The Rise And Fall Of Yelp

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Yelp is eleven years old, okay? What have you done to us? Before there was fake news, there were fake reviews. All of us are critiquing each other all the time. We'd like to apologize? Local review site Yelp made quite a mark on how we find restaurants and services. We've gone city by city now, over 100 different cities across the world. So it's actually become an international phenomenon. It was the first big success story in the early days of user-generated reviews, and the company enjoyed rapid growth in those early days. But it hasn't been so easy for Yelp lately with increased competition and a stagnant business model. I think you had a lot of execution errors at Yelp. And you don't go from tech darling to tech giant without a few bad reviews. I would stay away. Yelps for sale. Would you buy it? I don't think so. You have it in the back of your head that Yelp is out there, lurking. Yelp was founded in July of 2004 by former PayPal employees Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel Simmons to compile word-of-mouth suggestions for local businesses and services. Stoppelman And Simmons originally decided on the name Yokel, but that domain had already been taken. So at the advice of a colleague, they went with Yelp. Yelp and Yellow Pages kind of sound familiar and Yelp and help, you know, is another thing that the site provides. The duo launched the first iteration of their site in October of 2004, which was basically a huge email listserv. Seems antiquated, but remember, this was almost three years before the launch of the first iPhone. Yelp was built almost community by community. They would send out an organizer, almost like a grassroots local organizer, to host events in towns and cities for local businesses, letting them know about Yelp, how consumers could and would use Yelp, and how local businesses could increase their business by advertising on Yelp. By 2009, Yelp became so popular that Google offered the owners $550 million for the company. Yahoo! countered that offer with a $1 billion check, and Yelp refused both. Stoppelman, according to sources at the time, never really wanted to sell the company, so they ran this process, they did get some interest, but he felt like the price that was being offered for Yelp just wasn't high enough to merit selling the company. Instead, Yelp went public in 2012 and stocks surged on the first day of trading. We want to bring Yelp to the world. We want to manage this mobile transition that's happening. We want to play a big part of that. And we want to be the broadest and deepest content's source for local information. Really, the Amazon of local, when we think about it. These are Yelp employees that are here that have been brought in for the day. It's a big day for them. Priced at $15, now open at $22.01. Important thing is, stock opened very much to the upside. At the time it had 22 million reviews on its site and 61 million unique monthly visitors. In 2018, it had 177 million reviews and 164 million average unique monthly visitors, including the mobile site, desktop site and mobile app. Originally, Yelp was sort of the only game in town when it came to reviews. And this goes back to the initial question of why were investors so gung ho on Yelp originally? They were the only game in town at first, when it came to reviewing a local business. Amid all of Yelp success, the company claimed that once suitor Google was favoring its own content in search results and that Google was scraping data from Yelp for its own Google Places service, which spurred antitrust investigations. And Yelp released a pretty convincing presentation to demonstrate how Google was hurting its business. Let's be clear, Google is no longer in the business of sending people to the best sources of information on the web. It now hopes to be a destination site itself for one vertical market after another, including news, shopping, travel and now local business reviews. But Yelp was dealing with some internal problems as well. Business owners started noticing suspicious reviews According to a study done at Harvard, which included every Yelp review for restaurants in the Boston metropolitan area between 2004 and 2012, minus the 1 percent that violated Yelp's terms of service, 16 percent of reviews were flagged as fake. Rival business owners would write negative reviews to lower their competitions overall rating and write positive reviews on their own businesses. Yelp says it deals with these fake or extreme reviews by filtering them out. Every Yelp review is automatically evaluated by Yelp's recommendation software based on quality, reliability and user activity on Yelp. We try not to highlight reviews written by users we don't know much about or those that might be fakes or unhelpful rants or raves. And since the early days of Yelp, some business owners have not been too keen with how Yelp makes its money. A majority of its revenue comes from advertising. So this is no different than, say, what Facebook or Google does, where they're all on the same hunt for digital ad dollars. Yelp's niche in this is that if you're going and looking for a small business or restaurant, those restaurants can advertise right up there against your search on the site and therefore you can make money that way. An upcoming documentary that was announced back in 2015 interviewed local business owners who claimed to have received shady phone calls from Yelp sales representatives. If the Mafia had done what Yelp is doing, they'd be thriving in every county and every jurisdiction in the United States by doing it over the Internet. These reps reportedly offered to move bad reviews to a lower position on the businesses Yelp page in exchange for an advertising package and threatened to dock the page if they didn't advertise. The Federal Trade Commission looked into these allegations but found no cause for charges against Yelp. In a blog post, Yelp commented on the business owners. There's no relationship between advertising on Yelp and the reviews that are recommended. Uh, That's just no way to run a business, and it's not how we do things here at Yelp. But documentary director Kaylie Millikin was not convinced, not even by the FTC. I have