The Rock Reacts To His First Leading Role In "The Scorpion King": 15 YEARS LATER

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welcome back to something that that's been a lot of fun with you guys and you guys reacted in a very big way millions and millions millions of people really love the series it's called Rock reacts and our very first Rock reacts watching video of my very first match in Madison Square Garden back in the mid-90s when I made my debut with the WWE anyway you guys thought it was amazing I thought it was a lot of fun we came back now for a second one and we thought that now what I would react to was my very first movie that I ever made as a leading man and the name of the movie was Scorpion King and a little bit of a back story how we got to the Scorpion King I think you guys are like this is that I was in the Sahara Desert shooting The Mummy Returns and it was about a hundred and fifteen degrees in the middle of Sahara Desert I was so sick I had things coming I'm out I'm out of my body I could not even describe what the [ __ ] is that it was my very first movie we were shooting in 115 degree weather I was freezing the director Stephen Sommers had to come over after every take he put blankets on me I had two blankets on me it was the worst he came he said are you okay can you continue to go on I didn't want to call it quits so I get back to my hotel room that night I get on the phone with my agent and he goes listen I've got great news for you I said what he goes there watching the dailies and they want to turn this character that you're playing into its own movie they want to give you your own movie he goes what do you think I said I say I think it's great I'm so sick right now I said I've just got one question he goes what I said what the dailies so in our world dailies are literally the footage that you shoot that day and we send them back to the studio in the studio watches him so studios watched the dailies of The Mummy Returns character I was playing the Scorpion King they loved it they said man we want to make this into a franchise we want to give him his own movie and that ladies and gentlemen is how my career kind of kicked off in Hollywood without any further ado Rock reacts the Scorpion King let's get this show on the road I am buried right now in sand literally there's grant Heslov good buddy of mine I believe he's won an Oscar for his writing he's a that's right so obviously we're in the desert I am underneath the sand and in these ants right now these are killer ants and just for the record just for the record because I'm a method actor and I like to go deep I required real ants so these are real killer ants one bite from these ants they will kill you they kill they kill elephants they kill pissed-off bulls I didn't give a [ __ ] didn't matter to me I was like just bring it on these are all real ants I want you to know there's not visual effects regardless of how fake they look alright let's just pause here for a second and let's uh let's take a moment to uh let's take a moment to appreciate the the perfectly plucked eyebrows just for a sec alright now we can continue what I like about this scene is do I kill you I kill the bad guy which I was sworn to kill and that's the thing the backstory is with Akkadian warriors when they give an oath to kill someone they kill them so right now the Scorpion King is clearly conflicted between killing the bad guy or doing the right thing and saving the little boy's life or saving his hand rather [Music] the look I give afterwards is priceless this is the look I give when someone touches any of my brownies on my cheat day that look right there that right there that is that's literally me jumping I just jumped it's probably about a 15-foot jump that I jumped some people who were on set that day would say that I jumped into into a big soft mattress but so Bernard Hills one of the greatest actors of all time is just so brilliant and I loved working with him he was a wonderful he is a wonderful wonderful wonderful man and again this was my very first movie starring in in Hollywood so you know I just I cherished my time with an OG like this and tried to soak up as much information as I could possibly soak up I mean when you look at it when you look at this athleticism up in up with the knife grab it throw it bang no one else in Hollywood is doing that not Tom Cruise not Will Smith so here's the thing when people are like God in Hollywood what's it like you must be surrounded by women and beautiful women this is the kind of scene that little people's eyebrow there it's kind of seeing it you know oh hey what'd you do at work today but I was just surrounded by about 35 beautiful women and they all want to make out with me only kidding I made out with River so right here so in that moment when I fell off and I grabbed on generally in Hollywood we have we have obviously our stuntman and I stunt coordinators making sure that everybody is protected and in this case they asked me is it can we use a stunt person and can we use your stunt double on a sign this no it's my first movie where 180 feet high up in the air I'm just gonna grab it no wires nothing just let me do all the work I put myself in complete danger I am so full of [ __ ] that was my stunt double how do I read who's still with me he's amazing notice the hair perfectly placed over the what are they called areolas her name is Kelly whoo awesome girls your good buddy of mine she's from Hawaii she was phenomenal in this role she's obviously beautiful and she was the best loved working with it hey DJ how was your day today what'd you do I just went down a big waterslide with a naked girl nothing it was a good day on set of the Scorpion King that day release his armies and right straight through this place when none will die by my hand so her character sorcerer she's a seer and she could see the future and she's saying now that that that I'm gonna die that's why she's so upset because she's falling for me she says that is my destiny but you know Big Daddy DJ you got other plans I make my own destiny I make my own destiny and tonight our destiny we're gonna do the horizontal hula come here and Walmart yeah get you some of the core Scorpion King extinct [Laughter] [Music] now here's the thing when you have a scene like this right it's a nice romantic scene we're kissing it's just awesome right and everybody's very professional on set that day it's always an awkward thing because there's 50 people in the room there's cameras you know and it's never sexy or romantic obviously the final product it is so what I wanted to do in this particular scene I lighten the mood and I had a fart machine and I told my makeup artist I said dude at the right time when I give you the look like hit that thing I make my own test bring her in guys Kelly she ate something bad ladies and gentlemen that is a wrap on rock reacts I got to tell you it's always fun doing stuff like this and taking you guys down memory lane whether it was a dub my first WWE match now my first movie at that time in my career I was flying by the seat of my pants I knew that I had to put in a lot of work I was taking a road that just didn't exist at that time there was no blueprint for what I wanted to do so I can look back on that and make fun of some of the scenes in the movie but I will say this I so appreciate everybody's support back then because that movie led to another movie which led to another movie which led to years later and Here I am on YouTube with all of you guys talking about the rock reacts and a fart machine so I hope you enjoyed that I enjoyed it too as well and I can't wait to do the next rock reacts thanks guys and as always leave a comment make sure you subscribe thanks for watching and let us know what you want to see me do in terms of the very next rock reacts [Music]
Channel: The Rock
Views: 7,482,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Rock, The Rock YouTube, YouTube The Rock, Dwayne Johnson YouTube, YouTube Dwayne Johnson, The Rock Johnson, Dwayne The Rock, Dwayne The Rock Johnson, The Rock Reacts, Reacts, rock, dwayne, dwayne johnson, rock johnson, dwayne rock johnson, the scorpion king, scorpion king, the scorpion, scorpion king movie, the rock scorpion king, scorpion king the rock, dwayne johnson scorpion king, scorpion king dwayne johnson, first leading role, rock reacts, react, the rock reaction
Id: _hX81ulhR5Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 04 2017
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