst almost all their leaders entered into secret sins which include fornication adultery anger pride etc their carnal state gave us enough strength to finally spoil the crusade and caused destruction among the on the very day of this crusade I transformed myself into a vulture and led thousands of demons into the crusade ground I commanded these demons and their combined to operate a mighty storm thunder and rain that made it difficult for the crusade to hold beyond the first day this crusade was scheduled to hold for three days but through demonic manipulations owing to sinful life of those that organized it that crusade partially held only on its first day even at the end of this first day I commanded demons and their combined to operate Thunder which was specifically sent to kill the American evangelist who lodged at the flamboyant Metropolitan Hotel Calibur the Thunder however destroyed part of his room but the man of God was not killed neither was he harmed but that was the end of that crusade because this man of God immediately left Calibur without continuing the crusade question 10 from your past experience what is your advice to the Christians on how to overcome their powers of darkness answer in the first place a believer has no cause to fear principalities and powers of darkness when a believer is not afraid but abides solely in the righteousness of our Lord Jesus Christ there is nothing the powers of darkness will do to him indeed such a believer will even become a terror to the kingdoms of darkness however the problem of some believers is fear our Lord strongly admonished let not your heart be troubled you believe in God believe also in me John 14:1 and in verse 27 of the same chapter he further stated peace I leave with you my peace I give unto you not as the world giveth give I unto you let not your heart be troubled neither let it be afraid the powers of darkens uses fear to construct a psychic bridge or ethereal bridge through which unwanted elements could be projected against a person for instance demons or their agents could build up a certain evil such as sickness accident black or otherwise against a believer but if that believer is very strong in the Lord there is no way any of these things could get to him in such a case demons could use fear to fight the believer and if the believer becomes afraid through such manipulation the negative power of this fear will greatly assist the demons to construct a psychic bridge that will link them with him it is such an invisible bridge that the enemy demons or their human agents will finally project the proposed evil across the believer in my book occult Grand Master now in Christ I did say of what on earth or in the sea or in the fire or in the air or otherwise so the believers in Christ fear nothing fear unrighteousness and doubt had but chariots of demons by which one is manipulated to ride into the morass of the eternal land of Satan Hellfire and he who enters there has gone furthermore each and every true believer must realize always that he is a major target of demonic attack this is more because of the fact that believers have the power to banish demon through the preaching of gospel the powers of darkins are highly opposed to the preaching of gospel because in the course of this the Holy Spirit power operates in the highest rate of consciousness to discomfort demons and their human agents when I speak of the preaching of the gospel I am NOT talking of church laws Commandments dogmas philosophies or theories which are bereft of a spiritual potency of the Almighty God rather I am speaking of the gospel of eternal power and of the spirit of holiness in Christ Jesus the rulers of Darkness are afraid of this gospel they are not afraid of dogmas theories and philosophies but they are afraid of the gospel of the kingdom the gospel of the kingdom is the gospel of power is the gospel that sets the captive free this was the kind of gospel that Jesus Christ preached on earth but he also empowered every believer to preach and Jesus went about all the cities and villages teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people matthew 935 the gospel of the kingdom is different in all aspects in that it has the Blessed power to heal every sickness and every disease among the people and this is the kind of gospel that must reach the whole world before the end will come and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations and then shall the end come Matthew 24:14 in other words even though the dogmas and human philosophies of the church may reach all over the world the end shall not come until the gospel of the kingdom the everlasting life is preached in the whole world then shall the end come consequently the powers of darkness are fully aware that the potency of the gospel of the kingdom can banish their operations and set those under their manipulations free this is the more reason why they are highly engaged in the fierce spiritual battle against those preaching the gospel of the kingdom to this end a believer must always be prayerful and strong in the righteousness of Christ in the ultimate recognition that the gate of the kingdoms of darkens cannot prevail against her believer in Christ question 11 if you see an agent of the powers of darkness now can you recognize him or her answer of course yes but not in the former way formerly I recognized both major and minor agents of esoteric forces via specific signs or in out of the body projections or through extrasensory perceptions all these are powers that were bestowed by demons but the old things have passed away in my life through the infinite power and light of the Blessed Lord Jesus Christ nevertheless it is evident to me that God did not banish former occult powers and allow me to be empty and powerless rather the Lord God took away from me the