spoken with a lot of the lead attorneys in cases brought up against Yelp and the FTC never went to them for the documentation that those attorneys have, the evidence that those attorneys have. Dismissing the FTC, dismissing five federal judges who all found no wrongdoing, dismissing all of that seems a little weird when all of it has very exhaustively debunked the claims. You're willing to dismiss an FTC investigation which found nothing wrong and say yourself that maybe they didn't do a good job and you're doing a better job. I'm not dismissing what they said. I am going to touch extensively on that in the documentary and I will let the experts speak for themselves. To this day, there is a divide between business owners who love Yelp and those who resent it. One business owner who asked to remain anonymous for fear of retaliation from Yelp hasn't had the best experience using the service. It's an uneasy partnership for those of us in this business that advertised with Yelp because we kind of feel like we have to rather than we really choose to. And there's a, sort of a wink and a nod and a whisper that it'd behoove you to advertise with Yelp rather than to a-shoo their advances. Sorry if I sound like I'm talking about, you know, the mob, but that's sort of, it's a little bit what it feels like to people or business. Other businesses, on the other hand, have found great success in Yelp's advertising program. I actually have positive reviews for Yelp, I'm an advocate for it, so... We are on the 21st floor so advertising is really big for us being that we're not on the ground level for people see where exactly. But, like, it's just like the quickest way to get your business out there. Yeah, it's been very positive for us. I'm happy with it. Despite these allegations and the encroaching tech superpower's like Google and Facebook and Instagram, Yelp's stock continued to climb. It peaked on March of 2014 at over $100 a share due to positive Wall Street analysis. But it hasn't been able to get back there since. I think you had a lot of execution errors at Yelp. It's a tough business to scale. Yelp has had a difficult time monetizing the business of recommendations into a growthie tech company that can can compete with the biggest tech companies out there like Facebook and Google. Investors were chomping at the bit to see Yelp become an advertising powerhouse, but it fell short of many investors expectations. Yelp, on the other hand, Scott, I just look at this name and I look at the fact they don't make money yet. I don't know when they're going to start making money and when they do,what's the PE level of Yelp? I think this is one of those names that's way up into the stratosphere with plenty of room to the downside. I would stay away. And the products that Google and Facebook had been creating to compete with Yelp started looking better and better in the eyes of the investors. Google has increasingly introduced more more local information, local services information, restaurant reviews. They've kind of, that's the, that was the reason for existence of Yelp and Google increasingly starting encroaching on that. Google took its services and prioritized them on searches, driving less and less people to Yelp site. This self-favoritism was a setback for Yelp, but some analysts say Yelp has not been innovating at the pace it should be. I think Yelp, in a way, was too slow to innovate. Some of these things that they have rolled out now, so they called a Request a Quote where you can actually go on the site and request a quote, they should have been rolling that out several years ago. I think this company was good on innovation, but not great on innovation. And I think that slowness is what really created the opportunity for other companies. A recent wakeup call to Yelp comes in the form of an activist investor. These investors buy up large sums of a company's stock and use it as leverage to get the company to change its strategy. So SQN has been an investor in Yelp for more than four years and they decided to go public and in essence become an activist shareholder. SQN released a 112 page document outlining Yelp's pitfalls and what it needed to do to get back on track. And if it doesn't comply, SQN is going to shake things up, starting with Yelp's board of directors. SQN came out and said, look, there's a whole bunch of different changes we want you to make, and if you don't think you can make the changes, we want you to try to sell yourself. Yelp responded fairly quickly. The first thing they did was that they actively replaced three board members. They also reported a very strong quarter. But Yelp is trying to diversify and gain some momentum. Yelp as a company is going through a couple of transitions. From a consumer side, it's going through a transition of being purely an information or a research site to one that's more transactions oriented. If you could actually go to the site, see those reviews and make a reservation at one of those sushi restaurants or order delivery through a partnership that Yelp has developed with GrubHub. So it's moved from being a purely information site to being more of a transaction site. And as for Yelp's future? This is the $64,000 question, right? Can Yelp survive as an independent company? At this stage, I would say Yelp is probably too small to survive as an independent company. I would not be surprised at all if they sell to a larger competitor. There's always a chance for companies to catch up, and that's what Yelp is finding out now. Whether it's too little, too late. I don't know. But I don't know why you would- why one would have to reach that conclusion.
Channel: CNBC
Views: 1,717,208
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Keywords: CNBC, business news, finance stock, stock market, news channel, news station, breaking news, us news, world news, cable, cable news, finance news, money, money tips, financial news, Stock market news, stocks, yelp, yelp review, yelp restaurant, yelp near me, 5 star yelp restaurants, 4 star yelp, 5 star yelp, yelp nyc, yelp new york, yelp los angeles
Id: bKka8ZoCDaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 16sec (736 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 28 2019
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