The REAL Reason Why People Don't Want To Work Anymore

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you know what the real problem is with the workplace it's that people in your generation don't want to work anymore now I'm sure you've heard that one before but we all know that's complete BS so in this video I'm going to share with you what I think the real reason is why people don't want to work [Music] anymore hey everybody it's Brian from Life After layoff and today I wanted to dis spell some myth on why it seems like people don't want to work anymore now of course it's easy to blame that other generation who may have had it easier or worse than us for what's going on in today's labor market but I think it's nearly impossible to ignore that the job market is completely broken at this point and it is not what we used to experience in the past now I've made other videos fairly recently about the history of how we got to where we are today so in this video I want to describe from the job Seekers perspective of why people are feeling so disenfranchised in the modern workplace historically we have been raised to believe that loyalty pays off so we've been taught at a very early age to work hard get a college degree go through the motions of a career and loyalty will eventually pay off in the form of a comfortable retirement and we can move off into the sunset and of course that worked for many years in the past our parents and our grandparents and our grandparents parents all had these careers that were steady and stable and back then it was very common that you could go work as a single income provider and you could go off to your local Factory or you could be a carpenter or you could work at your local local post office and you could make enough money that you could raise a family that you could buy a house and that you could build a life things are so drastically different now that that's not even a feasible reality for most people in fact most of people who are graduating from college now are finding out a very tough reality they went they racked up hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans they're now paying interest rates probably 8% or more on and they realistically never paid the student loan off and then they enter into the workplace and they they have you know pitched this idea that hey if you work hard you get this degree you're going to have a great career path and half of them can't even find a job apply to hundreds of positions and not get any responses and if they do get a respones for a job that realistically doesn't even require a college degree or it's at a fraction of the amount of money that they probably should be making on the open market to justify the cost of the the degree that they just got so it's no wonder that a lot of people who enter into the workplace are very Jaded by this back in the day you didn't necessarily need these expensive college degrees to get well-paying jobs where you could go off and do all these things like buying a house Etc but nowadays a college degree is a base level for it's like near poverty and half of the jobs when I sit there and I look at the job postings and I look at what the person is actually going to be doing in that career it probably doesn't even require a college degree to do it somebody who doesn't have a college degree could go in and be equally as effective and I think that that's where a lot of people struggle to rectify the cost of it so I wonder at some point in time in the future is it going to be obsolete is the idea of racking up all the student loans to come out and only make 30 40 maybe $50,000 a year as a starting wage when realistically you're never going to pay that off and if you are fortunate enough to get a job good luck at keeping it for more than a year or two because it seems like in today's market the cycle of layoffs is happening faster and faster I mean we just had a massive round of layoffs that happened in 2020 then we had this hiring Peak that happened in 2021 it was like 5 minutes of being good as a job seeker and then it went right back to being crappy and 2024 is picking up where 2023 left off and I'm not seeing any sign of it slowing down the job market is difficult despite all the numbers that you're seeing presented to us on the news and I think that that's another thing that people are having a hard time rectifying people can't seem to get traction they get laid off repeatedly and every time they climb out of the hole somebody kicks them back down in it through another layoff and or employers acting so poorly you know I've seen stories of people who have accepted positions and they quit a job or they finally get off the unemployment line and they go to start their first day only to find out that their offer has been rescinded before they've even started and it puts people into a really difficult position and we're supposed to put this face on that this is okay that we're happy to be here and that we're happy to interview for your job when we know that you just laid off you just laid off and the wage that you're paying is 20 or 30% below market so how can we put on a happy face to these people when we are being screwed left and right and the thing that's most frustrating about all these layoffs that have been happening is that companies like Google Apple and Amazon are announcing record profits the stock prices at an all-time high and at the same time they're announcing massive layoffs and restructurings of course you see these massive layoffs and you look at the CEOs who are landing these hundred million plus compensation packages and you're thinking to yourself the amount of work that that person actually does is not what like a thousand times more productive than me who's in the trenches doing all the hard work working these long hours going above and beyond to try to get ahead only to get tapped on the shoulder after working a you know 70-hour work week where you went above and beyond to get a project out the door on time to get handed a pink slip and say thanks for your time we don't need you anymore and then the owner the CEO comes driving by and their Rolls-Royce and goes off to their house in the Hamptons so there's just a huge disconnect in the reality of the modern workplace but we also have to rectify the fact that companies tell us we're family and they have all these team building meetings and they sit there with all this literature it's like front-facing stuff to the candidates and to people who are working there about how much you mean to us and at the same time they are literally in the back room figuring out what AI system can replace your job your job and your job of course we got Runway inflation the price of everything has gone through the roof and they're desperately trying to stop a problem that was probably created at their level anyway and let's face it there's been a lot of corporate greed companies like Walmart Aldi Burger King McDonald's a lot of these retailers have actually gotten to the point where they've recognized that they've pushed too hard on the corporate greed they've pushed too hard in the envelope and they said that we have Tapped Out the the consumer is actually exhausted now and good luck if you have to buy an automobile at this point in time dealerships and auto manufacturers have completely screwed their customer base to the point where loyalty there is completely shattered as well and they're