The Queen’s Favourite Bangers & Mash Recipe | Royal Recipes | Real Royalty with Foxy Games

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food served on the grandest tables is so much more than just a meal historically these extravagant dishes were created to represent power they also set fashions nowadays royal food is all about showcasing the best of british in celebration of royal food we know it's the queen's recipe because we've got it in our own hand from the present and the past that is proper regal we recreate old family favorites now the queen mother had this really wicked trick with these what a mess we sample royal eating alfresco oh wow that is what you want and revisit the most extravagant times pheasants stag turkey salmon oysters and turban dressed in a lobster champagne sauce unbelievable this is royal recipes hello i'm michael burke and welcome to royal recipes this is ordly end one of britain's finest stately homes built in the style of a royal palace and once owned by a king in the splendor of the gardens halls and kitchen of this grandest of country houses we'll be recreating the food served at the highest royal tables and it all starts here with this gem a royal kitchen maids cookbook the only surviving recipe book of its kind in the royal archive this is an exact copy of the original which is kept at windsor castle inside the recipes of mildred nichols who worked at buckian palace in the early 1900s and for the first time in over a hundred years we'll be bringing these recipes back to life this time we cook food that reflects the royal family's love of the countryside right so today in the royal recipe's kitchen chef anna ha tries sausage making using the queen's favorite meat pheasant you might be looking to get a cocktail sauce it's quite a process it's quite an art i think lord ivor shows dr matt green the rich history of a shooting estate created by a maharaja and adored by royalty said george there that's right king george and the queen and we follow prince charles's example and go foraging for mushrooms that's worth picking [Music] in the kitchen wing of this glorious stately home we start our celebration of the royals country pursuits with the recipe from the early days of the queen's reign and a firm favorite with the queen mother hello and welcome to the grand kitchen with me and a top shepherd a london restaurant where the young royals go yes they do from time to time down the ages most of our kings and queens have been country lovers and when it comes to eating they're really fond of game what are you going to do for us today well i don't blame them i love game myself and today i'm actually going to make a royal recipe this is a recipe from the queen mother's cook and it's galantine of game gallantine galantine so galantine usually would be like a kind of sausage shape kind of um type of terrain cylindrical rather than yes but today i'm going to keep it with the traditional terrine mold just because it's easier to kind of shape it and so i've lightly cooked off pheasant and partridge breasts here and then the legs i've just kind of pulsed in a blender while they were raw them and i'm going to mix it with a little bit of sausage meat and then pack it in nice and tightly so first of all i'm just going to give these a bit of a slice you want to kind of cut them about a centimeter thick yeah so that we can nicely line it up on top i mean they're still slightly warm these are i'm sure you can smell them there's a lovely kind of like a mild yes go on get in there [Music] yeah it's lovely yeah but if you if you're not a fan of game this could you do with chicken yeah originally this would have been done with chicken but i mean when you live in a country like the uk this is some of the best game in the world in this country and it's a i think it's a great shame that once it's in season that we don't kind of avail of it but yes if you wanted to use chicken you could or actually it's very good for using a little bit of leftovers as well so if you had like your roast kind of chicken you could do that with a little bit of um sausage meat and you could pack it in okay so i'm going to start this is a royal recipe no chicken here this is a royal recipe that's exactly right okay so i'm going to mix the two meats here together it's pretty simple um but you just want to make sure that it's completely combined um tell me why the sausage meat um the sausage meat is a good kind of filler and the flavor of the the pork meat is very nice then we're going to wrap it in bacon as well so it kind of all gels in very nicely together so just give it a good mix so that it's nice and evenly kind of distributed the sausage meat that i have is from a local butcher it's already kind of seasoned so it's a bit fattier obviously than the game isn't it actually you're right there's a good fat content um in the sausage meat which gives a good richness to the gallanteen in the olden days would they would they have wrapped it in bacon like that they may not have no actually they they probably would have just had this in a cylindrical mold so it looks like a large sausage and then they would have sliced it and set it in gelatine or aspic or possibly set the entire one in aspect as well if big they were they did love aspect and i think that because we don't use it anymore it seems kind of bizarre to us but it was a a method of how you preserved it because it stopped the oxygen getting into the meat ah it was a preservative yes yes i like the taste of it why has it gone out of fashion uh i don't know because i don't like the taste of it