The Richest Prince in The World

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I'm sure you'd agree that dreaming about a prince in shining armor is a bit outdated not because their armors are in the museum but because today girls and some more optimistic boys are dreaming about a prince in a shining car jet or dare I say it a super yacht the world certainly doesn't have a lack of spoiled princes and just in case you were wondering who you should be dreaming of here are the 10 wealthiest princes in the world number 10. Prince Albert II of Monaco despite being merely a prince prince Albert II is the ruler of the second smallest country in the world Monaco the principality is well known as the most prominent Social Hub for wealthy people in Europe it's rare to see a car below one hundred thousand dollars there moreover the city's glamor with its magnificent buildings is only overshadowed by its harbor where multi-billionaires have parked their Mega Yachts naturally Prince Albert II takes his fair share of ruling over this rich people's Paradise with a net worth of 1 billion dollars he certainly won't struggle to pay for his groceries anytime soon the prince receives 43 million dollars annually for his services from the city-state moreover he has the majority shares of Monaco's Casino as well as some very lucrative investment bonds which allow him to live like a king well a prince naturally Albert knows how to live the good life and spends his money on luxuries and lavish items along with a treasure worth of jewelry and precious metals he owns a vast collection of paintings and a pretty sweet real estate portfolio however one should look no further than his car collection to see where Albert's true passion lies the prince owns over 100 Exquisite cars most of which are exhibited in the Monaco top car collection among the showstoppers are a Ferrari sf90 worth more than half a million dollars and a Lamborghini Miura P400 which has a price tag of roughly 1 million dollars naturally as The Sovereign of the country where all the rich are keeping their floating palaces they insist on calling Yachts Albert can't simply stay and watch from afar so the Prince bought one pretty modest 80 million dollar yacht by pretty modest I mean it's not entirely made out of gold and compared to the rest of the princes on this list this is practically a small Fisherman's Boat number 9. Prince William in ninth place we have everyone's favorite Prince William whose wealth skyrocketed after his grandma surprised all bookmakers and actually passed away I genuinely thought she'd outlive us all and be the last human alive in about 5 billion years after Her Majesty's death there were some changes in the British royal family unseen for the past 70 or so years firstly Despite All Odds Charles became a king so he's no longer eligible for elite privileges such as being listed in this luxury zone list more importantly the title Prince of Wales along with all its riches went to William are you confused good that's precisely what the British intended when creating this complex wealth distribution system for their royal family I guess they have no concept of Simplicity there so what does William actually own right now for starters he has his personal wealth generated from Investments a salary that he gets as royalty in line for the throne and some hedge funds left to him by his great-grandmother grandmother and mother all of this accumulated roughly 60 million dollars of personal wealth however with his new title as the Prince of Wales William got a hold on the duchy of Cornwall Estates which are worth 1.3 billion dollars the estate alone brings the new Crown Prince roughly around 24 million dollars annually with this bump now the British ruler to be is worth around 1.35 billion dollars while Williams family without a doubt is at the top of his mind he does tend to spend some of his money on luxuries as any young man he's interested in cars expensive and fast cars the prince owns an Audi R8 worth 148 thousand dollars a Bentley Flying Spur worth two hundred thousand and a Jaguar X J with a price tag of eighty six thousand dollars boys and their cars right moreover the Prince of Wales and his family currently reside in a Priceless architectural Landmark which would easily go beyond two billion on the free market still the home is estimated to be worth a measly 250 million for tax purposes that's a bit of a downgrade from their former 600 million dollar Palace in Kensington but hey as long as it's close to the kids school after all having three kids with a combined net worth of more than nine billion dollars has its drawbacks number eight Jeffrey bulkier do you remember the ruler who had a 23 000 haircut well that's nothing compared to the lavish spending of Sultan Hassan Al bulkier's brother Jeffrey Prince Jeffrey unfortunately is a prime example that money can't buy class how else can you explain having a solid gold one million dollar life-size pornographic statue of yourself doing your ex-fiance it's now a Wonder this classy guy had four unsuccessful marriages thankfully with the personal wealth of just under 1.5 billion dollars he