still trying to screw you when you look at the price of these cars that they're asking for I mean I I was pricing out the the cost of a pickup truck and I'm sitting here with my jaw hitting the ground thinking how ridiculously pric are well I guess I'm just going to keep keep on driving my beater because it's not even reasonable what they're asking for even a used vehicle like a four or five-year-old used vehicle it's it's shocking and of course the housing market is completely broken the idea of buying a starter home as a new person entering into the workplace with a young family even potentially two incomes is Out Of Reach for most of the newer gener Generations if you don't already have the means to do it or maybe somebody who is passing down some estate to you or inheritance then the chances of you actually getting a starter home anymore let's face it is shrinking very rapidly there's sticker shock there as well and the way things are going I actually I read somewhere that the the solution the only solution to fix the housing problem was something that none of us want to hear it's that a whole bunch of people have to lose their jobs and get laid off to actually bring the housing market back down down to equilibrium and you know when you listen to that and you think like oh my gosh like how horrible is that that that's the only solution that they can come up with and you got to kind of start to wonder is that's what's happening are they trying to lay off all these people at a time when they're announcing record profits just to break down the market to make things more affordable for the masses I don't know that might be a little bit conspiratorial but there's certainly some entities out there who firmly believe that you'll own nothing and you'll be happy about it people assume uh we are just going back uh to the good old world which we had um and everything will be normal again in how we are used to normal in the old fashion this is uh let's say fiction it will not happen we are here when we talk about the great reset to talk also about Innovation how can we do things differently from what we used to do and if we speak about differently it means also how can we do it to make sure that you will owe nothing won you will be happy so for the CEOs are certain people who have never experienced the layoff and have sat in these Ivory Towers saying things like the younger generation just doesn't want to work it's just so out of touch with reality the fact of matter is people do want to work if there's something worth working toward the idea of working a long-term career with a single employer is gone the idea of affording a reasonable house to raise a family and to have reasonable things in your house and to be able to take vacations Etc is gone the idea of ever having affordable education that actually pays off in the end is gone the idea of ever having an automobile to get to and from work seems to be gone the idea that we are probably heading towards you'll own nothing and be happy seems to be what's happening now so you'll have to forgive me when I call out your BS when you say that people don't want to work because the reality is people do want to work but they want it to be fair okay so what is the solution here the only solution is that we have to reclaim our control that's the whole point of this channel is to teach people how to reclaim control back from a system that's kind of out of control and I sit there and I look at people who are legitimately trying and just have no idea what to do and in some cases they're doing everything right it's just that the system is stacked against them competition at an all-time high you've got feeding frenzies for crappy jobs it's almost like you take a bunch of chum and you throw it in the water and it's Al all these sharks kind of come at it and it's not even good quality food for them it's just their people are so hungry for any sliver of an opportunity that they're willing to take whatever they can get even if it means swallowing their pride and doing something that back in let's say 2019 they would have never considered doing but the solution to this is again reclaiming control of your career and there are some things things that you absolutely need to be doing if you truly want to have a career going forward for a lot of people it's probably not the reality that they want they may just want a series of jobs or gig work just to get them through but for me when I look across the entirety of a career I still want to believe that there's opportunity out there and there is a way if you know what you're doing and it it boils down to there's nobody teaching this stuff when you enter the workforce there's nobody showing you how to operate in today's modern economy you might have some outdated teacher you might have some outdated methodology you might have some outdated mentoring that you're getting from people who are disconnected from the true reality of what's going on but the fact is is that you need to have a strategy and a plan and the traditional career path may look significantly different than previous generations may have enjoyed we have to reclaim our power power starts with knowledge power starts with strategy and power starts with knowing what you're up against and that's the reality of it so in this channel I mean I'm definitely going to be speaking more about this concept and how we can move forward with more strategy how you can survive in today's you know crazy labor market and um I you know this is a really interesting time to be creating content in this space because it's it's really it's like I I almost want to write a book about this there's so much interesting stuff that's both completely heartbreaking and frustrating but also fascinating at the same time going on now of course that's what I talk about on this channel and that's what I talk about on my life after layoff website and if you're somebody that finds that you need more help I would encourage you to go and check out resources there I have a newsletter that I I teach people how to reclaim control in their careers and it's free you should sign up for it I'll leave a link down below somewhere the old way approaching careers is dead it's likely never coming back and so we have to adapt we have to adjust and there is a still possibility that you can Thrive you just have to be more purposeful about it but anyway that's why I feel like people don't want to work in today's modern workplace it's not that people don't want to work it's that people don't want to work with no definitive payout at the end anyway what are your thoughts why do you think that people don't want to work leave a comment let me know anyways appreciate you watching we'll see you on the next one
Channel: A Life After Layoff
Views: 142,391
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the real reason why people don't want to work, labor shortage myth, why no one wants to work anymore, labor shortage, no one wants to work, the great resignation, quit my job, quit your job, how to quit your job, quiet quitting, nobody wants to work, should i quit my job, i quit my job, labor shortage 2024, labor shortage explained, labor shortage i applied for 1000 jobs, no one wants to work these days, inflation 2024, mcdonalds lower prices, hyperinflation
Id: yigbmHR7eRw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 05 2024
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