The Romeo Briar Process - How to cut briar for tobacco pipes.

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- You are ready? - [Interviewer] Yeah. - You start ask something? - [Interviewer] Yeah, I will. - Okay. - [Interviewer] Mimmo, take one. - This is very huge pieces. We hope inside, there will be some special pipe. I am Romeo Domenico. Everybody call me Mimmo, short name. And I am a cutter of briar and pipe maker, too. - Most of the briar mills are cutting briar for pipe factories, but what Mimmo does differently is he's a pipe maker. - [Mimmo] And you see some example here of my half-ready pipes. - [Jeff] So he knows how to cut briar for pipe makers. - He's second generation briar cutter, so he's drawing on many, many years of the industry. - He was introduced to me as the best briar cutter in the world. - I am located in Italy in a little village near French border. Nice place to live, nice weather. I go fishing when I stop cutting briar sometimes. It's a complicated job. If you speak with somebody that know a lot of things about other wood, they don't know nothing about the briar. The beginning is in the forest. Briar is only in the Mediteranean area. The people, when they have the briar in their property, they think they will be rich, because it looks like a lot of pipes, and they see the price of the pipes and after they think, they are rich. But when the wood still is in the forest, there is no value. There are some briar, some is other tree. The skin darker, like the two, you see that three? This is briar, the three. This is good example, very near. This is strawberry wood, and this is briar wood. (speaking Italian) Okay, this is the briar. This is the roots, and this is the branch, and you see the structure like this. The grain go from this point to this point. And you see the ring? Because this is the years, that they grow, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven. This is very huge, nice pieces, and perhaps I will make two nice pieces from here. They bring up and they need to clean, from the stone, with the ax, so they need to prepare the blocks very well, put out the center, the red, and the branch away. This is actually the work done in the same way that fifty years ago, the same way. And there are not a lot of people that know the way to do that. And the people that go in the forest. This is hard work, very hard work. They go 5:30 in the morning and work until five in the evening, and they carry perhaps 100 kilo if they are lucky. This is a very, very old job. Nobody know these people, but they are very important for the pipe business. A small one. No, no, a small one. It's a baby. Sleep well. See you in five years. - The people that harvest is called Cioccaioli in Italian, I don't know the name in English. I think it doesn't exist in English. When the minimum quantity is done from the mountain, they take, more or less, is every week. They need to keep wet from the beginning. This quantity would be stored in a place with water, until the big truck arrive. But the truck would be wet with some plastic on, because if they need to drive for five, six hour, it would arrive cracked if you don't cover. My father built this house in '69. He was the best cutter in the world, and he know that, and he buy land and he built the big factory, only for the briar, except the apartment for the family. Very clever building for cutting briar with the deposit under for the humidity. Everything was study for work, very very clever way. The process is to have the roots as fresh as possible. Is impossible to cut this in one day. That's why we need to save and keep them alive. This is the pieces already clean with the ax. I prefer to buy the wood like this, but this arrive from outside Italy. They don't do this. The red part is not good. All this is not good. There would be crack, 100%. If you would take care, boil it 24 hour, there is no chance. The good stuff is this pink and white. But this is, four finger is nice. - So my name is Antoine Grenard. I am the general manager of the Chacom Pipes. We manufacture around 60,000 pipes per year. We are waiting for a delivery from Mimmo. I order from him some plateau also, but ebauchon. Ebauchon is more important for me. Ebauchon is this normal briar block. - [Mimmo] Very nice cross-cut. You see the bird's eyes, is very tight and regular. Jeff: These little blocks just came in. These are from Mimmo. We call 'em ebauchons. I do a lot of little classic shapes, and these have just extraordinary grain. I'm really happy to be able to get these. - We call that ebauchon, and this is plateau. With the rough briar on the top. - [Mimmo] We cut the plateau in this way. The plateau cut today, most of the people consider this cut the best. - [Lee] He started doing these, he calls 'em crazy cuts, and I might have a design already in mind, but the piece a' wood