can afford to take care of his 18 children and pay alimony to his four Ex-Wives how he managed to land a fifth marriage is just astounding especially when he's well known for having a personal Harem of 25 women for which he allegedly spends over five million dollars annually 5 million though is nothing compared to Jeffrey's annual budget of 50 million dollars so naturally as you can imagine he doesn't hesitate to waste them on some useless extravagant things like a seven million dollar carpet woven in gold and encrusted with diamonds despite his perversities and shopaholic Tendencies Jeffrey's business intelligence can't be denied he owns Ultra luxurious hotels around the world among them are renowned Brands like Hotel Belair in Los Angeles the New York Palace Hotel Plaza atheny Hotel in Paris and other priced Estates worldwide his favorite though is Saint John's Lodge in London worth more than 55 million dollars moreover the prince owns over 250 companies among which is asprey known for its magnificent jewelry bulkier acquired the brand several years back for 385 million dollars like any Prince with questionable morality Prince Jeffrey also has a thing for cars his collection counts around 2 thousand three hundred cars where one can find true masterpieces from specially ordered Aston Martins to a Mercedes-Benz CLK GTR worth approximately one million dollars and a Porsche 550 spider with a price tag of 6.1 million dollars moreover he has an ultra luxurious 400 million dollars private Boeing 747 and a helicopter worth one million dollars to finalize this Prince Charming's description I can't help but mention his five Yachts worth around 100 million dollars the flag man in this Fleet is the mega yacht named after an inappropriate term for women's breasts the boat is filled with gold and marble and has even two service ships appropriately named nipple one and nipple 2. who would have guessed that the king of Brunei won't be the craziest royalty even in his own country number 7. Prince Moolah Hassan Prince mulai Hassan is millions of miles ahead of his colleague from Brunei be it because of him being the Crown Prince or just because he was raised better it doesn't matter the ruler to be of Morocco is by far the most down-to-earth Prince on this planet despite his net worth of 1.5 billion dollars but of course mole does not live modestly whether in robot Casablanca Marrakech or Fez he resides in utmost luxury surrounded by Exquisite decorations and Lush Gardens despite the deserts all around the budget for all four palaces is roughly one million dollars a month some even say the sum is spent daily but that's ridiculous moolay has a relatively small garage especially compared to Jeffrey bulkier he owns just 78 cars his favorites are his Ferrari 365 GT worth just under a million dollars and his 1976 Lamborghini uraco p300 worth around 150 000 the central piece of his garage however without a doubt is his custom-made Mercedes-Benz 300 SL Roadster worth approximately 1.2 million dollars while the Young Prince hasn't had the chance or The Taste to acquire some extravagant Ultra luxurious items like most of his colleagues from around the world he certainly knows how to travel the Moroccan Prince owns a 75 million dollar Gulf Stream G650 the bump in the regular price of 55 million comes from the 20 million anti-missile defense system installed on board now that's what I call a shining armor number six Crown Prince hamgun may not be the wealthiest prince in the world but by far he's the most popular with over 11 million followers on Instagram it seems hamdan can make a workshop or two for influences worldwide I can already imagine his first hit at five billion dollars to finance your lifestyle while he's not scuba diving skydiving or winning gold medals at Equestrian Games fazar as the Crown Prince is better known loves to spend time with animals well they don't actually come cheap he's known to pay top dollar for Animals as he has spent 12 million dollars for seven elephants 1.8 million for 15 camels and another 2.7 million for the most beautiful camel in the world and that's not subjective the camel actually won a contest still all of this pales compared to the 15 million dollars he offered for a falcon training facility in England while this deal didn't go through Hamden knows far too well what it is to buy a lavish property after all his real estate portfolio is in the billions the most expensive of his Estates is the zabil palace in Dubai worth half a billion dollars moreover there are several Ultra luxurious residences in his portfolio like a 323 million dollar Penthouse in Monaco 2.2 million dollar property in Scotland and a 45 million dollar mansion in dalam Hall which is used mainly for horse breeding of course hamdan has some extravagant purchases as well most of them stay in his garage for example he has an 8.2 million dollar golden Rolls-Royce Phantom a 7.5 million dollar golden Lamborghini Aventador a 5.8 million dollar golden Porsche 918 Spyder and a 3.2 million dollar golden Range Rover Vogue moreover he is the proud owner of one of the nine Lamborghini Veneno roadsters worth 4.5 million well