The Results of The Best EM Drive Test Yet

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I was hopeful, but this result is what I expected. :(

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RobinHoodEsqVetsAtty πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't want to believe..

I want to see data...

It's an odd idea and while it's interesting to hear the theory isn't there..

If there was a giant problem in physics I'd suggest working on this

But we don't have antheory problem but a takei up problem

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/patb2015 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jul 14 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
hello it's scott manley here with an update on the emdrive the controversial widget where if you resonate and microwaves and Sadie's special cavity you in theory or you supposedly get thrust the problem with this is it violates all sorts of theories of physics that are actually pretty well-established and we wouldn't want to have to throw them out so yeah people are interested in this because it would be awesome if it worked it would be also even more awesome because we'd have to rewrite huge chunks of physics so yeah a guy called Martin timer who is a propulsion researcher at The Dresden University of Technology he's actually already he's worked on previous your real propulsion systems that have been proven to work there's the field emission electric propulsion system called feet which uses the liquid metal and Earth cheeves ion velocities of 100 kilometers per second so he has been working with the students on something called this space drive project and in the paper is specifically says that the space drive project aims at developing cutting edge measurements equipment to thoroughly test the latest emdrive and Mach effect thruster models the two most promising revolutionary thruster concepts that are presently under investigation by various labs so the space drive project has this lab that they've been doing testing in has a pretty large vacuum chamber and they've done as much as they can to shield it from outside effects for example the devices are sealed inside new metal shields which new metal is a special to alloy which is high in nickel and iron and that essentially a source to block out and magnetic fuels such as the effects of the Earth's magnetic field and to reduce the effects or you know possible effects they have like isolated there are electronics and their power system they're using twisted pair cables everywhere and in fact actually they can remotely operate and reconfigure the experiments when they're running so the drive systems the devices are mounted on several motors so they can rotate the DM Drive from Wonder action to the other and test without her having to open up the vacuum chamber and possibly mess around with their torsion balance so yeah they put their emdrive that they built inside of this and he fired it up they fed in about two watts of power and they got an observed Oh deflection corresponding to about two micronewtons of thrust that gives them an efficiency of something like two million Newton's per kilowatt that was actually better than the thrust that was observed in the previous experiments so the next step was to use their motor to flip the emdrive in point at the opposite direction and then fire the system up again and what did they see they saw another thrust for micronewtons in the opposite direction looking good so far for emdrive fans right then they turned the thruster at 90 degrees to the balance and they turned it on and they got a deflection they shouldn't have got a deflection they got another four micronewtons of thrust despite the fact that the emdrive was pointing in the completely the wrong direction and then what they did was they had an attenuator that is something that would reduce the signal they would have all their signal generating equipment and then they would have something that we just dumped the power instead of putting into the cavity and they got thrust so yeah this pretty much says that they were getting thrust regardless of the orientation or configuration of their Drive even if they weren't putting microwaves in as long as our circuitry was running to generate the microwaves they were generating the thrust so what they think is most likely happening is a magnetic field of the earth is not zero inside this they have their shielding but they can't eliminate it completely I mean they didn't have a complete they didn't have a complete set of shooing so they estimated the based upon the strength of the Earth's magnetic field based on their latitude they they came up with an estimate the Lorentz force that pretty much matches the thrust that they observed so they think right now they're just still observing and effects of magnetic fields they can't conclusively say that they saw any thrust and in fact they pretty sure that all the thrust that was observed from this experiment and probably previous experiments was due to interaction of the electrical systems with the magnetic field now that's not to say that the emdrive has completely been eliminated by this because their design wouldn't include some dielectric components which have previously been suggested that they are required however previous experiments also claimed to see thrust even without these dielectrics but it does seem pretty pretty damning that they couldn't generate any thrust the other thrust was essentially coming from magnetic field effects so they also tested the Mach effect thruster they build their own mark effect thruster is essentially a mass which gets oscillated at about kilohertz frequencies no due to some your subtle effects in general or general relativity if your oscillation goes slightly faster in one direction than the other then apparently you can get net thrust in one direction depending upon how you formulate your equations many people obviously aren't convinced by this on account of the fact that it causes problems with Newtonian mechanics but let's not bother about that right now they put it in the machine they tested it and what did they see well they saw a point six micro Newton thrust again they flipped their whole device from outside you know using the circle water and the thrust observed also when they flipped a 90 degrees to the direction of their balance they got no thrust looking pretty good for it then they decided to open up their vacuum chamber they took the thruster that they had and then they turned it around on the platform right and then sealed the device back up so the platform or the device was configured in its original orientation but the drive was now pointing the other way they turned it on and they got thrust in the original direction so despite turning the drive around manually they were still getting thrust in the same direction as before again implying that what was really causing the thrust was perhaps related to the system's driving it to the electrical power systems and yeah look this is great piece of work because it is exploring the the limits of these systems a very high accuracy many of the criticisms that have been leveled against previous tests have been addressed and they they're not giving up on this they are gonna continue to look a little further into it you know they're gonna test their dielectrics they're gonna see if they can run their Mach effect thruster at higher powers because yeah they were very very close to the level of noise in their system but regardless yeah I don't see this happening but I'm really glad that people are doing this kind of good research and we'll find out the truth sooner or later I'm Scott Manley fly safe [Music] [Music]
Channel: Scott Manley
Views: 297,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: em drive, spaceship, nasa, rocket, fake, fail
Id: rJM6lP9CuSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Tue May 22 2018
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