The "Real" Via Dolorosa HD 1080p

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hi everybody uh we're approaching the easter season and this video was going to about the two via dollar roses the traditional one where i am now and probably the more historical via dolorosa if you do a organized tour to israel on a bus no matter what your christian denomination you'll be taken here for the traditional via dolorosa just a minute there's motorcycles whether or not people actually use this street here you can see so this is the traditional via dolorosa and i am next to station one now station one is where jesus is tried by pilate but actually and you can tell the [Music] little statues tell the story when you come here you can see the jesus held by the roman soldiers being judged by pilate station number one but here's the thing oh sorry let's tighten this up a little bit here's the thing is that this via de la rosa has nothing to do with the time of jesus who was tried around the year 30 a.d the streets we see here are over roman roads paved by the emperor hadrian gotta love it paid by the emperor hadrian a hundred years after the events with jesus took place so the question is asked well why is this identified as the viola rosa and the answer is the crusaders the crusaders come and conquer jerusalem in july 1099 and as their kingdom needs economic growth they depend on pilgrimage so they identified this school here this wasn't a school back then back then there probably wasn't anything here as where pilate is being is trying jesus because just on the other side of the school is the temple mount now that's a problem because scripture tells us that jesus wasn't tried on the temple mount he was tried into praetorium so a modern-day explanation is that here was the antonia fortress but those of you who take the word of scripture is true and quite frankly reading the book of luke and john there's a lot of factual information in there he wasn't tried here he was tried in the praetorium which was sort of the guard room of herod's palace harrod's palace wasn't here so the traditional via dolorosa whines we're gonna i'm gonna just speed up here and wind through it so what did the crusaders do this way when some of them actually knew that and read the bible that it wasn't here and the answer is commerce if we were here in a normal day we would see lots of tourist shops here they're all closed now because there's no one coming tourism and the thing is is that let me flip my screen up here the thing is is that the thing is is that the crusaders wanted economic growth for their uh for their kingdom because if there's economic growth there's taxes so shops just like today there's a policeman i've got to get my map up shops just like today sprang up in this area so you can see all these shops here now when you come before i speed it up when you come here you'll see this arch and this is called the echo homo arch but that arch was built by hadrian guys i hate to tell you this that ark was built by hadrian a hundred years after jesus and the romans completely changed the city even giving it a new name changing it the name of the city from jerusalem to ilia capitolina and changing the name of the roman province from judea to palestine so let's walk the via dollar world so by the way not all the vietnam rosa is historically incorrect the last five stations of the via de la rosa are immature now i don't want to burst anybody's bubble but that probably the church of the holy sepulchre is probably the place where jesus is crucified and entombed on friday good friday those of you who want to go to the garden tomb and i do suggest going there for my protestant and evangelical clients there's not one shred of archaeological evidence that that's the place so when we get to the church of the holy sepulchre i'll talk about that what we're going to do now is walk back to jaffa gate and we'll begin the real via dolorosa okay so there's a guard here and i'm just gonna waltz in [Music] go inside the church [Music] um [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] okay so station 14 is this is the edicule and this is where jesus was entombed the structure we see is much later from the 19th century something like 1812 that was built and it's just been recently uh been recently renovated now inside mark's there's a actually this is three parts sort of like the the temple itself and of course the holy of holies is if you can kind of see it in the back there is jesus's tomb it's just a marble slab it was uh left you have to remember all this was an abandoned quarry and what i want to show you though is i think one of the most compelling reasons why i think this is the church of why this is indeed the very place of christ we're entering now something called the chapel of nicodemus and in there are illuminated with my iphone [Music] are the remains of first century jewish tombs i can get my iphone going here there we go so inside are the remains of first century i'm actually doing here i don't kill myself just you can get a look these are first century jewish tombs so [Music] this indeed is an acropolis all right [Music] guys [Music] okay so we're going to go up [Music] now this is the stairway to station 11 and 12. and there's nobody here for those of you who have been here before this is station eleven the this is called it's a good thing because he would be yelling at me now what's interesting is is that this is station 12 this is orthodox if you look at the line in the floor i'm gonna go from the orthodox church to the catholic church and then get together and then we're gonna go from the camp of chapel to the orthodox chapel eleven different place six sects share the church two have been kicked out the egyptian cops and the ethiopians are on the roof and who is [Applause] really has a lot of pull here are the orthodox they have the place of jesus is crucifixion station 12. station 13 the stone of the ocean generated by orthodox and catholics and with respect to the etiquette here so these this is the real theodolita in my opinion this is what jesus is of course if i get married what we're going to do now is we're going to go to the real station okay i'm having a those of you who know me i can't go too long without my coffee so i've walked back from uh the original uh church of the holy sep the liquor the original via dolorosa which by the way via lola rosen means the way of suffering and i'm just inside jeffrey gate and why am i inside jaffa gate because approximately here um and a little bit further on i'm gonna go outside in just a moment is where herod's palace was now guys when herod dies the romans rule the province of judea directly and their governor will always be in hot spots and passover the jewish festival of passover was celebrates freedom it's from slavery to freedom so the romans were very very weary about uh jerusalem because jerusalem had a population back then of around 60 to 70 000 people but during the passover pilgrimage remember judaism 2000 years ago was a religion of uh of a pilgrimage and a temple worship so most jewish families went to jerusalem and jerusalem would swell at least to a quarter of a million people sometimes going up to four hundred thousand how many romans were here to keep the peace around twelve hundred so the roman governor the fellow by the name of pontius pilate he's going to be very very very careful to stamp out any width of insurrection so when jesus comes to jerusalem during holy week and enters on palm sunday as the king as messiah romans already know there's going to be trouble okay so here i am at jaffa gate and i want to point out this structure here this big tower with the flags on top is called the hypocus tower and it was built by king herod those of you who have been here before you see the if you can make out the rocks there are cut