The Romanovs. The History of the Russian Dynasty - Episode 7. Documentary Film. Babich-Design

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[Music] December 14th 1825 the revolt was over but the emperor's eldest son Grand Duke Alexander was still trembling with fear the boy knew his father had gone out to do his duty and might have been killed for it then he heard his father's voice calling him to come outside loyal troops were formed up in the courtyard just an hour earlier they had refused the rebels entry to the Palace the emperor took his son in his arms and addressed the men I don't need protection but I entrust him to you and handed Alexander over to them the soldiers cheered With Tears in their eyes the Young Prince was carried a loft in their arms nobody suspected that one day this future Emperor would face far greater Danger of his [Music] own Nicholas was a huge baby the size of a 3-month-old it was said his grandmother Katherine the Great wrote in admiration I've never seen such a Cavalier if he can continues to grow this Colossus will dwarf his [Music] brothers chapter 1 Nicholas the pavlovich when Nicholas was five his father the emperor Paul was brutally murdered by conspirators the children remembered it well the youngest brother Michael was playing on his own he built a train of tiny carriages and used it to carry a toy soldier to a potted plant then buried him in the earth when asked what he was doing he answered I'm burying my father after Paul's death in 1801 his eldest son the 24-year-old Alexander became emperor the second brother Constantine became the new heir to the throne as the the third brother Nicholas wasn't expected to inherit the throne he grew up under the strict care of his mother Maria The Dowager Empress at the age of 17 Nicholas and his younger brother Michael were allowed to travel [Music] abroad years later he recalled that's when we started to live stepping from childhood into the light of life it was in Berlin that I saw for the first time the girl I wanted to spend the rest of of my life with the 16-year-old princess Charlotte of Prussia daughter of the king was an ideal match for the Grand Duke they were married 2 years later and Charlotte took the Russian name Alexandra [Music] fedorovna Grand Duke Nicholas was later appointed Chief Inspector of the core of engineers and commander of the guards Engineer [Music] Battalion every day he rose early for prayer and morning exercise performing complex bayonet drill with a musket the rest of the day was spent writing orders and reports and carrying Out Inspections Nicholas's elder brother Emperor Alexander I often hinted that he planned to leave the throne to Nicholas since their middle brother Constantine had no interest in becoming Emperor and so in 1823 Alexander signed a secret will making Nicholas his Heir only four people knew of its existence Nicholas was not one of them on November 19th 1825 Alexander died suddenly in the southern city of tagen ROK 8 Days Later the news reached St Petersburg Nicholas swore allegiance to his older brother Constantine the presumed Heir who was in warsa then Alexander's secret will was proclaimed and 2 weeks later Constantine's renunciation of the throne arrived from Poland it was a unique case in world history instead of quarreling for the throne two Romanov brothers were insisting it belong to the other C langeron later paid them a subtle French compliment the romanovs are so Noble they do not Ascend but descend to the throne but the resulting confusion was dangerous and encouraged a secret radical Society The Decemberists to make their move The Decemberists were made up of liberal-minded guards officers and Nobles who wished to reform the monarchy and free Russia surfs its members included many high-ranking Aristocrats members of its northern Society led by Nikita muravev favored a constitutional monarchy while members of the Southern Society under pavl pestel wanted to abolish the Monarch and redistribute the land they planed to carry out a military couet the more radical conspirators RF and pestel talked of killing the entire Romano family including the princesses living abroad and their children so no one could ever lay claim to the Russian Throne again the troops were due to swear their Oaths of loyalty to the new emperor on December 14th the evening before Nicholas visited mikolowski castle where his father had been been murdered when he returned he asked his wife to Die With Honor if need be at 11:20 Nicholas was told the Moscow guards regiment had refused to swear the oath and had marched to Senate square at 11:30 the emperor went to the square with the loyal Palace guards at 12:20 General movich tried to talk to the rebel troops but was shot dead by a [Music] decemberist at 1: p.m. 900 Rebel Guardsmen approached The Winter Palace 1:20 p.m. Nicholas sent a bishop to reason with the soldiers but nobody listened to him by 2: p.m. there were 3,000 Rebel troops in the Square loyal troops were arriving all the time but Nicholas continued to delay at 10 4 Cannon opened fire on the Rebels the young Empress Alexandra could see the Senate Square filled with people at the sound of the first volley she wrote I fell to my knees in a small study and prayed like never before the strain of that day affected Alexander ra for the rest of her life her health suffered already thin she lost more weight and became frequently [Music] ill the emperor ordered the first blast of grapeshot to be fired over the heads of the Rebel soldiers but the next volley was fired straight into