maybe wants somethin' else, and it'll tell me. - And we work with the nature. We never know from outside what's happening inside. Every piece is different. That's why is so complicated to cut the wood. I feel the wood. When I see the wood, I feel, and I say, ah, this is nice, and you say, why is nice? Because it's clean. There's no spot and the grain is tight, and after the second cut, I have better information and I say, okay, I was wrong. But immediately I change and cut in the best possible way. Yes, we speak together. It's good, but it's not the top. But my top is very difficult to find. The straight grain is the most difficult to have. - [Lee] Now, the bird's eye is the very end of the straight grain, and it goes from the burl end all the way down to the center of the burl. That's where it stores the water. Some pieces, you look at it and you start gettin' seasick, there's so much bird's eye in it. - Everybody like the top of the briar, and I am very strict to put blocks on the top. - And we kind of fight over some of it, but. - [Interviewer] Do you have any of Mimmo's briar here? - No, he has been promising me briar for... for four years. - But I know, because he's so good, and everybody want briar from Mimmo. Yes, he's very, very busy. But I talked to him this year. Now he promised me to send me some. - 'Cause he knows too many people. And I wait from him some ebauchon. And he knows. - We needed to take the best as possible, but not only the best and destroy to the rest. They are tension is less in the low grading, but still they is a lot of tension. You need to make all these calculations, but very fast. You need to play between the size and between the quality and between your hands. That is most important. (Mimmo laughing) It's the only thing very regular. Don't change. You need to be scared about your finger. - We boil because there are tannins inside the wood. The tannins need to go out. If you boil it the wrong way, the tannins still inside the blocks, and it's not good for the smoke. We start in the evening. The day after, we boil for ten to twelve hour, consecutive, ten, twelve hour. - Usually we make barbecue every ten days when we boil the briar. We do like a lunch outside. And in the winter when it's cold, we eat inside. In the dust, in the middle of the dust. - We was lucky tonight. We fish. You like fish? - [Interviewer] I love fish. - [Man] I love fish. (Karin chuckles) (Mimmo chuckles) - [Mimmo] This is very, very fresh. Ope! She like to make everything alone. I do alone. "Can I help you?" No. Yes, perhaps Sarah would be the first woman cutter. (speaking Italian) - No! - Nah! This wood was boiled yesterday, and we put here in the humid place where the roots are for start the dry process very, very slowly. Normally, stay here at least ten day, sometimes 20, 25 day after boiling. And after, I start to put the top blocks in some plastic box, and put in the shelf, and dry six, eight month. And I know the boxes, where they are second quality, first quality, more dry, less dry. I know all the boxes. - [Lee] After boiling 12 to 18 months before he'll sell it. It's quite a process from the ground to your mouth. - [Jeff] I think something that's really special about pipe making is that so many people are involved in the process. They're artisans in their own right. - And the best satisfaction is when my customers call me after receiving the briar, and they say, "Mimmo, oh, this is unbelievable." "Why you give me only 50, not 100 pieces?" I am very happy when they say that. All the work that is done for this, there is energy in these blocks. All the people that work for this, they put their energy in this, and I think they have like a soul. It's not my final result, cutting briar. Friends, friends, pipe friends! It's an instrument to meet people. - I like also that he has a lot of passion for his work, because I like people who has, uh, I don't know how you say in English, but... He like to do something with the whole heart. - This is my way, about everything. This is Mimmo. If you like or you hate, but this is Mimmo.
Channel: Father the Flame
Views: 118,263
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Keywords: pipe making, woodworking, pipe, how to make a pipe, tobacco, briar, wood, tobacco pipes, wooden pipe, smoking, handmade pipes, smoking pipes, making, pipe smoking, tobacco pipe, briar pipes, how to make a wooden pipe, creating, tools, pipe factory, chacom, chacom pipes, ivaarson, an ivaarson product, tobacco pipe factories, tobacco pipe smoking, tobacco pipe smokers, ty:cc=on, italy, france, mediterranean, how to, cutting briar, how to cut briar, briar wood, father the flame, documentary
Id: Aa5gyd0Ymrg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 41sec (941 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 12 2020
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