The Real Story of Ragnar Lothbrok and His Three Wives

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this video is brought to you by captivating history ragnar becomes king and meets lagertha once there was a king named sigurd ring he had a fair wife named elfield and together they had a son named ragnar ragnar grew into a handsome young man strong and well made in his body when ragnar was 15 years old his mother died after a suitable period of mourning sigrid began to look for a new wife he set his heart upon elfsol the daughter of the king of jutland sigurd sent messages to jutland asking for also's hand when also's father heard the message he scoffed he said to the messenger take this answer back to your master say to him sigurd ring may be a great king but he is an old man my daughter is worthy of a better husband than one who is likely to die if not on his own wedding night then certainly soon thereafter when sigurd heard the king of jutland's reply he flew into a rage an old man am i with one foot in the grave the churl who sits upon the throne of jutland will regret his reply to me i will make him eat those words at the point of my spear and take his daughter to wife whether he wills it or no cigarette assembled his army and marched upon jutland the jutlanders fought well and valiantly but they were no match for sigurd's men soon it became clear that sacred would be the victor and rather than allowing him to take outsole by force her father gave her a goblet of poison to drink and so she died after the battle also's body was found by sigurd's men they carried it carefully back to their king who began to weep and mourn when he saw that the fair young woman was dead and that she had died by poisoning fetch my best chip and build upon it up higher said sigurd i will give elfsol a good funeral one fit for a queen even though she did not live to become one the ship was pulled up onto the shore and outsole's body was laid upon a pyre as though she had been a queen sigurd stood next to the ship as the pyre was kindled when the mooring line was cut and the ship began to drift out with the tide sigurd sprang aboard and stood in the prowl if also could not join me as my wife in this life i shall join her in death cried sigurd as he drew his sword my son ragnar is a brave and worthy man take him now to be your king then sigurd took the sword and plunged it into his breast he fell into the flames and so his body was burned along with outsoles and so it was that ragnar became king even though he was only 15 years old the men of his realm quickly learned to respect him for his judgment was sound and none could match him in battle ratnar led his men on many raids and into many battles and always came back victorious with the holds of their ships full of plunder ragnar himself escaped every fight without even a scratch for his mother had woven him a magic shirt that kept him from all harm one of ragnar's many raiding expeditions took him to norway when the battles and the raids were done he and his men found a sheltered spot in which to beach their ships they were wearing they wanted to rest before sailing for home they made camp and then spent the night on the beach in the morning ragnar desired to be alone he took with him his sword and walked through the forest and up one of the many hills that surrounded the beach the sky was clear the sun was bright and ragnar delighted in the beauty of the day when he reached the crown of one of the hills ragnar decided to sit upon the grass and enjoy the peaceful morning as he looked out over the land he saw two armies marching toward one another the armies met and clashed and soon it began to go very poorly indeed for one side ragnar watched more closely and perceived that the losing army was led not by a man but by a woman who showed such skill with her weapons that none could stand against her nevertheless she could not conquer an entire army by her strength alone and as her warriors fell one by one under the blades of her enemies she found herself nearly surrounded and hard-pressed ragnar drew his sword and ran to her aid he fought so fiercely and with such strength that soon he and the woman between them put the other army to flight once the battle was over the woman went to ragnar and said i thank you for your aid but for you surely i would also lie dead on the field alongside so many dowdy men my name is lagertha and i rule the lands here may i know your name that i may thank you properly i am ragnar son of sigurd ring and a king among my own people said ragnar my men and i beached our ships near here you are most welcome for my health never have i seen a shield maiden fight with such strength and skill come back to my stronghold with me said lagurtha and bring your men with you you will all be my guests at my victory feast that night ragnar and his men drank and feasted with legita by the end of the night ragnar had fallen in love with vegurtha who he found to be wise and well respected by her people ragnar proposed marriage and lagertha accepted on condition that they remain in her realm i would not be an idol consort content merely to wait upon her royal husband here i rule and here