The real Slab City, California

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[Music] I have a friend that lives out here named CA I just got to his place yay so this is his uh little area right here and I'm going to introduce you guys to him which should be pretty awesome cuz he's pretty cool character it's a little windy but this is his place it's the Eco Village fallout [Music] shelter there's the Jeep the tires oh there's my buddy CA hi hun so he's going to tell us a little bit about his uh property here all right so the first building that we have is called the kitchen uh and the reason why it's named that is cu it is our kitchen uh when I first came out here learned very quickly that you want to keep your food away from your living space because mice and ants you just can't get away from them so have the one trailer devoted to that as well as uh uh added an uh outdoor kitchen since the last time you were here uh got triple burner a grill and a smoker it's a mess cuz I made a big meal last night and I haven't cleaned up since he's got a whole little area the little outdoor kitchen yeah and uh I use the pallets as uh wind braks uh there's this kind of like that fabric that they have for those old lawn chairs you know what I'm talking about it's very similar material but I just weaved it together and then keep the wind out of there so your fires can continue to go that's pretty smart yeah um all of our water is brought into us so uh once a month or so I have this tank filled uh it's 300 gallons and that water uh underneath it is my shower and then the kitchen sink here so trying to keep everything grouped together so don't have to go a bunch of different spots with it and then kind of Courtyard area mainly used for they do a weekly cooking EV put my meat in your mouth uh and slabbers for free they come out we also watch a movie on the projector that there's the home causes home for way were girls which is has two meanings for me one it's a a uh Deadpool reference I like Deadpool the bar that they go to is St Mary's school for way were girls so I kind of switched it around and most of my life I've helped out uh ladies in distress and people have always given me [ __ ] what are you running a home for way were girls so now I officially have one uh but uh like like in Deadpool it's it's not what it what it's labeled as uh it's actually my office where I do uh YouTube videos live streaming and it's my winter bedroomspare bedroom so that's that's that thing last night cause uh made shrimp gumbo for everyone also and we watched a movie on that screen right there it's pretty awesome works well uh this is my original building and uh if you can see the the communication Tower way over there that's actually where this building was built I built it over there and moved it over here by hand with just a a two wheel cart holy crap and uh I found out if you balance it perfectly that all you got to do is lower the back end of it and it pushes it along on the two wheels it was a lot easier than what you think it actually pushed it up a hill even which was crazy so yes this was built over there it's called called the Tantra tent pole because can't really have buildings so it's a tent hence tent pole not Temple I'll let you go in and have have a peek at it it's currently a mess I apologize it's not like I was expecting guest and had time to clean up I totally did that's why I'm saying so you guys got to see his his bed though this is pretty awesome this is where all the magic happens I'm just kidding so there's his bed but hold on wait wait wait wait for it wait for it look at that no ceiling how awesome is that at nighttime that's pretty badass so yeah that's pretty cool and then if others want that experience like they find me on couch surfing or whatnot we have a sunset patio area and here sunsets have always been kind of a favorite of mine so best Imperial it is a pretty awesome view it's it's hazy tonight so you can't really see the salt and sea or there's cloud coverage you can kind of see the mountains a little bit but yeah on on a clear non cloudy day you can see the salt and sea it's just [Music] [Music] magical then back here is my solar solar oh wow currently have 600 watts uh I'm able to run a freezer uh most of the day uh as well as all my other electrical needs like I do video editing and stuff like that which are fairly big energy draws so [Music] I'm now we're at the skate park I should have brought my roller skates for this but I didn't think about it but there's the skate park all behind me oh pretty [Music] cool [Music] [Music] [Music] so we are at this guy Peter Pas pasi I can't he'll say his name um I watch his videos uh well I see a lot of people come out here and they film his place and film him and he just has the biggest ball of energy and I love him so much every time I see the videos with him on it so I had to stop by here and and meet him and and see see him cuz he's uh just wait till you guys meet him literally the biggest ball of energy he's just so yeah so yeah at his place hi my name is Peter pasel Aqua this is my rainbow camp in Slab City this is my name and this is my display table my art sells so fast I really don't have any to show you right now oh no I'm going to love this