The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Class 10 History Chapter 2 (Part-1) | CBSE Class 10 Social Science

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welcome to yet another exciting session of vaiju social science classes now talking about exciting we have a lot of exciting stuff happening for you so before i actually start this exciting session let me tell you some of these exciting things so the first thing that i want to tell you is that we have amphi which is basically stands for akash national talent hunt exam and this is a very exciting exam for those of you who are aspiring to become doctors or engineers the link is in your description box i'm not going to use up too much time telling you all about it because we have lots of videos out there for you to know what it's all about and to know the benefits of signing up for this so please the link is in your description box register for it it is absolutely free all right then our next exciting piece of news is that mr mania has started we know that midterms are right around the corner and we at by jews as always want to support you want to back you up with all the knowledge that you can get so that you can actually go and ace these midterm exams right so on our channel we have a lot of exciting stuff for you we've got a whole lot of revision questions we've got strategy sessions we've got one-shot marathons we've got um lots of stuff basically okay so we're going to support you in this journey and by the way for social science i'm going to be putting up some shorts for you which will also help you to um east your exams and basically do well in social science so please register to our channel subscribe to our channel and you will find that baiju supports you through and through right okay now let us start with today's session so today we will be starting with the first chapter of history for grade 10 now i know that a lot of you have been really really really waiting for this particular chapter in fact every time during my live sessions i keep getting uh requests saying nam please do this particular chapter so it is a very long chapter it's a very interesting chapter by the way it's one of my favorite chapters what are we going to do today well yes we are going to study rise of nationalism in europe so let's get started now first let's talk about the learning objectives for this particular chapter that is we're going to be discussing what are the goals of this particular chapter so these goals are basically two number one discuss the french revolution and the idea of the nation number two to discuss how nationalism emerged as a force during the 19th century europe and brought political changes to that particular continent namely europe and thirdly we will be discussing other concepts such as aristocracy and liberalism so these are the goals of our chapter okay now like i told you this is a very long chapter so let us take a look at how we will be proceeding with this particular lesson on this particular chapter so i've got four sub topics for you over here now the sub topics that we will be covering in the first segment of the chapter are as follows we will be discussing these questions across two sessions okay and there's more i'm going to tell you that about i'm going to be telling you see basically this is the first segment now this first segment will be done in terms of two sessions and then after that because this is a really long chapter you know that we cannot possibly have only this much in that chapter we have to go ahead and discuss a lot more so this chapter entirely is going to be done in a total of four sessions so right now i'm giving you the road map of the first two sessions so we will be asking ourselves some questions we will be asking ourselves number one what was the context behind the rise of nationalism in europe as in what was the background at that point in time then we will go ahead and discuss that why did the revolution become such a necessity at this time then we will go ahead and discuss who were the key people involved in bringing about the idea of nationalism and we will then go ahead and discuss what were the key milestones in the revolution once again these four sub-topics will be covered in two sessions but this total chapter will take us four sessions right again we will be going through all of these questions in detail and in answering each of them by the end of the four sessions you will actually understand and you will find that all our learning objectives have been covered so shall we get started well then let's do that let's start with our first question which is what was the context behind the rise of nationalism or what was the background now in order to understand the context let's do one thing let's take a look at the map of europe so if you take a look at this this is the present day map of europe but do you know that the map of europe did not always look like this what did it look like well take a look at this map over here this was the map of mid 19th century europe right so this was europe in 1815 specifically now can you tell me the differences that you can make out between the current map of europe which is this one that i showed you and this one what's the difference well as we can see in this one we had many countries like germany italy switzerland etc that we know of today but they did not exist back at that point in time so isn't that quite surprising so what did we have in place of this well instead of the countries as we know them today we had a group of kingdoms they were basically called duchies and cantons right and these were ruled by autocratic monarchies and then we had eastern and central europe which was also basically under autocratic monarchies and all these kingdoms had a very diverse set of people very very different people in all of them right so what exactly was the problem what was the background like i said now the problem over here with this was that the people in all these kingdoms they did not necessarily see themselves as sharing a common identity or a common culture or in fact even a common language right like for example today as indians we know that we have a shared identity or a shared culture or uh we consider ourselves indians