The Rule of 26 on Slot Machines 🎰 with Lucky #26

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you guys know my lucky number is 26 well today's challenge is brought to us by angie who says we must play with the rule of 26 that means any game we sit in front of we have to do 26 spins no more no less unless we want to do another 26 spins on the same game let's see how it works out with us we have 500 into locket league all right starting off with locket link lotoria don clemente la sirena is the version 10 cent denomination hands 26 spins you got your counter brent okay i've had great luck on this machine doing 15 dollar bets uh it doesn't make sense to do 26 of them though but we're gonna do it anyways so here we go 26 spins times 15 dollars that's 390 so we could go as low as 110. uh hopefully we don't probably win something along the way and hopefully there's a bonus too lots of lassi dennis here we go you ready brett ready all right middle oh there's the miner for 500. let's line it up buttercup [Music] okay four of a kind that's six bucks back we need to find three crowns on a horizontal line okay three dollars back oh nope all right we're already down 125. one more in the bottom come on find it ah darn all right we're down 135 after only 10 spins keep it going all right there's some roosters for ten dollars thank you so much there's that mini it's a hundred dollar mini thank you one more oh man [Music] three verts 18 spin 19. oh my gosh forfeit i'm regretting this a little bit we have six more spins can we find a bonus we need one now to make back something come on lucky number 26 [Music] last spin i got something back on the last spin 22.50 at this point we can decide if we want to do another 26 spins or not we could change up our bet we could do five dollar bets so that would be a 130 dollars or we could do 10 bets that'll be 260 which we don't have let's do the five dollars i'm down i think we can do something with it [Music] i have a lot of faith in this machine three crowns in a row come on 450 back this game's not being very friendly today all good my friends only takes one spin to win let's find that bonus one more on top for it 12 more spins three dollars one more oh my gosh so many close calls it's teasing us brad five of a kind five dollars and five more spins last spin 26 spins times two uh i blame myself by jim i took a chance with the 15 spins didn't work out it's all good i'm ready for another machine let's see how we do with number 26. okay let's try coin combo with marvelous mouse now please come on mousey see if you can play nice for us and we'll do 440 a spin on a five cent denomination all right are you ready with the counter yeah all right here we go one those coins went into the blue popped mousy mouzy i don't recall ever seeing a game with eights on it you know they always start at nine nine ten jack queen you know very odd for me to see that flying clang [Music] [Music] look blue pot again 13 spins down 13 to go hello and i said thirty dollars for mice all right all right 33 all together [Music] eight more spins need that bonus right now more spins [Music] i don't know if i said it but i added three hundred dollars i guess you guys didn't notice all right last spin spin number 26. all right the rule of 26 did not work out so well for us we'll cash out there coin combo let's go find another game let's try out some lightning link magic pearl five dollars a spin come on let's get that bonus six pearls or three dolphins [Music] oh pearls two pearls we're very good at getting two no no there's three okay moving on up one more 440 three more oh my gosh 75 that was 180 bucks right there treasure for six 10 more chances [Music] ding ding ding ding ding we're gonna go with the big bang today let's do it come on find that bonus last all right we're down to 188 i think we do another 26 on this one all right and i think we double our bet oh we got to get a comeback going in here somehow right we put 800 in here so we have to do 260 dollars worth of spins that means we have to win at least 75 right now all right we're gonna win once more yeah all right here we go oh wait i can't double the bet there's no ten dollar it's 750 or 1250 let's do 750 then instead we should have just enough i think so let's get that bonus 750 a spin come back time there it is holy crap we got over like 600 bucks on there i think yeah right around there that was that our first van seconds no second one nice comeback sometimes you gotta take that chance and sometimes it pays off like it did right there all right you guys know my saying do you know what i'm saying i got you you got you got it you got it big numbers attract big numbers all right let's find some more big numbers oh nelly drop it baby oh boy one more chance can we find at least one pearl to keep on spinning and winning here we go oh my gosh we got 30 bucks that was lucky last possible spot it could have been do it pop up there we go another 30 bucks this is awesome 150 and a 15 dollars what did you say because they're big girls i thought you said you're a big girl i was like [Laughter] i'm a big girl now look at me win big pearls yeah of course it's pearls sometimes i just hear things wrong all right one last spin any words out there [Music] this looks promising on our second spin at 750 crazy so glad to get that chance there started with 800 we were down to 170. oh my gosh come back nine hundred and fifteen dollars wow this is [Music] hey i'm okay with that i'm definitely okay with 24 backup spoon because that's gonna be like i don't know like 170 bucks or something like that and we got that money so let's do it this is amazing all right can we get another bonus that is a question go go go oh my gosh what do we get queens fifty dollar line hit for queens wow all right we'll keep on going keeping on growing here we're at 118. [Music] 750 bets that's where it's at can we find six more pearls i'm a big girl now come on it stands true right big numbers did attract big numbers we had some big ones again 150 dollar one a couple 30s and more [Music] come on ten more spins [Music] one more yeah there we go all right we still have seven more spins we're at 1020. that'll start us off with 15 can we find another pearl to keep the action alive here we go let's find that giant pearl [Music] ouch three more spins come on pearl pearl or girl last chance dolphins are good wow nothing all right that's just the way the cookie crumbles sometimes it's fifteen dollars and we got what seven more spins yes all right [Music] last two spins guys a reminder we got one more spin uh if you want to be a winner as well just go to win with give me your challenge ideas if we if we use your challenge you can come away a win or two last few on the rule of 26 my lucky number paid off in the end we started with eight hundred dollars total then we're cashing out at 988 dollars that was lightning link here at sam manuel and i'll see you guys back here tomorrow for another fun video thanks for subscribing and liking bye guys and then 32 [Music] wow i've never had a five trigger bonus and jesus won early it's been teasing us the whole game really that was perfection all right well let's get into it 20 games we get because we have a five trigger bonus i love levels here we go fill her up buttercup oh my gosh
Channel: Brian Christopher Slots
Views: 97,152
Rating: 4.9205799 out of 5
Keywords: Brian Christopher slots, slot machine win, big win, huge win, gambling, how to win on slots, how to play slot machines, gambler, casino, pokies, brain Christopher, bcslots, gambles, rudies, brian christopher, slot machine, bonus, free slots, free slot games, slots of vegas, slots lv, bryan christopher, how to beat slots, Lock It Link Don Clemente Loteria La Sirena, Coin Combo Marvelous Mouse, Lightning Link Magic Pearl
Id: FGi4NYwlrbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 10sec (970 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 02 2021
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