The Reveal: Bright and Fresh Traditional

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This is the moment I live for, and I know  it's the moment my clients will never forget.   It's the moment the client gets to  see their home for the first time.   This is after we finished building  the home, and now we've also furnished   it. We welcome you to see what they see  when they arrive. And this is The Reveal. Welcome to, what I call, Fresh Traditional with a  hint of modern. This home is a family home. It's in   Alpine, Utah and we had a budget. Believe it or  not, I like to work within a budget, and we had   to decide where we would spend and where we  would wait and spend later through the years.   Isn't that what we do often? Let's make sure the  bones are right and can last a long time, and then   there'll be things we could add to our homes as we  grow in those homes. So this is a great example of   that. I think we got a long way with the budget  that we had and made some smart decisions. I'll   show you those while we're here, but let's start  in the entryway. This is where it all happened. The   night of the reveal, the doorbell rang, we went to  the door, we couldn't tell what was going to happen.   We opened the door, and there were 37 people here  to greet us for their reveal experience. There is   nothing like it. It was the time of my life and  it always brings tears for me, and usually for   the client, if i'm lucky. In the entryway, we wanted  to give a little feel of integrity, as always, and   a little fun. You can see that this light fixture  here is one of our highest quality lights in the   house. We did that because we thought it had to  happen at the front door, and the rest of the way,   we were able to save a little bit on our lighting  choices. Here we have our press-dried flowers,   something just very subtle, an art light, I love the  integration of an art light into a space. Not just   because of the light it provides, but the texture,  the brass. Adjacent to our entry, is the office. You can see in the office, we totally brought in  that blue color that I love. I feel like every man   needs a little bit of blue. They look good in blue,  too. So we just put the cabinetry behind the desk   in that blue, and really popped that brass color,  which always works, and then gave him a lovely,   very small office. Picking a light picture that  was a little fun and affordable, and then spending   the money on the desk itself, that really, I feel,  that most people will have their desks forever,   if they choose a good one that can stand the test  of time. And to me, this desk is forever traditional.   I want to point out just a few things on the  cabinetry that are good little tricks for the   trade. It's always nice to add library lights  to the top of your cabinetry to light your open   shelves, and also to mix it up, to have something  else on your cabinetry besides just the wood.   Another interesting thing we do is,  instead of having each of the cabinets   separated as a full panel, we split that panel  and make one big, wide panel. That's interesting,   that's unexpected. It doesn't cost more to come up  with ideas that make things a little more special. So, the family room. They have four children.  We're always thinking about who lives here,   and we had to add up with the amount of seats  we put in this room. So as you see, we've got   a ton of space here. We're looking at two  groupings. We've got this by the fireplace,   and a TV. All right, I couldn't win, we have a TV  in the room. No, we know people are real, and they   watch, so by doing a beautiful limestone fireplace, we really were able to ignore the fact that we had   a TV above. When it comes to the floor coverings in  this home, I wanted to keep it light and white oak.   I also wanted this textured finish on it so that  it felt informal and could handle the dog that   lives here, too. I collected some rugs for this  house along the way. I remember finding this rug   when I was in Paris at a great show, and I called  the client. I said, I know, you know, it's   kind of expensive, it's really large, it's going  to be hard for me to find a rug that big. May I?   And they said, we trust you. Those are golden words  to any designer. And then, I found this beautiful   runner that also incorporates all the blues and  the yellows that we love throughout the house.   This is the adjacent powder bath and it really had  to speak to all the guests that come and stay here.   I love the flavor of the vanity, the  mirror, the shape of the mirror, and   this vinyl wall covering, but it's all about  the sconces in this space. The floral Dogwood,   oh, my gosh. We also love this flooring, so still  going from the white oak, but instead, moving to   a chevron pattern. It's good to remember that  you can use wood flooring in your bathrooms.   The trick in these large rooms is setting up  two conversation areas. So this is more of our   intimate setting, our conversation area, maybe  our game-playing, and also, still adjacent to   the kitchen because, of course, we can never get  anyone out of the kitchen. You'll see behind me   is what I call, home central. Instead of putting  your office, or the place where you do homework,   or pay bills into your own private office behind  a closed door, I love leaving it open. And again, we   call it "home central" because that's where you're  going to pick the movies you're going to go to,   you you're going to plan your vacation, your kids  might be doing homework and have questions,   and I might need a recipe, so keeping the computer  adjacent to the kitchen is actually a really good   idea. It's just a question of doing it well, and  I think this is a good example of that. When you   look up in this room, you can see we definitely  knew we needed to spend the money on the beams.   