right so this was not the case at that time let me explain this to an example okay now take a look at this map over here this is a map of the habsburg empire in 1848 now this was ruled over this hapsburg empire basically they ruled over austria-hungary now these people as in this empire consisted of many different religions different groups of people they had it covered many different regions so for example in terms of diversity just to explain to you you had the alpine regions of the empire which consisted of tyrol and austria you had the suited in student england you had bohemia all of that here you had the aristocracy which basically spoke german now just take a look at this as i keep explaining okay then you had the regions of lombardy and venetia which consisted of italian speaking people right then magyar was the language that was spoken by half of the population and the rest of the population spoke in different dialects then you had the polish language which was basically the language of choice uh in the aristocracy of galicia and besides these major groups there were also other people who were mainly peasants living in this habsburg empire who had different ethnicities so for example you had the bohemians and the slovaks in the north you had the slovenes in carniola you had the croats in the south and then you had the romans to the east in transverse transylvania so can you imagine that so many different type of people so many different ethnicities so obviously here what we have to understand is that forging a common political unity with so many different groups of people that are involved would have been almost impossible right so what was the common thing for these people was there anything in common well the only thing bringing all these different people together was the monarchy and its strict controlling authoritarian hand so basically what was the problem the problem was that all these different people were not happy with the monarchy and they wanted to overthrow the monarchy and that was the common factor between them all right so that was our background all right now that we have established the context and understood the background let's look into our second question that is why did the revolution become a necessity but before that we must understand that in order to overturn a system that has existed for centuries right so in this case for example autocratic monarchies we would need much more than just armies and firepower over and above that we would need ideas that are capable of overthrowing the existing worldview and that idea in this case was nationalism so what exactly is nationalism well nationalism is an idea of forming a nation-state where the majority of its citizens share common culture and a sense of collective identity and interestingly the first expression of nationalism can be seen during the french revolution of 1789 now i have a very interesting question for you can you tell me which famous event led to the french revolution and if you know the answer please let me know in the comment section below i will be waiting for them now coming back do you know why the french revolution took place okay let me tell you so in france the bourbon dynasty had been in power for centuries like a really long time right but what was happening here was that the nation that is france was getting progressively poorer but the bourbon dynasty of the monarchy did nothing to alleviate the pain of the people so eventually you had a strong surge of nationalism which led to the french revolution which eventually disposed of the monarchy and post the french revolution the power shifted from the monarchy to the body of citizens so it basically moved from the monarchy to the people right and the good news is that the revolution proclaimed that now people will decide the destiny of france not the monarchy anymore so also i want to tell you that the french from the very outset or the beginning they tried to engage in exercises that created a sense of collective identity so in this case the french ideals of la patria meaning the fatherland and la sita or the citizen they became very important as they focused on the idea of a united france enjoying equal rights under the french constitution even a new flag was chosen you had the tri-color which came in to replace the old royal standard and not just that you had a lot of changes that took place even at the administrative level so what were these changes so we had the estates general which was the body of elected citizens citizens which was renamed as the national assembly right i'm just going to put that down for you over here national assembly this was one of the changes also we had a centralized administrative system which was put into place which created uniform laws for all french citizens then you had internal custom duties and dues which were abolished and done away with and in place you had a uniform system of weights and measures apart from this you had new hymns and oaths were composed and martyrs were co-memorated all right and then apart from this you had regional dialects that were discouraged and french the way that it was spoken now and written in paris was taken up as the common language so if you get a question that asks you how did french contribute to the sense of how did france contribute to the to the sense of collective identity well these were the points that you can mention in your question in your answer all right okay let's move ahead so we see that in france the growth of nationalism was underway however this idea of nationalism also made its way to territories outside france do you know how this was accomplished well this was done through the jacobin clubs so let's understand what these jacobian clubs were czechovin clubs were basically set up by students and members of the middle class and these were the people that were influenced by the french ideals in different cities of europe they were the ones who spread these ideals in the countries of holland belgium switzerland and quite a lot of italy and this essentially paved the way for french armies to enter these areas later in the 1790s okay so till now we saw how the french revolution became the starting point of nationalism in in europe and we also understood