The Randi Show - Nostradamus

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welcome to the Randi show I am Brian Thompson from the James Randi Educational Foundation and with me as always is the man himself James Randi hi everyone how have you been uh I've been alright it's been a busy busy week and I heard I don't know if this is true but somebody told me that you have a fairly impressive artifact that's coming to you section I came upon this this is is an edition of Nostradamus of the predictions of Nostradamus the prophet II and what's interesting about it is this is the only one that I guess you can see that very accurately there this is from 1668 which is a later edition 1555 with the first and this is from 1668 but there are many editions of it the interesting thing about this particular one here this is the besides literally the same measurement and size nearly as the original book of Nostradamus good paper was a pretty valuable in those days you know and there's nonsense anyway so going to print nonsense print is small but this edition is not listed anywhere in the bibliography of the editions of the prophecies of Nostradamus which is very interesting to me I'd like to know if I've got something really extremely rare on my hands this is one what are these things as our good friend and Google remain nameless at the moment because he blushes easily Luzerne and our main sponsor over the years who deals in rare books and he bought a lot from Sotheby's in the UK and this little book list tucked away didn't mind a leather-bound it's beautifully beautifully done beautifully done and this is a rewinding by the way certainly wasn't done in 1668 but it is really beautifully done let's say and it says right there knots prevalence which you're going to probably read if you're very careful okay and away this is interesting to me because it's not listed in any of the very plentiful biographies partly the bibliographies of the prophecies of nostradamus so I don't know that the extremely rare only one was printed I'm not too sure but the differences in the different editions of Nostradamus are very interesting too there was one that came wrong and I have to check this one out I haven't had the opportunity to look at it there are a couple of prophecies there that that very distinctly refer to Cardinal Richelieu in France who was a very controversial character and they obviously were doted upon by readers of the prophecies because they they doomed him to hell and he was going to be cast down from his high office and such the problem was that those two quadrants don't exist in any other edition of Nostradamus because this was printed up as a political move can you mate and that's really gone far out to have these thousands of prophecies printed here in a Tandy book like that and all bound very carefully to introduce quad rains that weren't in the original and I guess they sent a copy of debris sugar and said so there haha but reference to any other copy of the process we showed that those were invented and the French was totally different to the French the old French says Oh F officially old French is very very strange I'm sure it's as weird as folks like me who were forced to memorize parts of The Canterbury Tales and can barely recognize that as English yeah yeah yeah oh yes sooo music coming in and a few things like that yes yeah well in a way that's a historian five miles lace and recently invention this is going into the the the big mechanical safe now said we actually have the safe along with my 16 no 15 60 at 1568 edition of Nostradamus consider weirder than that and my discovery of witchcraft doing the very old copies of it that survived James the as it came to the first of England view is James the second of Scotland it's a very complicated thing I mean there's James the first of England there's James the amazing of Toronto yeah there you yeah thank you thank you very much yes so I'll ask you have to ask me one question about the circuitry have you ever been tempted to doom your enemies via coded quatrain in French no and I my french is almost intolerable there's undertow under tois cat's axis set witness disk this is French Canadian French that's the way they count Tim in Canada and Parisians just shudder when they they hear this kind of pronunciation the Randy show is a production of the James Randi Educational Foundation to learn more about how we promote science and critical thinking go to Randy's org you
Channel: JamesRandiFoundation
Views: 218,701
Rating: 4.7896399 out of 5
Keywords: The Randi Show, JREF, skepticism, science, James Randi, Nostradamus
Id: _ybf6t05jXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 08 2012
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