unclean and limited powers of demon and consequently bestowed upon me the true and limitless power of Jesus Christ and the limitless power of Jesus Christ is the highest power which is omnipotent omniscient and omnipresent this is the supreme power of Godhead that transcends the realm of energy time matter and space now with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ operating fully in your life maintained through righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost your eyes can be opened by the Spirit of God to recognize the agents of darkens and even more than that I am speaking from my own experience with God since I became a true believer for instance in the early part of 1993 the water board went on strike thus there was scarcity of water in the town this lasted for some days during this period two young Christian sisters brought water for me of course I did not request them to do so whilst that was their first time to come to my house immediately these girls dropped their water and left the word of the Lord came to me and I heard a voice which told me that one of the two girl is possessed by witchcraft spirit and that she is operating in the rank of major the voice that I heard directed me to stop the girl from coming to my house again because demons were planning the project evil to me through her as the voice was talking to me the Spirit of God opened my eyes spiritually and I saw all that I heard about the girl this happened even though my eyes were physically open then when I heard this voice the voice of God I concluded that I was going to politely stop the two girls from coming to my house however I told a friend a well-respected pastor what the Lord told me but he advised me not to stop them from coming to my house because they would be embarrassed and feel that I do not appreciate their help however few days later a man came to my house in anger and we intention to fight he was drunk he is the father of the possessed girl the devil wanted to use him to cause trouble but the Holy Spirit prevailed the man was angry when he heard that his daughter brought water for me I knew that this man was under the manipulations of the powers of darkness who wanted to use him to do evil but when he stood face to face with me the power of Christ banished the evil spirits in him thereafter I recalled how the Lord had told me of this projected evil and how to overcome it consequently it dawned on me that I must never listen to any advice contrary to the instruction which the Lord my God may give me no matter who may give the advice and how reasonable it may be in another occasion I was in the church during one Sunday service a girl came and sat on my left side after about 15 minutes my biro fell down and I bent low to pick it up it was then that I saw a ring in the toe of that girl who sat on my left side I knew very well that the ring is her symbol of initiation into the band war or caldron the water kingdom of demons as soon as I saw the ring I looked at it the second time and found that it had vanished immediately I recognized that the Lord had briefly opened my eyes to discover that there was an agent of Satan in our midst thereafter we began to pray and after our prayers I did not see the girl again but I cannot say precisely what happened to her during our prayers there are many other instances in which the Spirit of God opened my eyes to see the agents of demons in most of such instances the Lord directed me to banish the Devils consequently I prayed for such possessed people and the Lord delivered them even as I am writing this work the Lord is still using me to do this yes each and every believer has the authority to banish demons and to set the captives free one day a believer who is also a worker with a gospel church met me and said that he has a he confessed that he was thinking seriously of committing suicide while he was talking the Lord spoke to me and said that his problem is fornication and as the Lord was talking to me the Spirit of God opened my eyes and I saw 136 demons of lust in him then the LORD commanded me to torment the Devils and cast them to the pit of hell the Lord also told me that these demons had planned to kill the brother in less than 14 days having heard from the Lord I told the brother the Spirit of God says that your problem is fornication he acknowledged his sins and confessed how he fornicated four times immediately the Lord used me to pray for him and he was delivered whilst the powers of darkins were cast out and the Lord restored him fully back in faith the decree of death upon his life was also abolished in one Christian gathering I saw a lady who was possessed by demons and used to perpetrate evil the Spirit of God opened my eyes and I saw that the lady had the head of a cow and the body of a human being the Lord told me that the lady is a direct servant of Queen vile a demon who lives in the occult city of new within Iran I invited the lady when she came I ministered to her and began to pray I laid my hand on her head and said you demons a vessel and of the realm of knew I bind you in the name of Jesus Christ and I command you to flee into the bottomless pit I cover this sister with a perfect blood of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ and any unclean spirit that attempts to return to her let that spirit burn in the fire of Hell in Jesus name our men then I said oh my lord take away this animal's head from her and give her a human head in Jesus Christ Holy Name I pray our men the moment I prayed verse the Lord's opened my eyes again and I saw two mighty angels one of the Angels was with a sword while the other was with a beautiful human head the angel with a sword cut off the animal head of the lady but instead of blood gushing out about four hundred demons appeared and fled then the other angel