i shall stay ragnar agreed to legitha's terms and they spent three happy years together as husband and wife at the end of the third year ragnar found himself becoming restless he longed for voyages across the sea in adventures that led to battle and plunder in faraway places one day a messenger came to ragnar with news that his kingdom was in danger ragnar called for his armor and weapons and caused his ship to be made ready then he went to laguerta and said i must return to my own country i have been away for too long and now my kingdom is likely to fall come with me your skill in battle is unmatched and i would be grateful for your help when we went i told you that it was on condition that you remained here said lagertha i will not leave the throne of my land to become a retainer in yours you must choose either you stay here as my consort or we part ways forever then part we must said ragnar for i cannot forsake my own people farewell and make good fortune smile upon you and so it was the ragnar and lagertha parted ways never to see one another again in this world ragnar and the dragon once there was an earl of gotlin named herod who had a beautiful daughter named thora harrow doted on his daughter he gave thora her own house to live in and a day rarely passed without the earl giving thorus some present or other one day peru brought his daughter what looked like a small garden snake which had been given to him by a merchant from a far off land the young woman delighted in the creature and made quite a pet of it but unbeknownst to thora and her father the serpent was not a common snake it was a baby dragon the serpent continued to grow and grow until finally it was so large it could no longer fit inside thora's house it wrapped itself around the house and because of its great love for thora it would allow no one to cross the threshold except the man who fettered a whole ox every day and who brought food and drink and other needful things to the young woman this cannot stand said the earl my daughter is a prisoner in her own home and there is no warrior among my own people who is able to kill that dread beast send messengers throughout all the lands tell them that whoever slays that dragon may have my daughter's hand in marriage and a great deal of gold besides the messengers were duly sent and soon one of them arrived at ragnar's court the messenger was given an audience with ragnar where he explained his errand to the young king i come from the earl of gotland said the messenger he seeks a champion to slay the dragon that keeps his daughter prisoner in her own home the dragon is large and fearsome its fangs drip venom and its very blood will poison anything it touches there is no one in all of gotland who has proven himself brave enough to face the beast so the earl promises the hand of his daughter in marriage and much gold besides to whoever can slay the monster and come out of the battle alive tell me more of the earl's daughter said ragnar what manner of woman is she she is the fairest creature upon this earth said the messenger i saw her once with my own eyes through a window of her house she is comely of face and body and her hair is golden and soft as silk any man would be proud to call her his wife and doubtless many champions would have already fought to the death for the honor of her hand but for the interference of the dragon ragnar thanked the messenger and ordered that he'd be given food and drink in a place to rest before going on his way then ragnar began to think of how he might win thora's hand for himself he was very young but he was king and he knew that every king was in need of a queen surely there was no more worthy queen in the world than the daughter of earl herrod also ragnar had an adventurous spirit nothing tempted him quite so much as the chance to test his medal against a fully grown dragon with venomous fangs and poisonous blood but how to kill the beast without being poisoned himself fine ragnar hit upon the solution he called for breeches and a cloak to be made out of a shaggy goat's hide when the garments were complete ragnar soaked them in pitch as soon as the pitcher dried ragnar sailed for gauntlet bringing his best spear with him beaching his ship in a sheltered place that no one was likely to visit he went ashore secretly and dressed in his odd shaggy clothing he crept silently to thora's house where the dragon lay sleeping with its grey coils wrapped around the walls before the dragon could rouse itself to fight ragnar thrust at it with a spear and then drew the spear out again the dragon screamed and went to attack but ragnar was too quick ragnar thrust again with a spear and this time the point struck bone ragnar pulled the shaft of the spear out but the shaft broke and the head remained lodged in the dragon's body as the dragon thrashed and screamed in its death throws some of its blood splashed upon ragnar but he took no hurt because he was well protected by his odd shaggy clothing from that day forward he was known as lothbrok which means shaggy breeches thora looked out her window just as ragnar was walking away she saw that the dragon had been slain and she rightly guessed that the man