The Real Life of Uyghurs in China 🇨🇳 (Urumqi, Xinjiang)

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This is a local residential  neighbourhood here in uh south Urumqi. Yeah you knew I wasn't American. Yeah already you knew. You a Muslim? Yes   And you? yes. Oh that's very interesting, I don't have any need for any blended up snakes. Good afternoon from Urumqi, China. Hi. Today  we're in the south of the city where the majority   of the Uyghur population live. I want to get deeper  into the neighbourhoods, try more of the local food   and more importantly just getting to know the  Uyghur people a little bit better. Today we're   on the hunt for a really traditional, big filling Uyghur meal. We've had some street food, we've had   little bits here and there but I want a proper  lunch. It's 1 p.m. It's a sunny afternoon and I'm   absolutely starving. Let's uh let's explore further  and find out what else there is to know about this   very interesting group of people. You see here, on all the street signs, you've got the Cyrillic uh Uyghur text which, it looks like Arabic, as you can see both  the the Chinese are almost every building around   here. All of your Market squares and traditional  clothes, you know, that you would expect from being   somewhere in Central Asia, the Middle East or  even Türkiye. But uh yeah it's very fascinating, very interesting and very lovely place of really  really nice friendly people. Hello. Do you have polo? Yes we have polo. Oh you have! Okay oh great, there we go. Polo is the name of the meal. Look at this. Nice traditional restaurant off the main street here and uh the menu is underneath the glass. I just tried to move it there. We just had a quick look,  you know, what is a traditional Uyghur meal here? what's a traditional lunch that they would have here?  And one of the things that it said was Polo. It's some sort of rice dishes as much as, that we  know. What else? What was the other one? They often have hand pulled noodles but I'm not, I'm not 100% sure on what they are. It says here Laghman, the   classic dish features hand pulled noodles  served with lamb vegetables and spicy sauce. That sounds quite nice that doesn't it. Yeah let's see  if they have them. We'll just ask. We should try and get a polo and a Laghman. Yeah and some bread. And some naan. Right look that only 3... 30p for a naan bread. Can we get a polo? Polo? One is on the bone one is not. They are both Lamb. Oh one's on the bone? Uh this this one. This one? Lamb? Yes and uh Laghman. Hu? Laghman? Two? Two? Oh no one! Just one? Also, the Laghman? Is it An Urumqi... noodles? That's what I'm saying. This is one meal. This is one meal. Two meals for you. Okay. Yes two. So we've ordered our Laghman, our noodles  and our um Polo. Which is is some form of rice   and meat. It looks quite similar to Kabuli Pilau, the Afghan food and Northwest Pakistani food. but um yeah, I'm excited to uh to get this. I'm  absolutely starving, so yeah what better way to   uh start our day exploring the Uyghur neighbourhoods then uh eating what they all do for lunch and you   can see here loads of people in here are enjoying  this food as well. Oh already, wow look at that. Thank you. What do we have here eh? Those are for you. Do you reckon they eat with chopsticks here? Well there's no forks. There's a spoon there. Yeah that's interesting, Do they eat with chopsticks? Do the Uyghur traditionally eat with chopsticks I'm   not sure. Because they don't eat with chopsticks in, you know, in Mongolia or in um Kazakhstan and   things like that so. Going to give this a try  now. Let us know what is it? Oh it looks soft. I think it's beef. Yeah? The rice is glistening. Looks very fragrant. It's quite sweet the meat. Yeah?  Yeah. Could be horse? Tastes better than that one we   had in the restaurant the other day. Yeah I see what you mean about the sweetness. It's very very nice though. Oily, fatty. Can you see here? There's like carrots, I presume its peppers and some like fruit? So, very similar to Kabuli Pilau then? Oh yeah. Let's try it! Mmm. It's really good! I love the sweetness that  comes from the fruit, it's probably like a raisin   or something. Look at that there. oh yeah. very very sweet. I mean this is, a you know, an ancient meal guys. This   is what they've eaten along the Silk Road for a colossal amount of time. Rice, fatty meat and   whatever vegetables they've got. Maybe it's dried fruits, whatever they've got, just a buff that up and   uh have the amount of energy it requires to make  these nomadic Journeys down the Silk Road to uh,   for trade and various other reasons but um yeah. Maybe if you're in Genghis Khan's crowd, you'll be   using the Silk Road for for Conquest purposes  or in the modern days just sending trade from   Asia over to Europe. For this you use a spoon. Oh, we've been told off! Yeah no chopsticks. I was thinking that um I was I was   highly doubting that the uh the used Chopsticks  here and I can get much bigger bites so that's   even better get more this delicious rice in  