The Real Reason Marty McFly’s Dad Wasn't In The Sequel

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what happened to Grandpa oh he throw his back out again how's granddad's little pumpkin how did you do that how did he do that oh out on the golf course actually what happened to Grandpa was a little bit more complicated than just some golfing mishap in fact even though that guy kind of looks and sounds like George McFly beneath all that old age makeup it's not really him or at least it's not crisen Glover the actor who played the now iconic character in the 1985 classic Back to the Future so what happened I just want to know one thing where's my father where's George McFly before we get our speed up to 88 why not take a moment to subscribe to the nerdstalgic channel beloved by audiences and well reviewed the Robert zamas directed Back to the Future was number one at the box office for 11 of its first 12 weeks of release and finished its run as the highest grossing film of the year so it came as no surprise to anyone when a pair of sequels were announced Back to the Future 2 and three were shot back to back and were both well-received box office successes for anyone not reading the credits too closely they seemed to reunite the entire principal cast of the original film but the truth was that scene where old George explains his back went out wasn't just making a joke about Chiropractic treatments of the future it was attempting to conceal the fact that crisen Glover had been replaced by another actor please no I cannot be fired I'm fired ah according to Back to the Future screenwriter Bob Gail Glover was uninterested in making the sequels and demanded to be paid the same amount as franchise star Michael J fox the studio refused and George had to be recast the story is disputed by Glover himself though who insists he asked to be paid the same amount as Leah Thompson and Tom Wilson but was only offered half of what they were getting Glover does however freely admit that during the making of the first movie he had moral reservations about the ending of the story you guys look great mom you look so thin well thank you Marty George to quickly recap at the end of Back to the Future Marty McFly returned home from 1955 to find that he didn't quite put the timeline back the way it was his father previously a cowardly nerd stuck in a dead-end job is now confident and successful his mother once a depressed overweight alcoholic is now sober and thin their relationship once sad and shrill was now loving and idyllic the family was also now apparently much better off financially Glover felt the ending was Pressly materialistic and he took those concerns up with zamus in the actor's own words it was not a good idea for our characters to have a monetary reward it basically makes the moral of the film that money equals happiness adding the love should be the reward he's talking about the love between George and Lorraine your mileage may vary on whether or not you agree with the actor's vision of the ending but he claims that he got at least some unspecified elements to which he objected removed from the script the director however didn't appreciate being questioned on the matter in fact according to Glover zamus got really mad at me when I I said this nonetheless Glover was willing to do the sequels but no Financial Arrangement could be reached faced with the prospect of doing the movies without him the storyline about an alternate 1985 where George was dead was created to minimize his role and the part was recast with actor Jeffrey Weissman but the recasting was complicated by the fact that the plot of Back to the Future 2 had Doc and Marty returned to 1955 in a story line that ran parallel to the events of the original movie there are now two of me here and there are two of you here so you must be very careful not to run into your other self the filmmaker's plan was to mix footage from the first film with new footage that showed the action from a different perspective but to do that George would have to look like crisen Glover so that the footage would match this would be accomplished by disguising Weissman who had a similar build to Glover using Prosthetics made from molds of Glover's face left over from the old age makeup he wore in the original film was originally told that I was just going to be the photo double and then slowly but surely after makeup Prosthetics that became actually George but the stunt didn't go over too well with Glover's former co-stars and Weissman himself would later recall when I first came on set as a young 17-year-old George made up in Prosthetics to look like crisen Michael J fox looked at me and said oh man krispin's not going to like this fox was right and Glover was indeed Furious about how he felt the producers had fooled audiences into thinking he was in the sequel even to this day people still think I'm in that movie it's still really is it's endlessly aggravating not helping matters was that Glover didn't think weissman's performance as George was particularly good and he hates it when fans think it was him in 1990 Glover took legal action and sued Universal Pictures and Ament entertainment among others he alleged that the producers violated his rights of publicity and stole the unique and distinctive likeness and voice that have won him him roles in numerous Motion Pictures it was an allegation that was completely confirmed by Weissman himself who later admitted that his presence in the movie was kept a secret so as not to call attention to the mistake The Producers made in trying to use crispin's likeness without paying him he called me after part three came out and said you know what they did to me was unfair and I said yeah I think so too you know the studio for their part argued that they weren't trying to steal Glover's likeness but rather were attempting to protect the visual continuity of the character of George McFly considering the ex same movies replaced Claudia Wells with Elizabeth Shu without making any efforts to similarly disguise her with prosthetics it was a weak defense at best then what did you bring her for don't worry she's not essential to my plan the company insuring Universal decided to settle the lawsuit for a reported $760,000 and while Glover would eventually patch things up with the director even appearing in his 2007 CGI driven take on bolf the actor still apparently holds a grudge against the screenwriter feeling Gail lied about him to the Press too often and refused to take any responsibility for the situation Gail for his part denies any wrongdoing and claims not to understand why he's being singled out for blame Among The Producers there's this producer Bob Gail co-writer who's made up new lies on these Blu-rays due to his feelings about Gail Glover has generally refused to participate in Back to the Future related events but his suit would also have far-reaching repercussions in the entertainment industry at Large The Screen Actors Guild for example was motivated to negotiate new standard Union protections for an artist's right of publicity which they Define as an intellectual property right that vests in the artist and their heirs in order to protect their use of their likeness Clover's case influenced such intellectual property rights in Hollywood for decades to come and prefigured many of the issues now facing actors in connection with the rapidly increasing use of CGI and artificial intelligence new technologies capable of digitally creating simulated performances put every actor in every role in danger of being George mcfl it's a fact that's not lost on the union and was a driving factor in 2023 actor strike the digital age is cannibalizing us as filmgoers it should really give us all paused to reflect on what kind of cinematic world we want to live in George McFly was in many ways the heart and soul of the original Back to the Future and that was thanks to the choices Cris and Glover made as a performer what he brought to the role couldn't be repli Li ated even just for brief Moments by a double yes the digital doubles of today are near perfect dead ringers for the actors they replace but when it comes to performances they're really no different than any other soulless puppet hanging upside down from a levitating Chiropractic device so what do you think did you like the Back to the Future sequels and do you think they would have been better if crisen Glover had returned let us know down in the comments below and if you enjoyed this video you'll definitely find others you like if you check out the rest of the channel sh
Channel: Nerdstalgic
Views: 85,625
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Back to the Future, Back to the Future Sequels, Back to the Future Marty McFly, Back to the Future George McFly, Nerdstalgic, Back to the Future Doc Brown, Back to the Future Delorean, Back to the Future Crispin Glover, Back to the Future Michael J Fox, Back to the Future Trilogy, Back to the Future Biff, Back to the future 2, Back to the Future BTS, Back to the Future Making Of, SAG Strike, SAG Aftra Strike, Writers Strike, WGA Strike, New Rockstars, Screen Crush, IGN, Nerdist
Id: 9tsUEeeyILo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 08 2024
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