outside was the one who had killed it dora went out of her house and called to ragnar are you the one who slew the dragon please accept my thanks she said ragnar turned and as he did so though noted how very tall and broad he was and how very strong and handsome yes it was i who slew the beast said ragnar who are you asked thora tell me your name ragnar spoke this verse in reply your champion of my beautiful lady 18 winters have i walked the earth though young i am valiant and vowed to bring lo the landfish dread beast who besets you with strength and spear i vanquish the vile worm thrusting home to the very heart of the heath salmon then ragnar turned and walked away in the morning thor told her father that the dragon had been slain and she took the earl to see its body the earl saw the end of the spear shaft sticking out of the beast's side he commanded that the end of the spear be removed it took three strong men to pull it out and when they finally had it in their hands the three of them could barely lift it even when they all tried together the earl marveled at this and asked thora who is this man surely he must be a great champion to wield such a mighty weapon he deserves our thanks and i have promised him your hand in marriage i don't know who he is father said the young woman i asked him his name but he answered with a riddle and then walked away without saying anything else all i know about him is that he is 18 winters old and he was very oddly dressed and that he slew the dragon the earl then decided that a great meeting should be held at his court to find out who his daughter's deliverer was he sent messengers throughout all the lands telling the champions to assemble and say whether it was they would slain the dragon or not and to bring proof that they had done the deed themselves and not some other on the day of the meeting ragnar came into the earl's court along with the men of his ship he brought with him the broken spear shaft but he did not wear his shaggy clothing or he did not want the earl's daughter to see him and identify him thereby when all the men had assembled in the hall the earl thanked them for coming and explained what needed to be done the dragon that beset my household has been slain by a mighty spear the head and part of the shaft were left behind in the beast's body i will bring the head to each of you so that you may say whether it is yours or not if you claim it be prepared to prove it by producing the shaft of the spear whoever it is that did this deed will have my daughter's hand in marriage and much gold besides as i have promised then the earl caused the spearhead to be shown to each man in turn every one of them denied that it was theirs even though they longed to say that it was and thus have the earl's daughter in marriage for she was very beautiful indeed finally the spearhead was shown to ragnar it is mine he said with that spear i slew the dragon prove it to the earl and if you lie know that it will go ill for you ragnar produced the broken spear shaft and the other piece was fitted to it it was obvious that this was the man who had killed the dragon the earl proclaimed a great feast to celebrate the death of the beast the courage and strength of ragnar and the marriage of his daughter to such a fine champion at the feast ragnar took thora to be his wife and when the feasting was over he took her to his own country where they lived happily together for many years dora gave ragnar two sons named eric and agnar they grew into fine young men both tall handsome and strong none could best them either in battle or in contests of sport a day came when thor fell gravely ill in a few days she was dead ragnar mourned her greatly and his sorrow was so deep that he could not abide to stay in the country where his beloved wife had died ragnar turned the rule of his kingdom over to his sons and advisors and then took ship to begin a life of adventure and raiding once again ragnar and azlog aslock who is now called kraka was 16 years old when ragnar lothbrok returned to the sea with his champions they raided far and near and after one such raid they breached their ships near spangaret where dwelt grima and aki and their foster daughter ragnar told his cooks to take a measure of flour and other things needed to bake bread and to go find a willing cottager or baker would help them the cooks did as ragnar asked and once everything was assembled they went looking for someone to help them bake the bread soon enough they came across grima and a keys farmstead they knocked on the door and grima answered what is it you want she asked we are the companions of ragnar lothbrok they replied we breached our ships not far from here we have come to ask for help in baking bread now we have told who we are what is your name i am called grima and i would gladly help you but my hands are too gnarled and stiff to need bread anymore i will call my daughter and she will help you now cracka had been out in the field tending to the cattle when she spied ragnar ships pulled up on the shingle of the beach thinking that some of the men might come to the farmstead she went and bathed herself and washed her hair things that grima