The *RANDOM* SEASON 3 BOSS Challenge In Fortnite!

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I have favorited all seven skins from the battle pass and I'm gonna play five games of fortnite and whichever skin I get means I can only use that certain type of Rarity this is from Gray to Legendary and these two are the special ones exotic and Mythic only let's see how we do it okay so for my first game I've got era who is exotic which is quite a problem I don't even know how to get Exotics this season uh like I can buy them but I'm broke because it's a new season this is gonna be difficult it may take a while to get some elims on the ball but I'm not ruining my win rate I want a good performance I think my best luck is getting the key master perk somehow oh wow okay I get oh I got it um now I just need to find one for sale what's happening down here wait what should be like what's that what's that about like okay the pickaxe is always allowed to be used everyone knows this is that a double chest oh my God finally all right sick I can play the game this is incredibly epic all right let's we're on okay it's only a shotgun but it is the one that destroys walls I'm actually very interested to see how this goes okay someone's shooting me through a tree that's wild it's only one type of player that shoots through a tree player that isn't real come here boy they're definitely a fake player like it's just it's just how it is holy hit him pretty hard oh my God if you're getting out like destroyed things first hit oh my God no I was so mean of him he waited for me to break the wall so rude I think he's well aware of what I've got now come on I'm out of mats no are you kidding me man I finally get to play the game oh that's so annoying I actually despise this region I spent freaking 20 minutes finding that gun I was actually ready to crank as well alrighty Optimus it is our time Mythic weapons only so obviously his cyber gun is gonna be the only one we're gonna be using for a while until the bosses spawn then we're gonna get another weapon but getting this gun is gonna be quite hard because it's very lucky to get it but I get it first time I think this is going to be a lot like the Exotic game where I'm just gonna literally run around for about 20 minutes and then maybe get one I I don't know it's actually gonna be like very painful to get this but I go through this pan just for you guys uh well the best thing I can do is hope that the ball spawns here and there's like a 50 chance three out of six chance it spawns here I did I get it I think I did I actually think I did let's go www all right let's go huge W all right we are w we have a gun we can actually play the game we actually get to play the game let's go even this gun I'll take it like it's awful but like I'll take it because I actually have a gun like that's actually just so hard to do all right there we go two mythics on please give me the Optimus one I really want that so much to ask for apparently it is all right time to finally play the game Optimus okay give me that that is not yours Karen oh okay I actually messed up there I was trying to get them to shoot the wall but I couldn't get that to happen all right that's fine though it's fine we've got we've got the Cybertron Mythic all right oh we're actually playing a game now we're actually playing a game I'm so excited I'm so excited she's not there oh we got him with the ball damage no shot dude let's go Optimus the goat okay it's like simple peace control type of Vibes right okay we've got someone else trying to be Cybertron all right we just gotta hook in here can you just like be quiet oh my God excuse me I have to just hang pot wow yeah sick man sick game sick I really do need to get 2V1 uh it really did like that uh game wants to play the game it's legendary only the games today have not been good and you know what I'd go as far as to say that they've been bad yeah no I I would say that it has been so rough to try and win a game here well if I get lucky and get some legendary loot we might be talking but let's make it happen first so if I get this right there's a chance here I can get a legendary gun if I get it wrong I'm getting ripped it all right legendary gun let me play the game let me play the game nope thank you for not letting me play the game that's epic all right so here's the strap we're gonna take this that's gonna rip me up and then we're gonna go to the temple down here and we're gonna try uh let's open the temple without getting killed we're going here giving you this yep yep you have gone Spock's up box up box up okay we've got three shots of the legendary let's go oh money we got one all right it's not a good one but it is one all right uh that's not good can we get another one please no legendary please yeah okay wow there's like no Shields out of that that's disgusting look we can work with the thermal demo it's just so much recoil this season like I swear I didn't recall that much last season but now it does yeah I kind of want to run away I'm gonna use them white okay we gotta kill I think that one was actually AI yeah see what I mean it's just got so much more recoil yeah this one's screaming AI oh no he's actually real all right Pro for you yo I actually feel bad I thought the car was actually AI I mean maybe we might get by with this thermal DMR oh maximum rifles have reproduce recoil it's huge foreign why are we throwing grenades when they deal no damage does everybody know they don't do anything anymore pretty much oh here we go is the karma I don't know where it goes okay this is a very cheeky way of camping got him wow I think that was the guy who's pressing me as well oh no it wasn't that's the guy underneath me we're making this work with the DMR yeah we're going on the top here I mean it is kind of oh wow it's scary I'm hiring this guy because he'll scan people for me how much ammo does she have oh what a Play Let's Go I still can't believe I'm doing this all with a DMR but I do have the recoil reduce I wonder how good that is here we go how did I miss those I took the bait took the bait what's going on man how can I see this guy okay I didn't get any legendaries but I did get a slug juice the other thing that's so good is that they all think that like the bot is the Real Player so they attacked the ball it's like so sick in the mud I can't see him how many people want to fight me when I'm in the bush like I actually love it but that guy was mudded if you guys didn't see my myth video I talked about that myth if they're in the mod then they don't show up in thermal vision it's actually hella great it's funny because I cracked I get crazy now he's running away I'm actually chasing that guy I'm so low did you crack him out of this oh no he killed my dude so epic no come on man this is why this game I'm running that guys with a legendary DMR like I'm doing that I'm really that guy and you're gonna just not give me siphon and you're gonna kill me