me I'm excited to see the next one what's the   next meal going to bring to us she's just put  down this meal here I can't see the noodles   which is a a bit um bit strange but um well  it's entirely different how I thought it was   going to be. it's entirely different to the photo as  well yeah. Very interesting oh oh thank you. so what is uh the name? you put on top oh I see I see there we go okay so, this this name, what is this? Laghman? Latiaozi. Latiaozi? Latiaozi okay this is called Latiaozi and this is Uyghur? Uyghur? Laghman. Laghman. oh Laghman. Okay oh there we go   we got it right great so this is Laghman or Laghman, Laghman. So we've got some meat hand pulled noodles   loads of vegetables a spicy sauce look at these  mushrooms these are very interesting aren't they   look the look these mushrooms here they're  like, they look like little sea creates or something aren't they   love mushrooms though and uh this uh is lamb I  believe this time this one is lamb traditionally   we read that the Laghman is uh is a lamb meat so  let's try this Lamb with the mushroom and spicy sauce woah that is nice it's not, it doesn't  have a massive lamb flavor so again I could be a bit wrong I'm not sure but  uh let me just try just the lamb on its own yeah it's very nice this one is  entirely different you can see how   you can come into one region one culture  with one language and have two completely   different foods you've got this it's more of  a plain style you know you've got your your   flavorful rice obviously nice big flavor and  everything but no sauce or anything you it's   got rice couple of vegetables some fatty meat and  some bread over here I mean what an absolute um   concoction we've got here peppers and tomatoes  and I don't even know what some of these things   are we've got noodles we've got bits of Ginger  we've got chili we got oil absolutely loads of stuff   it almost has like a sweet and sour kind of hit to  it because the noodles are hand pulled they're so   long I just trying to like scoop them on my plate  let's have a see see how many I can get hands on crikey you're right aren't you look at this right try the noodle shall we it'll be the longest Slurp in  history if you get to the bottom of   them wow how about that yeah noodles are  al dente i'd say. hearty Al Dente I definitely prefer this one yeah this  one's good but this one is. it's just like I   love how how amazingly flavorful this can be of  like such simple ingredients it's such a maybe I   don't know how many ingredients could be there  maybe five ingredients or something like that   this one takes our takes our vote as our  favourite going to enjoy the rest of these   meals here and then with a full stomach  we'll head out into the neighborhoods   51. £5.10 for two big meals and a cup of  tea it's not bad at all oh and the naan as well   yeah you see there he is making the uh the  polo rice that we just had, and various kebabs okay thank you, thank you. okay right there we go back out, whey, look that covered in Steam back out onto   the streets of Urumqi let's explore look at this here. some sort of traditional um handmade ice cream this is interesting  isn't it he's got the whole thing spinning   there he's got this wooden Club he's just  sticking that in there wow hello. Hello. very good delicious? Delicious? Yes it's delicious. Oh okay I would like one. Oh there little of cash there it's interesting first time I've seen cash in a while that looks   very very good doesn't it like that traditional  Uyghur handmade ice cream here right on the   streets underneath the beautiful architecture  of the city traditional buildings and some   traditional ice cream wow look at this okay  let's uh let's get some for dessert shall we um I would like one. All right well I guess I've asked for some raise my sunglasses to be a bit more polite look   that he's making an absolute mountain of it so  that must be just freezing cold in there loads of   cream and then it just gets stuck Frozen on the  sides of the uh cylinder there and span around   and it just whips it all up and creates that  lovely looking ice cream there. How much is it? How much is it? five. okay right there we go it's five. 50p  is that right? I think so I've sent her five so   five, five yuan or 50p get us, look this  lovely hand Scoops handmade ice cream   yeah wow very nice and what a pleasant  dessert on this nice sunny day absolutely   lovely look at this woah just one, thank you. let's  have a little try of this with our man here. Woah just pure ice cream  flavor no special flavor just   pure handmade hand spun ice cream that  is absolutely lovely and refreshing. delicious delicious thank you, thank you. Right I think that's the best ice cream I've  had in China. it's best better than Mr whippy this fella woah. you know why it's better  why it's made with love a lot of love and   a smiling face on the uh on the couple there  I want to see how the Uyghur people of South   Urumqi are living I want to see what it's  like to live in their the housing