the crowd When the Smoke cleared the death toll stood at one General 18 officers 282 soldiers and 1,170 civilians including 79 women and 150 children a total of 1,271 [Music] dead 679 people were investigated following the decemberist Revolt but most turned out to have no connection to the secret societies that had organized the coup of those finally put on trial 112 lost their titles and all of their property rights 99 were exiled to Siberia 36 of those to labor camps nine officers were demoted to the ranks 36 were sentenced to death 31 by beheading and five by quartering Emperor Nicholas himself mitigated many of the sentences and in the end only five Decemberists were executed they included ring leaders such as pestel and the poet Riel and the man who' shot General milatovich quartering was commuted to hanging the emperor himself paid an allowance to the widows of the executed men their families continued to receive payments from the office of the general staff for 20 years while the children were put through school at public expense Nicholas ordered the decemberist Grievances to be looked at by a special committee he invited count kiselov a decemberist sympathizer and opponent of serom to look into its abolition while receiving a delegation of nobles from smolin the emperor told them plainly I cannot understand how a person became a thing I cannot explain it other than through guile and deceit on one side and ignorance on the other during Nicholas's Reign new restrictions were imposed on the owners of surfs land owners could no longer sentence surfs to hard labor or sell them off without land surfs were granted more freedom of movement and the right to conduct their own business the percentage of Russians living as privately owned surfs fell from 57% to 35% the number of schools for peasants Rose from 60 to 2,550 Nicholas was trained as an engineer and fascinated by new inventions in 1835 he was seduced by a project many thought was crazy at that time there were only three railroads in the world two in England and one in America Nicholas studied the schemes on offer carefully and authorized construction of an experimental railroad between St Petersburg and his Palace at zaso 4 years later ignoring the objections of ministers he ordered another line built connecting St Petersburg and Moscow at the time it was the longest Railroad in the world at 649.2rpm were designed by one architect Constantine ton who was also responsible for the grand and Kremlin Palace the rails were 1,524 mm apart 89 mm wider than in Europe it was believed the emperor insisted on this difference so an invading Army couldn't use its own Rolling Stock on Russian Railways 100 years later during World War II those 89 mm would prove crucial in slowing down the advance and resupply of German troops during the battle for Moscow during Nicholas's Reign 700 mil of rail track were laid across Russia it was not much but Russia's first Railways did help to stimulate Russian industrial output which grew 30-fold in just three decades Russia's first hardened roads were built connecting Moscow and St Petersburg Moscow and utk and Moscow and warsa these developments overseen by Russia's engineer Emperor began a much needed modernization of the country's transport Network the emperor began his working day at 700 a.m. around 11: he take a walk along the palace embankment without guards greeting those he knew he then returned to work until around 8:00 p.m. when he would go out to the theater or perhaps a ball he returned home at midnight and worked until 3:00 a.m. by today's standards his personal security was non-existent no one saw the [Music] need the emperor didn't eat much and when he did preferred simple food he loved ve cutlets with mashed potato but often had just a slice of black bread or a salted cucumber for dinner on the road his meals were even simpler porridge and some cabbage soup which he'd eat from the same Bowl he drank mineral water from Saltsburg and very rarely wines from Bordeaux he never [Music] smoked they said that those of a nervous disposition found it difficult to meet the emperor's gaze while ladies were known to f pain in his presence not from fear but from adoration Nicholas 6'2 Broad shouldered and well-built was considered one of the most handsome men in Europe it was rumored at court that Nicholas wore padding underneath his uniform to look more imposing but his private doctor said this was not true the emperor simply had a very broad chest in public he did not relax for an instant his appearance was Immaculate at all times it's no surprise that Nicholas I became the role model for all future [Music] romanovs the emperor brought a sense of calm and stability to Russia in an uncertain age contemporary newspapers depicted France as an exploding bottle of champagne while Russia was a bottle of vodka without a bubble in sight it was a reference to the explosive revolutions sweeping across Europe in the 1840s only Britain the Netherlands and Russia escaped unrest Nicholas's 30-year Reign was the most stable period in the history of zaris Russia Nicholas devoted himself to matters of State no important document crossed his desk without some comment from him his own office the Imperial chancell became the Hub of [Music] government the first section of the chancy was responsible for preparing Imperial decrees and monitoring their implementation the second section worked on the codification of Russia's laws into a single text the third section was in charge of police surveillance censorship tracing counterfeits and