That was something we couldn't wait until later  to do, so we splurged and got our white oak beams   in the ceiling, got our limestone fireplace, did  the beautiful cabinets to the left and right   of the fireplace, and added the beautiful brass  netting inside. Some places we'll handle later,   like the big windows, which need a drape. You  can do drapes anytime. Let's go see the kitchen.   I don't feel like I need to say much when you're  filming in this kitchen. It really delivers. There's   a lot of quality, there are good colors that speak  to one another, it's really gelling, and it's cozy.   It's hard to say that it doesn't start with  the hood. There is no question that the hood   is one of the most important parts of your kitchen,  so you have to think, what is my theme? Who am I in   my house? For me, this hood defines the house. It's  a little modern, but yet, it has traditional bones,   and they were so smart to splurge on the hood.  You can see something unique happened here.   Instead of running the backsplash like we all do,  all over the backsplash, I decided to use cabinetry   as the backsplash on the two sides. So when you  get up close, you can see this is actually just   a wood panel made by the cabinet shop, instead  of running the tile. Price wise, probably sixes,   but interest wise, it's a winner. You can see, once  again, I love a chopping block in the kitchen,   and I like to use it. Nothing for me is really for  show. I want us to use the things that we have, but   I want to make them beautiful. So we left this,  the light maple wood that it is, and we created   that slit in the top, and the trash can below, so  we can work here.The countertops are gorgeous   Taj Mahal quartzite. What is quartzite? It's  natural, it's as hard as granite, it's as pretty as   marble. So it's gushy, it's soft, it's resilient, it's  hard, but it is the look that I love. And the colors   are warm, sultry like the kitchen. So I have the  blue brought into my two islands, and then the rest   is this light Pashmina color that I have a crush  on. When it comes to two islands, let me explain how   much i love two islands. This is my work island. I  can get a lot done here and I'm adjacent to the   stove and the range. I can work simultaneously,  two people in one space, if I give enough   room in between. And then, as you come over to  the other island here, you can see that this is a   complete work surface. I could wrap presents here, I  could roll out bread, I wish I did that more often.   I can do so many things here without a sink in my  way. And then, I can serve, and serve buffet style, as   well, off the second island. So that is why I love  two islands in a space this grand, this large, this   high. It was the right thing to do, two chandeliers,  and not hang them too low, but they helped   to fill the massing that this room has, and cozy it  up a bit. But my favorite lights in the house are   always the mac. You can see the level of detail  in these, the brass with the enamel slate blue,   and the brass underneath. There's nothing like the  way these workings were done to create the hooks.   I get into this stuff and these are the prettiest  thing in the house. To save money, we went with two   instead of the expected three, so just a rule  correction for you guys. It's no longer about   threes and uneven numbers. I actually am very  settled with the even numbers, and even just two.   So, now looking into the dining room right next to  the kitchen. Everything is meant to be really easy   to flow. I think the floor plan is a winner. This  family can just let loose in here and everyone   can be a part of everyone's lives. I love this  light fixture, too, and this is where I was able   to emit a little bit of a more modern flavor.  You can see it's a little edgier, kind of cool.   And the future holds window coverings,  perhaps, in this room, and of course,   outdoor furniture. All things that can wait  because we want to get the bones just right.   All right. Let's go into the adjacent room,  which we're going to call the butler's pantry. What's not to love about a butler's pantry?  It's an opportunity to switch it up, make it fun,   bring in light, and actually do some hard  work. So we set this baby up. It's beautiful   with the brass shelving that you know I  love, which makes it easy to set the table,   grab a glass. We also set this up as a wet bar  underneath. Here we have our big kitchen sink   and another dishwasher. We've got double ovens  in here and we just have extra pantry storage.   But I want you to see that I had a little fun.  Look at this floor design. We so wanted to have   a little gesture, a little spark, a little punch  mixed with our blue and the brass. I think it's   really fun, and why not go the extra mile  in a small area? So that's how we decided,   we would know when to hold them, and know  when to fold them, and this had to happen.   