everything in my Camp emphasizes on love love it yeah let come back here here's the B here's the fence that I made out of bed springs and B oh that's awesome I'm very tectile I didn't even notice that when I came in that's awesome weing the gorgeous fits it's all made out of garbage and the great thing in Slab City is if you build a fence that's already been burned if there's another fire or nothing here can burn this is all made out of material that can't burn that's funny is awes City here's some bicyles there a mop here's some more bicycles say hi everybody come on let me show you the living room in the living room I have a dancing pole that's awesome Tada love it I will not be doing that by the [Laughter] way I have a pretty pretty princess bed for my guest to kick back on isn't this great that is awesome you can fall asleep out here and wake up underneath the trees with the birds singing You songs this tree is awesome too if you notice the waterfall in the pond over here I have a lovely waterfall to and this is a bird bath a and this is a drinking water for the dogs also right yeah it's a watering hole for the dogs it's a cooling station for the humans in the summertime that's nice usually the water is a lot more clear I just change filters that's awesome love it and that's is look at the doggy hello that's poito he's the best dog in the slabs got pretty eyes let me show you Heaven oh this is where the magic happens oh absolutely this is heaven that's awesome it's like a little resort area I do I live in a resort yeah I have a waterfall a KingSize canopy beds surrounded by aloe plants and this is also my art studio bye Rosa nice to meet you come back anytime pict look at how awesome this is yes people pay hundreds of dollars for this a night and look at all my desk space do you see I got a 10ft tall window that lets in natural light this is every artist's dream to have a studio swinging chair I know I got a little swing for my guest to sit in awes so comfortable everything is cozy and luxury here come on follow me I'm going to show you the kitchen oh these are P bir trees I have three of them so BL little gathering area oh yeah I got a um about a microwave oven buried in the ground that's why I was going to ask you where the microwave oven was oh yeah here well I got a microwave oven buried in the ground over here we're cooking on Tada look at that guys I'll just put the ashes down here bam and then to heat it up check this out this is toally Slab City Style to make it warm in here we'll just put that on top and everybody can sit around the red hot steel wow yeah we're totally innovating here none this was made to cook on it all all right we're going to go over this way now here's the hand washing station it's foot PFF operated oh nice this is the kitchen I have a double-sided sink um my stove is a bad [ __ ] that's funny this is a grill top over here nice what is going on here is a menace I have a huge cutting board in the middle this is every this is my dream kitchen here to have a oversized cutting board right in the middle of it that's awesome and did you make this oh I made all of this out of adobe I made this by hand I use a beer bottles for bricks oh so I basically built the whole thing for free nice yeah and eventually this whole kitchen's going to wrap around with appliances it's just going to be the biggest baddest ass kitchen you've ever you could Poss imagine I know it's pretty badass right now and I even have an oven can I show you the oven yes please this is so good you're going to love this on the way to the oven you'll notice all this visual clutters all stuff that I'll make art out of it's actually inventory here's my fireplace oh nice and I built this beautiful Adobe oven that is completely functional we take bread in here turkeys ham Pizza whatever you want look at that guys that's so awesome yeah just fill it up with a mosquite wood and then start a fire and after the wood has turned to coals I cook upon the coals wow so good and here's some of my [Applause] um I like to make a roart I like to make a car cell so yeah here's a girl eating another girl's ass same seex couple transsexual receiving a blow job I got something for everyone Courtyard now here's Wi-Fi center it's more of a joke it doesn't really it's not Wi-Fi at all that's kind of like when we went to Bombay Beach the other day on the beach they had a Tesla charging Center that was so funny yeah how redundant this is my heart chair isn't this nice that is awesome so I like to take things people throw away and then upcycle them yeah here's my Slab City wall a and you can see how colorful my Camp looks when people walking in the front with the wall in the oven and all the rainbows in the background so crazy oh everything's here's how the door Bel [Music] work we don't have electricity so it's more practical like this well that's what we should have used yesterday instead of cause yelling now you know my electric chair come on I'll show you this little gallery that I'm putting together it's a bit messy right now but I think you'll still like it this is where the guests stay and here's a little gallery that I'm working on come on in so this is other people's art or just assignment shop okay everything in here is um either gifted