The Real Gospel in 10 -- (Part 1) What Is Sin?

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[Music] the real gospel in ten what does that mean sometimes because we live in a time of information overload it's hard to sit down and listen to a presentation a Bible study of an hour and so in this series I'm going to break down the gospel into bite-sized pieces we're going to look at some Bible texts some references from inspiration with very little commentary and we're simply going to overview the subject of salvation our first subject that we're going to look at is the subject what is sin now why do we start with that because if we do not understand the problem we will have a hard time understanding the solution we need to know why we are lost condemned sinners and then we will be able to understand how the gospel solves that problem so here is our first question do I sin because I am a condemned sinner or am i a condemned sinner because I sin the first question do I sin because I'm a condemned sinner says that when we are born into this world it's a fallen world we have fallen parents and we are born with a fallen nature therefore we are condemned lost sinners because of our birth Speight and sure then we lose our temper and we may be selfish but those are just outgrowth of our real sin which is being born with defective equipment of fallen nature the second question am i a condemned sinner because i sin says yes we are born in a fallen world to fallen parents with a fallen nature but we are not condemned we are not lost because of an accident birth we are lost because we make choices to yield to the tools of temptation when we know what God's will is and we deliberately disobey then we sin and become lost condemned sinners so that's the question that we need to answer and we're just going to look briefly at some references from inspiration what God is telling us about how this works from John chapter 9 verse 41 jesus said unto them he's talking to the Pharisees if he were blind ignorant if we if they did not have any opportunity to know if he were blind he should have no sin but now you say we see we understand we know what's going on therefore your sin remaineth so the first point Jesus says that if there is no awareness of what God is saying to us there is no sin but when we understand what God is saying to us and deliberately disobey then our sin remains from James chapter 4 verse 17 therefore to him that knoweth to do good and doeth it not to him it is sin pretty simple pretty plain to the one who knows what's right and what's wrong and does not obey to him at his sin from James 1:14 and 15 perhaps the clearest a text on temptation in the Bible but every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and enticed then when lust hath conceived it bringeth forth sin and sin when it is finished bringeth forth death so temptation is being pulled by our own lust that means the poles of our fallen nature were pulled by our fallen nature to do wrong we're actually enticed but that's not sin that's temptation to sin the way that that that it turns into sin is when it is conceived like in the birth state we will find out exactly what that means with another statement a little later but sin is a yielding to temptation it is not the temptation from Ezekiel 18 verse 20 the soul that sinneth it shall die the son shall not bear the iniquity of the Father neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son so again from the Old Testament the soul that sins bears guilt and responsibility not sons for father's or father's for sons the patriarchs and prophets page 306 it is inevitable that children should suffer from the consequences of parental wrongdoing but they are not punished for the parents guilt except as they participate in their sins so yes children do suffer as a result of parents sins and remember Adam and Eve are our parents in the law in the big picture but children are not punished for their parents sins unless they agree to participate in those sins from gospel workers 160 to as light comes the life and character of men must change correspondingly to be in harmony with it sins that were once sins of ignorance because of the blindness of the mind can no more be indulged in without incurring guilt please notice that phrase as the light comes what is the sin of ignorance when we cannot know there is no opportunity for us to know what the will of God is but when the light comes and when we reject it then we incur guilt that's why babies simply cannot be sinners because there is no light available for them to reject from testimonies volume 5 page 177 an impure thought tolerated an unholy desire cherished and the soul is contaminated its integrity premised temptation however strong is never an excuse for sin he knows how strong are the inclinations of the natural heart and he will help in every time of temptation so notice how that fits with what we read in James chapter 1 the impure thought the unholy desire is not sin it is temptation to sin we are drawn by these out of our fallen nature it is when we cherish that thought when we tolerate that thought that sin enters the picture that's the conceiving that James 1 talks about that can we conceive something is born which is sin and so temptation and sin must be carefully distinguished or we will run into serious problems and understanding the gospel testimonies volume 1 page 116 said the angel if light comes and that light is set aside or rejected then comes condemnation and the frown of God but before the light comes there is no sin for there is no light for them to reject this may be the simplest and clearest explanation I've ever read if the light comes and is rejected then we are under condemnation but before the light comes there is no sin I really wonder how the English language could be any clearer on the subject of sin so what are the consequences of believing one or the other of these two views if we believe that were born sinners because of faulty equipment of fallen nature then Jesus could not be born with our fallen nature or that would make him a sinner too and he could not be tempted from within as we are tempted from within the gospel then must be justification forgiveness alone because we'll never be able to totally overcome sin as long as we live and that means that we will be sending in some way even if by nature alone until Jesus comes we will never be free of sin in this life however if we believe that sin is always a choice that we make to reject God's will then Jesus can be born with our nature and be tempted in all points like we are from within as well as from without the gospel is both justification forgiveness and sanctification power to live above sin without sinning and God will have a people before the end of time who will have rejected sin completely and will live lives of holy sinless experience before Jesus comes those are the consequences of believing one or the other of these two views well that's our study of what is sin in 10 that's way too brief if you want to study this a little more in-depth I urge you to go back to the the YouTube channel that you are on right now and look up face to face with the real gospel part 2 what is sin and listen to that presentation watch that presentation it is much more in-depth and covers more than I'm covering right now and remember we're just started our next subject how did Christ live is the the important remedy to the problem that we are all sinners under condemnation and lost our only remedy is in Jesus Christ stay tuned if you have found this study helpful don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel where you will find more studies on various subjects [Music] you
Channel: Dennis Priebe Ministries
Views: 981
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Id: zaN7_gqbymI
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Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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