There's no question the powder bath has to  do some talking. Again, a small space, an easy   space to design and have a little fun. So we used  feather wall covering to bring in color, and you'll   see how it brings us blues and yellows and greens,  We left for open vanity so we could store some   baskets underneath with the toilet paper, but  also just feel a little less formal. The floor,   also, another really cool, fun, flavored design in  an octagon, which makes it interesting. And then,   of course, the mirror with a flower shape around it.  Kind of cool. Always a sconce to mix it up a little   bit. I really rely on lighting to be the art in a  room, so as you're picking your lighting, it's not   just a practical thing. It counts and it really  helps tell the story of the design in your home. Right next to the great room is the master suite,  and we have this little nook before you enter. I  love a vestibule. I was so happy when they let me  use the shiplap all throughout this vestibule,  in the ceiling, on the sidewalls. It's not that  expensive to add just a little bit of detail.   And we had to pick a light fixture that, you know,  kind of mixed it up a little bit. On to the master. All right, I still feel that sense of sanctuary  when I come in here. It's, as I said, it's been   about a year since I've been here. They have lived  so well in here and kept it so nice. I love how   the bed is in the center of the room, and I've  got a beautiful limestone fireplace in front of   me, a TV because, you know, a lovely spot for their  books and a lounge chair, and then easy access to   the outside. The goal was really, simply to make it  quiet and beautiful. It mattered what light fixture   we picked because we also needed to spend a little  money there to make a difference. Hey, guys, if you   ever have a vaulted ceiling, try to always put a  beam in the center of it. This is a good example. A   lot of times, you'll end up with a vaulted ceiling  just because of the way your roofs are designed,   but if you leave it empty, it just looks, well, empty.  And so, I suggest run a beam in there, and it can   just be a boxed white oak beam. It's not that  hard to add that little bit of an extra touch.   I love the rug in here, and the softness, and  we lead into the master with the same vibes.   When I design a master suite bathroom, I want it  to feel roomy, lovely, luxurious, and like a spa. For   this one, we had the luxury of enough space to  do two separate vanities with a beautiful tub   in between. I remember the day I thought, oh could  we please do diamond windows in this little spot?   And they did it. So once again, you got to know when  to spend and when to hold. You can always do more   later, but they spent on the things that really  mattered. We have a beautiful limestone floor in   this room, and of course, another quartzite on the  countertops. You can see, I have a choice when it   comes to the details on these countertops. For me, I  wanted it to feel a little bit traditional. We have   the straightness of the vanity, the modernness of  these brass knobs, but you can see this Dupont edge   adding that little touch of softness. This, again is,  a quartzite. It is Macaubas, and one of my favorites   because it brings in a little energy with all of  these lines, and yet the body of it is succulent,   and soft, and grayish, if you will. Love the mirror  and the offset of the sconce. Remember, we don't   always want to have the sink in the middle, making  each side of the vanity a little small. Instead, you   simply place the sink to one side, so you have all  this room to do your hair and your makeup. It makes   sense. And then, I just simply love the asymmetry  of the design between the light and the mirror.   The adjacent shower, of course, has a  Euro glass door with the brass hinges.   We left this as an awning window when we need  to release the steam in the shower. This is a   steam shower, so you have to run the glass all  the way up. I love this travertine on the walls.   Yes, it's travertine. I know it's not 1990, but we  still like this travertine because of its organic,   sedimentary, linear nature. I think  you can appreciate the settling   that this feels. We put in a shower bench, beautiful  brass hardware, and remember, it's okay if the brass   looks like it's been here. We want it to have  age, that's what's so beautiful about brass.   This is one of the daughters' rooms, and we liked  letting her do it herself. So she put together   her bed and her bedding, and even this little spot.  The only thing I had to do in this spot was come   up with the drapes, and I love the feminine, soft  pink and gray drapery. It's fun. We raised it on   to a platform, so it felt like a different little  space, and of course, you can see she's kind of foxy.   I love the bathroom in this space. It's just the  right feel. You can see as you walk in here that   you're somewhere special. I always look for a way  to create a focal point on that bathroom wall.   Of course, wall covering is an easy way to achieve  it, and affordable. I love the shape of the mirror,   the brass lighting, and of course, the fun in  the shower. It's a simple bathroom. It didn't   raise the budget too much, but we tried to give  it a look, something fun for these young girls.   