areas   just yeah just see the everyday life here  that's what I'm what I'm interested in to   meet some Uyghur people enjoying a Saturday  afternoon yeah let's uh let's continue on   and uh meet some uh nice friendly people with  uh nice Smiles like we saw on that ice cream Seller. hello. hello. what is this oh is this snake. Healing. Pain in your knee, Pain relief in your joints, oh wow snake? Healing. wow. Knee knee. knee knee. oh for your knee. good for your knees. reduces inflammation. Oh um, delicious? delicious? Knee knee. Delicious? Delicious. wow. what? what? it looks like... I don't get it? so this... this is in there. It's a healing snake oil oh and   then you and then you spray on your knee? Rub it on painful joints. oh it's like a natural natural pain relief like oh you   oh I see oh look at this he's like got some sort   of snakes and uh what? what? I wonder  what that is or what that liquid is? wow. anti-inflammatory! Ah and then you can suddenly, you can move your... move your legs and everything. anti-inflammatory oh that's very interesting isn't it How much is this? 50 yuan. 5? 50 yuan. I don't know what... 20 for a small one. Was that uh... 20? Ah... 20! Ah, 20 and 50. So £2.00 for a small one and £5.00 for a big one. Very interesting I don't have any need for any  Blended up snakes but um these are these are   not Blended snakes, these are sunflower seeds. Oh sunflower seeds. Ah right, well that something interesting. I've never seen that in my life but uh all right okay Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Thank you. okay goodbye. Goodbye. Come take a picture with me! Whats that? What a nice man eh? Uyghur? yes. Uyghur? yes. oh there we go I said Uyghur correctly. There we go okay thank you, thank you. He was so kind nice uh nice uncle there selling snakes and uh Blended up tea or something I   don't know it was a strange shop but a lovely  gentleman anyway all right shouldn't have   bought ice cream today my... look at my hands it's  so cold it's sunny and it deceives you into a nice   summer's day but that wind is absolutely  Baltic icy freezing it is freezing oh looks   like we're getting into a little bit more of a  residential area here which is uh what we're after   see here fresh fruit market everyone's coming  over at the corner of the roads on a Saturday   got some uh nice nice looking berries and fruits  there look they've got coconuts and everything yeah oh that looks nice   doesn't it look at that. what we got here pomegranates? wow very nice little looking very nice looking   pomegranate oh hello, hello. hello. I would like one. l it's uh... one. uh can I see you uh... press it? looks like he's already got   a lot made but uh this is a very traditional  um method of uh getting the juice out of the   pomegranate here an old classic style of the  press real just proper mechanical isn't it look   at that there we go so it bursts the skin itself  he doesn't even need to uh wow strong he doesn't   even need to cut the skin and just bursts  it himself wow wow very very good all right   well let's get ourselves nice uh fresh pomegranate juice here on the uh streets of Uruqmi looks very good   he's milking it for every drop it's got tell you  what the bright red color as well just looks so   refreshing looks like it's going to be so tasty so  zesty yes please well just uh have a look at that   at that so much juice in them it you don't realize  how much juice is in them until you get something   as strong as this to uh to really press it all out  of there but uh look got a nice little hook knife   oh that it's using every angle of it to get the  final little drops out hey more fruits just flying   through here okay his jug is nearly full 1.8 L of  freshly squeezed pomegranate juice amount of vitamins in here okay thank you, how much is it? oh... he's got some policemen. Small one is 10 yuan. This one is 20 yuan small one or a big one? um tell you what we'll help him out a bit let's get   a bigger one we get this 20. 20 this  one is £2 for this big... 20 yuan, you want one? 20? just one bottle? one? yes oh you going to get the freshly squeezed oh brilliant there we go freshly   squeezed straight out of there right  into the funnel I'm very happy with that. Hello. hello. fantastic a nice seal on this take it away and enjoy Are you American? British? yeah England. you knew you guessed already it's okay  this is fine yeah I'm going to drink this now   yeah you knew I wasn't American yeah already you  knew I wonder how she could tell okay thank you. thank you thank   you goodbye that was interesting that woman knew  that we weren't American the guy said oh are you   uh American are you are you American and the woman straight away went no no no English English that's interesting isn't it   how'd she know that right okay then. have a little  go of that fresh pomegranate juice in Northwest China That is zesty wow what an intense flavor that is very very very good Delicious, Delicious. Delicious. Is it delicious? Absolutely delicious such an intense flavour  that is just proper strong strong pomegranate   It's enough to wake up in the morning I tell  you that much would you replace your morning   coffee with it? with it what? with a freshly  squeezed pomegranate juice? no okay thank you, thank you.   