golden cars are interesting but nothing too out of the ordinary for Arabian princes on the other hand having a fleet of ultra luxurious tanks and amphibious vehicles might drop a jar or two or several million still nothing beats what hamdan did at the Dubai air show back in 2017 not his Mega Yachts worth roughly 1.2 billion dollars his palaces or his cars in 2017 hamdan and the company owned by his family were responsible for a 1.1 bump in Boeing's marketing value how did they do that well Emirates ordered 40 new Boeing 78710 airplanes I'm almost confident the sales guy at the Dubai air show had a stroke at that exact moment as the deal was worth 15.1 billion dollars just two years later the Emirates toppled this offer by ordering another 50 Airbus a350 900 for a mind-blowing 16 billion dollars and true that's not hamdan's money still these purchases show that the Crown Prince certainly knows how to deal with incomprehensible sums of money as Emirates without a doubt are the world's leaders in luxurious and premium traveling number 5. Hans Adam II Hans Adam II is another example of a prince who actually rules his country the principality of Liechtenstein is not only among the richest princes in the world but also the wealthiest rulers as well the prince has 7.5 billion dollars in his bank no not his bank account hands Adam actually owns a bank unlike most lavish Spenders on this list Hans Adam knows the value of money far too well so naturally he prefers to reinvest his wealth and despite having over 15 companies the prince is not known for extravagant spending well he does live in a 50 million dollar medieval castle above the capital of Liechtenstein haduds moreover he has about two to three billion worth of properties across Central Europe mainly in Austria Switzerland and the Czech Republic when it comes to cars his collection is not that impressive although there are some gems there like his one hundred thousand dollar olive green Porsche 356 what hands Adam really loves spending money on however is Art the Liechtenstein ruler owns one impressive collection of pictures by renowned artists which he exhibits in his Vienna Palace his art pieces are estimated at around 500 million dollars that's how you spend money with class not erecting a pornographic golden statue of yourself number four Prince al-walid of Saudi Arabia Prince al-walid bintalal al-saud is well known as one of the wealthiest royalties in the world however in the past few years since Muhammad bin Salman became the force of change in Saudi Arabia things are not going outstandingly for his uh let's say uncle although it's quite hard to follow all family Connections in the outside family they're much like the targaryens in Game of Thrones although they possess the Lannister's fortune and The Temper of free Baratheon just ask Jamal khashoggi about that although you'll need a Ouija board for that Al Walid is well known for his brilliant entrepreneurial mind he is the founder and chief executive of the Kingdom holding company worth 13.6 billion dollars moreover he has a vast portfolio of businesses on each continent and just as many Ultra luxurious hotels like the Savoy in London and the Swanky hotel in Paris this brings his total wealth to above 15.6 billion dollars in his Heyday he was worth more than 40 billion but then MBS came along and well in 2017 al-walid was arrested his release cost him six billion dollars and he had to cede some of his assets that's when he sold his brand new Airbus A380 worth the mind-altering 600 million dollars still the prince has some pretty awesome jets at his disposal with a combined worth of 550 million dollars moreover he has a fleet of Mega Yachts worth more than one billion and an extensive car collection worth in the tens of millions undoubtedly the gems in his collections are the only Diamond cars in the world a 2.1 million dollar Rolls-Royce and a Mercedes-Benz SL600 worth 4.8 million dollars both were encrusted with 300 000 diamonds each not a pumpkin Carriage but hey it does the job number three Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman speaking of the devil Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman or MBS as he's better known is the third wealthiest prince in the world ever since he came into Power his assets and personal wealth have constantly been growing today he's worth around 18 billion dollars much of this wealth is shared with his immediate family but MBs is still in control while most of his assets are in properties companies and precious metals he does have some luxuries to brag with for example his collection of golden cars is worth approximately 30 million dollars among them is a golden Bentley Continental Flying Spur which costs north of 1 million dollars a Rolls-Royce Phantom a Lamborghini Aventador svi and a Mercedes AMG G6 he also owns a 3 million Bugatti Veyron Grand Sport which you guessed it is also gold he also has 18 other cars which are not golden and are well below 1 million dollars what a waste of space cars are not all MBS spends money on when he's not plotting to kill journalists bombing a neighboring country or arresting and seizing assets