had forbidden her to do lest any man come across her and see how very beautiful she was kraka entered the cottage just as the men were beginning to light a fire to bake the bread when they saw the girl they could not believe their eyes they had never seen a woman so beautiful in all their travels to make a long story short the cooks returned to their ships with the burned bread when the meal was served later all the men complained at how burnt the bread was ragnar said what happened your skilled cooks you've never burnt the bread like this before no we have never burnt the bread like this before said the senior cook but we had never seen a girl that beautiful before either explain this said ragnar well said the junior cook we found a farmstead and asked for help breaking bread as you asked us to do and the old woman who lived there had her daughter help us i swear to you i've never seen a lovelier woman in all my days she was so entrancing that we kept our gaze fixed on her and in so doing we burned the bread ragnar scoffed no woman has ever been that beautiful come now tell us what really happened but the cooks could not change their tail finally ragnar said very well if she is as lovely as you have said go back to the farmstead and asked her to come and visit me here for it is high time i took a wife again but you must give her this message say to her come to meet ragnar lothbrok our king and the captain of the ships but he commands that you must come neither dressed nor undressed neither stated nor hungry nor must you come alone but no man may come along with you the cooks went back to the farmstead where they found grima and krakow working together inside the cottage they told krakow what ragnar said she should do when grima heard ragnar's message she scoffed what is he playing at giving my daughter these ridiculous instructions i think this king and captain of yours if he really is both those things might not be quite all there no i think there is some purpose behind this message if only we can puzzle it out said kraka then she said to the cooks thank you king and captain for his invitation tell him that i cannot come with you right now that i will visit him in the morning the cooks went back to the ships and gave ragnar crocker's answer during the night raka thought hard about ragnar's message and how she might do as he had bid finally she arrived at a solution and went to sleep in the morning graco went to aqui and said i would like to borrow your trout net please akee thought this an odd request but he gave her the net anyway krakow went to her chamber and took off all her clothes then she wrapped the net around herself as though it were a dress when that was done she went into the kitchen and took a bite of a leak that lay on the table now i am neither dressed nor undressed and i am neither sated nor hungry cracker turned a key once again lend me your old dogs that i may not go alone but with no man accompanying me cracka went to the ships the old dog trotting by her side when she arrived she stood at the edge of the beach and waited from his ship ragnar saw her and called out what is your name and what is your business here cracker replied i came at the command of ragnar captain and king i dared not deny his summons see now how i stand here both dressed and naked a net draped about my form and a fine friend at my side that i am not alone yet no man is with me ragnar told two of his men to go and meet the young woman and bring her to the ship kraka said to the messengers when they arrived gladly i will go to meet your captain in king but only on condition that both i and my companion are guaranteed safety the messengers promised safe conduct to kraka and the dog and then led her onto the ship but when ragnar went to greet kraka the dog bit him when ragnar's men saw this they jumped to the dog and killed it krakow stayed on board for a time conversing with ragnar ragnar saw that krakow was every bit as wise and clever as she was beautiful and he longed to have her for his wife ragnar asked her to stay with him but crocker replied that if she truly had safe conduct he would let her go in peace why will you not stay said ragnar i am wholly pleased with you and i love you i wish you to stay here with me tonight and become my wife i will not stay tonight secraka i will not stay at all until you have made one more journey and return to me in the same mind you are now for it is possible that once you have sailed away you will forget all about me and had i wed you i would be forsaken and so crocker returned to the old couple's cottage and ragnar sailed with the first fair wind after 10 months when ragnar's journey was done he returned to spangarath and sent his men to fetch kraka for he still desired her for his wife kraka returned to ragnar ship where she was given a fair welcome ragnar sailed with kraka and his men back to his homeland where a great wedding feast was prepared at the feast ragnar married kraka and took her for his queen and they lived many happy years together kraka gave ragnar four fine sons who were named evar the boneless bjorn ironsides witzerk and evar was called the boneless because his bones were soft and