so maybe it's us cooks that have signed its death warrant there's a little bit more in there okay and then oh you're sticking a layer of the of the of the breast in yeah at that stage yeah yeah the royals are lots of pheasants to play with weren't they so fond of hunting and shooting and fishing and everything yeah yeah in fact i think edward vii bought sandringham in norfolk you know one of the royal households uh for its shooting principal before it's shooting and the estate is actually laid out as a shooting estate but you could imagine that though waking up in the morning going out with your your team of friends and and and shooting the game bringing it back into a kitchen like this and creating recipes like this i i just think it's wonderful i really do and i think it's a great shame that sometimes recipes like this are just kind of not as popular as they should be because once you've made this this is going to last you days yeah and traditionally this is eaten cold you know this would be a kind of cold larder starter and i just think although it takes a little bit of time to make there's an awful lot of satisfaction to recipes like this and you don't really have to be a royal do you i mean the pheasants and partridges and things are in the in the season absolutely are pretty widely available absolutely yeah i would completely agree are they expensive i mean everything's all relative but no i would not say it's an exceptionally uh expensive meat um it wouldn't be any more expensive than duck it's a kind of vegetarians look away now [Laughter] so michael would you reckon that you'd give this a go i think i could do this yeah but i think i think i'm a i think i'm an undiscovered cooking talent actually so i'm going to take the credit of that so when you make your first cookery book you've done that delicately that actually works right to the last spoonful well was that just your skill just my skill that's all it comes down to so i'm going to pack this in lovely and tightly to make sure that i don't have any little air pockets and essentially that is all the hard work almost done i'm just going to close it up now look you left a bit of peasant yes just for you a little snack keep those energy levels up okay i'm going to fold this over like this and then a few more slices just to make sure that there's no bits of mince make sure it's going to stay sealed yes yeah no it will it'll all kind of cook together i think i should be able to fold them over now yeah well they look very neat doesn't it yeah and what you see when i turn it out it's super neat and you could understand actually why they would set it in the kind of gelatin or the aspect when you when you see this turned out okay okay so all i'm going to do now is wrap it in some tinfoil [Music] give it a good kind of squeeze all around and then i'm just going to cook it in a tray of hot water and this just helps with the kind of even cooking of the of the turin so you need to cook this for about an hour and a half at about 160 degrees i'm just going to give my hands a quick wash because i've been handling raw meat and i'm just about to reveal how our terrine is going to look our galantine's going to look oh i love this bit yes can i do the uh reveal please one two three isn't it beautiful it's lovely isn't it it's beautiful what are what are the shiny bits down yeah that's the size that is the natural kind of gelatine that has come out of the this one aspect yeah exactly exactly hmm [Music] yep yes oh oh look at that yeah wouldn't that be lovely just sitting around a table with your friends a cheeky glass of or one or two super a supper for a royal and you'd take it cold like this yeah traditionally gallanteen would have been served uh cold and balantine which is almost the same idea but that would be served hot now how do we eat this did we have it on toast on toast maybe with a little bit of fig chutney could be quite nice yes yeah i think something with a little bit of kind of sweetness acidity and a bit of spice goes so well with game have a knife and fork thank you right that's fantastic oh yes it's quite solid yeah here we go the chutney goes so well it does you kind of need a bit of the chunky with it oh yes but although it is game it's not overpowering game i don't think it's the scariest game in the world to make a smidge oh the queen mum's cook knew what she was doing a delicious and simple way for the royals to enjoy the game shot for their table [Music] shooting parties have always been part of royal life the mania grand shooting estate was created specifically to attract that patronage elviden in suffolk is one such a state its current owner is the fourth earl of either edward guinness good morning good morning he's agreed to share its past with historian dr matt green this is fantastic this is our van this van has been with us since 1934 1934 it's what the shooting guns have always been driven around in a suitably vintage start to the day the guinness family have owned the 17 000 acre estate since 1894 but elviden was a firm favorite of the royals even before then it was queen victoria's close friend the punjabi maharaja duluth singh who bought it some 30 years earlier and set about building its hunting reputation with juliep singh elberton became one of the finest shoots in the country apparently one day he he killed 760 game birds with a thousand shots with a thousand that's almost a 100 success rate it was considered extremely good one of the top 10 shots of his day are you that good uh forever if it wasn't a challenge it wouldn't be fun the game birds are safe with