The Rise And Fall of Apple

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I've previously produced a video called Apple never invented anything in which I explained how Apple are more of a recipe company they perfect and incorporate existing technologies that they didn't invent into their products and produce highly refined iterations with a more simplified and intuitive user experience this has been the key to their success and it was the magic ingredient that their talismanic visionary Steve Jobs once brought to the company say what you will at that Jobs controversial management style within the Apple organization he got things done and above all made the tech industry sit up and take notice at every single keynote event that he presented he knew how to turn an average product idea into a winner in a way that other rival companies could only dream of since his passing in 2011 Apple has in my opinion tried to interpret what Steve might have done in certain situations however they failed almost every time to emulate him they've now become little more than a pretty good tribute band to themselves resting on the laurels of their greatest hits in other words they're relying on their brand recognition to push their products now while Microsoft has taken the desktop OS in a totally new direction by integrating touch into Windows 10 Apple has taken a hyper conservative approach to this they've divided their computing line into two unique worlds the mobile and the desktop iOS for the iPhone and iPad line and Mac OS for the Mac family this once worked ok when users were happy with this division but Windows 10 has shown that these worlds don't have to be kept separate Apple is stridently refused to recognize this and provide touch into Mac OS they simply will not do it walk into any major computer store chain and find the Apple section just look at the fingerprints that you'll find all over the iMac and MacBook screens users touch the displays expecting touch to be built in what Apple is done instead is to introduce the 2016 MacBook Pro with a highly compromised and gimmicky touch bar function key replacement thingy that no one asked for or needs without doubt their Hardware decisions of late have been baffling Steve understood that you should only simplify a product so much the curious streamlined and super thin form of the product should in no way compromise its functionality sadly in their attempts to imitate steve's thinking they've gone way overboard with this and taken hardware streamlining to an overly exaggerated degree first the iPhone 7 dropped the headphone jack in an attempt to encourage users to buy expensive Apple earpods these are wireless headphones that will set you back an additional one hundred and fifty nine dollars then the 2016 MacBook Pro dropped all the useful IO including SD cards but it's actually been worse than that for some time now the entire MacBook laptop family has shed the ability to upgrade RAM and storage many years ago and even the desktop Mac Mini saw its upgrade potential neutered back in 2014 this is of course designed to decrease the product's longevity by encouraging planned obsolescence Apple's laptop line is now so utterly confusing that the ones entry-level MacBook which was reintroduced in March of 2015 is now essentially a quasi super expensive and massively underpowered MacBook Air while the actual MacBook Air is cheaper and more capable with better hardware that's before you even get to the 2016 MacBook Pros now which saw their prices increased by $200 in America for no reason and massive VAT charges added in the UK and Ireland and in other parts of Europe which Apple said was to do with brexit despite brexit not happening yet the price gouging Apple tax continues it seems then there was the iPad pro which delivered nothing more than the same experience as the regular sized iPad unlike its competitor the Microsoft Surface pro series the iPad pro doesn't include a stylus pen and it costs more money than the surface pro out of the box to make matters worse the iPad pro only offers a basic mobile iOS experience while the surface pro delivers a full Windows Professional desktop environment also it's the best of both worlds Steve Jobs understood that your products should be as elegant as possible without compromising functionality but nowadays Apple has gotten the balance very wrong remember the design genius and ingenuity of the mag's safe connector a magnetically connected charging port that meant if you accidentally pulled the cable your laptop wouldn't be dragged off the table and smash on the floor well compare that to the clunky and wince-inducing charging solution of the iPad pros little pencil seriously there's nothing elegant about this you could have someone's eye out to make matters worse Apple dropped the MagSafe connection on their new MacBook Pros anyway they've been so busy hacking features and millimeters off their products that they've forgotten how to incorporate essential features in an elegant fashion this is clearly demonstrated in the fact that you're going to rely on a gargantuan amount of adapters for the MacBook Pro in order to use SD cards and legacy USB 2 & 3 devices and other peripherals what an eyesore that will be you add onto that the fact that the Apple watch is little more than a fashion accessory that never really took off and you've got a company that's done more wrong than right since Steve's passing Tim Cook may be a good businessman but a visionary he is not steve's absence is being felt now more than ever and it's perhaps time for a cultural shift in the organization trying to predict what Steve might have done is going to result in technical stagnation and a failure for Apple to be innovative again I'd like to see them take risks again trouble is these days Apple thinks that taking risks means pissing off their user base by removing ports and making everything thinner and less usable is it any wonder why their annual revenue has declined for the first time this year since 2001 it's time for Apple to take heed of declining user sentiment and begin thinking unconventionally again there's no point having a slogan like think different when everything you do is predictable and a rehash of what you've done before so those are my thoughts and where Apple is at right now guys let me know your thoughts in the comments below thank you for watching and I'll see you next time bye bye
Channel: undefined
Views: 604,011
Rating: 4.7210493 out of 5
Keywords: apple, computer, steve jobs, tim cook, iPad pro, iPhone 7, macbook pro 2016, lack78, technology, dave cullen, computing forever
Id: P7M5zWKmsjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2016
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