how it spread the idea to other parts of europe now the question is why did people from the other parts of europe support this nationalism can you tell me the answer well the main goal of nationalism was to bring down one thing in particular hmm do you know what that is well the goal of nationalism was to bring down the aristocracy so what is the aristocracy well the aristocracy of the aristocrats were basically the highest class in the social societal hierarchy at that point in time they typically composed of people of noble birth and sometimes they hold they held hereditary titles and offices now let us see how this aristocracy affected france and europe i mean what was the problem right so basically the landed aristocracy was the dominant class in europe okay i'm putting them over here dominant means they were the you know they were controlling everything so they basically owned huge estates they had lavish mansions and they spoke in french and in fact they even married amongst themselves so as not to dilute their power so even though actually these aristocrats were just a small fraction of the population they actually held a lot of power right they held a lot of power so there was obviously a very huge divide they controlled the social political institutions and they controlled the majority of the population who were basically the peasants at that point in time so there you have the aristocrats and you have the peasants and such a big divide and obviously because they're so dominating and controlling the peasants would have a problem the majority of the people would have a problem with the aristocrats now i spoke about the aristocracy and the peasants but this divide between the aristocrats and the peasants just these two divides basically did not remain for too long because we had industrialization that began taking place in england in the second half of the 18th century and you also had industrialization which was happening in parts of france and in the german states during the 19th century and with this advent of industrialization there arose a new class of people who were educated and had a liberal mindset right so you see this is the new class so this came in between the peasants and the aristocrats these people were the budding middle class and this consisted of many industrialists businessmen professionals all of them were a part of this middle class and because of these people you had the idea of liberalism that emerged in europe now what does the term liberalism mean the term liberalism derives from the latin root liber ah can you tell me what liber means let me know your answers in the comment section below i think it's pretty obvious what it means put your answers below i am waiting for them okay now let us discuss what exactly is liberalism well liberalism is a political ideology that focuses on peace people's personal freedom civil liberties and democracy and in economic terms also liberalism advocates free trade and enterprise so isn't that good so let us now see how this new belief of liberal liberalism started to get a hold of the people in europe well understand this liberalism since the end of the french revolution meant the end of the autocratic rule and clerical privileges right so they basically wanted to do away with the monarchy it also meant setting up of a constitution right and a representative government with a parliament so let me just put over here representative government right this is what liberalism meant but you know it's not just this the liberals in the 19th century also emphasized the complete security of private property so that what is yours can stay yours right now this is all very good but there were a few shortcomings with the ideas of liberalism as well so can you tell me what the short shortcomings were what the problems with this form of liberalism was well liberalism did promote equality but as we will see it promoted equality only up to a certain degree let's understand now equality under the eyes of the law equality as we know it at that time did not necessarily stand for the universal right to vote which we know as suffrage so please note this that under the rule of the jacobins only all men were allowed to vote which means women were not allowed to vote at that particular time and then after the revolution things actually got worse in this aspect so after you had the civil code of 1804 which was also known as the napoleonic code after that came into effect you could have only men who owned property they could vote so now it was not even all men it was just the people who had property and women definitely were not allowed to vote right so like i said men without access to property and all women were not allowed to vote and does that mean equality obviously this is not equal right and in fact women had to suffer a lot of discrimination they were reduced to the status of just a minor what does that mean this means that women had to be subjected to the authority of their fathers and their husbands so obviously we know that this is equality only to a certain measure it's not complete equality right this is injustice so as a response to this injustice all through the 19th and the early 20th centuries you had women and you had non-property men who started movements demanding equal political rights right now this was a bad thing definitely things had to become more equal but liberalism had its uses in the economic sphere of europe you know it was actually good for it because in terms of the economic sphere it guaranteed freedom of markets and the removal of state imposed restrictions on goods and capital okay let me understand this with an uh let me explain this by giving you an example so we know that napoleon had conquered large swaths of german speaking areas in the first half of the 19th century and had turned them into a confederation of 39 states right however the problem was that each of these 39 states had its own currencies its own weights and its own measurements so can you just imagine the plight of a german merchant having to do business with these different states if he has to travel from one place to the other to do business for example you had a measure of cloth which was known as the l okay now the problem over here was that in