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I love him what direction this videos going first world problem with the Carrera GT is that because it has a fly off handbrake that sits between the carbon tub and the I know all about same emotion louder man you got to take your watch off because he you're either gonna scratch a carbon tub or you can't get your hand down to take off the flare handbrake or you could get it PPF that what is up guys welcome to supercars of London and welcome to Tom Hartley cars I am down here to see Cowell Harley I'm here with mr. jww and today we're gonna be taking a look at some insane hybrid cars normally when I come down here and film this place is full of their latest and greatest stock however their showroom is ready ladies and gentlemen welcome to possibly the most ridiculous supercar showroom in the UK look at this brand-new building on the hartley estate showcasing all the wonderful cars that are inside and today I wanted to do something slightly different seeing as Carl always have probably the best stock in the United Kingdom I got in touch with my guys at magnitude finance similars like hypothetically if I won the lottery we all do it how much with some of these cars on finance cost hyper car finance this is a thing and I also spoke to them about getting a bit of an idea on some of the clients health other guys that make the chief finance have and how they go about doing it because whenever I go and look at cars to buy it's always in the mindset of ten percent deposit and then the monthly payments up until the balloon however when you're looking at spending two million pound on al a Ferrari for example the price of those things aren't going down so there's no nuts such thing as a residual or a balloon payment so there is a thing called interest only where basically you split the cost of the interest of borrowing the two million pounds and split it across the monthly payments so it's a thing called interest only but magnitude finance have a finance calculator on their website where you can go put in the cars and get quotes on anything that you're interested in buying whether it be hyper cars or whether it be super sports cars or just sports cars at 30 grand so we're gonna go around the showroom car is going to host us on a tour jww has got my phone with all of the quotes from magnitude finance so here we are you guys ready so talking amongst yourselves Karl welcome back to welcome back to the channel and we have a look around because looking at this insane collection of cars yeah of course feel free it is ridiculous this place yeah actually it's better thank you very much Vinicius look at his office holy stark stuff isn't it we've got see-through floors so that we can look down at a mobile well we will go downstairs but let's start up here which is probably would you say the creme de la creme oh yes yeah well when we built the showroom there needed to be leaders be space for each car to be with his own kind yeah you know so in the last room that you came to in which we still have full of cars I actually start the video yeah decent view in there yeah you know you'd have a Rolls Royce Phantom drop it next to a f40 which rise to an Aventador it looked a bit weird you couldn't see the wood through the trees if that made sense yeah but you hear them there's plenty of space and you know it's nice to see a p1 the laferrari and a Bugatti in and you've got the Holy Trinity you know I had the full house you know you know well downstairs there is also a Carrera GT which we will move on to but jww has got my phone with a list of hyper car finance quotes for anyone thinking of me dearly the Carrera GT at the top we'll get onto that because you have downstairs where would you like to Sarge a do we W because we have got a fleet of incredible cars should we start with that this is substantial okay so I mean there's a spot of history of that I think I was told that this car has been driven yes it's done just just over well when we bought it done 5200 miles and I responsible for the rest get out of these cars when you start just amazing it's just amaze myself Magento BW was saying out of all of the cars even up until this date that things have been released that is still the mythical beast that sits on top so it is now done just on 6,000 miles and it's been driven it's a car that someone could buy drive and not worry about our pain a quarter of a million pounds extra for a car with a thousand miles or whatever here and now I'm gonna do three thousand miles now instantly lost that that car is really price range a 2.1 million pound he is actually sold okay and it was actually talking finance as well interested Mexico all right this is based on I think this there there there examples okay rather than me okay in putting all of my there just examine okay examples and we will state these are all interest only which is a fascination no some some of them on okay so on laferrari is is okay so that was a good one to have an interest only because the car I feel if it's bought at the right price will stabilize around two million two and a quarter yeah and you know might even creep up a little bit so what the car appreciates in the long term could actually pay for you your finance payments yeah so that's why okay so here we are 2013 laferrari done 6,000 miles up for 2.1 million half a million pounds deposit for yer interest only at six thousand seven hundred ninety nine per month with an APR of 4.9% sir 2.1 million pound car ha it's