THE ROCINANTE: All Features Explained | The Expanse Ships

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hello and welcome back to another episode of generation films my name is American bang the main ingredients for producing a quality show are pretty Universal across all genres I don't think I'm going out on a limb and saying that compelling drama requires good acting writing directing casting and so on that said there are some unique elements required for shows of certain genres to be successful for instance in medieval fantasy gratuitous sex and violence is a must as a matter of fact let's not [ __ ] that's what I come for in the first place on the other hand when it comes to sci-fi you don't have to shock audiences with awesome decapitations and incest but you got to have good ships what is star wars without the star destroyer or Millennium Falcon what is halo without the UNSC infinity what is star trek without the enterprise oh well I guess we already figured that one out did [ __ ] but anyway when I turned on the expanse I wondered if the show would deliver on the ships dare say oh yeah belt oh lord care where to pensiero ships me say but like the me pence at DS - monkey - good one that the ships are really cool yeah the ships are really cool the space crafts in the expanse fill me with more spiritual joy than a Mormon on a 100 year journey aboard the Nauvoo as I began to watch the expanse and experienced the wondrous and magnificent version of the great void that the show depicts I also wondered what the show's iconic ship would be ah it's the Canterbury a giant ice hauling colony ship nope not it ah that it must be the donnager the imposing flagship of the Martian Congressional Republican a V's Jupiter fleet no not that either instead what we got was a small attack ship a Corvette class light frigate known as the tachi and later renamed the Rocinante by its crew that's it that's the ship a 46 metre long vessel that can barely house 12 crew and god damn it I just used the metric system I must be infected with the proto molecule quick somebody kill me anyway I thought to myself a goddamn escape ship attached to a bigger and cooler ship is what we're stuck with and now having watched through the show I think I can say with all confidence that the Rose Dante might be the most well done ship I've ever seen in any science fiction show ever I think many of the great ships in science fiction are defined by their power or size or speed but if I had to come up with a single defining characteristic or a single word to describe the Rossa not day I probably would go with intuitive it's so easy to use which is exactly what one should expect of a ship in the future see the expanses creators clearly - great effort to really think about what the future actually might look like in the 24th century and the Rose Sonata is a reflection of that effort and the result is fantastic and so today especially being that there isn't a lot of info on the Rosi out there no in-depth wiki pages or other databases I want to offer you all in lockdown a comprehensive breakdown of the ship's features and if you point out any mistakes I make I'm gonna space your ass just kidding being that there are no in-depth wiki pages or other data bases as I just said I put this video together from copious notes that I took as I watch the series so I might very well indeed make mistakes or miss things so I am relying on you to use the comments section to complete the video by correcting my mistakes and filling in what I missed to get the conversation started the first thing you have to understand about the ship is that you should think about it more vertically and less horizontally it's built like a building layered floor-by-floor from its reactor at the bottom to its flight deck at the top in other words if the ship was on earth and stood up vertically and you walked inside it everything would be oriented normally when the pilot is sitting in the flight deck he isn't facing what you might call the nose or bow of the ship he's facing what you would think of as the floor of the ship though his seat can lean backward or forward and rotate for comfort ability and orientation this is something that the expanse really gets right it's physics because remember in space Direction loses most of its meaning as everything's really dark and there's only microgravity the roasts Ananta uses for us to create a sort of artificial gravity with g-forces as in the standard acceleration is about 1g providing for an environment not unlike Earth's and when the ship is under thrust the direction towards the ship's engines would be considered down as there is force pulling on the crew aboard the ship toward what I guess we would consider the rear of the ship but when the ship is in freefall there is no up or down as freefall can happen in any direction zero gravity and of course when the ship is motionless there's a zero-g inside as we see exemplified by the Martian Texans country serenade god I love the expanse anyway let's talk about thrust the Rocinante has what's known as an Epstein Drive which is a somewhat unexplained modified fusion drive that was invented by scientists Solomon Epstein some 130 plus years before the events in the expanse take place unfortunately Solomon died while testing his creation when I malfunctioned goddamnit Hilary not this Epstein - anyway the Epstein Drive uses magnetic coil exhaust acceleration to increase drive efficiency and thus