The Romantics - Nature (BBC documentary)
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Channel: Philosophical Mindz
Views: 335,150
Rating: 4.7362466 out of 5
Keywords: Philosophy, History, Culture, Documentary, Civil, Heritage, Historical, Individual, Person, cognition, Ancient, Ideology, Sociological, Thinking, Thought, Western Philosophy, Organisational, Social, Social ideology, Constitutional, Political, Economics, Rationality, Rational, Justice, Just, Liberal, Liberalism, Autocratic, Government, Leadership, দর্শনশাস্ত্র, 哲学, Filosofie, Pilosopya, Philosophie, दर्शन, Filozófia, Filsafat, Filosofia, 철학, Filosofi, Философия, தத்துவம், తత్వశాస్త్రము, Triết học, Філософія, فلسفة
Id: liVQ21KZfOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 6sec (3486 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 05 2014
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