I'm going give it a little taste as well yeah a  little go that. thank you. I'll hold your ice cream   Have you seen what this says on the side of the cup? I wish you success in the examination. Crikey.  I hope I'm not getting examined anytime soon. how would you react if somebody did examine you? Like this. Ooo! it's like you know you side your mouth  start watering it's a proper kick isn't it? it's   really nice though this is nothing like the  pomegranate juice you get like Tesco and stuff   that stuff so watered down compared to this  yeah I wonder do the pomegranate are they growing sort of naturally here is a very uh very in abundance  here cuz uh that is just proper good really good that's it guys   real Central Asian pomegranate juice let's  continue on our uh journey into residential Urumqi. Looks like some sort of neighborhood here right let's go in this is a local residential  neighborhood here in uh South Urumqi see this is   uh where a large population of the Uyghur people are living oh it's a bit of a maze hard to uh   find our way around here not sure if we're going  in the right direction or the wrong direction   look at that though this uh housing area here  just been completely.... beautiful mosque isn't   yeah. towered over by this uh mosque here. see uh  obviously there's some um delivery drivers live   here and have the bikes parked obviously living  somewhere in uh these apartments it's a Saturday   you know so just interested to see what do... uh  what the people here get up to with a time on   a Saturday you know when you sat anywhere in  the world you just think I wonder what be like   like completely other side of the world at  this time on this day and that's what I like to explore this is uh looks more like a a  small uh smaller Village scenario here   there some of the chicken we've had  before the sesame chicken this guy's   got barbie on. hey, sitting in the sunshine  having a Barbie. Hello. oh hello. Hello. Welcome to Xinjiang! ah thank you where are you from? I'm from England  England England yeah yeah England nice is it delicious? Lamb, lamb. lamb, lamb! delicious. Heart, heart. heart? oh inside ah nice yesterday I ate  a heart the heart on the barbecue yeah it   was it was all right yeah it was good you  are a Uyghur? huh are you a Uyghur? yeah uh no uh hui, hui oh hui hui oh right h u i hui yeah yeah I know yeah  that's another ethnicity here um a different   part of China that's interesting there so  you're a barbecue Master are you this is   your job you you work here yes yes oh nice is  a... is it your restaurant are you owner? um are you the boss? right right right yeah he's he's he's the boss oh very nice  can I? I'd like to try one of your lamb lamb barbecues. Sure, I'll treat you to these from me. I'll treat you. I'll treat you? I would like one. sure sure. Lamb. Go on, sit down, sit down yeah okay Can I not eat it in the sunshine in the sunshine! what's this? oh he's going to get something fresh is he? Can't beat a bit more lamb. I want  to sit in the sunshine okay yeah summer   yeah it's nice and nice and warm here. so these are like... I'm looking at them, they look like halogen lamps Oh theres not a coal in there oh so the actual, the pipes get hot oh I see I see He's putting on the magic salt. cumin, cumin? Is this Cumin? Yes. and uh salt? salt. This is cumin. cumin. chili. chilli yeah chilli. hot yeah I like it. oh nice do you uh do you do you live here  uh no your house oh no my house uh further ah further   away okay 5km ah 5 km away ah so quite quite  far away you just come here for working yes ah   I see I see nice well your lamb looks very  good. very good. you see like oh yeah the uh   the seasoning when it lands on the uh on them  pipes as you say Sparks up doesn't it well this   is a nice place nice time to spend in the  neighborhood we're sheltered from the wind   got some man cooking us up a little bit of lamb  here what more could you want nothing more this   is neighborhood life here in Urumqi. very good you see there's some people inside have been patiently   waiting for their uh for their lamb but uh yeah and  uh just here is the uh mosque here. hello. They're so shy. hello. hello. he's uh he's said something in Mandarin  there for him to translate. I welcome you to Xinjiang we are a traditional shop 30 years old wow that's amazing 30 wow 1979 eh?yes wow very good. thank you. thank you boss. and this uh this Mosque? This is... This is... Mosque. Mosque. How do you say? Mosque Mosque Mosque ah Mosque Mosque.   