and it's just like I can only do so much I I can only do so much oh I fumbled the edit but bruh I wasn't living if I just got just give me time oh I'm so sad and Matt all right green is a very safe Rarity we haven't won a game yet and to be honest I'm not okay with it in fact I'm quite upset about it games have been Ultra triggering to be honest but that's okay we go again I will win one of these games I'm also like hot dropping these games and if I die of Spawn I am playing again this can only go great I've got the drop no I'm not even wait let me get this it's a Havoc oh this is elephant topic it is where is he bullets come on give me a grin huge why did he do that Goku's just powering up see how we get shot back oh it's actually the best start I've had yet I'll tell you the flapjack rifle oh wait it's been a minute since I've done one of these these are always fun I got to ride there I think I thought I wouldn't see him there okay we're Ultra sweating right now not gonna lie uh give me the Havoc I'm gonna miss the drum but like give me the Habit you know what I mean like I'm actually not not gonna not gonna be said like I'm actually sick of it actually wow that raptor is like a goat now the goat's gone like the side of the mountain that's crazy what's he doing up there okay I wonder what crazy funky way we're gonna die this time it's just disappointing because my inventory is maxed I can't get any stronger than this okay quick you're hard scan boy what do you think you're doing oh I missed that shot a little bit there all right we do be fragging though come on give me more than one hit that's disgusting who's the guy around here oh come on man did my guy just hit a snipe did you hit a snipe I I think my guy that I hired hit a snipe that's crack if he did foreign game left I've won this is my last game this is my last game it's a day later but the internet is back and we only have one game left the color for this one is purple yes I should have been doing this the whole time but I only just thought about it okay so purple's the mission uh I believe this one is very doable if we get a purple gun out of here um but I'm really not trying to post five L's yeah no before we jump into this gameplay of the last game I just gotta say that Europe servers fair play Shout out to you guys in Europe man like you guys know how to game it's actually incredibly infuriating to play against you guys I think the biggest problem or not problem but difference is that you guys don't have any bots in your games like there's literally like one or two Bots a game I will find the rest are just all real players and they're just absolutely ruining me well I wouldn't say ruining I think the problem is my gameplay Style and what I've uploaded on YouTube for the longest time has just been I'm buying this I don't care I'm buying it I I need it I didn't say I couldn't buy I just had to use purple weapons my gameplay style is the key all right and after I'm done keying I key the next guy and after that the next guy like it's just a religious game of keying non-stop until I win but the problem is I'm not winning anymore I'm actually just losing because I'm keying 20 people in a row and they're all real players no Bots no AIS I mean this guy's a bit interesting I mean he was a real player and it's just like hot because statistically I'm gonna come across one player who's actually just going to ruin me wait what steps it is but I'm confused those footsteps 50 I'll take that what are you so dead all right let's go GG this has been the worst playing experience of my life I actually hate this because yeah I can't win 15 real fights in a row what how did that Miss what it's like lagging like I swear that shot I oh 10 packet loss what's going on here yo somebody in the house is breathing guys who's who's downloading okay it's gone now but that was actual grief that's our cringe also like so many people in this region do that where they just hide what like I was only white and he was doing that he was serious he had no Shields and you were running at me with a Cybertron County no wonder you were hiding like a little rat all right I need to get out of here before I die again okay I've got a flackjack rifle it's actually a w all right so we've got three more purple weapons or chances sniper there we go already W all right ready to game for Sniper now two Let's Go epic why crazy did I not hire this okay I must not have I need to wait for my scan to come through here we go there it is you have been scanned okay we were hard sweating there apologies but also don't care oh no what am I doing man how am I almost folding the Groot like that oh my God like I was not a good player it's so embarrassing all right top ten oh we just got cyber blasted and again all right why am I doing that guy's arguably one of the worst players I've gone up against now I'm getting keyed by the guy rifting in for sure I would have thought for sure the guy who just got the Mythic is gliding in on me I need to get a medkit in ASAP oh 126. come on that guy heard that crack you're welcome you're welcome for the crack I hate the fact that I have to fight with light low Shield ready here's the deal oh literally Get Wrecked kid like literally Get Wrecked like actually just get so pwned it's actually ridiculous how bad you just got pwned Tony man storm goes fast in this one didn't have subjects I think I'd Die there it's only four up all right chilling yeah I'm actually gonna play zone I'll get headshot Snipes it is what it is that was terrifying oh my God that was terrifying where's the other guy he's definitely creeping oh my God my heart was racing with so many errors in that fight as well oh it's like all my mats bro I've had a heart rate monitor right now you don't know what it's going off at when it was in the box I thought it was dead for sure here he is the full John Wick no shot it's not real no shot I'm talking up Europe like it's crazy and that's the last one you're trolling oh we got it done they didn't believe in me they didn't believe me but I got it done oh can't believe you're giving me a John Wick AI as the last guy you gotta be trolling me that was the hardest game in fortnite I've played in a very long time actually no it wasn't really that it was all the other games I played yesterday just like Mission Impossible leave a like going down below catch you guys next time peace
Channel: Lachlan
Views: 575,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite battle royale, fortnite, lachlan, lachy, duos, new season, battle royal, lacy, laclan, epic games, gaming, esports, games, video games, poggies, battle royale, warzone, pubg, lachydachy, power, pwr, rocketleague, rlcs, fortniteupdate, update, battlepass, battle, pass, season 3, transformer, boss, challenge
Id: 279mdzlGB64
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 29sec (1049 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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