investigating surf complaints against land donors the fourth section or the office of the Empress Maria worked on charitable projects including shelters hospitals and women's education the fifth section worked on reforms of the surf system the notorious third section of the Imperial chancell effectively served as sar's secret police its mission was to gauge the political mood for him and to expose any conspiracies against against the regime it had a permanent staff however of just 36 it was led by a hero of the Napoleonic Wars and close friend of the emperor count Alexander Fon bondorf he also headed the special core of je who served as a uniformed security police with a strength of [Music] 4,000 The Prestige and authority of the core was very high it's no Co incidence that a je appears in the famous final scene of gogol's play the government inspector gogul satire only avoided being banned thanks to the emperor's personal intervention though remembered as a great reactionary Nicholas saw no harm in such an amusing play one of Nicholas's first acts after his coronation was to end the Exile of the great Russian poet Alexander Pushkin the emperor even Exempted Pushkin from the normal channels of censorship promising to vet his Works personally Pushkin dedicated nine poems to Nicholas while the emperor intervened on a number of occasions to get Pushkin out of trouble even paying off his debts worth the equivalent of several million [Music] dollars in 1837 another great Russian poet Mika Liam manov was transferred from his guard husar's regiment to a unit fighting in the far south in Russia's endless Caucasian War the conflict had begun 20 years earlier in 1817 when the Russian army invaded the northern Caucasus during the reign of Alexander the the war Eed and flowed until reaching a new Crescendo in the 1830s when Imam Shamil LED cin and dagestani warriors in a Jihad against the Russian Invader the fighting dragged on for another 30 years until Russia was finally able to impose its rule on the Northern Caucasus by the 1850s a European Coalition was forming against Russia alarmed by the expansionist foreign policy of the Russian Empire under Nicholas Russia had won Wars against both the Persian and ottoman Empires and its growing influence in the Eastern Mediterranean and Central Asia was seen as a threat to British and French Imperial interests in 1853 fighting broke out around the Black Sea leading to what became known as the Crimean War Russian troops clashed with Turkish troops in the Balkans and Caucasus while the Black Sea Fleet annihilated a Turkish squadron at the Battle of synop days later British and French warships appeared in the Black Sea by 1854 Russia was at war with Britain France turkey and Sardinia Austria and Prussia remained neutral Nicholas was profoundly depressed that Russia was not only isolated but at war with its former allies the fighting raged on many fronts from Crimea and the Caucasus in the South to the White Sea in the north here a British Naval expedition was repulsed but in the Baltic the British Naval blockade crippled Russian trade in the Caucasus Russian troops were victorious but in Crimea the main theater of war a disaster unfolded Russian forces besed at sopel faced a powerful enemy steam-driven warships made up 30% of the Russian Fleet but 70% of the Allied Fleet Admiral nof was forced to sink his own ship in the entrance to sopel Harbor it was the only way to keep out the more powerful British and French warships more than 127,000 Russians were killed in the siege of seole the total death toll of the Russian army was about [Music] 143,000 the Crimean War was a catastrophe for Russia Russian Soldiers and Sailors fought with Incredible bravery but in the end the industrialized might of France and Britain proved too strong in September 1855 Z stoel fell and the Black Sea fleet was no [Music] more Nicholas was crushed he couldn't sleep and wore himself out with work doctors told him he needed rest but he didn't listen in a private conversation the emperor said if it was up to me I would never have chosen this position for myself but it's my watch I have my orders and must fulfill them as best I can at the end of January the emperor caught a chill his doctor forbat him from going out in the cold but Nicholas insisted on attending a parade for troops leaving for the front he told his doctor you've done your duty now let me do mine it was soon evident the emperor had contracted pneumonia on February 17th his lungs began to give up the emperor was fully conscious and knew he had hours to live he said his prayers and then bid farewell to his family when told a CUA had arrived from Crimea with urgent news he pointed to his son and said this is not for me this is for him then he said to Prince Alexander I hand over command though I do not leave things in the state I would have [Music] wished on February 18th 1855 a banner of mourning Rose above the Winter Palace Nicholas I was dead his successor was his 37-year-old son Alexander a man destined to achieve what his great grandmother Katherine the Great his uncle Alexander the first and his father Nicholas could not Alexander II would go down in history as the Liberator chapter 2 Alexander II nikovic his father used to say I want to bring my son up as a man first and then an emperor the prince's tutors such as the Romantic poet vasili zukovsky were all men with liberal views when Alexander was 13 his father interrupted a lesson to speak to him about the decemberist Revolt what would you do if you were me the emperor asked I'd