Muslim Muslim. Yeah I see is this a Muslim  area yes are you a Muslim yes and you yes  and so this all this area is ah Muslim ah very good  very good very good ah cool right okay so there we have it there   this is a Muslim area there's the great mosque  and that's why we have some uh delicious delicious delicious wow looks uh amazing oh yeah okay let's let's we'll take a photo in front of the shop okay okay thank you yeah thank you thank you what  lovely people man so the other... there's is another ethnicity here in in Urumqi and in China  it's not just Uyghur it's also the Hui Chinese which   is uh another majority Muslim ethnicity and  they make up for a large portion of Chinese   Muslims this guy here is a Hui person I think  that's how you say it yeah obviously guys I'm   not an information channel uh you know I'm  not uh I'm just here to uh show what I see   you know Venture into some interesting places  meet some interesting people and do my best   to learn about stuff as I go along so anything  that uh that I might have gotten wrong or not   quite correct just put in the comments and  then I can learn that way can't I and then   that's uh I can get to interact with you  guys and you can uh interact with uh with   me by teaching me more cuz we're going to  be traveling all through China so I'm sure   we'll uh we'll use some of the information  usefully yeah I'll treat you to our barbecue thank you, thank you. No problem, no problem. what a lovely guy eh? just uh look at this car here it's like an   old Bentley or something it's interesting  isn't it. hello. yes she asked we're here to travel in Xinjiang we are travelling in Xinjiang yeah yeah but um but um today  we are going to Shanghai. to Shanghai? right tonight later oh thank you, thank you boss. thank you. look at that, that looks absolutely  delicious fatty crispy lamb look at that we   got the beautiful mosque there and uh our mate and  his uh lovely uh lovely barbecue here wow look   at that it looks like a hearty piece of lamb as well   yeah looks well nice I think he's picked his best bit for us hasn't he oh what she here this? is our  mutton Kebab in Xinjiang yeah mutton Kebab lamb lamb lamb yeah delicious. its delicious? delicious. delicious How do I say in Hui? in in in your your your language how to say how delicious ah delicious delicious delicious in hui? oh okay the same wow that is absolutely delicious just absolutely   beautiful spiced well seasoned juicy crispy fatty  lamb   I think I'm going to have to break off our engagement yeah? yeah i'm running away. Going with him  instead are you? yeah. imagine that sitting in the   sunshine you sit on a nice little chair he cooks your lamb barbecue all day. I would never leave. what more   could you want. who wants to travel that much  anyway. I only travelled for this. yeah travel for lamb   barbecue so this bit here guys on the top there  that's just pure fat there got a lump of lamb   lump of fat lump of lamb lump of fat that's  how he's built this Kebab absolutely gorgeous the fat is so flavorful and then when you  bite into it it's so caramelized it just   melts in your mouth ah guys this what's  all about you know this is why Xinjiang so famous for the lamb and rightfully  so cuz uh this is absolutely bloody gorgeous so good, so good. delicious, delicious. sure sure. how much? how much is it? no no no no tell him where you're going? thank you, thank you so much. It's nothing. thank you. thank you so much sorry that's okay thank you so much. so kind What is your name? nice to meet you I am, I am Jack. Jack? Yeah easy thank you so much thank you and uh this is a shop name oh hello hello hello. go in and take a look. go on then. have a look inside. are you the boss? boss? boss. I'm his father. I don't know what to say you can watch it inside. what? watch  watch, what? oh he's going to show me something   I guess oh oh okay English? what's? English. English? English yes, yes. what's your name? Jack. what's your name? my name is Jack and uh and how old are you?   I'm, I'm 26. 26. do you know do you know? 26. and  uh how um... what is your name? my my name is okay this is my father oh cool and so  you are also, you are Hui? yes he is hui ah nice   what a lovely, you've got a lovely restaurant a very  very nice restaurant and a family feeling yeah wow he said that it's a nice place with a family atmosphere. well how about this eh? this is real  family restaurant life here in Urumqi he's enjoying his noodles and some different  uh meats and stuff like that there's your kitchen do you... do you speak English? a  little bit. a little bit? are they... are   they asking you to translate are they? yes.  yeah I just wanted to tell them it's a   very nice Family Restaurant yeah I told  him it's it's a family restaurant very   nice. they ask do you, do you want to have a lunch? uh we already ate lunch we had um Polo, polo I'm sorry, I'm sorry. We ate Polo and Laghman, ah polo and Laghman. yeah yeah we had together, yeah traditional style okay thank you, thanks to all of you. okay everyone thank you thank you thank you thank you very much thank you very nice okay thank you thank you and you there we  go the boss. okay, thank you goodbye goodbye bless you all goodbye that was lovely that such a nice a nice  like a nice family business yeah Venture into the   