allows the ship to sustain thrust all the way to Uranus and Beyond if necessary the Rocinante can use its epstein drive to accelerate halfway to its destination then flip around and decelerate the rest of the way given that we don't know the mass of the ship or the percentage of the ship that's made up by fuel it's impossible to know its exact total Delta V or its change in velocity that can be achieved by burning the Rockets entire fuel load that said some really smart people have made guesses that seem to come in around 4,000 kilometers per second or about 1.33 percent the speed of light we also know that when the Rocinante departed from the donnager it did a high G burn at about 5 G for 10 to 11 hours which will result in the ship going at about 1,800 kilometers per second or 0.6% the speed of light however while tracking arrows alex claimed that at max acceleration the ship can do about 15 to 20 G's and we saw firsthand that it was able to keep up with eros the angry space beam for a good while when they were chasing it of course at such high acceleration the force pulling on the crew becomes so great that as alex warns they could burst blood vessels this is why we see the crew struggling when in hi g burns and why they have to be strapped in and medicated with a some sort of special adrenaline drug that's fed into them through their seats though i am kind of suspicious that a missus chair is just injecting venom into him the same drug used by Bane in terms of the physical components that create the ship's propulsion and movement the Rocinante has an acceleration thruster in multiple control and landing thrusters that push the ship directionally one thing that I really love about the roasted not des is the way that it uses its movement in seamless cooperation with its armament for instance it doesn't use much thrust when entering into combat it doesn't really fly it just kind of falls in style and ode to buzz lightyear fighting the ship is like trying to fight a wasp it wants to get in close and move around you to find an opening to sting it's 640 millimeter point defense cannons all have rotating heads that can roll with the ship and spit out continuous fires the Rocinante falls around its target the ship's fighting style is organized chaos its drunken master in space of course if a sting isn't enough the roasts Ananta has to torpedo launchers armed with 22 RP dough's that it can use for a longer range and more devastating attacks these torpedoes can be launched right from the arm of the cruise seats with the press of a button and if needed they can be piloted using the same control as a joystick sticking with the whole integrated theme it only takes a few fingers to operate the ship's weaponry the ship also houses a drone that can be piloted using the same controls and when autopilot is switched off this same button slash joystick can also be used to pilot the ship again the ship is super intuitive everything on it is very easy to use there are single interfaces and controls for operating all the ships features and everything is integrated everything runs on a singular system safe to say Microsoft did not design this ship the roaster Dante is not some space jalopy like the Nostromo from alien it's a luxury ship wired for use with all the latest technology HD screens are installed throughout the ship and all of them can the same Network databases and control panels the pilot himself doesn't look out a window because why would he want to look out of a window into a dark abyss when he can use electronic tools to see space around him in a far superior way the pilot has a giant screen he uses to guide the ship that's integrated the software for scanning the star system and mapping his course through space and the screens throughout the ship allowed the crew to play their part in advancing the rosin on tey along its journey the screens can change feeds to a variety of external and internal cameras in order to monitor anywhere on the outside or inside of the ship and even follow the crew as they embark on extra vehicular missions software also allows for the screens to be used for scanning Biological compositions of life-forms playing video games aka running battle simulations and it can be used for interplanetary video communication and for recording voice messages a feature that the ship's resident mg toh Alex uses to tell his wife and child he'd rather be in his spaceship than with them but to be fair those of you with wives and children out there would probably abandon them for the rosin on day 2 I mean spaceships you could turn off with the press of a button in order to turn your wife or girlfriend off she'd have to see you naked talk about a high G burn getting back on track here computer tablets attached to the ship's seats are used to operate the screens when they're too far away for touch operation the tablets can pretty much control all the software and integrated hardware in the ship and best of all they can still be touch operated through the gloves the crew wears as part of their Eevee a suits like I said everything on the ship is integrated and also probably proprietary I'm not sure that third-party Amazon purchased USB chargers are going to work on the ship and if the tablets and screens aren't enough there are also portable mini tablets that the crew uses to control the systems in the ship communicate with each other activate alarms read news feeds and they can even be used as simple TV