Once again, the girls did their own room. I helped  them a little bit, but look at the character that   they brought in, the fun. You can tell the two  girls are different. One likes pink, the other   one, blue. We've got a brass surfboard in here,  a very chic light fixture, lots of fun. I really   give these girls credit, but their bathroom, I did  have something to do with. It was a bit of a trick   because we were creating a Jack and Jill bath.  But you can see, this wonderful wall covering with   all the birds, and the brass, and then this very  glamorous sconce, really made it come about. Once   again, placing that sink on one side, so they  have plenty of room to do what they need to.   Of course, these girls did this room,  as well. Can you imagine, three girls,   one boy? I'll show you his room in a minute. Look  at this light fixture. This is incredible. Again,   they chose where to spend the money, and then the  rest, they'll continue to build. This had to happen. When it comes to a lower level, the last thing  I want is to feel like I'm in a basement. So, we   decided to really elevate the finishes down  here and really make it fun for these kids.   Starting with this platform-height sofa sectional  that can just be parts and pieces thrown about.   We have a great focal point for the large TV.  When is the TV ever large enough? This one's   pretty big, but you know what, in the future, they  could go bigger. We left space. Always putting a   wall covering behind the TV really warms the TV,  and connects it to the wall it's hanging naked on.   So for me, I had to beg and get that wallpaper,  and I think the client's very happy we did.   Of course, we had to do cabinets on either side for  all of their games, and their fun things, and maybe   their Wii, and their Xbox. But most of that is hidden,  so the area feels clean and very cool. We've got an   adjacent kitchenette full of candy and snacks that  are easy and at hand. We've got fridge drawers, but   not a whole kitchen. The goal with kitchenettes is  to plan down a little bit, make them self-service,   and make them not look like a kitchen. Now, the  theater. This is adjacent, wide open to all of the   experience here for the family, so this is where  we get the projector TV, and we get comfortable   seating that kind of turns into beds. I don't know  if that's wise or not, but for me, I would love it.   In this family home, the boy ended up in  the basement, so I wanted this room to be   fantastic, and of course, masculine. I think he  likes being away from those girls upstairs.   Look at this space. I love how dark and rich it  is. The flavors really just say, boy, and texture.   He's a cool kid, too. Really smart, very handsome,  and this room just speaks of him. You can see, I   did get away with adding the nickel board on  one of the walls, just to create some interest.   Painting your nickel board, or your shiplap,  whatever you want to call it, is a good idea.   It's an opportunity to switch it up a little bit.  All of the furnishings were meant to feel a little   vibe-y, a little cool and edgy, because this guy  cared, just like his father. This house was driven   by the husband more than the wife, in my experience,  and I loved it. I loved that he had an opinion.   I always like when I've got both of my  clients interested and engaged in our   projects, and I think this house shows that  both the husband and the wife were involved. Totally a boy's bathroom here,  and it all started with the floor.   If you want to look at how cool this is, it looks  like an old man's chevron suit, with like, a wool   texture, and really it's just porcelain tile.  Not expensive. Then, when we come to the vanity,   once again, we've got a quartz material. Actually,  this is quartz instead of the quartzite   because we could save some money here. We have  the wonderful brass mirror, wall covering, and   I love this hardware, if you get up close. The  fact that it's got that campaign-style hardware,   but always the brass. Even the younger boy  knew brass was cool. The shower's awesome.   We were able to spend some money here on the  blue marble. You can see it back in the back.   And we offset the cost of the marble by going with  a blue ceramic tile. This bathroom definitely did   what I needed it to, made the boy feel like he had  his own space. It was masculine and it was quality.   Overall, this house just feels delightful.  It's bright, it's arid, it's very fresh. I love the   color scheme, and I feel good in it. I've asked my  client one year later, how they feel in the house,   and it makes me feel very good to know that  they love being here and being here as a family.   I'm Anne-Marie Barton for The Reveal.
Channel: The Design Network
Views: 256,295
Rating: 4.8993187 out of 5
Keywords: fresh traditional design style, home tour, interior design, modern style, designing on a budget, home build, decorating, brass finishes, custom cabinetry, home office design, family room, limestone fireplace, white oak floor coverings, powder bath, bathroom design, kitchen design, kitchen hood, double kitchen islands, butler's pantry, double ovens, master bedroom suite, Macaubas countertops, steam shower, basement design, home theater, projector tv, game room
Id: 89_x-SFr0Dk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 0sec (1560 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 25 2020
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