neighborhoods away from the bustlin modern city  and come to meet uh the real everyday people so   they weren't Uyghur people they were hui people which is, like I said a different ethnicity here but uh   still one of the minority ethnicities in this Urumqi area and here is this Grand Mosque that's quite   stunning that one isn't it wow. look at this butchers  over here it's like uh looks like Tony Sopranos   joint doesn't it you get yourself all of your lamb  in here making noodles and stuff what's this here? looks... is that a barber shop? I can't really see. i think this is a  barber shop? need a hair cut? well look at the state of us could do   with a little shave see in here hello hello hello can can you  cut my hair yeah oh there we go in a small Nice to meet you. hello. do you speak English? huh? can you speak English? no English. no? no problem okay okay well   let's see if I can uh get myself a little trim you  can cut my hair yeah oh okay great well look at us   guys at us a barber shop here just a small one maybe that's all of his friends and everything look   you can ask him to make your moustache longer. oh you can curl me moustache can he? well not   yours oh that's a shame well okay right let me uh  see what I can uh have a sit down here let's see   should I take my jumper off should I? Let's uh let's  do that should I? oh some birds over there wow oh very good he's just got loads of birds don't want to go too close in  case they peck me it's like six birds in there who are you showing him I'm uh just  showing him a random skin fade here and   we'll see what uh his best efforts are I'm sure  that skin fades are not uh massively requested   here it's quite a UK thing really isn't it but  uh yeah I'm looking forward to uh freshening up   a bit cuz I've been traveling around with hair  a lot longer than I would uh normally have it   for quite some time now so yeah and what better  wear to immerse yourself in the culture than go   to uh the local barber shop here I got a  feeling I'm going to get basically a one   across the entire sides in the back and  then cut on the top but uh I'll take it   a military haircut it'll freshen me up and uh  yeah I think that's the best I'm going to get   and I'll be grateful for it he's a stylish guy  this isn't he is wearing like robes with gold   details very interesting he's got a beautiful  shop a perfect view of the mosque so what more   could he want than that of real estate see all  of his equipment and whatnot here all of his   creams different Clippers he's even got a blow  torch over there hope he doesn't use that on us as you can see as I expected we're  getting basically a one on the back and sides   and uh I guess this is going to be cut  shorter on the top just going back to uh   the old haircut that I once used to get just  short on the sides and short on the top but   uh yeah we'll see how it looks full Urumqi makeover. What is your name? Ascar. Ascar? My name is Jack. Jack? Jack, yes. seems like a nice nice friendly man getting there  aren't we I mean already it looks better than it   was yeah cuz it was just long and shapeless and  all that so yeah it's nice isn't it you can see   he's got a an old TV there above me here but um  yeah feeling uh feeling fresh already you can   see curious kids of the neighborhood all looking  through the uh all looking through the window like   what's his Foreigner doing going around the hood  of Urumqi getting his haircut in a small barber shop   after eating some lamb kebab it's not quite the  average Saturday of a uh of an Urumqi person is it? this is no rush job he's been uh he's been  delicate and he's been methodical he's uh yeah   he's taking his time with it all going over you  know the bits many bits multiple times and uh yeah   you see he's been a barber for a long time I'm guessing and uh he very skilled so yeah. appreciate him a lot I think I'll get a shave as well and uh one thing I  just noticed I don't think it's going to be very   hard to explain that I want to keep the mustache  given the size of our mates mustache here on this   channel we've had uh haircuts and shaves in all  parts of the world in rural Pakistan and center   of busy Pakistan we've had you know haircuts like  here in Northwest China we've had them in India so   yeah it's a really uh it's really interesting way  to kind of just experience culture in different   places cuz you know the premise is the same  thing I want to cut hair it's the same thing   you get you know every month or every couple of  weeks at home but uh just to change the whole   environment the country we in the language that  it is the different styles in different regions   of the world and just try get a hair cut in all  different parts of the world is uh something that   I've uh that I've really enjoyed uh undertaking as  a sort of side quest throughout uh our travels   but uh yeah I recommend it if you're ever in a  you know a brand new country or really strange   region of the world go and get a haircut go and  do something that you could do at