The Queen Mother Has A Darker Legacy Than People Know

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before Princess Diana no one was as beloved in the royal family as Elizabeth the Queen mom yet her nice reputation hid a chilling dark streak behind her Angelic face Elizabeth was sharp and vengeful as even Princess Diana found out but it wasn't just Elizabeth's bitter feuds it was also the ugly secrets she nearly took to her grave Elizabeth Bose lion not only Stood Beside her husband King George II but she also played a pivotal role in her daughter's reign as Queen Elizabeth II however before her more widely recognized years of Royal Duty she lived a life filled with surprising twists and turns much of it hidden from the public eye despite the diligent efforts of the palace to preserve the Royal Family's image here are some revealing secrets and incidents of her less than Pleasant streak the aristocratic origins of Elizabeth Bose lion are undeniable born into a wealthy Noble family on August 4th 1900s she was the ninth of of a remarkable 10 siblings and she was pampered to the core her father was so Charmed by her cherubic appearance that he insisted on her middle name being Angela however this Angelic facade was short-lived she once reportedly tripped only to be helped on her feet by a lady who asked are you okay Deary to which the little Elizabeth responded I'm not your Deary that is ma'am to you and ma'am she loved to be called it was said she even made fun of those who could not pronounce it properly emphasizing it runs with Spam and not harm yes she was that particular and this would be evident throughout her life despite the emphasis her family placed on Noble lineage over academic accomplishments Elizabeth excelled in both areas her literary essays left a deep impression on her teachers and governesses and she passed her standard exams with flying colors but at the tender age of 14 World War I shook England thrusting Elizabeth into a chaotic new reality and on her birthday Britain officially declared war on Germany marking a grim turning point in her carefully created upbringing although Elizabeth was too young to actively participate when World War One began the conflict eventually reached her family stor step four of her brothers served in the war with her eldest sibling Fergus tragically losing his life in combat 2 years later another brother became a prisoner of war restlessly watching from the sidelines was no longer an option for Elizabeth as World War I raged on the Bose lion family converted their home in glam's Castle into a makeshift hospital for wounded soldiers Elizabeth's indomitable Spirit Shone through as she threw herself into this Noble Endeavor earning the affection of the wounded soldiers however Elizabeth's alert extended far beyond her Compassionate Care for wounded soldiers in the 1920s as World War I came to a close British royalty sought love and companionship Prince Albert the youngest son of King George V crossed paths with Elizabeth for the first time since their childhood and it was Resolute in making her his own in 1921 he proposed marriage to Elizabeth but surprisingly Elizabeth declined Prince Albert's proposal one significant factor was Albert's pronounced shyness and awkwardness that Elizabeth found off putting like I said she is very particular in New what she wanted but beyond her Suitor conspicuous lack of matrimonial prowess Elizabeth was unenthusiastic about embracing the Royal life she simply dreaded the responsibilities of monarchy and perceived the loss of her personal freedom she expressed her fear of never being able to think speak and act as she truly believed she ought to but as it seemed she was just made for that life no matter how she resisted Prince Albert un undeterred By Elizabeth's initial refusal persisted in pursuing her despite the Court's doubts about marrying a mere Noble rather than the princess when Elizabeth declined his proposal a second time the lovesick Prince even got his own mother to step in as he claimed he would not marry anyone else Queen Mary personally met with Elizabeth during their encounter Elizabeth captivated the interfering Queen leading Mary to assert that she was the only girl who could make birdie happy what they didn't know was that it's possible that Elizabeth harbored a concealed secret there is evidence to suggests that concurrently with rejecting Bird's proposals she engaged in flirtatious interactions with the princess Aid The Dashing James Stewart with her striking Beauty and effortless charm Elizabeth was a highly sought after Bachelorette and was also rumored to have taken interest with another notable figure Prince Albert's older brother the Prince of Wales Edward who was said to have rejected her because of his Casanova Antics and escapades in January 1923 after nearly 2 years of courtship Prince Albert attempted a third proposal