THe Reality Of Dumpster Diving - The Good The Bad The Ugly

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[Music] [Music] we're on three shirts like bells or something stinks dishwasher of these dishwashers are mostly just plastic like this that's all that is [Music] it's only a little you see anything on this side you think they're new don't you Junkanoo with it see they're all open though it makes me wonder what they appear to be new we'll check it out was myself pretty good on eBay kind of curious on those [Music] I'm gonna screw into a regular outlet I'll have to get creative to test those giggle apples okay so I'm pretty sure they've been cracking down on people illegally dumping in this one though because there hasn't been much in here in a long time yeah but I believe it's just a recycling but I'm almost tempted to climb in there I'm almost to the kilometer see if there any shoes in those boxes but I'll do it on this side [Music] yeah she was here till just by picking them up you know yeah I think is just the recycling dumpster yeah definitely a nice thing when they don't where's that dudes worth keeping so they must have replaced it huh this is the old one I don't know enough about them to to take it to be honest with you I don't know if there's any good scrapping these we'll leave it at the top of case anybody else wants it anything over here no that machs not gonna give me home if there's anything in it oh cool hey check this out I didn't even see that oh yeah very cool it's like seven bucks [Music] that's easy money right there that's the second tire I've seen already [Music] [Music] [Music] say anything we're just right down super that air filters out when you sell us this plastic or something no Hey hmm [Music] scared me ya got me you got those are a little nastier than the last ones I grabbed okay what are these as the one I stuck my hand through the bag and touch the noodles last time Cowboys couch let's get over and see if it's in good shape it looks like see if there's any big cracks in it or anything oh look at that big old chunk of stainless yeah that's all right what is that dr. Jordans cash register look um that's a clipboard and yeah it's a cash register yeah sure pick me up okay let this guy this is a food one rat what's an empty one man and would love that with me so buddy's not here [Music] hello DVD bunch of DVDs bunch of it are we take food was that a big electric motor all right oh sorry sorry my bad you know what I'm stuck ready big old motor yep that's a couple of bucks anyway it has some wire in it trilogy methanol nintendo64 power cable [Music] give it to that kid don't like to get that far inside these doctors good stuff in there let me get in here him oh good a little dumpster [Music] [Music] you got a bunch of coupons let you sell it the things what that is let's dog food he's our chick this dog who this cup chicken all fried chicken flavored dog food you want me to put it back there with Maya yeah [Music] we'll see how she likes it my gosh yeah she approves she approves there you go hey that'll save you a couple bucks see is that is there I like how you just kill it it makes me feel good baby heavy little chunks do you oh yeah big ol chunk accord on it oh no kiddin good chunk of aluminum rest there okay we're good there hmm wonder if that works you touch some yuck that dumpster was open for business [Music] be careful there's a lot of glass in here hey John Deere plate [Music] where's your cooler that somebody here you get it all still there they're a little leaky likes those though hold on please we'll go through Missy's are there that's a really nice basket yep [Music] well guys it looks like I lost the audio for this clip and I believe the next one as well so this might be a good time to do a little voiceover if you're enjoying these videos if you like what you see here be sure and click the subscribe button because this is what we do on a regular basis we upload several videos a week we upload on a regular basis and this would be the kind of content that you see dumpster diving curbside picking you know give this video a like I wanted to say thanks to mrs. powers that we have gained since we started this thing and to the people who have been watching our videos you want to see more man stick with us it's only going to get better from here appreciate it guys what do you say huh that's funny as hell yes I know it looks like that if I was a Tweaker I wouldn't have a 400r camera strapped in my head you dick [Music] joke's on you pal there's a lot of money in this you know looks like they just had a big ol shindig okay tweek tweek had to replace my battery Miss junkie over here tearing it up what's in there what you got anything else what'd you pull why'd you pull there anything in that box okay scared me [Music] [Music] Hey I'm gonna make a donation to that little kitty you've heard some of our dumpster food where do you go you'll find that pretty nice hats don't mind if I do yeah it might we'll see is it really stinks okay [Music] hey what's up everybody this is our haul after our diving session I'll show you all some of the highlights here we ended up pulling all these movies out of here I don't know how many there how many do you think there are there's a lot ton of movies and there's a lot of newer ones in there as well which is pretty cool we ended up selling last night right after we found these we ended up selling I think 6 of them for like 15 bucks so they're pretty good on that got a bit of wire some scrap and we also pulled this big old piece of aluminum trim this guy is about Oh probably about 8 foot long [Music] pretty thick too it's a good chunk of aluminum also some pretty nice insulated wire as well as really beefy motors a John Deere plate I don't know let's see it find a collectible John Deere plate as well I don't know what we're gonna do with that yet big old chunk of stainless steel a battery which those are always nice to find that's good easy money we also found a Keurig machine I think that's about it we'll take you in and and show you that little thing to it cleaned up pretty nice we'll check that out now well here's the Keurig machine it's a pretty fancy one cleaned up really nice we also counted these DVDs we got to count on the DVDs not including the six that we sold last night we have 48 here so that's a pretty good haul and the curricle machine works pretty good you want to push the button dude yeah okay just push breathe push it again okay watch out and see the water getting sucked in I don't know what we'll do with this yet I'm not sure it's too fancy for us she works good oh and also the the big dog food bag I think it was something like 30 pounds in the bag or something like that so let's dog food we gotta buy money saved as money earned so you guys enjoyed this video click the lock button be sure to subscribe for more videos and we'll catch you on the next one yep it's hot how hot is that a good deal bye
Channel: Curbside Junkies
Views: 8,970
Rating: 4.9073358 out of 5
Keywords: dumpster dive haul, dumpster diving, dumpster diving at walmart, scrap metal, scrap metal business, trash picking, trash picking in rich neighborhood, dumpster divers, dumpster diving at ulta, dumpster diving at apple store, dumpster diving gamestop, dumpster diving police, dumpdter diving cop, dumpster diving illegal, trash picking finds, dumpster diving caught by cops, caught dumpster diving at gamestop, i got caught dumpster diving, dumpster diving scrap metal
Id: y3RoU2CI1Mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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