The Reality of Life in Russia 2023 (bureaucratic nightmare)

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[Music] foreign [Music] there is not much snow in Siberia this year I don't know why that's not a matter of perspective because to me this looks like an absolute ton of snow but yeah according to Julia this isn't a lot it's still like a meter's worth I think foreign you can order our services on zero seven five hundred three seven five six three six we take our services to Canada America although Russia some parts of Europe we make good price very good price quality work as you can see as you can see but you checked it well why don't you check it hi John sweet ie [Music] next year we come over in the winter and there will be palm trees and you know oranges growing everywhere global warming can you do [Music] foreign [Music] which is still in the camera over region part is actually 375 kilometers from camera over itself further south and it is so so beautiful it's -20 today and there's a bit of a wind coming on top of the mountain as you can tell I'm sort of like forgetting how to talk it's so cold we actually recorded a video here in shergesh two years ago so we're not going to film too much while we're here but we'll put the link up here somewhere for um you to go and watch that in advance sorry because uh at that point we were fairly new to filming and uh we're quite like rabbits in headlights on the camera but apart from that taking the beautiful scenery is absolutely incredible it's such a I don't know for me it's such a special place it's gorgeous and you can see like all the way across from here towards the border with Kazakhstan China and Mongolia and yeah incredible incredible anyway right we're going to ski down now because it is freezing ready let's go let's go let's go foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] last night and to be honest I skied a little bit but I wanted to spend as much time as I can with my nephew because he's going to grow up so quick and next time we come over it's going to be a completely different person so I was trying to enjoy it while he is so tidy and cute as much as I can right now we're actually off to the city center because we need to get Mets registration done and we need to do it every time we come over to Russia I think as a foreigner when you come over as tourist uh your hotel does it for you but because we are staying at my grand apartment and he's on like a private or family Visa whatever it's called we need to do it ourselves so let's go foreign [Music] [Music] foreign with Julius Grant here in camarova now and we're all going into the center together because after my registration's done I'm gonna go for a walk around and have a look because apparently as it gets dark they've put loads of not Christmas lights but New Year's lights here in the city and uh it's supposed to be really beautiful so uh let's take a look speed limit [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] documents I have one of these my documents in every single Russian city and you can go there if you're a foreigner to get your registration and usually we're in there for about half an hour and then they give me a little slip that I have to give back on the border again they have this sort of registration process in most ex-soviet countries some have got rid of it but yeah some still have it and unfortunately for us Russia's one of them but uh yeah so we have to come here every single time but usually the process isn't too long thank you questions well as you can see it's quite a bit of time later and um yeah it's been an unsuccessful trip we haven't managed to get my registration done um for the first time ever in Maybe 14 15 trips to Russia we come up a against some sort of problem basically when we've come on trips before we've basically been able to travel to different cities and then when we eventually get to camera over register here because that's this is where we're actually staying for a longer period of time most of the time and for example like the last year we went through some Petersburg and then through Moscow and then came here um and then went to the my documents place and registered well this time they said you can't do that and you have to register within your first seven days in Russia in general despite us not really being able to register because we were going so quick between different places um so yeah they said you have to go to the police and we were like why would we have to go to the police and then we actually found the police and they said no of course not no you have to go to the uh the local ufms which is like the ministry of internal affairs um so we went there and we couldn't get an appointment there we queued up and it was already half five at that point and they said come back tomorrow morning so we've got an appointment for tomorrow morning at nine o'clock to hopefully give my documents to get a registration but potentially they could then tell us no you have to pay a fine for something that every time previously in coming to Russia we've been able to do no problem um so yeah we'll see it is what it is to keep you informed and we'll speak to you tomorrow but for now we're actually just gonna go for a walk around the center while we're here because the weather's really really nice it's quite warm when I say warm it's like minus five but yeah there's no wind and it's it's lovely so let's head to the main Square which is Lennon square and take a look at all the lovely lights foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you'll see [Music] huh good morning this is attempt number two it's nine in the morning and we're going back to the migration center now we've got all our documents with us and we've also printed copies of every single document as well and filled out the form in advance so yeah hopefully there should be no problems now but let's see just got everything sorted we'll explain everything later at home we're just going around local market s foreign foreign so we got back home a little while ago and other than just warming through because despite being very beautiful outside is absolutely freezing today we've also been working and about 10 minutes ago you Julie disappeared into the other room I think she's doing Julia's ground's hair let's go take a look I guess hi who's next please me and yeah just to explain a little bit more about what happened earlier so we turned up at the migration Center and we had an appointment booked for 9 30 as we said and yeah we walked in and it was a pretty simple in the end once we got there so we should have been able to get it done in my documents like we have done before and the lady there in the migration Center said basically what they do in my documents is you bring all of your documents there and then they then send them over to the migration Center who then do it all remotely so yeah why they didn't want to do it for us there we don't really know to be honest we basically had to show that we come into Russia over a week ago but we'd been in different cities and then we've been traveling around the country so weren't able to register in any other cities and um yeah why they didn't just ask for that in my documents we're still not really sure now but all's well that ends well I'm now registered here until the middle of February all good not breaking any rules and uh yeah for the rest of the day we're just going to get on with a bit more work and maybe later go for another walk but as we said it's about -15 today the Sun's shining it's absolutely beautiful but it's so so cold there where um it's New Year's Eve in a couple days and we're just off to the shop to get everything I have a massive list of what to buy because we're going to cook up a storm my mom is actually coming as well on the 31st thing at night so that's great so we just need to buy everything and start cooking tomorrow just like our glasses it's lovely in there it's minus 15 today but as with a couple of days ago there's no wind the Sun's shining and actually in this temperature I'm even standing here without gloves it is really really nice to be honest this is like the perfect Siberian Winter's day isn't it as long as you're moving around as well yes yeah but yeah don't be fooled we have got like four layers on foreign foreign foreign [Music] we wanted to show you everything that we bought as soon as we got home but as we were getting changed my grandma packed everything very quickly and we sat down to work for a little bit and he lost us for a couple of days it's actually New Year's Eve for us today we're going to start preparing everything and cooking later on because we'll show you everything in the next video and actually this is going to be the first video that you're gonna watch in the new year so New Year to the Future and thanks for watching this video see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Matt and Julia
Views: 1,328,095
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: russia 2023, life in russia, life in russia now, russia, living in russia, is russia poor, prices in russia, real life, russia right now, russian youtuber, russian vlogger, 1420, russia after sanctions, winter in siberia, life in siberia, siberia, siberia documentary, siberia 2023, russia news, traveling to russia, foreigners in russia, russians, russian blogger, life in russia after sanctions, life in russia right now, life in russia 2023, matt and julia, moving to russia
Id: nGsUF28F7kM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 6sec (1266 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 06 2023
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