The Racist Glaswegian | Kevin Bridges: The Story So Far

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we will feed about a racial animosity in this city in glasgow when we get well terrorist attack remember that glasgow airport we've got our own little terrorist attack pretty proud of that can i put us on the map islamic fundamentalist attacked new york madrid london and then glasgow we were [ __ ] flattered my dad did a tear in his eyes a proud day son [Music] that's what's on the telly look i've been there of bartel and everybody had a laugh but terrorism does have a negative side it did create a kind of racial divide i witnessed this first hand on a train going down south on this train just me sitting here and a middle-aged guy sitting just along a bit a couple of stops later a woman of asian appearance voted to train and sat beside the middle-aged guy who immediately stood up and walked away y'all seen that following snakes on a plane this was jake's on a train right that's stood up and just walked away and sat beside me he started to nudge me a scumbag presumes that you're also going to be a scumbag nudging me and he's pointing and he said i don't i don't fancy sitting beside her pal no chance she'll be one of one of those suicide bombers i'm taking no chances thought i can see your logic here mate you thought she might be a suicide bomber so you've came and sat four seats away seriously underestimating the power of semtex i think she's got a stink bomb [Applause] him [Applause] [Music] all right that is disgusting has been a terrorist attack is absolutely ringing you're stuck with a guy the whole way going down south going to london the guy said you're going to london and i said i'm going to london and he said i don't like london guys look me and you me we're the formals in london they're coming over here mate and they're speaking punjabi i said punjabi it was pretty funny they were speaking punjabi they're wearing these boxes mate this is our country if they want to come in our country they should at least be adapting to our culture and i'm looking at this guy thinking about when he goes abroad he really blends in walking about lanzarote looking for a greggs you don't understand my accent ideally record your dick give me a quick or you're getting [Applause] stamped you
Channel: Kevin Bridges
Views: 1,289,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kevin Bridges, Kevin Bridges Stand Up, British Comedy, Comedy, Stand Up Comedy, Glasgow, Scotland, comedy, universal comedy, universal, stand up, stand up comedy, comedian, kevin bridges racism on train, kevin bridges racism, kevin bridges any racists in, kevin bridges full show, kevin bridges bus stop, kevin bridges donald trump, kevin bridges graham norton, kevin bridges would i lie to you, kevin bridges horse, kevin bridges jesus, kevin bridges stand up, kevin bridges prophetic
Id: 5VtbnhqwaYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 47sec (287 seconds)
Published: Fri May 28 2021
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