The Rock Cycle | Sedimentary, Metamorphic, Igneous | Learning Made Fun

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[Music] one two three four five [Music] hello everybody it's me mr bradley and today we're learning about rocks but before we begin hit that subscribe button and get ready to do the starter questions on your screen right now [Music] rocks can be organized into three separate categories depending on how they were formed igneous metamorphic and sedimentary the first kind of rock we're going to learn about is sedimentary rock on top of mountains it can get pretty windy and rainy and did you know that this wind and rain can chip away tiny pieces of rocks and dirt away from the mountain these tiny pieces of rocks and dirt are carried by water down streams to rivers finally reaching oceans and lakes where they sink down to the bottom we call these tiny rocks and dirt that sink down to the bottom sediment over time more rocks and dirt sink and topple them then more sink on top of them than more on top of them after a long time one million zillion jillion billion cotillion times later and things start to get heavy for the rocks and dirt at the very bottom these layers are squeezed together harder and harder until eventually sedimentary rock is formed now using these starbursts i'm going to show you the rock cycle so now i'm just going to cut up the starburst into tiny little rocks which we'll then use to make our sedimentary rock [Music] okay so our sedimentary rock is now being formed this has been made of many smaller pieces of rocks and dirt all squeezed together to form one hard rock sometimes these layers of rocks and dirt can be very clearly seen within the sedimentary rock formation although all rocks are pretty hard sedimentary rock is probably the weakest out of the three types of rocks examples of sedimentary rock include sandstone mudstone limestone shield and even cool which we learned at a cool mine we visited here in ireland hello i'm here at origna mining experience to learn about a very special kind of sedimentary rock called coal so we're just here in oregon mine deep deep deep onto the ground and here's where cool his mind above me is layers and layers and layers of rock very very heavy see how we compress and squash down that sedimentary rock to make cool let's check out some incredible sedimentary rock formations [Music] and the next type of rock we're going to learn about is metamorphic rock sometimes these layers of rocks and dirt deep underground become close to molten hot magma to add a little bit of heat to this rock i'm going to use a hair dryer the heat of the magma combined with the huge pressure of all of the layers of rocks above can cause the rocks at the bottom to be chemically changed into metamorphic rock but this also takes a super long time here's some footage of me climbing on metamorphic rock on a mountaineering course in india [Music] the next type of rock we're going to learn about is igneous rock igneous rock is formed when rocks become so hot that they melt and turn to liquids we call them molten rocks molten rock that is underground is called magma and molten rock that comes out of the ground is called lava when the magma or lava cools down again it hardens and forms igneous rock take a look at my starburst when i heat them they begin to melt and form molten rock then when they cool down again they harden to form igneous rock then once again over a super long time this igneous rock is chipped away by the wind and rain these tiny pieces of rocks and dirt are then once again carried away by the water from streams to rivers to lakes and oceans where they sink down to the bottom and the cycle begins all over again we call this the rock cycle [Applause] [Music] hi guys i'm here at the giants causeway the giants causeway was formed around 60 million years ago when molten hot magma erupted from a nearby volcano and quickly cooled down as it reached the ocean forming these amazing honeycomb pillars these pillars are made from basalt which is an igneous rock other igneous rocks include granite and thomas [Music] we there are three main types of rocks sedimentary metamorphic and igneous rock sedimentary rock is formed when layers of rocks and dirt are squeezed together under huge pressure for a long time metamorphic rocks are formed when rock layers become close to magma the heat and pressure over a long time forms metamorphic rocks igneous rock is formed when molten hot rocks cool down and harden again and so we've come to the end of our video about rocks enjoyed learning about rocks then make sure you don't miss out on my fossil hunting video coming soon don't forget to hit that subscribe button and as always thanks for watching see you next time
Channel: Mr. Bradley - Learning Made Fun
Views: 613,683
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mr. Bradley, Learning Made Fun, Teacher, Learning, Kids, Children, Primary, School, KS2, rocks, metamorphic, igneous, sedimentary, mountains, rock cycle, rock formation, how are rocks made, what are rocks, where do rocks come from, erosion, weathering, cliffs, dukhan, qatar, hornhead, giants causeway, arigna mine, coal, science
Id: Vp_S3BDiR-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 40sec (400 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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