forgive them Alexander [Music] said after finishing his studies the prince traveled across Russia covering 30,000 km and visiting 30 provinces he was the first Roman of to cross the border of Europe and Asia and to visit Siberia in tbal the prince met the exiled Decemberists and did what he could to make their life easier in vatka he met another Exile Alexander Herson the two young men became friends and Alexander helped hasten the young writer's eventual return to [Music] Moscow Edson later appraise the reforming Emperor Alexander II did many things a great many things his name stands above that of all his predecessors he fought for the Rights of Man neither the Russian people nor history will forget that in 1852 hson moved to London from where he agitated for sweeping social change in his homeland first and and foremost he demanded the abolition of [Music] serfdom when he was still a young prince Alexander's father had often accused him of listening more to his heart than to his mind he certainly had many unreal qualities he was Carefree gentle and sensitive what's more the Gallant handsome young prince heir to the Russian throne was constantly falling in love with Palace chambermaids in 1838 the 20-year-old Alexander was sent to Europe by his parents to find an eligible young princess to marry in darhat he became devoted to a shy and pretty 14-year-old princess maximilan velina Maria of Hessa later in London Alexander was presented to the newly crowned found Queen Victoria ruler of the British Empire they met at Windsor Castle on her 20th birthday in her diary Victoria described Alexander as a dear delightful man with a sweet smile and a manly figure they danced together until the small hours of the morning he is so very strong she wrote that in running around you must follow quickly and after that you are whisked around which is very pleasant I have never enjoyed myself [Music] more Alexander was infatuated and prepared to renounce the Russian Throne to become the British Prince consort his courtiers were forced to intervene talking sense into the young prince and reminding him of his duty to Russia not to mention the young princess of Hessa that Union was approved by all so the couple were married in St Petersburg in 1841 his new wife took the Russian name Maria [Music] alexandrovna for the first few years Alexander was wildly in love with his young wife and spoiled her continuously he even had an apple tree brought into the dining room so Maria could pick its fruit herself as she liked but it did not last long they spent less and less time together and when they met they discussed only their health their children and the weather they appeared together in public for official functions and visits then went to separate bedrooms in the evening the empress's health suffered from St petersburg's cold wet climate as well as from frequent childbirth by 36 she'd had six children and was a shadow of her former self the emperor had many short-lived affairs with ladies in Waiting chambermaids even older students from the nearby SMY Institute of noble maidens but Alexander was forgiven everything because everyone loved him the country was alive with expectation he was Russia's great hope [Music] when Alexander became emperor he already had many years experience of the workings of state and got to work immediately his first success was to end the Crimean War signing a peace treaty in Paris which kept Russian losses to a minimum then he turned his attention to what was for Russia the great issue of the age the Surfs in one of his first addresses to the Russian nobility the emperor announced the existing system of owning Souls cannot remain unchanged it is better to abolish serum from above than to wait for it to abolish itself from below until now Russia's rulers hadn't dared to interfere with serom for fear of a Revolt by The Nobles but for Alexander there was no longer any alternative the case for reform moral economic and political was [Music] irresistible after 7 years of negotiation on February 19th 1861 the emperor issued a Manifesto freeing Russia's surfs the act of emancipation freed all surfs in private ownership and gave them the right to buy the land they worked on from the landowner the state helped peasants pay for the land with subsidies and long-term loans peasants were to pay 20% of its value and the state 80% however in some cases only 30% of the land they previously worked was eligible for purchase and it was sold at inflated prices State loans also trapped many peasants in debt for decades following the emancipation of the Surfs the 100 million peasants in Russia who made up 71% of the population owned half as much land as the 1.7 million Nobles who made up just 1.5% of the [Music] population a wave of liberal reforms followed in 1864 each district and Province was granted its own elected assembly known as zva with authority over local education roads medical services and social welfare education reform increased the number of State secondary schools and universities with more schools for the poor the first general education courses for women and the granting of special status and greater autonomy for universities reform of the courts introduced greater equality for all classes before the law as well as public trials Council for defense and prosecution and juries in the Army Universal conscription replaced the old quota system and modern weapons such as rifles were [Music] introduced they were the most Progressive and liberal reforms in Russia's history when an old courtier warned that