to me or free I I got the RV for free all the stuff in here is just stuff people have gifted to me oh awesome so in Slab City look what you can create for free wow yeah I got this for free cuz there's a skylight in it somebody ripped the back half off of this RV but I kind of like that feature for sure yeah yeah so I got a little bedroom a little shower I got lights and table space it's kind of a cute little area to hang out usually there's carpet down in here it rained recently so I had to take the carpet out to dry it out and then people can stay in here when I have guests come and stay if they're if they're sick of sleeping in their car they could just use this as a little room to sleep in have their own little private area you know I'm going to have to take you up on it next time I oh dude you can totally kick back in here you can have this as your own little thing for the weekend this awesome there's lights and electricity and here I'm going to take over to the police box pleas follow me are you coming this is on my guest area for guest okay you guys see the police box wait till you see what's inside the police box is it really a police box I try to make this most comfortable bathroom for my guests to use isn't that just great look at that FAL as [ __ ] for all you people that like the uh Hustler magazine there's something everyone how cute is this I can pose for you reading the Hustler that's [Laughter] perfect oh I love it isn't this just a fun house you are so much fun and I even have a slide look yeah I'm kind of in touch with my inner child yeah next time I come here this is where I'm going to stay for the night that's so awesome I didn't want my skir to flip [Music] up [Music] [Music] all righty so just came back well not back yet but I'm driving back uh from Slap City Sal sea Salvation Mountain all those good places fun time fun time so this was my second time going out out to slap city um and I made a really good friend out there cuse so I always enjoy seeing him when I go out there there's a whole bunch of rumors about Slab City and um just a lot of rumors like a lot of videos on YouTube um show a lot of the bad stuff in Slap City but honestly there's bad stuff everywhere that you go so no matter where you go I'm sure in Beverly Hills there's probably a bad area there too um but one thing that I wanted to get clear is all the people that say slap city is the Lawless land the land of no laws so I'm here to clear that up right now a lot of the locals do not like that so it's not the land of no laws I mean yes they're pretty free there and everything and it is the last free land on Earth um last free land because you don't have to pay to stay out there and it's it's all off- grid living um every bit of it is off- Gad living it's amazing to see how these people that live out there have everything set up for them to get their water electricity uh bath rooms cooking all that stuff I mean it's just absolutely amazing I've always been fascinated with the off life lifestyle and that's what drew me to slap City but as far as the land of no laws there is a police station right down the road from Slab City and today this morning when I went out there there were two police officers out there um in Slab City so it's really not the land of no law I mean if you do something wrong nine times out of 10 the locals try to you know handle the situation I'm sure before they try to call the police but if it's something that needs to be addressed with the police and everything they do have the police come out um and that's why there's a police station right down the road and the police drive through there every once in a while so no it's not a land of no laws there's still rules that you have to abide by um but it is a whole community of just off grid living they don't um they build their own compounds out there they have water brought into them and uh yeah it's pretty amazing it's all the bad YouTube videos that you see about Slab City just go ahead and debunk them and all the YouTubers saying the last the law Lawless land deun those also because there is laws out there they even have signs up saying speed limit 25 mph um and like I said there is just bad areas everywhere that you go no matter where you go um sorry I'm driving through the mountains now cuz it takes me a little minute to get up these mountains so me personally I would love to go and stay out at Slab City for a couple of months and just experience the whole off- grid lifestyle out there and I think one day I may plan on doing that go out there and just stay a couple of months because I would learn so much from the people out there and such amazing people Everyone that I've met has just been absolutely amazing so yeah just wanted to share that with you guys and uh hopefully one day I can make it back out there again
Channel: Wandering Jeepsy
Views: 50,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slab city, community coz, off grid living, off grid, off grid life, last free place, peter passalacqua, niland california, california, slab city california
Id: WblgpVj6LSA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 26sec (1646 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 07 2022
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