The REAL reason why Asians are more successful than Westerners

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now what about family structure Tom again I'm quoting you most black children were being raised in two parent families in 1960. 30 years after the liberal welfare state the great majority of black children were being raised by single parents yes what what what's the what how does that by the way we should note that Pat moyni and Patrick Moynihan publishes the Moynihan report in 1965. and he's alarmed because the illegitimacy rate among black families is 25 then now among whites it's over a third Hispanics it's over half and among African Americans it's over 70 percent what's going on there well this is how again this too you find the same thing in Britain you find it in uh France and Norway you find it in the western world uh in fact uh the dissolution of the family structure oh yeah there are any number of Western Nations where 40 of the children are raised with with only one parent right uh at the extremes uh ice compared to Asian countries uh at the extremes of Iceland it's uh two out of three uh children are born are raised in single parent home uh in South Korea it's one out of 66. wow wow and so that's the welfare state yes it is are you you're paying you're you're creating a situation where if the uh first of all the the well you're creating a situation where if the man stays there the government will not give them give the woman welfare uh and if he leaves he uh it will and so they're paying they're paying that when you pay people not to get married more people don't get married right correct okay so so what would have happened if Lyndon Johnson instead of becoming a liberal had remained a crusty tough skeptical Texas Texas conservatives yes which is certainly the way he started his career If he if Lyndon Johnson had embraced the constrained vision instead of instituting the war on poverty and the Great Society and so forth what would the country look like today a lot better you would not have the same rate for crime and so on because you see you can't have a welfare state in a democratic country unless you first have a welfare state vision and when you buy all the assumptions that add Vision then you're buying a lot of trouble one of the one of the episodes I think epitomized it was in France in this case uh that there were attacks knife attacks by various people from North Africa against Chinese people in uh in some suburb of Paris and one of the things that the attackers said you know that uh why are you attacking the Chinese and it wasn't because of anything the Chinese had done to them he said they have nice clothes and big cars that's not fair I mean that's you know egalitarianism as a philosophy is one thing but the actual consequences of it uh mean things like uh resenting other people's Good Fortune right all right so one response to the Gap again I returned to this gap between African Americans and other Americans affirmative action yes which brings us back to your alma mater Harvard accordingly I know I'll never live it down you'll never live it down yes you once told me that the principle of benefit of a Harvard degree was never again having to be impressed by anybody who had Harvard degrees absolutely so of course these are figures that were published in the Harvard Crimson the student newspaper in the Harvard class of 2019 these are the kids who will be graduating next June the average SAT score for black students was 21.49 by the way these are all good scores but for black students 2149 white students 2218 Asian students 2300 well now that must be reasonable because it's taking place at Harvard the seat of Reason well well that wasn't quite how I described it when I was there affirmative action is that is that we ought not to be doing this you know there are various uh laws and policies that benefit one group at the expense of another but I think affirmative action has the distinction of being one that it harms everybody though in different ways and so you you there there's a lot of evidence that there are black kids who have all the qualifications to be successors in college who nevertheless have failures because they are systematically mismatched with institutions whose standards they don't mean even though they may meet the standards of 80 or 90 percent of the colleges in America I remember first aware of this when I was teaching at Cornell and I found that half the black students at Cornell were on some kind of academic probation and so I went over to the administration building looked up the SATs of these students the average black student at Cornell at that time scored at the 75th percentile which is pretty darn good yes and so that means that in the most colleges in this country they would have no trouble and many of them would be on the Dean's List but at Cornell the average a liberal arts student at that time was in the 99th percentile and and when you when you when you're teaching the students like that uh you teach at a pace that most people of any race cannot keep up with and I I was it was always complaining that I was assigning all kinds of reading but heck I'm teaching kids who are in the top one percent they can they they can keep up with it when they're reading that I'm assigning uh so Cornell was taking very talented black kids and spending four years teaching them to feel inadequate yes and succeeding at that
Channel: Thomas SowellTV
Views: 716,294
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Thomas Sowell, Thomas Sowell on socialism, Thomas Sowell on income, Thomas Sowell slavery, liberalism, minority, basic economics, intellectuals and society, black rednecks
Id: a9FW1-RG5Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 50sec (350 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 26 2022
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