me okay elviden was the perfect place for the maharaja to entertain his neighbor the prince of wales who owned the seven thousand acre sandringham estate just across the county border in norfolk and it was a whole kind of social occasion they had some delicious food and drink yeah and um julie zing got so large he needed to be seated while shooting on her oh really on a wicker chair right which rotated so that he could face the game birds from whichever direction they came from he could swivel around edward vii george v and george vi all shot here at elverden and no shooting party was complete without lunch so so where are we over this way yeah this wood here is the duke of york wood shoots would stop off and enjoy their lunch and they would um you know have the most amazing array of food which was all laid out in a market over here i mean in a marquee yes really it's amazing to kind of picture that isn't it because the prince of wales himself would have been out there after a successful morning then this almost by magic this marquee would appear and they'd be in there having this lavish banquet exchanging excitable tales quaffing down fine wines and then going back out there must have been amazing and and if only the trees could talk all the stories and the wonderful tales that were told there's plenty to tell from lord ivor's family archive it includes detailed records of those lunches and the illustrious guests come in matt thank you this is my great great grandmother's book it's a photograph album that she took with her and many of her guests signed and she's put in some beautiful photographs and she oh well these are really old and so this is essentially a collection of photographs of the shoot and what about this picture here talking of lunch are these the kind of pop-up dining halls they used to have their meals in the middle of the shoot where they were they were dining at the duke of york wood wow um so the trees have grown but the place is the same and what are these signatures so they're all the host guests okay said george there was that bird that's right king george was the king and um the queen and here we go churchill and there's even a picture of edward vii himself it's amazing to see these it's a really vivid trip down memory lane that's right not at all a great pleasure shooting parties are still a part of life today on some royal estates apparently anna pheasants are the queen's very favorite game bird was probably a good job because they shoot an awful lot a lot of them especially over christmas boxing day is apparently the big shooting day and prince philip used to i think his doctors advised him not to used to be shooting these birds and the queen was involved in picking them up apparently or at least collecting them just imagine the two of them there is a couple out kind of doing such a traditional british hobby and prince philip likes cooking i think yeah i heard he he did like to cook and also when they would uh shoot the pheasant any of the leftovers he would bring to the local butcher and they would make pheasant sausages didn't want to see anything wasted exactly and are you gonna do those pheasants i'm gonna make pheasant sausages but i've never made them before so i'm following this this this old pheasant recipe for sausages and i'm going to give it a go so fingers crossed that i make edible sausages so what have you got there right so the first thing i'm going to do is i have some sausage meat some chopped up streaky bacon and minced pheasant because pheasant isn't the obvious thing to have in the sausage is it because of very little fat on it no very little fat but i think there's a good flavor to lend very well if you match it up with the kind of fattiness of your your sausage meat and your your bacon i think it's going to go really well and then i'm just going to put like a little hint of spice in there as well to give it a bit more interest so um let's get going so i'm going to stick them all in smoky bacon yes yep just give it a little extra bit of flavor you're gonna mix them all together mix them all together actually and i'll just pop the spice in there now what spices are there so um a pinch of nutmeg and then another pinch of allspice and i'm just mixing it in here with the sausage meat the chopped bacon and then the minced pheasant and just give it a good mix and then i'm going to use a kind of sausage attachment on mixer this is the bit i'm dying to see yes well i mean i'm dying to see if i can make it you're not you don't make sausages as a general rule no i mean i would do boudins and i would do um different you know sausage shapes but not actual traditional sausages which i think is is great i'm quite interested to see how this is going to go i'm quite nervous quite nervous should i hold it yes make sure right so the recipe says i need to spoon it in there put a little bit extra on the side switch this little bad boy on [Music] and let's get sausage making can you push it all down like that yeah slow process yeah hope you've got no plans for the afternoon and you've got the sausage skins already on the end there do you want me to do that should i should i press that down yeah if you keep spooning i will i don't know how hungry you are uh makeup with you might be looking to get a cocktail sauce it's quite a process it's quite an art yeah oh yes now that's a proper looking sausage it's not as easy as it looks this you know i mean we could keep going all day with this we could we could should i put a bit more in no definitely not let's nip this in the bud switch it off okay a little tie that's