The Rothschilds: The Richest Family of All Time

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if I were to ask you what family is the richest family to ever exist you might take an educated guess and answer with the families such as the Rockefellers or perhaps the royal family of England or maybe you've developed a sort of pop culture tunnel vision and you guess the Kardashians well besides the third these guesses wouldn't be the worst of guesses but they would in fact be wrong and although a quick Google search would tell you the Waltons the founders of Walmart are the richest family today they are not the topic of this video as you might have surmised from the thumbnail you see the family that I'll be discussing today and the family that I believe to be the answer of that question is so peculiar and filled in so much secrecy at the truth is no one truly knows how rich they really are this family is the Rothschilds you might have heard of them in fact you might have even gotten an uneasy feeling when you heard the name mentioned the Rothschilds are a family of such significance that they have been tied to a number of conspiracy theories and have massive implications before I get into the wealth of this family I'll try my best to explain the deep and dark conspiracies that surround the Rothschilds any conspiracy theory out there that presumes the governments of the world are controlled by a small group of individuals pretty much all point to the Rothschilds these conspiracies warned that this one powerful family is behind the curtain for Puteri massive changes in the culture of humanity these changes include war financial crisis racial oppression and much more some are even bold enough to claim that the powers that be control the weather itself the most common conspiracy theory along this vein is the belief in the Illuminati and if you've ever been down the rabbit hole on the internet learning about the Illuminati did not take you long to find out about the Rothschilds you're free to believe whatever you want to believe but just now as you watch this video there is a significant amount of people that believe of the Rothschilds control the course of modern humanity but that's enough for the conspiracy side of things I've become unsettled when things get spooky so let's talk about all of the money they have the most significant hint at the tremendous wealth and one of the biggest red flags for the conspiracy theorists is the family's connection with the World Bank's the idea is that the family can be tied to almost all of the World Bank's and they are attempting to control every last one of them Nathan Rothschild one of the more historically documented members of the family is claimed to have said I cannot what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the Sun never sets the man who controls Britain's money supply controls the British Empire and I control the British money supply let me know in the comments what do you think of that statement and if it scares you as much as it does me the historical origins of the Rothschilds State back to the 1760s when Mayer Amschel Rothschild created his banking business and banking has been the cornerstone of the family ever since may am jewel gained quite a fortune and managed to bequeath his wealth to his five sons the sons then systematically established themselves in London at Paris Frankfurt Vienna and Naples by the 19th century these heirs had garnered the largest private fortune in the world and in all of modern history during this time many of the Rothschilds became royalty and soon began to diversify their assets rapidly today just a handful of the diverse range of interests that the Rothschilds cover our financial services real estate mining energy mixed farming winemaking and non profits but before they establish themselves as an elusive family of massive wealth that seems to have a finger in every bowl of soup worth more than of panics they accomplished many other things like I mentioned earlier there is so much mystery concerning this family that it's hard to decipher what is history and what is no more than conspiracy I'll do my best to convey what items in the video are far-fetched which tales seemed to be backed by historians it's generally believed by historians that the family played a massive role in the Napoleon famed defeat at Waterloo in the early 1800s during the time of the Napoleon Wars the Rothschilds were already incredibly wealthy it's believed that Nathan Mayer Rothschild entered the war on 1813 and helped finance the British side to end it the amount he provided would be the equivalent of nine hundred million dollars today this funding came in the form of precious metal shipments to the armies spread across Europe Rothschild may have even known about Napoleon's defeat before the officials knew with his reliable system of couriers prior to his involvement in this particular war Nathan bought up government bonds years later he sold them for a 40% profit the exact profit he made is not clear but if he considered it worth providing 900 million to aid the British side it's safe to say it's a lot of money one of the many ways the massive wealth of the Rothschilds has been diversified is through exotic animals Lord Walters was one of the Rothschilds he always loved animals so naturally he took his inheritance and turned it into the biggest zoology collection by a private individual of all time Lord Walter was famous for driving a caravan led by four zebras this was not only one of the biggest flexes in history but it was a way to prove that under the right care wild animals could be docile another venture the family as a part of is mining the family is believed to back the Australian mining company Rio Tinto this company worth billions is one of the leading world manufacturers in iron ore copper uranium coal and diamonds along with helping with the defeat of Napoleon the Rothschilds have also been tied to the independence of Brazil Portugal wanted two million sterling before they could agree to grant Brazil their independence Brazil under the oppression of Portugal that no means to pay this money so the Rothschilds stepped in and paid the entire sum to the Portuguese government Brazil then had to pay their debt to the family over time with interest one of the most dramatic ways in which the Rothschilds have displayed their influence on the world is by setting the price of gold itself from 1919 to 2004 the Rothschild along with other leading traders in the gold industry met every so often to decide the price of the precious metal the earliest meetings were hosted and controlled by the Rothschilds themselves as they decided the cost of the metal that serves as the backbone to most economies the metal that they own so much often for the past a hundred and fifty years the Rothschilds have been in the winemaking business as well the Rothschild family owns a multitude of wine estates in France which include the Chateau Clarion the Chateau de lama whet the Chateau Rothschild their Armin bas and more pardon me I need to brush up on my French their wives at the original two estates are under the classification of wines from Frances Bordeaux region but personally I prefer nice smooth whisky on the rocks along with the royal families of Europe the Rothschilds have also been connected to the Vatican in 1861 it is believed the Rothschilds paid countless loans to Kings across the land of what was not yet Italy the Italian aristocracy declined this unification conducted by the Rothschilds and forced them to turn to the Bank of the Vatican after their own bank in Naples was being forced to close not only did the bank not close but Italy became unified and is now the country it is today this idea believed by many that the Vatican and the Rothschilds orchestrated the unification of Italy has massive political implications and only adds to the legacy of mystery of the family either way you can add the Pope of that time to the list of associates of the Verlaine just a few years later America was in a recession and the family would swoop in once again before the Great Depression the United States was running low on gold have experienced one of the first recessions in its young history President Grover Cleveland an attempt to save the nation reached out to JPMorgan and the Rothschilds to bailout the United States government in the form of a loan the two parties obliged the u.s. is just one colonial branch in the Rothschilds tree of influence the thing with the Rothschilds is that you're never going to see them in a forbes magazine they've done such a fantastic job of not only concealing their wealth by diversifying it in a multitude of outlets and through generations of heirs and successes but it's because of this fact that many people believe the Rothschilds to be the wealthiest family to ever exist some estimates conclude that the total wealth of this family surpasses one trillion US dollars rarely unknown members of the family ever seen in public and when they do surface ever so often they are hidden behind a wall of bodyguards and the caravan of black luxury sedans and SUVs that rivals that of the Secret Service the Rothschilds seem to be a possible answer to the question of who's really in charge who has power over even the president who is behind the World Bank's who's that guy on a carriage led by a bunch of zebras these other questions you can't help but ask and you can't help but wonder maybe the Rothschilds are really just all of that but regardless of whatever conspiracies you choose to associate with I'm glad you stopped by to check out the video if you enjoyed make sure to leave a like and subscribe as always I mr. luxury pip-pip to doodly-doo [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Luxury
Views: 1,564,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rothschild family, richest family in the world, richest families, rothschild dynasty, banking, richest person, investment banking, money, trillionaire, billionaire, most expensive, wealthiest, family, rothschild family facts, documentary, conspiracy, luxury, rich, viral, new
Id: Qu64MpC5X-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 26 2019
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