the half a million's yeah that's pro rata you put into water twenty percent problem it's default it's just so you got to think of these things pro rata yeah yeah okay so you don't think that's a bad deal as an example it's not one because this is a slightly well quite a large price reduction to them from the left right this is one point one yeah one point one so you're talking effectively nearly halfway Wow which means the next owner can enjoy it yeah once again this one's done near nearly six thousand miles so you're not paying the big premium further than every mileage car for all your friends wow you got p1 but you're not allowed to drive it yeah so this is this is drivable car the guy I bought it from used it yeah you were saying the guy who owned this had another identical one in Liberty mileage in the same self sings well that's nice bought it same color same spec one to use one to just appreciate out of my all of his McLaren's was super nova silver from a 12c 31 to ascend it to everything super never sell well good that right there and he sold his sin erection he didn't like it so 2014 p1 6,000 miles up for 1.1 million quarter a million deposit is sounding good value yeah three year term 6195 per month but this is not an interest only no it's not all this has 50 K balloon so what you're doing is you're paying the car off as you're paying the payments where on your last Ferrari you're simply paying to have the enjoyment of yeah Ferrari yeah yes okay so if in so interestingly then and this you're actually you will have some equity in it yeah and this if you play your cards right on it and maybe even for the long road it might work out all right I think so yeah yeah interesting yeah so what else would you like to move on to got plenty of awesome existence there this is this is the greatest game in the world now you get quite a lot yeah he's obviously if someone's buying a car 100,000 200,000 300,000 people automatically expect yeah people do finance them cars sure and people automatic don't expect people to finance a laferrari p1 a nine one eight available they just automatically think that if you're in that bracket you know is that come put it on the armor it makes sense it makes sense for them to sprint across their million pounds well they can put more money than what the the payments are a month by not being in the car yeah so you know we shall we sell a lot of these cars through finance yeah OPM it was money what a fantastic insight into isn't it something that we're never gonna be able to tell ya it may be how they've got me so what else is still up here on this deck we've joint you want there's good let's compare p1 to 918 okay that's a good idea and then go downstairs yes so similar price ever the price is Holy Trinity and all that yeah I just leave cider wise act by SAP similar mileage up for 1.2 million pounds sir mmm-hmm 250 thousand pound deposit mm-hmm for year to five thousand eight hundred and ninety nine per month eight hundred and fifty K balloon oh wow so hundred came all on the balloon on the 918 another p1 it's interesting yeah I wonder why that is Grand Valley Bradley I honestly obviously think now I'm robbing Peter to pay Paul here but I always think do you pay me I think a p1 is actually a better buy for somebody at the minute than a nine one eight okay and I've had this conversation with a few of my customers who are in that bracket that would buy one of the two yeah and I you know I'm lucky that I've got both to sell so I don't think every time anybody I know if I had 1.1 1.2 million pounds yeah I put into a p1 and just rather than a nine when a spider simply because great car great car 918 made 350 mate yeah very good point so absolute and the p1 was the first hyper car to follow on from the f1 so there has a little bit of a story I mean how do you say that the p1 is more engaging and fun to drive than a 1918 of course yeah yeah yeah I mean these cars you could date you could debut that yeah it's not when yours at any 1 million would you want to date yet with the weight over your shoulders than a man probably no probably not what I do like about that though even though it's hybrid assist it is still naturally aspirated yeah and the engine is unique to that car yeah whereas the engine in that is please give us a just come down I sometimes if I may if I'm working late them in the office or if I'm watching sports for some office have a few beers yeah yeah and I just sit you know I saw bass me yeah I see you right now David is arguably the best man case in the entire world at that just behind you the lights on this is just amazing it's just see the no daylight you actually light up the cars we've got a wonderful selection going Morgan sir yeah yeah and the air is cooled down yeah yeah how long it take to build it two and a half years well that's a project right yeah we will move very very very meticulous with it then you can return we wanted it's Devon we wanted like the walls in my office the curved wall yeah they had to be specially made along with the rest of the glass but when they come I wasn't happy with the they were quite big joins in the middle and so I send them back doing it yeah so they sent them again and then when they come again like there was still something wrong to send them back do it again so that with everything it's definitely paid up I'm not sure if it's if it's coming through on camera or not but you know when you walk in here you don't you can always feel that this is I can imagine if there was an