did not knit properly he could not walk and had to be carried everywhere on a litter what he lacked in physical strength he made up for in wisdom and cunning and his brothers and stepbrothers all relied on his good counsel bjorn was named ironsides because his skin was so tough that no weapon could penetrate it ragbalt died young killed him battled in an attack on whitby that evar had planned the feud with king eistein there came a time when ragnar went to visit king eistein in uppsala ragnar and einstein were old friends and allies and so there was much joy when they met at einstein's court einstein had a beautiful daughter named ingborg who had not yet been betrothed to any man now ragnar's advisors had long been vexed that their queen was the daughter of farmers and when they saw how beautiful ingborg was they began to speak out against kraka in their hopes that ragnar would divorce her and marry ingborg instead ragnar had noted the beauty of ingborn and he was swayed by the arguments of his advisors einstein also wished his daughter to marry ragnar when it came time to sail for home ragnar left uppsala having promised to divorce kraka and mary ingborg as croco waited it home for her husband to return she sat in the courtyard under a tree working at some embroidery while she worked three birds came and sat in the branches of the tree the birds then sang this song queen and lady are thou now until king and captain should break his vow in a new bright place upon the throne his heart towards you he turns to stone and so it was that kraka learned of ragnar's plan to divorce her and marry another instead when ragnar returned home rocca pretended that she knew nothing of his intent she greeted him joyfully as she always did asking him how his visit had gone and how his friends fared by this time ragnar was beginning to feel that he had behaved churlishly in agreeing to mary ingborg and put kraka away and because of his shame he was very curt in his answers this served only to confirm for kraka what the birds had said to her finally crockett decided to reveal what she knew why do you intend to divorce me and marry another ask kraka who told you that said ragmar for only he and his closest advisors knew of this plan and they had only just returned home three birds i have who are friendly to me when you go on journeys i send them to follow you so that they may bring me news while i sat in the courtyard at my embroidery they came and sang to me that you wish to have another woman in my place why would you want to do that what ill have i done to you to make you wish to send me away no ill have you done but your lowly birth counts against you said ragnar my advisors grew restless to having a peasant for a queen then tell your advisors that they are badly mistaken and that no peasant sits upon the throne but rather the daughter of sigurd theftner's ben and the valkyrie bryn hill said krakow you found me living among peasants but those people are not my parents when i was but a very small child my foster father king heimer spirited me away from my father's court to keep me safe from the men who had killed my father heimer hid me inside his harp along with some valuables and took to the road in search of a place where we might live in peace one day we came to grima and aqui's farmstead where hymer asked for shelter rima and a key killed my foster father for the gold and fine garments he carried within his harp when they broke open the harp to get at the valuable things they also found me there the old people adopted me and kept me as their own but i am none of their blood a daughter of the full songs am i well fit to be your queen my true name is auslog an astonishing tale to be sure said ragnar but what proof have you that this is true for proof i must have if i'm to convince my advisors and if i am to break my betrothal to ingborg daughter of king einstein two things grima and ikea allowed me to keep when they found me said ousla one is my mother's wedding ring the other is a letter my mother wrote to me before she died also i have found myself again with child when the child is born it would be a boy and he will have the image of a serpent in one of his eyes as a token of his relation to my father who slew the great dragon fafnir auslug then produced the ring and the letter and when her time came to be delivered of her child she gave birth to a boy who had the image of a serpent in one eye the child was named sigurd's snake in the eye in honor of his grandfather in an account of the marking in his eye ragnar saw all of these tokens and begged forgiveness of oslo then he sent word to einstein that he must break his betrothal to ingborg and thus it was the ragnar and einstein who had been friends from avold became sworn enemies this enmity would prove to be the undoing of agnar and eric ragnar's sons by his first wife thora when ragnar went back on his promise to wed inborn eistein vowed revenge einstein summoned his army with the intent of marching to denmark and taking ragnar's stronghold as soon as word arrived of what einstein purposed to do ragnar mustered his men and prepared to go to war but agnar and eric asked to be sent to the head