each region the l actually stood for completely different lengths can you imagine that so if a person is going to sell a piece of cloth in one area and l means something else and then going to another area and means something completely l it's completely different right so there's chaos right because with every state having different currencies different weights and different measurements business obviously would be almost impossible to conduct so talking about napoleon i must say that napoleon did definitely bring about some good changes during his reign which we will discuss in our next session however these changes did not last long because things went back to the same situation in the economic sphere after his defeat so in 1834 you had a customs union or a solver line let me put this down for you let me spell it also z o l l v e r e i n this means custom unit custom sorry customs union so we have the solver i know the customs union which was formed at the initiative of prussia and joined by most of the german states so what did the solver i do it abolished all these different currencies for each state and it removed tariff barriers so that business was now much much easier to conduct right okay and this was one of the effects of liberalism now i think it's time that we wind up our session for today so before winding up the session let's have a quick recap of what exactly we've learned today so number one we looked at how nationalism emerged as a force that brought about sweeping changes in europe we understood the context right behind the rise of nationalism we understood the situation we also went ahead and looked at why the revolution became a necessity in the social political context of europe at that point in time we also went ahead and we studied various ideologies such as aristocracy and liberalism should i put that down for you over here aristocracy and liberalism yes we have covered quite a lot so you may want to go back and view the session again to catch the smaller things that we've studied right now before i end the quest in the session i have a question for you tell me do you know who was the last king of france before the fall of the monarchy during the french revolution who was the last king of france during the french revolution let me know your answers in the comment section below and like i said it's time to wind up this session we're gonna have the next session which will cover the next two points for you in our next session basically so i'm gonna see you really really soon but listen before i go exciting news again we started with exciting news and we're ending with exciting news what was the exciting news in the beginning we spoke about anthony and we spoke [Music] all right now i want to tell you that talking about we spoke about meter mission giving you support right during your exams i want to tell you that in this last year we are so happy to say that we have had so many students that have felt actually supported and have benefited from the sessions that we take over here we have trisha biswal who is our very own baiju student she was a pr she she is a pre buy juice premium student as well as attended a lot of the sessions that we did and followed our channels so i want to tell you that she has done such an amazing job in her exam she has scored 99.8 and it's got almost almost full marks in all her subjects and she's actually there's an interview that has been done with her so please go ahead and watch that interview because you will know that by jews loves its students and we really support you no matter what right in fact talking about data and results let me tell you that uh it's been so exciting for us to know after collecting that the data that we have seen that 23 of our students have scored above 99. we have 927 of our students that have got between 95 to 99 percent we have 1 66 63 students that have got between 90 to 95 and 2600 plus students that have got above 90 and we are so excited to have been a part of this journey so please subscribe to our channel download the baiju's learning app and become a premium student and you will find that both these platforms together will really really help you to ace your exam score very very well right now my news is not over yet i want to have give you another exciting piece of news which is that the baijio's mini learning program is now free for the first thousand users every week so isn't that great all you need to do is click on the link and put in the code yt first all right and you can avail of this program absolutely free so you see we're always with you students make use of this opportunity and hey i have another piece of news for you we have been told let me tell you that this particular date 14th august 2022 we have to really watch out for this date we've been told even i don't know why uh but we've been told that this date can change your life and i'm very excited uh but like i said i don't know anything about this i have just been told to wait for this date also so i'm telling you the same thing we will get to know more about this in an announcement on 7th august so block your diary stay tuned and watch how this date can change your life because we know that if by juice is doing it it will definitely appear positive change right and that's it for me today for more such sessions please go ahead tune in to our channel 910 channel and definitely do not forget to like share and subscribe to our channel i'm going to see you very very soon bye bye
Channel: BYJU'S - Class 9 & 10
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Keywords: the rise of nationalism in europe, the rise of nationalism in europe class 10, the nationalism in europe class 10, nationalism in europe class 10, rise of nationalism in europe, the making of nationalism in europe, class 10 history rise of nationalism in europe, class 10 history chapter 1, class 10 history the rise of nationalism in europe, nationalism in europe, rise of nationalism in europe class 10, class 10 history, class 10 sst, class 10 boards, cbse board exams, tarana mam
Id: 0xkFleSMdyU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 48sec (1788 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 05 2022
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