The Recess Queen

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[Music] the recess queen by alexis o'neil and laura buliska beef maine gene was recess queen and nobody said any different nobody swung until mean gene swung nobody kicked until mean gene kicked nobody bounced until mean gene bounced if kids ever crossed her she'd push them and smush them and lala polish them hammer them slammer them kittson could jammer them say what mean gene growled say who mean jean howled say you just who do you think you're talking to me and jean always got her way until one day a new kid came to school katie sue a teeny kid a tiny kid a kid you might scare with a jump and a boo but when the recess bell went ringity ring this kid ran zingity zing for the playground gate katie sue swung before mean jean swung katie sue kicked before mean jean kicked katie sue bounced before mean jean bounced the kid you might scare with a jump and a boo was too new to know about mean gene the recess queen well mean gene bullied through the playground crowd like always she pushed kids and smushed kids and lala polished kids she hammered them slammered them kits and could jammered them as she charged after that katie sue say what she growled say who she held say you she snarled and grabbed katie sue by the collar nobody swings until queen jean swings nobody kicks until queen gene kicks nobody bounces until queen jean bounces and she figured that would set the record straight she figured wrong katie sue talked back just as sassy as could be she said how did you get so bossy then that puny thing that loony thing grabbed the ball and bounced away oh katie sue was one quick kid she bolted quick as lightning bouncity bouncy bounce kickity mean gene thundered close behind bouncity kikity swingity the recess queen was not amused she raced and chased and in your face that katie sue no one spoke no one moved no one breathed then from her pack pulled katie sue a jump rope clean and bright hey genie beanie said katie sue let's try this jump rope out here's one thing true until that day no one dared ask mean gene to play but then katie sue just hopped and jumped and skipped away i like ice cream i like tea i want gene to jump with me jean just gaped and stared as if too scared to move at all so katie sue sang once more i like popcorn i like tea i want jean to jump with me then from the side a kid called out go jean go and too surprised to even shout jean jumped in with katie i like cookies i like tea i want you to jump with me the roped whizzed and slapped faster faster the rope spun and flapped faster faster till it caught in a tangled disaster and they just giggled and jumped again well now when recess rolls around that playground's one great place at the school bell's ringity ring those two girls race zingity zing out the classroom door jean doesn't push kids and smush kids lala polush kids hamerum slammarum kitson kajammerum cause she's having too much fun rompity romping with her friends bouncity kikity hoppity skippity jumpity ring [Music]
Channel: Mrs. M in the Library
Views: 95,101
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: TdPxlkg6guA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 22sec (322 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 10 2022
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