The right way to open a Amiibo: how to open and preserve the amiibo box

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good morning and welcome today I'm going to be showing you how you can remove your amiibo without harming the packaging now there's a bit of sacrifices may take but it is worth it it all happens under the hood as you can see here now it seems you may want to do this is you've bought an amiibo but let's say you I don't know want to scan it now you can take it out of the box chain without harming it scan it and then take the bottom piece out here and put it back in almost like it was never taken out now we're gonna be doing that what I've just described to my brand new Isabelle amiibo as I've done to my Bayonetta one here now for step one you're gonna want to flip your amiibo upside down to start we're gonna cut three simple lines one on the top the side and the other side when you're cutting the sides you want to make sure you're cutting it right on the the corner not just off to the side because then you won't be able to pull the whole the whole casing out and either will not work properly [Music] now you're gonna want to be careful when you're cutting that you don't damage the paper insides because you know they're pretty you can fold it all the way up and we're gonna be able to pull Isabel right out of the packaging so now I've just added some finishing touches like making sure I cut all the way to the corner here so that I'll be able to pull out nice and smoothly and same with these corners basically making sure that I made a perfect square to pull it out a rectangle that you have step one complete you can move on your step two now so now we're gonna want to pull a busy Isabel or the amiibo right out of the packaging [Music] [Music] now for step two part two to take the actual amiibo out so a good place to pull out the amiibo is its base actually you can pull it up from there and again being as careful as possible and eventually it should come out there you go here we have you so now you can take it out and there you have it your amiibo take it out of the package so now we can just push it back in and voila and there you are you have your amiibo and its packaging separate and intact and again you can put your amiibo back in the packaging and much as you like
Channel: Cole Borrow
Views: 46,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eV5HON83Jaw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 6sec (306 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 31 2019
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