option of looking at YouTube analytics to see where the most comments were landed in a time frame it's gonna be now yeah I think so let's get any now in here because we're about to this what even though the even though that this this phone exit finance example is actually not that bad no it's not the problem in us the car is too new because you can't actually you are paying a premium for this car yeah being so low miles six four hundred miles that's insane how low is the car trip awesome Oh for ya so it's 15 year old car yeah there's only done six hundred miles as they already service miles for sure yeah on the truck enough yeah but you know what for a 15 year old car you think you would lose that have you said I know what you think you lose I you think you lose that new smell it still smells new the thing just smell Oh God it's like a time warp it is stunning and yeah I think this is one of the cars now looking at it in 2019 in ten years time it is gonna be a five million pound car then my well vaq well I just sold I just sold a - yeah so I saw I sold it to a guy we both know actually and the how solid - he put a story on Instagram of a young crowd et input should have bought one of these when they were Aventador money right and because they were they were they were 200 grand - yeah they were 200 crap and I pulled him up my said look you're gonna miss the boat again you've already missed it once like in a minute these cars are gonna be a million quid yeah like any Carrera GT in a minute's going to be a million quid just like I remember when I was buying their 40s for 400 500 Wow and a good effort you'd be like a really good one would be like 650 now realize that any f40 yeah like any one is a million quid and a good one is 1.5 yeah so I said look you've got to miss the boat again what are you gonna do yeah but you know it hurts me because I could have bought one at 200 then 300 now all of a sudden they're double and they're a bit more and I said look you either buy one now or you forget about it you don't ever buy one and he bought one James this is possible is it I'm gonna stick one up on Instagram [Laughter] so it's a 600-mile car yeah awesome to look at probably not the best if you want to go and drive it No 750,000 pounds I actually think that's not bad I know that sounds insane through the camera yes it sounds insane but it's at actually for a 600 mile er 7 fine find a cheaper car anywhere in the world yeah you know equally yeah let's say Cravens back the equivalent car with less than I say a thousand kilometers yeah find me because there's not one within a hundred thousand pounds yeah so 200k deposit two year interest two thousand seven hundred and eighty nine pounds a month that's in just only you see I think that's four I think that's free motoring that's a good interest only option yeah because it's probably it's free parking if you were the like you might upstairs of the p1 II went to yeah yeah this one to keep it and that one would be crazy money and it would buy yourself paper itself yeah that would definitely pay for it so I mean I think that is pro rata now this is gonna sound weird through a camera's robert pro rata i think that's the best value for money car i've got okay that's interesting quick public service announcement then anyone looking to buy a Carrera GT or for a car to pay for itself this is the one this is the one you just did I always yes by soccer 2004 that you're absolutely right though it does smell ridiculous I love in what direction this videos going the first world problem with the Carrera GT is that because it has a fly off handbrake that sits between the carbon tub and the I know all about same emotion louder man you got to take your watch off because you're either gonna scratch a carbon tub or you can't get your hand down to take off the flower handbrake or you could get it PPF that supremely special yeah so we've done some fairly expensive ridiculous stuff yeah obviously here it is a toy shop for any car enthusiast you can get lost keep talking about million pound two million pound cars you know we also admit we also sell the cheaper cut like quarter of a million dollars shall we do that with the Aventador yes so Aventador s next up this is 650 s Konami how many of these are in the world not many 550 made world like 50 made world one he made world Wow now look at this this is this has got me all over it and it's got Carl a library because I know how much he loves a v12 Lambo and is this am I right in saying one of if not the cheapest Aventador S or more so trading yeah value value for money wise age mileage definitely I mean you might find one with ten thousand more miles on my video too but you know some 3,000 miles it's a great car this is this bamboo yeah 2017 it's just it's just awesome it's just I've had to park it in the far corner of the shows they don't know I know come back tomorrow I don't know what happened so Aventador s 3,000 miles 260,000 pounds 60 K deposit two year interest only 1195 per month Paul that's 1,200 pounds a month yeah to drive that yeah look at me just saying right and then we've got the car next to 2017 Huracan LP 582 the rear-wheel drive this is a 6/10 the 5/8 is upstairs shall we go upstairs to see the final yeah yeah yeah where they've got three supercars on a roof welcome to the loft space what a beautiful array of right-hand drive cars as Carl kindly pointed out because you do see a lot of these cars and which isn't a bad thing but obviously right-hand drive they're much