The Real Reason Girls Lose Interest (4 Tricks to Make Her WANT YOU More)

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have you ever lost a girl who seemed really into you like one minute you got the impression that she wanted to be your girlfriend then suddenly she pulled away in lost interest why did it happen how can you prevent it and what can you do to get her back that's what we'll discuss in this video so I do anywhere from 6 to 12 coaching sessions a week with clients and a large majority of those sessions are guys who want to know why they lost a woman who seemed so into them and I pride for information I kind of get the details and within a few minutes of talking to them it becomes crystal clear how they messed up why she got bored why she left listen to this little quote which I tell my clients all the time as much as people want to control the things around them they're also somewhat paradoxically but completely understandably most attracted to the things they can't control such is the downfall of the typical nice guy he senses a girl wants security and certainty so he gives it to her thinking he's providing her what she wants and she soon gets bored and leaves as Rob judge and I we really try to beat this into our clients is that you know women crave uncertainty what does this mean how do you provide the uncertainty that women really created well here's four ways to keep a girl on our toes and prevent her from growing bored with you number one no promises no future expectations as a guy you know I know your natural instinct when you really like your element she starts displaying some vulnerability or insecurities around you it's to comfort her to ease her worries you know she may say things like are we gonna hang out again what is this you know where's this going any variation of that is her asking you for some sort of promise do not give it to her you know it's a trap and once you've made the promise she has what she thinks she wants now and you'll see that once she gets that she gets really too comfortable around you instead you want to say something like you know I'm having a lot of fun with you but I can't make any promises into the future we'll have to see how things go now of course a year into it you're not saying this I'm talking about early on hold back information that's number two it's tempting to want to reveal a much about yourself early on in hopes that you're gonna attract or even just to keep the conversation going sometime whether you know you're fishing for things in calm and try to impress her you know just like I said trying to keep that conversation going it's too easy to reveal too much information about yourself it's so much better to leave certain questions unanswered and sprinkle in a dash of intrigue by avoiding answering questions or I changed the subject sometimes don't answer everything because if not right she she solves that mystery of you way too soon and she doesn't want to continue reading a book that she already knows the ending to you want to get her obsessed with peeling back layers of you right trying to find more about you and it's a non it's a balancing act that we teach in the Scrambler number three leave her guessing your true intentions girls will often ask you things like you know so where there'll be other girls at the party or maybe a few weeks into a new relationship she'll ask are you still seeing other girls uh you know my standard answer to that question for a very long time was yes but you know you're my favorite you know in an overly exaggerated tone right you're saying it in a very overly exaggerated err or like never I would never do that never liked but smirk you know so she doesn't really know if you're serious or not I'd say in a way that that would leave him wondering if you know if I was joking they would never quite know number four make fun of chumps one of my favorite things to do with a girl is point out chumps who get walked all over by women right I'll mention like how a friend of Mines girlfriend doesn't let him hang out with his friends or you know won't have sex with them and I'll say like you know I don't know why he doesn't just find someone else there's so many girls out there if your your girlfriend's when I have sex with you leave her I hate if she doesn't like your friends leave her basically I point out that I have a mindset of abundance tour the prospect of meeting new girls you can also do this you know if you're watching a movie or a TV show with a girl and one of the male characters is acting like you know a nice guy or a chump these are four ways to add a little uncertainty to a relationship and to keep it from getting bored to keep her from leaving now with a girl who already is losing interest you'll have to add a few more steps to interrupt her current perception of you I called a pattern interrupt in that case I recommend watching and learning the complete mind game called the scrambler now there's a link for it in the description that video explains the four elements that women really chase and how to give it to them also explains in detail something I call the cat and the string theory so make sure you watch that video if you haven't already and if you haven't subscribed to my channel subscribe now because I release new videos every single week and you don't want to miss them because we cover things we keep you grounded and we keep you moving your interactions with women tours attraction instead of you know having them get bored and find somebody else so click the link below subscribe to the videos and I will see you next week you
Channel: Bobby Rio
Views: 134,471
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Id: dFWwX2I4hdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 51sec (351 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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