home and see how   different it is uh in a new place after can you shaving on here but um uh this. I like this. I like   this like you me and you the same yeah you see  here got a fresh blade so hopefully it's better   than the one you had in Chengdu yeah I had a shave  in Chengdu and God that was Tragic wasn't it crikey so fresh blade and he's putting antiseptic on it  so yeah that's uh real uh real care being taken   here and he's setting it on fire as well great  you couldn't get a better uh antiseptic Than   That Could You. Boiling hot. see what's going  happen here oh he's doing it on the head I see. He's defining the the back shaping it all up he  knows what he's doing this fella doesn't he he's   doing some interesting shape work he's kind of  sort of cut the uh sides of me heads back a little   bit but uh it's not the end of the world a little  bit uh unsure on whether he's he's sort of half   doing the shave but also like shaving me forehead  and things like that which is a new experience for me show me whole face is going to feel  a little bit stingy after this this   is like maybe shaping the eyebrows  it's like a full Uyghur makeover this. Some firm hands I'm getting a the facial from a Uyghur man in Northwest China with his caged birds shouting what a life huh? Chatting to his mate on the phone while he's giving me... rubbing my chin he was nearly giving his mouth to mouth there  I'm sure it'll be very very smooth after this he's trimming the mustache oh my face feels tender he's cutting my nose hairs out I'm sure this is going to sting there it is yeah the sting is starting  all right there we go so finally I think it's   just a little bit off the top here just a  little bit on here and we've had our full   Urumqi Uyghur style makeover wonder how much this  is going to cost but yeah's take a bit off   the top take a bit of the weight off my head and  then I'll be uh absolutely flying won't I skilled Barber eh? see there got a nice uh nicely cleaned up   mustache and everything I'm a new man  after this ready to take on the world there we go complete. getting tidied up now perfect wow thank you, thank you. look at  that so fresh you see nice fade   here a little bit and uh yeah got the  the Uyghur style that's a full Uyghur makeover here in the South part of Urumqi ready to join the Urumqi football team How much is it? 42 Yuan. 42? yes  we'll give you a tip okay for you. for you. 200 okay thank you. thank you. thank you very much thank you you've been uh very very good very good barber okay, great. I don't know how to say very good in Uyghur I think   he's dying to get out this fella get back in the  sunshine isn't he. I'll get me jumper that's everything   isn't it oh there we go back into the nice cool  air of Urumqi in the neighborhoods here feel like   a fresh young chap hello hello hello how are you I'm  fine you're fine good do you live do you live here   this your family is oh is my father your father oh  father he's a very very good Barber he's he did he   did a great job on me yeah I'm very I'm very very  happy okay nice nice to meet you nice meet you goodbye hello. hello. which country are you from? uh? Are you Turkic? Me? British British? British nice to meet you. nice to meet you okay byebye all right tell you what though that  fresh haircut I could do a nice drink of pomegranate juice. here it is! thank you very much  here's one I prepared earlier well guys there   you have it today we had a big Uyghur lunch with two  traditional dishes we had some handmade ice cream   from a lovely Elder couple who are making the ice  cream in the traditional way we've walked around   we met some people we had some lamb barbecue and  met some of the Muslim residents in this area   saw the mosque and then had a full Uyghur makeover  till the next video we'll see you in the comments   tell us what you think anything we got wrong  correct us anything or if you just want to   say I got a nice haircut let us know but uh  yeah it's been an absolute pleasure in Urumqi can you have compliment on my nice hair cut is  that what you said yeah yeah if anyone want to   say nice things about us stick it in the in  the bottom but um yeah it's been an absolute   pleasure till the next time we'll see you  in the next video which will be in Shanghai
Channel: Jack Aynsley Travel
Views: 82,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Urumqi, Xinjiang, China, Laghman, Polo, autonomous region, Mosque, local Neighbourhood, Uyghur food, Xinjiang International Grand Bazaar, Xinjiang food, Lamb BBQ skewers, Uyghur Neighbourhood, Xinjiang province, foreigner in china, first impressions of Urumqi, first impressions of china, foreigner thoughts on china, foreigner eats chinese food, jack aynsley travel, adventure travel, Brewmasters, Uyghur ice cream, pomegranate juice, family-run, local barber, Uyghur makeover
Id: 8--iEWYO_SI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 20sec (2840 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 22 2024
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