quite good with your help there michael i was able to i think that was a crucial element actually yes absolutely now now i've got to twist them into sausages okay so i think we should get three out of here yeah if i do that like that and then just give them a twist twist oh twist okay pheasant sausages three thousand sausages there i'm quite proud of that they do look good actually yeah so the next step is to fry your sausages in a pan a little bit of butter a little bit of garlic and thyme goes delicious with some mashed potato and this is a potato of course of course bangers and mash but this is a cider gravy so you've got chicken stock very little bit of flour caramelized onion in here and a little secret to this is a spoonful of english mustard yeah so you've got the sharpness of the cider and you've also got the hint of mustard just to take off the fattiness of the sausage and then maybe just a little pinch of brown sugar in there as well just to give it a bit of sweetness just give that a nice little stir they probably needed recipes for leftovers because you know so many pheasants get shot on these uh on these occasions king edward was so keen on shooting that he had the clocks advanced by half an hour at sandringham so he could spend more of the day shooting what do you think they used to go at sandringham time that's brilliant yeah okay oh i love your mash creamy what's the secret with that being irish i think what you're good with potatoes yeah oh yes yes yes now that is what i call a sausage and you put them on top that's your cheffy bit isn't it that's my chevy picture yes well you know pizzazz okay now our lovely gravy it's very traditional would you would you serve it with any other vegetables no no i think just like this is is exactly what you want yeah yeah on a cold winter's day exactly so there you have it pheasant sausage cider gravy and creamy yes please bring it on a knife and fork a few knife and full for me go on go on you made them oh yes they're chunky aren't they yeah and that mash look at it like silk cider gravy here we go hmm i've never had pheasant sausage before and i certainly will have it again it's delicious absolutely these posh sausages would be a favorite with all ages after an afternoon in the countryside for the royal family rural pursuits mean different things to different people prince charles is passionate about natural food and he's not averse to foraging for his supper [Music] when it comes to mushrooms john wright is an expert a self-taught mycologist and like prince charles he's very happy to forage [Music] i've been mushrooming a very long time now 1965 i think i started i get just as excited now as i did when i first started i just i can't wait to see what we're going to find today mushroom foraging can be traced back to the roman times but it's not until recently that it's become such a popular pastime people absolutely love it and it sort of calms the nerves and slows the heart rate i remember seeing a picture of prince charles in the paper carrying a mushroom basket i thought that's that's great you know because he he's got people that could go and pick mushrooms for him but he wanted to do it himself but that's the whole point of it you go actually do it yourself it's engaging with nature really and with over 15 000 species of mushrooms in the uk there's plenty to choose from and the royal estates lend themselves particularly well to foraging i think prince charles is quite quite a lucky mushroom hunter because he's got access to this wonderful park land for most of the royal estates so he could just go wandering he'll find grassland species and woodland species kind of in its own back garden not everybody can do that one of the greatest places for fungi i'm not sure if you can pick there anymore that's windsor great park i have also i have been picking there in the past there you have these mature trees these veteran trees and they've they've had time to establish relationships with lots of fungi foraging for mushrooms takes great skill and knowledge and should only be undertaken by experts such as john who often forages on his friend's land grasslands like this are a great source of mushrooms as they've often been left uncultivated for hundreds of years creating an undisturbed environment for the fungi many of the more dangerous varieties such as the death cap and destroying angel won't be found here as they grow in woodland [Music] this is lovely one of my favorites it's a it's a really common mushroom and uh that's quite a nice size they you often get them in quite large rings it's called the scarlet wax cat it's quite a good one for our frightening frightening friends that come around for dinner people really worried about red things and i can understand why but now there's some edible red things and there's some poisonous red things you just have to know what it is [Music] these are nice look quite amazing um these are puff balls this is quite tasty and you can see how tasty it is because somebody's eaten a bit of it already it's been a slug in there there's a little bit left try to get away from the slug nibbled area a bit like a sort of mushroom flavored marshmallow that's worth picking in the basket ah wow look at this wow john finds a ring of parasol mushrooms the final ingredients needed for a well-known royal favorite dish now he just needs to find a spot to cook they say that food always tastes better outdoors and it certainly does and nothing better than mushrooms you've picked half an hour ago these are super fresh we have heat my goodness i think i'll just sit here