now the Surfs were free the people would demand a constitution Alexander replied well if Russia clearly desires it and is ready for it I too am ready Alexander set strict deadlines for his ministers and advisers which he kept to himself despite the huge piles of documents that arrived on his desk every day his goal was to finish all the work begun by his father which meant turning next to the war in the [Music] Caucasus the long Caucasian war finally came to an end in 1864 following the Russian conquest of chetna dagistan jassia and abazia in the next decade Russia also took control of the Emirate of bukara and carnate of Kea pushing South as far as the town of kushka which remained the Empire's most southernly point until the collapse of the Soviet Union the only territory lost in this period was Alaska 1.5 million square kilm of barren almost uninhabited land which in 1867 was sold to the United States for $7.2 million worth around $108 million today at the time the deal was considered very profitable typically Alexander worked with short breaks from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 in the evening when he had dinner he spent his evenings with his family or at official functions his favorite sport was hunting he loved long Hunting Expeditions for bear elk and bison but soon it was Alexander who was being hunted through the very streets of the Russian Capital Alexander was the last ruler in Russian history who would be allowed to simply walk the city streets without guards almost every day in St Petersburg summer garden the regulars pretended not to recognize the tall gentleman in military uniform whose portrait hung in every government office in the Empire Alexander was now 48 and had lost count of the number of Affairs he'd had at first his relationship with 19-year-old Katherine dogara a student from the small Institute for young maidens seemed like many of the others but after after just a few meetings the emperor was in love many years later Katherine remembered how Alexander always behaved so tenderly towards her treating her as though she were a sacred object we saw each other every day she wrote crazy with the joy of loving and understanding each other so completely he swore to me that he would always be faithful to me and that his only dream was to marry me if he ever became free [Music] on April 4th 1866 after a meeting with Catherine Alexander was leaving the summer garden when an assassin stepped out the Emperor of course knew his enemies might try to overthrow or even murder him an old fortune teller had once told him that there would be seven attempts on his life Alexander always remembered it the first attempt was made by a 26-year-old lone assassin named Dimitri kosov an impoverished nobleman and former student he believed the emperor's death would Inspire the people to rise up in Revolution he was thwarted by a farmer standing next to him named karov who grabbed his hand at the last moment and forced him to fire high karakov was arrested he said he tried to kill Lazar because his reforms had cheated the People by giving them too little land the entire country was shocked in 1863 the great historian Serge salov described the situation Russia faced extremes are easy it was easy to tighten the screws in Nicholas's time it was easy to unscrew them in Alexander's time but it's exceptionally difficult to slow down the carriage on a steep hill a reformer like Peter the Great held the Reigns in an iron grip and the carriage was safe a reformer like Alexander II lets the horses run full speed down the hill without the strength to restrain them so the whole Carriage is threatened with destruction Alexander's private life meanwhile was was a growing distraction his affair with Catherine nearly 30 years his Junior was alienating close friends and family Catherine was forced to go abroad for a while but Alexander soon traveled to France under the pretext of visiting the world fair to be with her they walked the gr boulevards of Paris handin [Music] hand Alexander wrote to Catherine I am mad ly in love with you these wonderful days we spend together make me infinitely [Music] happy lovers did not know they were being constantly watched by agents of the French secret police but they couldn't keep him safe a Polish nationalist Anton berzowski made made the second attempt on Alexander's life he shot at Alexander as he was riding in an open Carriage with the French Emperor Napoleon I thir but the bullet hit the [Music] horse Alexander became accustomed to constant danger when Russia went to war once more with turkey he went to visit troops at the front and came under Fire several times the war was triggered by the Muslim Turks brutal treatment of orthodox bulgarians Russia now intended to liberate Bulgaria from the Turkish [Music] Yoke the war ended in complete victory for Russia Bulgaria became an independent state and the name Alexander II Zar Liberator is still commemorated during each service in every Bulgarian Church on April 2nd 1879 as the emperor was returning from his morning walk he was greeted by a passerby Alexander replied absentmindedly then noticed the passer by was holding a gun 60-year-old Alexander emperor of Russia king of Poland Grand Duke of Finland made a zigzag run for his life this third attempt was made by a 33-year-old ex- student Alexander salv member of the secret revolutionary Society land and freedom he was also working alone after giving Chase to the emperor he fired several times from a range of 10 yards and [Music] missed a new left-wing terrorist