fixed the human head on her thus she was saved praise the Lord question 12 can demons truly give money to people answer demon can give money to people as a bait to attract them into the eternal kingdom of darkness in which there is constant weeping and gnashing of teeth any gift be it money or otherwise bestowed by demons is corrupt in all aspects and serves only as a means of subjecting the receiver to the morass of diverse satanic manipulations in this present life and infinite predicament in the hereafter blessed and perfect gift comes only from God the scripture says every good gift and every perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the Father of lights with whom is no variableness neither shadow of turning James 1:17 I will lift up my eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help my help cometh from the Lord which made heaven and earth charm one hundred and twenty one one and two consequent to what Satan told Christ in the Bible it is scripturally certain that the powers of darkins could bestow material things or money upon a person or persons the Bible reported that Satan showed Christ all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time then Satan told our Lord all this power will I give thee and the glory of them for that is delivered unto me and to him so ever I will give it if thou therefore will worship me all shall be thine Luke for five to seven in other words those who worship Satan may receive the power and glory of the kingdom of darkness but what is the lot of those who worship devil the Bible has it that all that worship demons in one way or the other and receive gift from them shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the Holy Angels and in the presence of the Lamb and they have no rest day or night revelation 14 10 and 11 however there are diverse ways by which a demon or demons could give money to people for instance one seeking for money from demons could be asked to sacrifice his most beloved person wife mother father husband brother sister girlfriend boyfriend etc this human sacrifice has direct and indirect aspects in the direct aspect the person to be sacrificed will be charmed and taken to where he would be killed but in the indirect aspect the person to be sacrificed can be invoked and killed through accident or otherwise in any case when one is sacrificed he will be used to provide demonic money in diverse ways for instance after 45 days in which a person is used for money ritual the person that used him will conduct al-falaq Shmi invocation during this invocation the person will lock himself while naked inside a private room he will enter into an empty Big Basin that is kept in the center of the room while standing naked in this basin he will face an occult mirror at the end of the eastern part of the room having done these which he must do between 12:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. he will then begin to cool invoke the name of the person whom he used for the money he will call his name for seven times and thereafter the ghost of the dead man will appear in the mirror but this ghost is actually a demon in disguise and not the real person that was killed as soon as the ghost of the dead man demon appears in the mirror the man who invoked him will say I don't want you again I want money for seven times he must say this boldly and while he is saying this the ghost will come out of the mirror and stand face to face before him but the moment he boldly says this for complete seven times the ghost will transmogrify into millions of money but if he becomes afraid when the ghost appears the same ghost will strike him immediately to death one can conduct this invocation for about three or more times as may be directed there is another process in which a man can sacrifice his girlfriend to get money from demons through sex ritual a room must be fully prepared for this operation inside this room there must be a free bed and a big box to mention but a few whilst the demon who will perform this money sex ritual will be invoked into the big box in the form of a strange snake with human hands and the private part of a man when this is done the man will charm his girlfriend and invite her into the demonic room for sexual intercourse under the influence of this charm and of other related spirits connected to it the girl will finally enter enter the room as soon as she enters the room the man will speak to her asking her to lie naked on the bed the girl or woman cannot resist the words of the man because of the evil power concentrated in the room the moment the lady lies naked on the bed the man will go out of the room and lock the door at this point the strange snake demon will come out of the big box and climb on the bed the snake will then have sexual intercourse with the lady beyond her resistance and after about an hour the man will return into the room whilst the snake will return into the box the man however will warn the girl to keep this strictly confidential but whether she abides by this or not she will die within a few days after her death the snake demon will appear inside the box every 21 days to vomit money for the man but before this could be done the man must make specific covenants with demons which has to do with the shortening of the days of his life on earth there are more than a hundred other ways through which demons could give money to people in order to plunge them into the burden of everlasting punishment those who have ears to hear let them hear and may the holy spirit use this treatise to deliver the souls of men from the rulers of darkness now and forever our men you
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Length: 192min 35sec (11555 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 19 2017
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