The REAL Reasons Why You Should Drink Distilled Water

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you know i've done a video on the negatives of distilled water today i'm going to talk about the positive things about distilled water there's a lot of people that are getting amazing results from using distilled water so i want to share a little bit more on what it is and how you can use it and what it could be good for distilled water is basically pure h2o without any of the impurities without any viruses bacteria because those get killed in the heating process also all the minerals are taken out all the heavy metals are taken out all the pharmaceutical drugs medications that are estrogenic are removed and also the toxic chemical gases are removed as well they're called volatile organic compounds so you get rid of that and you just have pure water and it's called hungry water because it's like a very potent solvent which i'm going to explain so you're basically boiling the water turning it to steam and then funneling it into some container like rain and snow are like nature's distilled water where it becomes evaporated goes into the clouds and it comes down of course nowadays because of all the pollution in the air and the like plastics in the air you don't want to be drinking rain water or snow but long ago it probably was something really good to drink so distilled water has a ph of seven it's completely neutral and it has some really interesting benefits and of course the the version of distilled water i'm going to recommend is not going to be the one that you would buy at the grocery store in a plastic jug that's been sitting there for a long time leaching out all the plastics into this distilled water i'm going to recommend probably making your own getting a unit that has stainless steel that then filters it to a glass container that would be the ideal situation so there's some really interesting benefits number one it can help remove certain toxins like heavy metals like mercury cadmium lead and nowadays we are swimming in a sea of chemicals hitting us from every different angle and it's hard to know the influence of these chemicals on our bodies so drinking this to water gives you a chance to see what you would really feel like without these heavy metals and other toxins that are in your body all right number two it can help remove deposits of certain minerals that uh you don't want in your joints okay let's say you have arthritis or stiffness well distilled water can help break down some of that that deposit and remove it from the body so a lot of people feel just less stiff they feel more flexible when they drink distilled water also removing calcium from your arteries there are several things you can do to remove calcium from the arteries like vitamin k2 a good chelator like edta but also you can use distilled water as a chelator to pull out this excess calcium from your arteries now as we age calcium builds up also in other tissues like our eyes you know i guess cataracts so that's another benefit okay number three if you're prone to kidney stones or even gall stones there is a buildup of calcium and so distilled water would be a really important thing to take if you want to reduce your risk of getting stones in the body now the question that you're probably going to have is well i don't i've heard rumors that if you drink distilled water it's going to deplete me of all my minerals and it's going to throw off my electrolytes and probably cause my red blood cells to explode and i might die right well that's not going to happen because what all you need to do is put the minerals that you want or you need back into your body just start taking electrolytes with the distilled water so that way you can have more of certain minerals and not too much of other minerals we don't want a lot of extra calcium in our joints in our eyes and in our arteries so all these minerals or metals that have a hard time getting out of the body can be excreted a bit more with distilled water now one thing you might find when you start drinking this water is it can increase diuresis so you're going to urinate a bit more but just drink more water so you can start flushing out things and start cleaning out your body so just make sure you put the minerals back into your body as well as eating foods that are high in minerals now another point i want to bring up is should you be drinking distilled water when you're fasting and i think it's actually a really really good idea because even though it will deplete your electrolytes you can easily put those back in but think about what's happening when you're fasting you are going through autophagy you are cleaning up old dead cells you're cleansing and you're detoxifying and your body is generating a lot of antioxidants when you're fasting so a lot of good things are happening and if you add the distilled water to this you can at the same time assist in removing a lot of these toxins that are coming out from the body but again just make sure you put those minerals back in now there's a lot of people that actually drink their tap water okay there's city water and others will get a filter and that's all great but what you have to realize is that yes it's true that there might be low bacterial counts in the tap water the city water that you drink but that's because they're adding a lot of additional chemicals to sterilize or kill these microbes so even though it might be free of microbes it might be very high in these chemicals that are going to affect you and these chemicals are estrogenic they have effects on your skin your brain in fact the entire body i mean there's some pretty disgusting things in tap water that they found like toilet paper particles tampon particles i mean it's pretty disgusting so at the very least get a filter and you may want to consider getting a good steam distiller now on that note if you haven't seen my video on how much water to drink i put that up right here check it out
Channel: Dr. Eric Berg DC
Views: 438,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real reasons you should drink distilled water, distilled water, distilled water benefits, benefits of distilled water, drinking water, drinking distilled water, distilled water machine, water, health benefits of distilled water, fasting and distilled water, benefits of drinking distilled water, distilled water while fasting, use of distilled water, distilled water dr berg, distilled water effects, dr berg on distilled water, dr. eric berg, eric berg, dr. berg, berg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 42sec (402 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 05 2022
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