The Reformers (2023) - PART ONE

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foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] let's start with Peter and James okay tell me about them Peter burgosian is a philosophy professor and James Lindsay is an author with a background in mathematics they're part of an intellectual movement that has begun pushing back at a problem they see inside the university system you know you think oh these people are studying racism and sexism and okay somebody should be doing that and good then you start looking at it and they publish some crazy stuff I mean crazy stuff then you start looking at the methods that they're using and and there's no method it's just a bunch of opinions people are stringing together and they're pretending to be social scientists these people have manufactured their own Corpus of literature and they publish in these journals and they use that to credential themselves to sit at the adult table and have conversations that influence public policy University policy what an entire generation of students will learn microaggressions are real aggressions are real it's hijacked our institutions everybody's petrified of calling this out because they're they're afraid of being called a bigot or a racist or a homophobic well I'm not afraid only a handful of people know about this because one League destroys the whole thing one single leak and we're buried our goal is to publish there's many papers as we can that are unbelievably sophisticated parodies and we're going to publish these in tier one journals so we're trying to go right to the source and say look the whole Enterprise is bogus and we're hoping that if we can get to the source and show that the scholarship that everything's coming out of is itself a fraud nobody has to listen to these people anymore hard to convey to people who are not in this world what an insane idea this is I mean literally to tally ties an entire body of scholarship upon which University architecture is predicated they give tens of thousands of actual degrees in this stuff they have professors in this institutes do you get that we're going after all of it [Music] oh it's a very strong scholarship by liberal humanists from Marxist which pointed out that white identity had been formed at the expense of black identity it is essential to note that critical race theory is originally an American phenomenon and the evidence that America was a racially divided Society with blacks as second-class Citizens until very recently is indisputable however with its recent descent into post-modern discourse analysis and conceptions of society is entirely underlained by systems of white supremacy operating in mysterious ways critical race theory has become quite unhinged it threatens to undo much of the progress that has been made on Racial equality using methods which assume racism to be present in any interaction between a white person and a person of racial minority results in always finding it and further entrenching the belief in an ever-present white supremacy a similar pattern has emerged within feminism where again everything is seen in terms of a hidden system of patriarchy which hides beneath a benign surface the job of the feminist is to detect it going through life in order to direct detect ways in which men are belittling you is unlikely to lead to female empowerment hello love hello Peter and James recruited a third author to their academic publishing theme a feminist historian they referred to as the Oracle hello good to meet you thank you Helen has a remarkable ability when most people read something or try to learn something and they're like wow this is they'll just stop instantly but not Helen Helen will do something extraordinary she will keep learning about it and keep reading it and keep digging down and it's it's absolutely remarkable so why do you know so much about it but you're not of it well I had to study literary theory for for several years as part of studying literature but I I just became interested in it it's such a counter intuitive and sort of complicated on the surface but underneath quite simple um ideology framework for for belief and that's what's what's always interested me I studied religion because I was interested in how these very complex systems of thought um that are internally consistent but need not actually have any basis in reality how they can spread and how they can be used for different purposes and build on themselves and grow and this is something that we're seeing with post-modernism and um sort of it's successes within sort of social justice what are they building what what is this thing because there's Reams and Reams and reams of scholarship and so it's upside down world there's Reams and reams of this stuff what what is it they are building a new culture and social they're building a new cultural and social reality and the goal is to voice that upon you it is it's it's something like a cult or like a religion or something that is based in kind of broken social science yeah it's pretty full on it's the truth they're religious maniacs foreign [Applause] so this is the foyer got a lot of China stuff this is my wife's office and that's kind of Her Sacred place so don't go in there this is the kitchen that's Teddy here's the fridge help yourself recycling trash no fat goes in the recycling there's coffee every morning right there here's where we eat dinner every night at the table those are my my grandparents they fled the Armenian Massacre we usually have a lot of Chinese people living here so if you run into them they don't really speak English just say hello and wave and then wave back okay here's TV room we have Netflix Hulu Amazon he's put the TV on and just put what you want and it's you can figure it out so my son isn't living in China now you can have his bedroom these are narrow stairs be careful this is my my daughter's room she makes me ring the bell every time I want to go in in his room in his bed make yourself at home uh there's his bed he got from Costco very comfortable or Ikea very comfortable um yeah Richard Baldwin is a retired Professor who donated his identity to the project this way the team had real academic credentials to submit their papers with I was bringing um speakers to the college and so I chose him and I I wrote him and he agreed to do it and I got him there and we just bought immediately because it was like we could tell each other everything yeah I mean we we trusted each other for some reason from that the first time we met it's like we hit it off we we sensing each other and honesty uh belief in truth and and uh somehow like I almost felt like we had met in another lifetime I had almost made me believe in reincarnation because we clicked immediately and so even after uh he left after we had a great time we kept in touch and that was three years ago but we've kept in touch emailing her or uh texting stuff like that he's clean I'm not I'm not one look at me and that would be it instantly torpedo and they would know and it was I couldn't manufacture a fake name or fake identity and so he was perfect because and then I did yeah go ahead and then I defriended him on Facebook and I eliminated all of our social media contacts that no one would connect us they decided to start off by coming up with a research paper about social justice bodybuilding how about pornography yeah we could talk about pornography for sure because if you go online you can find female bodybuilding porn I'll take I'll take your word for it but that so that right there is a hook so now Denise messino is a former competitor and she everybody in the bodybuilding world knows that she's done all that stuff she tons of of what's your name Denise messino messino m-a-s-s-i-n-o I think oh my holy oh my gosh wow you need porn video set see what I'm talking about and she's got this enormous click and and enormous um stuff from all those drugs and it's like she's big wow that is just extraordinary wow that's all right we're gonna have to use her in this somehow oh God we so we let's link fat studies in here somehow maybe we can make the claim that female bodybuilders should be oh God that's good female bodybuilders should be morbidly obese and there should be instead of um this unnatural testosterone or whatever drugs you know bovine growth hormone or whatever these people take maybe instead of that they should be you know Twinkies it's going to be more egalitarian and then middle American women can participate in these body physique shows to help their with their self-esteem now that's a paper right there now that now any rational person who would they would think that's just totally like that that's crazy like that's an absolutely insane idea the more ridiculous we can we can be the more attention it'll get in the media even if bodybuilding is crazy Brazilian jiu-jitsu practitioners are all homosexuals and closeted and want to engage in pdsm sex but can't it's crazy it also probably will end up in a decent Journal even crazier Mike you look just it's a lot just incredulous and overwhelmed and it's just total disbelief it's just hard for me to believe that any of this is going to work look I guess you believe based upon the outcome right that's what you believe [Music] thank you [Music] foreign
Channel: Michael Nayna
Views: 20,053
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grievance studies, bret weinstein, heather heying, peter boghossian, helen pluckrose, portland state university, evergreen state college, james lindsay, mike nayna, areo magazine, heather heying and the evergreen equity council, quillette, benjamin boyce, james damore, academics expose corruption in grievance studies
Id: iDtO6jjgfrc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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