and warm my hands but in in honor of the very fine mushrooms i managed to pick today i'm going to use the duke of edinburgh's own recipe for wild mushrooms which is mushrooms a la creme so let's get that melted what i think i do is i put some of our wax caps in first they take a little bit longer to cook they're quite moist remove the twigs i don't worry too much about that that's a little a scarlet wax cap just get the stem off and now our magnificent tough one raking bits popping me what else we got uh here's my parasols next these these cook very quickly just gonna pull the stem out you can't do anything with the stem and only to clean it they need to wash it just break it into little triangles and in it goes mushrooms really do need salt they uh there's a very bland flavor they need that little bit of salt i've got a little bit of pepper these mushrooms are cooked i'm going to put this in i think that's enough i do like the cream thick but not too thick you don't want it to be like a sticky custard or something you just need a little bit runny that's it thumb just try it now let's have a go it should be perfect and the cream would have taken on the flavor of the mushroom and my god that's amazing it's really really brilliant now for some of the mushrooms i'm going to go with the puffball actually it's a little ice cream it really is it's just wonderful but it's so much better out of doors it really is the perfect end to a foraging day pick something in the world we eat it [Music] the royal family's love of the outdoors has always meant a willingness to try something new [Music] here in the grand library of the house i'm with fiona ross who's a food historian and writes a lot about the royals most the royals really adore country pursuits don't they but prince philip i mean he's 90 odd now but certainly for most of his life has been a real enthusiast for the outdoors yes he has when he first met the queen he used to go jogging with four sweaters on you know he loved exercising so much and then he's always been um he's he in later years he became very interested in playing polo um and the queen gave him his first polo horse in 1951 uh uh he was very resistant to the idea at first he said it was what he points about on the horses and he also said it was a snob sport but he ended up being amongst the top two percent of polar riders in britain and shooting fishing shooting fishing yes absolutely he was taught to shoot by the queen's father and when he first turned up for a shoot with the queen's father he had no gear nothing whatsoever george fitted him out with everything and subsequently he's um shot snipe in in sandringham or keeper kaylee and grouse in scotland and bomoro he loves to clean and gut the creatures himself and then he flogs them off to the local butcher called hm sheraton in ballater who sells lawn he's a bit of a practical joker too on these kind of things yes yeah he can have a lovely sense of humor when the queen was rather upset during the tour of canada in 1951 because her father was so ill he decided to cheer her up by offering her imitation bread rolls which squeaked when she bit into them he also offered her mixed nuts from a tin and when she opened it a snake flew out actually practical joking seems to run in the royal family it doesn't the queen mother was a famous practical joker as well as being an outdoors woman yes she was um she loved anything that made people laugh she was absolutely adorable um she loved fishing and was very amused once when another lady spotted her fishing in the river d and tried to curtsy thus filling her weeders with water but her picnics were famous yes she loved having picnics as old windsors did and what she loved most of all is her rec where he recalled that she liked something fishy like moose to start with and that would be followed possibly by some cold game caught the day before and finished with jam tarts which she would cut head off of and fill with cream all in the great outdoors which in her case was the far north of scotland so she must have been pretty hardy she was very hardy yeah she was hardy enough to survive one of prince charles's meals prince charles invited her to his bothy for venison stew and they said chewed their way through the venison stew and then when she was driving back with her equity she said to him are you feeling a bit hungry and he said no i fight she said well i'm hungry let's go make some scrambled eggs which they did fiona thanks country life for the royals nowadays is also about the enjoyment of growing and eating their own produce and one of the most prized fruits that they grow is the windsor white peach and royal chef darren mcgrady has a recipe that really shows the fruit off [Music] in the grounds of windsor castle they grow the best peaches in the world beautiful white peaches and they really are the culinary crown jewels unfortunately i don't have those gorgeous beaches they have at winter but i've got some nice ripe ones here darren is making peach princess a dish he's cooked many times in his 15 years service to make this royal favorite these peaches are left to soften for five minutes in water with some sugar and cinnamon sticks while the peaches are cooking we're going to make the mousse and the mousse is really retro 1970s but it tastes fantastic and when peaches were in season this is a dish that the queen would have maybe twice a week so we start off by boiling some milk we then need to put some eggs and sugar together and we need to separate the eggs so we want the egg whites to whisk into the mousse but the yolks go in with