The Race of Gentlemen Experience

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[Music] this race is just like kind of revived to me what was an error of just raw natural experience [Music] we gotta pee thank you so raise the gentlemen are so much more than just a rape it was the time travel of them essentially you know you you can be a racer you can be a spectator you can be part of the crew or part of the staff and you know every bit of the event feels like you've just kind of stepped back in time [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] the crowd loves it and everybody faces just smile a new year kids I mean it's for everyone the old-timers can relate to it because maybe they've seen that you know in their past when they're younger whereas like the newer crowd has never seen it heard about it never be able to see that in person so it's pretty cool most people today that have an old motorcycle they just want to put around on the road and drive 40 miles an hour and the people out there on the beach want to try to blow them up so [Music] unlike any other race in existence I guess is we get to take our motorcycles out on the beach and run them like they did back in the day you know strip-down conducting Harley's trying to go stops we possibly can there's just so much energy everywhere so these all kinds of like cars revving up and bikes revving up and you know it's friends all around you and there's so much that I don't even know how to explain it it's really something [Music] and then a the feeling of those cars coming down and the bikes coming down I was just like oh this is like a living museum and I think that for me as an artist as well being raw is really important because that's the real feeling of it that's the real expression of it people that come in from all over now and and put on a show or you know you know swap stories and shake hands and you can leave something people from all over the world from all over the country like it's just a big group of friends and family that meet up every year I need I need this in my life I need to be a part of this [Music] this race exposes a whole new generation to what was going on back then shows the history of it shows how these things were up it's cool because you look back at these old books and you're just like wow these guys were doing it you know back in the 30s you can go to a car show but you don't hear Marana don't seem sand fine you don't see beautiful girls jumping up and down with a checkered flag and this is like in in life and breathing it's so neat you know like they're actually moving and racing and people with dressed and this is like at like eight o'clock in the morning I'm psyche wait a second I'm like pulling my camera out and like trying to like put lenses on it was a game-changer it was like racing on the beach on a bike you cannot describe that to somebody no fans at six o'clock in the morning which warming up and the fans are starting to roll in because they want to get good see the requirements for Trog are pretty specific they are you know pretty 1947 motorcycles in pre nineteen thirty-six cars a period Park you know of the error I think it's a pretty important part all said and done because it's basically weeds out the people that aren't dedicated to do what you know the reason gentleman vision is like when you see a photograph you know question what you're taking instead of putting these bikes and cars and museums or shows and just standing around talking about it we actually put them to work you know you have a lot of fun on over see them in action [Music] better entertainment in any car so my opinion it's just it's hard to put in the words running a knucklehead down the beach oh the world we live in now is such a disposable world and and the equipment that we're racing is the absolute opposite of that it's special things that folks have held on to for generations even sometimes you know racing your grandfather's car or or racing your dad's you know old bike that he wrapped and sat in the garage for 40 50 years and now you had a chance to rebuild it and get out and go they were all innovators they opened up the doors and created all these products and tried this and that what worked what didn't work so we've learned a lot from you know our elders in that in that period of time a camaraderie of people who share a love and have a passion that's so deep-rooted for for this art really you're getting the shot you're seeing the bike you're watching the car at the same time you're leaving with an experience [Music] you
Channel: Mark Foster
Views: 27,705
Rating: 4.9731545 out of 5
Keywords: trog, mark foster director, real people director, documentary, the race of gentlemen, mel stultz, harley davidson, hd museum, woggles
Id: wPdpwdzcwWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 25sec (385 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2017
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