of the army in ragnar's place we are men full-grown father said agnar give us the honor of leading your army into battle we lack nothing at strength or skill and we wish only to return victorious as you have done many a time ragnar gave his sons his blessing eknar and eric went forth with ragnar's army and in time they met einstein and his warriors as they were marching toward denmark it was a great and fierce battle agnar and eric acquitted themselves well and slew many but their army was thrown into disarray by an enchanted cow that einstein loosed in their midst soon all was lost for not only had ragnar's army been thrown into confusion by the cow they were also overwhelmed by the greater number of warriors in einstein's army when the battle was finally done agnarr lay dead on the field while eric and a great part of ragnar's army had been captured by einstein a bold and skilled worry are you einstein said to eric i would have peace between us take my daughter to wife and may you stay here in my country great riches will be yours no peace can there be between us said eric you slew my brother i saw his body on the field keep your daughter and keep your riches all i ask is that my father's men be allowed to go home in safety and a nest of spears be planted in the ground for me that i may join my brother in death einstein saw that eric was not to be swayed so he ordered the ragnar's warriors be allowed to travel home unmolested and then a nest of spears be made with the shafts planted in the ground and the points facing upward when the spears had been planted arid took the ring from his hand and gave it to one of his men take this ring home to my stepmother he said and tell her and my stepbrothers how the sons of thora died then eric threw himself upon the points of the spears and so perished when ragnar heard what had happened at sweden he was enraged by the defeat of his army and even more so by the deaths of his two eldest sons auslag likewise mourned agnar and eric as though they had been her own evar and bjorn went before their father and begged his blessing to go to sweden and avenge their stepbrother's deaths ragnar gladly granted them leave and so they sailed with the next fair wind having assembled a great body of picked warriors known for their courage and skill when the day of the battle arrived einstein once again loosed his enchanted cow into the ranks of ragnar's men again the army was thrown into disarray but evar was not dismayed although evar could not walk he was still a redoubtable archer and in this battle he showed both his skill and his cool-headedness as the enchanted cow plunged up and down scattering ragnar's warriors evar fitted an arrow to the string and loosed a deadly shot killing the cow instantly once the cow's enchantment had been dispelled ragnar's men rallied soon the swedish warriors were put to flight and einstein was killed as he ran away from the field thus were the sons of thora and ragnar lothruck avenged the death of ragnar lothbrok when the battle with einstein was over ragnar's remaining sons took ship and went raiding they sailed southward capturing town after town and laying waste of village after village finally they reached the central coast of italy where they thought to raid a city called luna they beached their ships within view of the town and all the townsfolk scurried to secure their gates and garrison their walls in expectation of a viking assault now the captain of the viking ships was a man named hostine who was both clever and a skilled warrior well trusted by ragnar's sons and foster father to sigurd snake in the eye when the vikings saw that luna was too well defended to capture by a direct attack hostine came up with a cunning plan instead messengers were sent into the town with instructions to say that the vikings had no intention of raiding they told the leaders of the town and its church that their captain a man named hustein had fallen gravely ill and wished to be baptized as a christian before he died a priest was dispatched to the viking ships in order to give the sacrament to hasten who pretended to be fully converted and to accept christ as his god a few days after hostine's supposed conversion the vikings sent word to the town saying that their captain had died they told the town leaders that hostine wished for a funeral mess with christian burial and that he had left all his fortune to the church in luna thinking that since the vikings had not yet shown any wish to attack the town and they would continue to behave peacefully the governor of the town gave leave to the vikings to bring hostine's coffin into the city gates and to attend the funeral mass little did the governor know that hostine was fully alive inside his coffin and that the vikings had no intention of leaving without plundering the town in accord with hosting's plan the vikings made a grand funeral procession into the church where hostine's coffin was laid upon a beer but once the church doors were closed and the mass began hosting kicked open the coffin and sprang out sword drawn the other vikings drew the weapons they had concealed within their clothing and thus they slew all the worthies of the