group The People's will soon emerged its leaders Sophia perovskia and Andre Jobo began planning a less amateurish attempt on the Z's [Music] life the fourth attempt was made in November 1879 jobu's group planted a mine with an electric Detonator under the railway track as the emperor traveled to the town of alexandros but the mine failed to [Music] explode the fifth attempt was made by perovskia group they planted another mine under the railway tracks outside Moscow but the Zar train left early and the terrorists blew up the wrong train on May 22nd 1880 Empress Maria died after just 40 days mourning Alexander married Katherine dgar Ruka who took the title princess [Music] yuvia the wedding took place in secret in a small room at the palace of zasia because both the Z's family and public opinion opposed the marriage the emperor was now guarded more closely than ever but still was not safe the sixth attempt was made by Stephan curin a member of the people's will who'd been hired as a carpenter at the Winter Palace over 6 months he smuggled 30 kilos of dynamite into a Cellar under the Zara's dining room the resulting explosion killed 11 people and wounded 56 all of them starve the emperor had left the dining room to meet a late guest [Music] the emperor wrote to his son asking that if the worst should happen he must care for his wife and young children on his window sill Alexander began to find dead pigeons torn to shreds it turned out a kite had made its home on the palace roof it was caught the bird was so incredibly large it was sent to the Cabinet of Curiosities the hunted Emperor exhausted and sick dreamt of only one thing to abdicate in favor of his eldest son and leave force with his wife and children but one important task remained he had ordered work to begin on the introduction of an elected assembly it was to be Russia's first step towards a parliament and Constitution Alexander had already approved it on March 4th 1881 it was to be put before the ministerial cabinet and then announced to the [Music] public on March 1st the emperor traveled to the mikolowski manes to see the trooping of the color on his way back he visited his sister Grand Duchess Katherine at mikolowski Castle they drank tea and talked about his plans to leave Fise at 2 10 p.m. the emperor left in his Carriage he had to be at the Winter Palace by 3:00 as he promised to take a walk with his wife the emperor's Carriage turned onto the embankment along the Catherine Canal six cacs accompanied The Carriage three on either side officers of the Guard including the chief of police followed in two sledges a boy carrying a Bread Basket was running along the pavement Alexander saw a woman make a signal with a white handkerchief when a man with a packet in his hands appeared before the carriage he realized there would be an [Music] explosion the seventh attempt on Alexander's life was made by Nicholas rusakov a 20-year-old student and member of the people's will it was Sophia perovskia who had given the signal rusakov threw a handmade bomb at the carriage the blast killed two cacs and a passing boy injured three horses and shattered the emperor's bulletproof coach but the emperor was unharmed rusakov was quickly apprehended chief of police rushed up to Alexander the emperor remained calm I offered him my Sledge to go back to the Palace all right he said but show me the criminal first everyone begged the emperor to leave but he insisted on seeing rusakov Alexander looked his wouldbe assassin in the eyes he had survived the seventh attempt everything was behind him now but innocent people had been hurt because of him Alexander wanted to see the wounded the chief of police followed after we'd taken no more than three steps I was deafened by a second explosion amid the smoke and fog I heard his highness's weak voice cry I help I tried to lift him and saw that his highness's legs were completely shattered second bomber was 25-year-old igna Gritz blew himself up along with the emperor Alexander's last words were hurry home I want to die in The Palace [Music] Alexander died an hour later in his study at the Winter [Music] [Music] Palace Grand Duke Alexander the emperor's nephew wrote a huge crowd gathered Outside The Winter Palace nobody spoke wide dark blood stains left a trail up the marble steps and along the corridor to the emperor's study we realized our idealized vision of Russia with its Zar father and loyal people no longer existed the future of not only the Russian Empire but the entire world now depended on the outcome of the imminent battle between the new Russians are and the elements of negation and destruction Alexander II had given his country freedoms it had been demanding for centuries but it turned out he had also Unleashed a dangerous new Force Revolution [Music] [Music]
Channel: StarMediaEN
Views: 617,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world history, youtube film, tv shows, movie, mystery of the romanovs, discovery channel, russian version, romanov family documentary, documentaries, Russia, TV series, secrets of the romanovs, russia documentary, imperial dynasty, nat geo, bbc documentary, reenactment, An Imperial Family, Russian Empire, history channel, free movies online, romanovs the imperial family, documentary, historical, online tv, russian imperial family, HD, The Romanovs, 罗曼诺夫王朝, new movies, history
Id: bYfXWlflaws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 29sec (3089 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 19 2014
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