in what's called the herodian boss so the tower today is about 25 meters tall about 80 feet tall but in harrods time it was almost twice as tall as 140 some feet tall and there were three of these towers and the reason the towers are here is because just over where this police station is the turkish jail was called the kisley today it's of course israeli police but if we walk down and you look down here we see the beginning of and that's ground level 2000 years ago this is where herod had his palace so jesus is going to be tried and we're going to walk a little bit on the main street so i call this the real uh via dolorosa and and you know i can talk to you now but i've got to put the mass down just for a bit of thought even though we're uh more than half the population has been uh inoculated with the vaccine vaccinated we still have to wear the masks in public and i can be fined if i don't have my mask on so so we're walking in what's called the armenian quarter remember jerusalem has four quarters as you enter the city from jaffa gate you see the armenian quarter on the right where we are now armenians called the armenian quarter because uh the armenian the first armenia the first country to convert to christianity around 301 a.d they settle here and they have a church here called the church of saint james james of course the brother of jesus and the first bishop of jerusalem he'll be murdered in the uh fifth century and even though the rabbis were not particularly happy you know the gamblio called him a just man so we're going to make yeah where it says st james street we're going to so jesus is going to be tried let me get this up here jesus is going to be tried in herod's palace and the praetorium maybe is where i'm standing right now so jesus is going to be tried here and then he's going to be taken to the place of execution to be taken there it's outside the city he's got to go through something called the gennad gate to the gennath gate so we're going to follow more or less the way the real via de la rosa went so let's go down this street here now remember the streets are not the streets from street way the street plan is mainly roman and this was a city that was slowly rebuilt [Music] by the roman empire from the time of hadrian around 135 a.d after hadrian puts down the second jewish revolt [Music] and just go down notice we're walking downhill we're walking east and the armenian quarter by the way the armenian quarter by the way has about uh has about uh 1100 people living in it it's a very small quarter population wise jewish quarter has around five thousand the christian quarter two three thousand it's the number every time i always read something else but my guess is about two three thousand the muslim quarter thirty thousand remember the old city number one is very small it's about one square kilometer mark twain writes that you can walk around the old city in an hour a good walker that is and we're going to keep on walking down now once we pass our rod street we're in the jewish quarter you can see yeshivas a toilet the caterpillar and we're gonna we're gonna walk downhill and you can see the population of mainly say but observing jews here in the old city young family and then so we're going to and a hunting truck making all this noise now you'll notice there's no stations because the road traffic jam of garbage trucks here okay notice we're walking downhill and we're walking to a later street you see here and it's great to see life here uh this is called the roman cardo but this is not from jesus's time so i'm not going to dwell on it but rather i'm going to walk to something very important where now notice walking downhill under some sort of structure and if you do a tour you will stop here and look at this map called the medeva map but this is a map of jerusalem from around the latter half of the 6th century a.d so this doesn't interest us in the historical jesus what does interest us and we again get to this all the ruins we're seeing now notice we're at street level from around 300 a.d and look at street level today up there this is still not street level from jesus's time and this will be made apparent by the way very nice mural here this is something you also will see but this mural from uh depicting a picture okay i had my battery cut out in me we're going to now go to one of the most important places in the real uh we're in the jewish corridor around the cardo which means main or south roman street but this cardo was that we're on now is paved at the beginning of you know first century second century a.d so well after jesus's time but thanks to archaeology we know it's a very important place and that is what's called the ganeth or the genata gate the garden gate let's go so i'm going to uh get my bag here and we're going to continue walking and you can see we're in there are a few shops but almost all the tourist shops are closed now this would you just be full of tourists uh [Music] you know one good thing one one thing i like about israel is that there's what to buy here there's really nice shops here and you can take a look at stuff to buy and here the shopkeepers are are more or less reputable okay uh more than less i'd say so we're going to now what i want you to notice is this beige line in the floor there's a beige line and if we look down here it's kind of hard to see but we see not really you can't see it here let's go to the other one we see another beige line and this beige wine is part of a wall and let me see if i can oh and now we can see now if you look carefully you'll see that on the bottom of the screen is an older wall that's a wall from hezekiah's time about 600 in almost 700 years 700 years before the time of jesus and then there's a wall there's a newer wall and that's from that's a maccabean wall that's a maccabean wall and why is this important because when we look at the floor we see the the salmon colored stone and then we see which is 700 bc and then we see the black stone which was part of the wall in jesus time now as we walk and we see this wall from the time of jesus we come to a corner so the question is what was here and then the wall continues and that's the wall right there okay you see this is the wall okay but there's a corner here so this is a gate to go outside the city there's a tower here and what i suggest doing is going down these steps and if you're adventurous you can even claim it later down there but i don't know if i don't they have it open but guys there's a gate here okay there's a gate here and you can leave the city okay you can leave the city this wall here is from the time of jesus you can see there's a gate here and there was a full so it says if you don't believe me take a look at the sign it says gateway and there was a gate here to go outside the city and as we walk in it's really important to come here because to find remains from the time of jesus is very very difficult it's so built up and you can see how much destruction i mean look at the street level from the time of jesus all the way down there and then from just you know a couple hundred years later now what's interesting is is that if we walk this way yeah we're outside the city wall now okay so 150 meters remember all this wasn't here so 150 meters that way is the church of the holy sepulchre so this is the real via dolorosa my name is jacob purcell i wish to wish everybody a happy easter uh blessed you a a blessed friday and a happy easter and hopefully we'll see you soon here in israel in the holy land in the not so near in the not so distant future bye now
Channel: Jacob Firsel
Views: 6,415
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CcyFcrgrywQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 13sec (1753 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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