town then they ran out of the church to sack and set fire to the houses after the sack of luna ragnar's sons laid waste to many other towns soon word of their exploits was carried back to ragnar's court i must take ship again ragnar said i will have no one say that ragnar's sons are more valiant than their father now many years ago ragnar had invaded england and it made devastating raids all through the country ragnar had demanded tribute from the king as the price of peace but once ragnar sailed home the king had refused to pay ragnar deemed an expedition to extract the tribute to be a chance for glory that would rival that of his sons and so he caused two ships to be made each large enough to carry a great host when oslog saw what ragnar was doing she feared for the success of his raid husband she said would it not be better to sail with many smaller ships rather than two large ones perhaps ragnar answered but no man has ever conquered england with only two ships and i mean to be the first one to do it think of the songs that will be sung my fame will be everlasting auslak tried and tried to sway her husband but ragnar stood firm finally oslog realized it was futile to argue with him she went to the chest where she kept her dearest treasures and from it she took a magic shirt that she had woven from her own hair and that had been made without any seams since your course is not to be altered take this shirt with you said ozlog wear it into battle it will protect you from all wounds and then maybe you will be able to return home to me when the ships were made and provisioned and the army assembled ragnar sailed for england but his voyage was ill-fated from the start as ragnar ships approached the coast a great storm blew up and the ships foundered on the rocks not far from the beach undaunted ragnar and his men made their way onto land where they began raiding every village in hamlet that stood in their path word of the viking attacks came to king ella he assembled a great host and went out to meet ragnar's army intending to crush it thoroughly before it could do any more damage the english had the greater host by far so the battle was decided quickly in ella's favor most of ragnar's men were killed and ragnar himself was taken prisoner ragnar was bound and taken before the king tell us your name and your station fella demanded but ragnar refused to answer if you will not answer said ella you will be thrown into a pit of venomous serpents i ask you again what is your name and your station ragnar kept his silence so ella did as he said he would do ragnar was taken and thrown into a deep pit in which there were many venomous snakes the snakes tried to bite ragnar but they were not able to pierce his skin because of the magic shirt outlaw had given him when the english realized why ragnar was not yet dying they stripped the shirt from him and left him to his fate without the shirt the serpents were able to sink their fangs into ragnar's flesh soon ragnar felt the venom coursing through his veins and knew his death was very near as he was dying ragnar sang his death song battles 50 in one fought eye fearless dauntless countless foes i have slain my swords shone red with their blood and the dragon feared my spear point now death deals its blow to me my bane not battleborn but a writhing worm now valhalla awaits the warrior's paradise odin sent valkyries descend to take me home how the sons of auslan will rage when they find how their hero father met his dune odin calls me now ale cups brimful in his halls dying i sing the song of my deeds i laugh as life drains away when ella heard ragnar sing of the sons of asla he realized who it was that had been thrown into the pit he ordered ragnar to be taken out with all haste hoping that it would be possible to save him and thus avoid the wrath of his sons but it was too late ragnar was already dead by the time his body was brought up out of the pit thus ended the life of ragnar lothbrok king hero and dragon's bane if you'd like to discover the story of the revenge of ragnar sunks and more viking sagas then check out our book viking tales and sagas the captivating tale of ragnar lothbrok evar the boneless legertha and more as well as other legendary stories of vikings in their historical context it's available as an e-book paperback and audiobook also make sure to grab your free mythology bundle ebook for free while it's still available all links are in the description if you enjoyed the video please hit the like button and subscribe for more videos like this
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Keywords: Ragnar Lothbrok, Ragnar Lodbrok, Viking Sagas, Ragnar Lothbrok for kids, Ragnar Lodbrok for Kids, Viking Myths, Viking saga, Viking myth, Norse Mythology, Mythology, Norse myths, Lagertha, Thora, Kraka, Aslaug, King Eystein, Norse Folklore, Ivar the Boneless, Björn Ironside, Bjorn Ironside, Viking, Viking hero, Scandinavian history, Scandinavia, The Icelandic Sagas, Halfdan, Ælla, The Great Heathen Army, Sigurd Snake-in-the-Eye, Hvitserk, Ubba, Anglo-Saxons, Sweden, Norse Sagas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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