The Real Matty Healy

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I'm from Korea from Korea I want to go to Manila but the tickets oh but the tickets are sold out okay good move how many tickets three one you can't you can't go by yourself to Manila darling take me with you 3 two okay you can I'll give you two in case you make a friend or don't but Martin daon girl with a sign tickets for you can have tickets I can't sort the the plane you can sort that right the flight okay [Music] sit [Music] okay stop stop stop stop st stop stop stop stop stop stop okay I'll take it if it's in Japan I'll take it seriously okay go and go sort them out it's okay you got a seizure love feeling all right you okay [ __ ] it man go give her a hug let me give her a hug wait security I'll give her a hug that will make everything better hug me after [ __ ] [Music] season sign says I want to play guitar for robbers wait a second can can you play it or you just want to go on stage you can you play just the rhythm bit just e you play e straight down the line come [Applause] on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah W wo W it takes a lot of BS to get up on a stage in front of this many people ladies and [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] gentlemen [Applause] you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] want somebody else I you you're looking through your phone and leaving with somebody else [Music] nobody else you guys released like the medicine EP and scalpers were like buying them and reselling them your management bought them back and gave them back to the fans but how did you guys find out about the situation just social media people were telling us we saw on eBay as well that people were selling them for a certain amount and that was completely at odds with the reason that we did it we just thought oh [ __ ] it we'll buy it and gave them back to the kids we've done that quite a few times but it's because what's the point otherwise all of our fans are really really per personally and emotionally invested in this band and when you start monetizing that aspect of it then there's no [ __ ] point like all the paid people who do like paid meet and greets the reason that people have come there is cuz they are emotionally especially if our band they're personally and emotionally invested in you so if you monetize that that's cold it's not cool I care about being a fan cuz I know what it's like to be a fan and I want people to feel personally addressed no matter how big it is or how many beaches or Arenas we play on you know know it's also important freedom for women to do with their reproduction system is what they want there's people men in the American government actively comparing the harrowing difficult Life Choices of female American citizens to the Holocaust to the Holocaust that is a disgrace boo me as much as you want [ __ ] shoot me mate we're way past that I don't give a [ __ ] and the reason I'm so angry is because I don't believe it's about the preservation of life I believe it's about the controlling of women it's not about that you can hide behind that as much as you want and push your Christian narrative that sex is something to be ashamed of and therefore forcing women to have birth is some kind of I don't know some good punishment for their moral indiscretions you're a disgrace you are not men of God you are simply misogynistic rankers and hideous oh well you know people with scars are still beautiful and kids are smart man you know you know like people are smart you know like there's so many young girl young women that are into our band so many and I'd learned so much from them there's fans of ours that I meet the are far smarter than me of course they scream and they go wild but if I was young and really really excited and drunk and my favorite band was there I'd be screaming and going wild I'm not going to apologize for embracing this kind of intense emotional investment that I get from people but if you say has there ever been a point in your life where you're so it's so on you the whole the massive of of existence and every existential crisis and your problems and the way of life when it's so on you someone if you thought oh if I could just flick a switch you know it's kind of semantically how we word it do you know what I mean I think if you've thought about it it's part of The Human Experience if you've planned it I would urge you to get some help and talk to people about it because planning it and thinking about it as an idea are two very different things and but I think in I always want to die sometimes I'm I think there's a line in it is that if you can't survive just try you know I know like I know I get it I get it just you know I'll never pize my audience I give everybody the benefit of the doubt I can talk about drugs I can talk about sex you know even if there is young people young people aren't stupid there's loads of loads of young girls that love our band a you made a sign about kissing you be my first kiss for yes yes yes yes please please please please the rest of the sign says Be My First Kiss what does it say 22 and 22 22 that's important yes yes please please yeah [Applause] 100% [Applause] [Music] you got change the world you got try and change the world you got to try and change the world AR you old right you got to do it being nice being nice that's it it's as simple as that right being being good or being nice to somebody because it inherently feels like that's the right thing to do or watching someone else do it and copying them it's as simple as that compassion is not this utopian idea it's required like fake it or do it for real but not doing it isn't really an option like I'm talking like mechanistically it works like functioning societies it's not just a virtue that everyone's nice like it's part of the [ __ ] reason that it works you know what I mean like when when it gets to like that I've not lived in one of societies but I'm sorry but I just wanted to come and say hey I can't I'm so tired your bag got stolen to say thank you for oh I love you thanks darling thank you for coming out nice to meet you thanks guys listen I love you all equally I'd love to say hello to oh my God oh my God oh my God thank you so much bye bye MADD [Applause] be [Music] [Applause] [Music] please [Music] [Applause] yeah thanks so much didn't mean to scare any hardcore fans by insinuating that we were splitting up or anything like that that's not Happ don't wor the thing is that bums me out with Kanye is that like we all like he's obviously somebody who is dealing with grief and has mental health issues issues yeah that's not an excuse to like do anti-Semitism yeah it's not really is it it's like there's stuff that like is more important than art mhm like um people people are more important than art and there's kids involved in this artistic exper that's what [ __ ] pisses me off yeah but what's more important though what the right or the or the relationship yeah I think they're right yeah I believe I believe I don't doubt your sincerity I don't know if I agree I don't know if I agree with you but I don't I don't doubt like you I I believe you I believe that you believe that you think relationship is more important yeah so so for me yeah I think that like art is great like this is great this is all [ __ ] cool but if it hurts people I'd rather like people and children be like happy I'm not judging you I'm just having a conversation about this because you know this is kind of what you do right this is what we we do um I I wouldn't um die on the hill of my own right to express myself creatively I mean I do totally empathize and totally understand and I kind of agree with the principle of it if I actually think about me doing that you know I don't know I don't know if it's worth it because what do you want in the end like what do you like do you want the do you want the work or or do you want the I suppose it's what you value more do you value work or like people
Channel: sie ⎕
Views: 19,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hYiMjhDeyWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 55sec (775 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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