from his family he's either relaxing in his gorgeous 500 million dollar Serene super yacht or throwing a wild party worth more than 8 million dollars in the Maldives still not all is fun and games for MBS he actually has some pretty significant investments in his portfolio among them the highlights are Chateau Louis XV worth 300 million dollars and the Newcastle United Football Club worth approximately 370 million dollars the most expensive piece of art in the world Salvatore Mundy by Leonardo da Vinci worth 450 million and Saudi aramco which is the biggest company in the world at the moment the market cap of the company is estimated at around 7 trillion dollars two significant projects suggest MBS won't go broke anytime soon he invested 3.5 billion dollars in an ultra luxurious hotel in Mecca and 500 billion to 1.1 trillion dollars in one of the most significant projects on the entire planet neon sometimes I wonder if MBs is actually playing a real-life Monopoly game Throw money away like that number two Prince Mateen of Brunei Prince Mateen of Brunei is the fourth son of Sultan hisman al-balkia and despite not being anywhere near the throne the Young Prince has access to over 20 billion dollars much like hamdan of Dubai Mateen is a social media star despite being 31 and still living with his parents well if my parents lived in the biggest Palace in the world worth 1.5 billion dollars I'd also be reluctant to move out Martine obviously loves the attention and he is Keen on sharing every aspect of his life online and oh boy does he have a lot to share the 31 year old Prince spends his day playing with his Bengal tiger flying his personal helicopter or driving around in one of his many many cars his car collection is estimated to be worth north of 1 billion dollars his three identical Lamborghinis take the spotlight as all of are gold plated and decorated with precious stones and diamonds each one is worth 4.5 million dollars Mateen loves watches as he has several Ultra luxurious ones at his disposal however the creme de La Creme is his 40 millimeter Platinum Paddock Philippe World Time worth 1.5 million dollars why does he need such an expensive watch when he has all the time in the world no one knows still he's the son of the man who owns a golden plated private Boeing 747 worth 400 million dollars so I guess Mateen is the modest one in the family number one Mansour bin Zayed al-nayan being the wealthiest prince in the world and not even being next in line for the throne should speak volumes about your qualities and indeed Mansour bin Zayed al-nayan is one prime example of how to make your Millions into billions current currently manso is worth more than 40 billion dollars and is a deputy prime minister minister of presidential Affairs and one truly inspiring businessman so naturally such a talented man can't be kept too far from the throne so the ruler of Dubai Muhammad bin Rasheed al-maktoum offered his daughter as a bride to Mansour so that's how the brilliant entrepreneur and politician actually became a prince of course the prince knows how to live largely he has one pretty imposing car collection with Central pieces like a Ferrari F40 worth 700 000 a Mercedes CLK GTR worth 1.1 million dollars and a Lamborghini Reventon worth a price tag of 1.5 million dollars moreover mansor has three private jets his Boeing 787 is customized as an ultra luxurious private jet with lavish decorations and golden ornaments everywhere that's why the price is well above the floor model so instead of the regular price of 189 million dollars the Abu Dhabi Prince spent nearly 300 million just on this one he also owns a Dreamliner A6 PFC worth 200 million dollars and a Dreamliner A6 PFE worth 250 million dollars naturally as any Arabian Prince monso also has a lavish Ultra luxurious mega yacht his A-Plus is worth 450 million dollars however what the prince is best known for in Europe is not his prestigious aircraft and Yachts but being the owner of the elite Manchester City Football Club more importantly Manchester city is currently way better than mbs's Newcastle United so the Abu Dhabi Prince is not only richer than Muhammad bin Salman but is also owning the better Club I wouldn't be surprised if MBS launches a war over this though pardon I mean a peacekeeping operation are you impressed you should be those are the modern day princes in shining armor and at least now I know why girls drool over this concept well Jeffrey bulkier being the obvious exception so which Prince's luxurious life to you and the most let me know in the comments below if you found the richest Prince's lives to be interesting you might want to see how actual Kings live
Channel: Luxury Zone
Views: 551,114
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: prince moulay hassan, royal family, richest royals in the world, richest prince in the world, richest prince in the world 2023, richest prince, richest prince 2023, prince moulay hassan of morocco, prince moulay hassan of morocco lifestyle, prince moulay hassan biography
Id: H8eO3TlOSEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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