remotes they don't work out of proximity of the ship though most likely for security purposes I mean the ship is so damn intuitive and integrated that it's almost over the top but Steve Jobs consciousness has to continue to make money somehow and yeah given the uniformity of all the products on the ship I'm guessing this could be Apple's handiwork by the way I'm not actually sure how the ship's tablets are linked to the computer systems and screens it might be by bluetooth but given that the linking mechanism actually works probably not we do see devices plugged in at times but they could just be charging and god damn it is that another type of tablet on the ship finally the crews meeting table on the command deck which is right below the flight deck functions as a sort of hub interface for the ship's computer from this table once again the crew can operate the entire ship from inside and out but this table has the added bonus of being able to project holographic interactive maps all right so believe it or not thus far aside from the ship's engines we've really only talked about the top two levels in the ship which to be fair does constitute the ship's brain but below the command deck there is a storage bay where weapons are kept along with lockers that contain the crew zva suits which themselves can attach to the ship by air hose in order to supply oxygen to the crew during high G maneuvers the storage bay level also contains the upper airlock aim is his preferred spot for spacing people then below that level as a medical bay the first thing you'll notice about the med bay is that it looks comfortable as hell I feel like Holden Miller we're just faking cancer to be able to chill in there nonetheless if you're actually sick or have health issues the med bay has all the requisite technology to provide care for you there's computers that can run body and brain scans and medications such as cancer killing drugs for more invasive procedures I'm sure the medbay contains sedatives as well though if you're new to the ship and dumb enough to allow Amos to convince you that he's a doctor he'll probably just take care of you on the command deck with a giant magnifying glass and pliers you said you'd done this before I have just not on someone else in any case if something does go wrong during a medical procedure and you die on board the ship has a morgue to get your carcass out of the way below the medical bay is the galley where star cook alex is known for his microwaved lasagna the microwave of course is the primary method of cooking on the Rocinante but on special occasions the ship's acceleration thruster can be used for barbecues the galley also houses an advanced device which captain values and loves more than anything else on the ship and perhaps in the entire universe it's a futuristic machine called a coffee maker and he gets a little weird about forcing coffee on people unfortunately Holden loves the coffee maker the same way Chris Brown loves Rihanna the ship has tea as well oh and the dinette set is just to die for below the galley lies the crew quarters where you'll find beds and bathrooms and whoa whoa whoa see this is why we can't trust Martians did you see that they don't wash their hands after they pee this is why Holden is a captain a true leader washes hands after a good slag below the galley level is the machine shop where parts can be made and below that and just above the reactor is the engineering room and a two-level cargo bay which on his lower level contains the lower airlock blast door finally just a couple of notes about the outside of the ship within what I guess we would call the top side of the ship closer to the ship's nose than its Stern is housed a retractable docking bridge which can be used to connect the Rocinante with or even taxi other ships and just below the nose of the ship and extending out forward is the ship's communication array which is made up of I would guess transmitting and receiving antennas that support communication across space okay Alex you can power down [Music] anyway those are all the ships features that I could pick up as I watched the show now it is your turn what did I miss what did I leave out I tried to be thorough I tried to watch everything but I'm not perfect just damn close not close at all so please comment down below and let me know what you know about the ship I really hope you've enjoyed this video I love the expanse it was a lot of hard work but because I'm enjoying the show so much it felt like fun doing it all I definitely give this video a like if you enjoyed it subscribe to our Channel and hit that notification about because more expanse videos are on the way bell deload ah for now my name is American Ben and I'll catch you next time generation of films peace
Channel: Generation Films
Views: 211,389
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the rocinante, the expanse, rocinante, rocinante features, rocinante specs, rocinante abilities, the expanse technology, rocinante tech, rocinante weapons, rocinante speed, space ships, top ships, best ships, sci fi ships, tachi, martian navy, the expanse factions, rocinante breakdown, rocinante levels, the expanse physics, rocinante physics, epstein drive, rocinante engine, fastest ships, best ships in science fiction, best expanse ship, expanse ships, expanse explained
Id: 6EXUQe7D6Xw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2020
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