the sugar and then a little vanilla in there too this is mixed together then the boiled milk is added and once it's all mixed in we go back to the pan when the mixture has the consistency of cream it's time to add some dissolved gelatine to help it thicken pour into that keep whisking as you pour because we don't want lumps of gelatine in there the mixture is then cooled in the fridge for 30 minutes while the mix is just cooling down slightly the peaches should be ready now and we can lift those out to a plate i'm really serious when i talk about the peaches being the crown jewels the culinary crown jewels when the peaches were in season they traveled to wherever her majesty was and if she was at balmoral castle there were wooden boxes made and the peaches were actually taken from the trees wrapped in cotton wool and packed neatly into the boxes and then driven to balmoral once the egg mixture has chilled it's time to whip some cream nice soft peaks on the cream and the egg whites i whip the egg whites until they're nice and stiff how do you know when they're ready they need to be really really stiff so much so that if you tip the bowl up over your head it doesn't fall into your hair then we start off with the cream and add all of our cream into the egg mixture then we can add the egg whites and just fold these in cut and fold cut and fold turn in the bowl so once it's all mixed in together then we're going to pour it into our beautiful dishes this part needs to go in the refrigerator just to set up and i've got one in here that's been setting for a while oh yes this one's set up perfectly this is just what we're looking for nice and firm on the top it's ready for the peaches the next stage is to peel our peaches take that skin off and then we'll just cut some little slices lay them on the top and then cover them with the jelly and they just lay neatly on top and finally all we have to do is put our jelly over the top darren has already prepared a sachet of citrus jelly to complete this dish i'm just going to spoon this over the top of those peaches and that's the most gorgeous peach princess a timeless classic worthy of its regal title peach of a dish would you say oh good one good one look when our kitchen maid mildred nichols who's left us this fantastic recipe book was working in the buckingham palace kitchens edward vii was on the throne then his son george v both dedicated countrymen out about all the time shooting fishing in edward's case philandering so what have you managed to find in uh mildred's cookbook that is a nice snack to take out on your country pursuit something to put in the hamper something to have in your hand a nice sweet snack okay well this recipe is very interesting it's called chapo commune and it's like uh yeah i've never seen anything like it before so i'm quite excited to see how it's going to turn out it's a kind of pastry that is wrapped around marzipan and then we're going to dip it in chocolate that originally wasn't in the recipe but i think it would be a nice kind of twist on it but i think what makes this recipe so interesting is that the pastry is like a mixture between kind of like a pastry and a bit of a cake because you've got a bit of baking powder in here a little bit of cream butter flour yeah it is it's quite interesting so you just mix all those ingredients together and you roll it out to about half centimeter thick and that's what we have here chapeau's french for hat isn't it that's right yes and you shape it into a particular kind of hat but we'll talk about that in a minute okay exactly what do you do i'm just going to cut the rounds out now and then i'm going to make the marzipan i love marzipan yeah yeah and i think the royals were fans of of mars oh down the ages i think it would have been seen as a real treat because there was a lot that you could do with marsman you could colour it and shape it and i think back in the tutors time they used to like it shaped as little animals and they'd have them on the banqueting table and things like that yeah lighting their heads off mind you it must have been for the only for the very very rich in those days yeah definitely um so this is your almond flour and it's the base of the marzipan it is just ground down uh almonds um i'm going to add the sugar is marzipan always with almonds or could you do it with other than that oh you could do it with any nuts i mean i walnut traditional traditionally it's almond but walnut marzipan was my favorite and then we're going to add our butter to it and then the same way you would make like an apple crumble you just kind of try to lift the butter mix the butter through your almond flour as quickly as possible and this way you get kind of like an even covering of butter on your almond so then when you add your egg it just kind of all mixes together like a like a good dough i got the impression of slightly sniffy about marzipan as if it's a sort of old-fashioned taste yes you know when i said i love marzipan and yeah somebody your age probably would you know exactly what i thought oh my god michael it's like you can read my mind well it is fairly transparent yeah well my my dad loves a bit of marzipan and i remember as a kid like when dad would be all excited about the you know the sweets you'd get at christmas and i as a kid you know what they looked amazing you're like oh beautiful you'd sink your teeth into them and you'd be like not a lot going on here for me but the queen loves uh loves marzipan apparently and other people know that i think that when she went to germany once they actually gave her a big