more rare well we're in right hand right country and a lot of these cars even back in back in the 70s and 80s and a lot the limited production run Ferraris and whatnot the predominantly made left-hand Drive yeah so it's about 10% that were made right-hand drive which makes more space which makes it more expensive makes a more collectible make some more rare and it actually makes them easier to sell yeah you know you get a super super motor there's 50s you have no with creamer interior with a handle with yeah yeah yeah and then this 300 okay so it's fairly reasonable yeah fairly reasonable classics are a different field in terms of car finance we're not going to talk about these because residuals and age comes in to factor when it's very top yeah Finance on something like these thank you a niche market that a finance company should really look at yeah because it's obviously less risk yeah well then we're gonna be not going down in value are they not the right one yeah but outside this just three cars hanging on the roof care to explain what the weather's nice it's just nice to be outside yeah yeah and I've just noticed in that 70th that's a 70th yeah carton in Syria the color is hit miss if I'm honest but what's bad about it is I don't particularly like it what's good about it is that someone will you know and it's the only one yeah that's the only one yeah so they made they made four variants on the 70th anniversary they made a California a California and f12 84 88 whether it was a coupe or a spider that they sort of decided and GTC for Lou so clear and they made by around the world somewhere there is a California T in that combination there's an f12 in that combination and there's a loose o in that combination so I have the only one which is that color in the world now if you're a Ferrari collector and you love that color and you've got the California tea in a cup yeah you're gonna want it come see me yeah that is ridiculous but again it makes total sense finance example yes and it is a finance example worth considering this is definitely going to be the cheapest car on Finance but we'll probably have the worst residual well it's interesting because this is the rear-wheel drive though oh yes so I love these things I had one you're not I had one and in the UK they're super rare on that yeah yeah but not really you know people because they're rare people tend to just think they're ever reason obviously no one likes of year but they're not yeah like you know from having one their great underappreciated yeah yeah so LP 580 - two years I've lost on the page now 15,000 miles up for 144 thousand pounds good value for money eight thousand seventeen yep 2017 15,000 pound deposits three-year term 1375 per month 100k balloon five point seven nine percent APR good yes sounds good yeah that's the kind of deal that we do a lot off yeah you know a lot of people come in they want to give a 10% deposit and have the payments as low as possible and around a thousand yeah it's really where they want to be 12 or 13 under so that they know you can get a Lambo for that yep and in this weather that I think the reason why the 580 - - in the UK is underappreciated and not many people order it is because most of the time we don't have good enough weather for it no yeah in America you see all of these in California is all over the plate es that's all five 80s yeah you know I do know what to wear you'll know this as well to drive it on the road to use one you don't feel any difference in power yeah you don't feel any different sinker it if they feel it both exactly the same but obviously when you when you drive it hard you know if you're a good driving you like to drive that's a more fun car yeah the 6/10 is so good it is so grippy like you can lose a bit of fun yeah they both sound the same they both sound great yeah you know 580 horsepower yeah that's that's enough yeah footage somewhere are you having a bit too much fun in yours and we will not be playing that but there we go how about that for not only a show room tour an insight into supercar and hyper car finance I don't remember the last time or ever there was a video on YouTube or something like this no and what a place to do it it's the best place to do the best car yes thank you very much Gerry time 8 bit awesome Cheers absolutely wicked to come down here whilst the way that is absolutely fantastic I'm gonna come back and I'm gonna push the car just get a free test drive but I might ladies and gentlemen head into the link in the description so that you can check out Karl Hartley on Instagram and also the stuff that they've got here thank you very much for watching please give this video a thumbs up subscribe if you haven't already to the notification Bo I'll see you soon peace out good bye
Channel: SOL - Supercars of London
Views: 356,318
Rating: 4.8082395 out of 5
Keywords: supercar, supercars of london, london, lamborghini, lamborghini huracan, audi r8, mercedes amg, vlog, daily vlog, shmee150, seenthroughglass, mrjww, paul wallace, arab supercar, dubai supercar, supercar season, bugatti, ferrari, aston martin, mclaren, lambo, aventador, lifestyle, travel, monaco, supercarsoflondon, ferrari laferrari, buying a hypercar, porsche 918 spyder, mclaren p1, bugatti veyron, buying a bugatti, porsche carrera gt, mrjww porsche, hypercar shopping
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 27sec (1647 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 04 2019
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