The *RANDOM* MAX LEVEL Challenge in Fortnite!

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to reach max level in the season six battle pass you have to be level 225 when you do that you unlock golden turana razz and spire assassin which all looks so freaking awesome well i hit max level that i'm gonna randomize these three skins and depending on which one i get and a coin flip i can only use a certain color weapon to try and win the game if i get tarana it's going to be gray or green weapons only raz will be blue or purple and finally spire assassin will be gold or exotic weapons only now let's see which max level skin i get did you know that if you hit the like button it turns white blue black apparently too bad an update for some people so hit that like button let me know what color changes for you in the comments also youtube is telling me that out of everyone that watches my videos 69 of you are not subscribed that's absolutely insane because i upload every single day so make sure you don't miss out by subscribing with the bell right now and if you want to support me for free make sure to use code typicalgamer all in word in the item shop seriously big shout out to everyone using my code first up we got razz and with him it's gonna be blue or purple weapons only blue if it's heads purple of his tail so let's go ahead and flip it and it is tails which means it's gonna be purple weapons only that's gonna be tough but uh here goes nothing all right so for purple weapons only i got a bit of a strategy i'm gonna land over here at the spire tower and uh get a weapon and take out the spire lady i'm gonna offer myself a nice purple weapon to start things off here these styles are actually so cool they're one of my favorite edit styles that they did for the battle pass recently okay hopefully this pistol will be enough what's in here okay yeah this should be enough to take out the lady lady where you at uh yeah i don't understand what you're saying but yeah yeah you getting shredded absolutely finesse get your butt over here all right let me drop all this we don't need any of that get this purple perfect and let's go ahead and mini up honestly the purple uh purple uh primal rifle is pretty freaking good if you ask me let me go ahead and just yay oh that didn't really work and let me just check in here see if there is uh there is a bunker chest please give me a purple please give me a purple a gold scar the only time i'm ever upset to see the gold freaking scarf i got an idea though i got an idea i still need like a shotgun a shotgun would make this uh the perfect scenario for me really up the odds of getting this done so let me head over over here to this uh little medal of tomato and burger heads farm them out real quick and then we're gonna go pay uh a little visit to mr uh burger head oh wait let me pop this big pop first that's pretty important for uh survival okay we have arrived oh hello and goodbye chicken farmer 17. i'm not joking that's his name absolutely rolled he didn't even wow okay he was kind of damn bad wasn't he all right mr gut bomb what do you got for me let me get a bounty from you and let me go ahead and uh um i got an idea boom challenge them get this little gas canister going set it on fire baby careful with that explodey oh oh he's pretty violent it don't shoot don't you oh my gosh ah i got a purple pump baby i'm unstoppable that's how we get it done with the razz baby give me all that give me all i got all that i got everything i need and more maybe wait maybe there's like peppers here peppers would be phenomenal and there is one pepper perfect all right let's eat the pepper and let's move get on our way here get ourselves a nice little truck and let's go see what's happening over at holly hedges all right holly hedges has some people farmed this out i don't see anyone though wow somebody really went ham over here what on earth happened here oh my gosh oh [Music] oh my gosh she came out of nowhere and got absolutely rolled he did all this that was uh he's doing ah he kind of gotta win him i just wanted the tires man that's all i came over here for there we go yeah these tires these tires right here man let me let me see did i get them on well it was a no looker oh that's a big rig baby we're ready to roll more people i saw someone say in the comments before but if i'm in your game you do not want me having a purple pump because it might be game over for you i think a lot of people in this lobby are about to find that out and to put that theory to the test we're headed over to bone burbs i'm curious do you guys like all this primal stuff do you think they should keep them next season let me know your thoughts in the comment section i'm gonna read through them all and uh see what you guys think i can't find anybody at the moment nobody was in bonaburbs i'm thinking top of the map over here in your risky reels maybe the spire we got a lot of gas in this thing we're ready to run it okay this is a little suspicious here oh oh oh see a guy looting he hears me i think [Music] ow i didn't expect to be so aggressive that kind of heard it go ahead and pop all this i'll be okay i'll be fine it was just a uh just a flash food just some flesh wound not a big deal okay let's pick all this up and let me pop this pepper get the shockwave grenade and what do i hear over here i hit him for 20 damage i just want to put that out there real quick oh mechanical shockwave another purple two okay i'm so glad that actually we got purple big shout out to uh heads or tails the coin there it really seems to have worked out for me not gonna lie okay this is his car where did my car go i i um i'm having trouble locating it if i get a more bird's eye view oh gosh the storm i have no idea where it is you know i'm just gonna take his all right come on now get on out of there okay it's a little damaged how do i know that well visually and also i damaged it okay we got a very interesting little loot over here good to know check over on this side here i'm thinking at least one person's gonna come over from colossal crops oh oh i was right here we go here goes nothing oh that didn't help that really didn't launch me anywhere i hit the car i guess [Music] i kind of boxed them up dude [Music] oh my gosh i feel bad from i just completely boxed them that was uh down horrendous honestly okay here's some shots over here we're gonna dip the vehicle we're gonna leave it behind [Music] oh my gosh i i i didn't know where he was i'm gonna be honest but it kind of worked out several lives we're popping up i am feeling so utterly cracked right now well look crack though do you guys think i'm cracked i think this guy was down here maybe oh this is where the guy's loot was oh look at all that oh fancy stuff okay we will rotate this way ye keep our eyes peeled for anybody looking all across the map here i want to pick up all these eliminations all of them oh there's a guy over there oh no bro i'm sorry i think i put that floor yeah i trapped them above here that's actually kind of funny oh my gosh the capture is sold oh oh not that other guy okay let me heal up i need to reload the shotgun for sure too we gotta find this guy oh this guy's annoying no he took my limb oh my goodness that was filthy we're gonna switch it up for this car but i'm loving how this game is going up i'm feeling cracked i'm gonna be honest nine a limbs purple weapons only i should just always rock purple weapons just never look for anything else if i don't have purple weapon it's it's not it you know i got to keep searching take the zip line here itch my nose have this big patches in case look around i see some builds over there i'm just gonna go investigate seems like there would be someone here but alas there is not if i had to best guess i would say that they're probably in lazy lake oh what is this oh oh no my guy went afk we're gonna hit him with it we're gonna hit him with it ah we're going all the way up bro you have one l i don't even want to hear it no someone else is gonna eliminate you chill okay there we go we got we literally have only three other people in this lobby so we gotta just make this happen right now i gotta reload everything and prepare for battle okay i'm gonna assume one person's in oh i think i just saw like a wood piece building finish they don't hear anything though i don't know how much of a human this guy is but cute we're gonna hit him with the belt we're gonna hit him with about oh 12 eliminations we start off not getting a lot of limbs and now we're uh now we're going kind of crazy with it now we're going editing course on them oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh where are y'all at two more of you what comes up moscow oh box like a fish hi fire last person gonna be honest no idea where he is oh big hit oh my gosh oh my gosh i almost died okay think about this for a second think about this for one second that thing hurt not gonna lie oh goodnight let's go first try i've been getting all these challenges first try recently and it feels so freaking good it really does y'all love to see it g freakin g baby the random max power skin challenge oh this guy's got an exclusive emo the dream stance look at this absolutely insane lines thanks for watching actually i picked you these two videos go ahead and click one quick there's about three seconds till this video is over so do it now three two one goodbye
Channel: TG Plays
Views: 904,080
Rating: 4.9586225 out of 5
Id: uIi9snqsd6k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 13sec (673 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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