marzipan uh rendering of the brandenburg gate can you imagine you can just imagine her sinking her teeth into that actually we've been trying to do some research and and and find out a bit more about it having found it in mildred's book yeah but but there isn't very much about it but shapo commune rather sounds it means a kind of a kind of revolutionary you know it seems a rather odd thing for the royal family to have in that sort of way doesn't it wait till you see like when these bake they will look a little bit like napoleon's hat oh wow okay what next so all you need to do is crack one egg into the center keep a sharp eye out for any eggshell looking good to go just give it a mix now if the almond meal that you have is a bit dry a little tiny teaspoon of water or anything like that would kind of be enough just to moisten it just to bring it together because you don't want your marzipan to be too dry you don't want it to kind of crumble you do want to be able to kind of sink your teeth into it i'm not a marzipan fan you've been saying but that's the i know the way it should be okay so it looks like it's almost together now so i'm going to get my hand back in there a bit more pressure on it okay so when you're rolling marzipan you don't use flour because this is a flourless recipe and we're going to use uh icing sugar to help you roll it out so um we're going to roll this into small little balls i'm just going to take a little bit of icing sugar there it's the fact that it's in tiny little pieces tiny little hats that make it so suitable doesn't it they're putting in the hamper for almost putting in your pocket exactly exactly oh no no this is the tricky bit yeah you have your other balls very neat very round is the size important yeah well i think you want to be able to have a good amount of the marzipan in there i think it's the star of the show but sink through the pastry and into the sweetness of the marzipan exactly so now i'm going to start shaping the little hats we're looking for a three point hat oh it would be called in those days a tricorn hat wasn't tricorn hat don't know why they went out of fashion they look rather elegant i think [Laughter] seven and seven eighths you know there we go oh they look rather sweet don't they look quite pretty yeah they do look quite pretty so i'm just going to pop these on the tray now and i'm going to egg wash them gives them a nice kind of glaze and shine and then i'm going to bake them in the oven for about 10-12 minutes at 180 degrees and then when they come out just to give it an extra kick a little bit more sweetness i'm gonna glaze them with a sugar syrup which is just water and sugar boiled together it's going to be a really kind of sweet little mouthful isn't it yeah a nice crunchy and soft kind of uh biscuit so i've actually baked some earlier on which i'm going to bring over now look at these they do look lovely don't they but but they they've lost some of the hat shape yeah it's a well it's a different hat shape but yeah i can kind of get a squash so and these ones i did glaze with a sugar syrup on top and you can see how shiny and delicious they look and what i'm surprised about is that the pastry is quite firm i thought the pastry was going to be um soft um so i'm going to now dip them in the chocolate now mildred wouldn't have done this no she wouldn't this is your twist this is my twist oh just the bottom yeah maybe to hide the marzipan flavor as well i'm dipping it in chocolate now a spoilsport you don't think you're almost literally over egging the pudding you know you've got chocolate and marzipan and this lovely pastry yeah with the butter and cream in the pastry oh my goodness that sounds amazing when you describe it that way everything in the way you describe things yeah i'm slobbering a bit myself but when you put that chocolate on there isn't that going to leave the grid you put it on the grid there isn't going to leave a grip you can't see it and what it does is that if there is a little bit of excess chocolate if i've been a bit sloppy in my dipping oh surely it means it will drip off it does look good doesn't it so it's really important that when you melt your chocolate you do it over a bunnery and what this does is that it gives it a slower and a more even um temperature to the whole bowl so it doesn't burn those chocolate's quite sensitive you use those bain-marie quite often dude i do i honestly i don't know what i do without a memory i think these are the two prettiest ones or them so go for the go for the quasimodos we should wait shouldn't we for for the chocolate to set but i don't think i can can i try it i really hope you like this oh my goodness that looks delicious can i do it in one no now i'm not a marzipan fan so i i don't know how i'm going to feel about this but i do think the chocolate is going to help it's a chunky little mouthful of sweetness isn't it i love marzipan takes me a match of my childhood we could only ever afford it at christmas but we absolutely loved it oh i think milk is on to a winner here i think hats off to mildred that's it for our program on food for royal country pursuits see you next time [Music] you
Channel: Real Royalty
Views: 265,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: real royalty, real royalty channel, british royalty, royalty around the world, royal history, the queen, royal cooking, royal kitchens, queen elizabeth ii
Id: R_iH8nXXUos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 39sec (2619 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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