to Elizabeth which to everyone's Delight she accepted once her engagement became public England mourned the loss of Elizabeth's eligible status as Bachelors found out she was now off the market following their tumultuous courtship the couple swiftly entered into an engagement and exchanged vows just a few months later in April 1923 at Westminster Abbey during the wedding a deeply moving moment occurred when the bride while passing by the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior unexpectedly left her bridal bouquet at top the memorial a poyant tribute to her Fallen brother Fergus Elizabeth assured her new title as The Duchess of York and it didn't take long for her to Captivate the hearts of the public as a beloved Royal brother bride but as far as her feelings for her husband it was said that it wasn't until she welcomed their first child princess Elizabeth into the world followed by the birth of another daughter Princess Margaret 4 years later that she finally fully accepted their relationship life could not get any better or so she thought on January 20th 1936 the passing of King George the 5 set in motion a significant change in the monarchy the throne passed to Elizabeth's brother-in-law Edward who was Notorious for his hedonistic lifestyle and numerous romantic escapades and he had the trust of neither the royal family nor Elizabeth with regards to his ability to govern responsibly in a matter of months after ascending to the throne Edwards Reign crumbled he famously abdicated in order to marry his divorced lover Wallace Simpson thereby passing the crown to Elizabeth's husband Prince Albert who assumed the title of King George I 6 and overnight the the cheerful Elizabeth Boose lion became the queen consort of England contrary to the dream some Harbor of becoming Queen Elizabeth felt intense anger at these turn of events her strong disapproval of Wallace Simpson as an outsider was evident and she made her sentiments known in a rather unkind manner during Edwards brief rule Elizabeth visited him at Bal moral Castle when Wallace greeted her at dinner Elizabeth snubbed her with the words I came to dine with the King this treatment would extend beyond that encounter Elizabeth disparaged Wallace Simpson in private conversations referring to her scornfully as that woman she also adamantly refused to bestow upon Simpson the title her Royal Highness even after her marriage to Edward and made sure everyone in the Royal Circle knew and would abide by it following her lavish ceremony Elizabeth and King George I 6 described their roles as king being queen as an intolerable honor that nearly ruined their lives in the late 1930s the outbreak of World War II prompted Queen Elizabeth to rise admirably to the occasion even after the death of her mother lady Strathmore she and her husband King George V 6 became symbols of unwavering British resilience notably she staunchly refused to send her children to Safety in Canada famously declaring the children won't go without me I won't leave the king and the King will never leave while Queen Elizabeth became an iconic figure during these wartime years her actions were not without controversy during the height of the Peril when the German Lu bafa devastated significant portions of East and London Queen Elizabeth visited many of those affected by the bombings in a departure for common practice she appeared in these situations wearing bright and cheerful pastel collars along with her finest jackets the distressed crowds in the east and perceived the queen as out of touch and began to regard her visits with disdain their resentment grew to the point that they started jeering at her and even throwing whatever they could at their Monarch incredibly out of touch Queen Elizabeth never quite comprehended the depth of this resentment she believed that just as the public dressed in their best attire to see her it was only fitting that she wore her Finest Clothing to meet them even as the Buckingham Palace the heart of Royal life was not spared from the attacks her thoughts turned to those suffering in the bombed areas of London she expressed I'm glad we've been bombed it makes me feel I can look the East End in the face you know you've made a significant impact when even someone as Infamous as Adolf Hitler takes notice and regards you as a threat the fura felt so threatened by Queen Elizabeth's popularity in England that he once referred to her as the most dangerous woman in Europe it's almost a wonder why they went at war with each other Elizabeth was said to have some some reservations about Jews and lobbied the British government to appease Hitler as said in books and Memoirs despite Queen Elizabeth's remarkable contributions during World War II she embraced a more Carefree lifestyle following the war she hosted legendary exuberant parties at Windsor Castle where corders and cabinet ministers alike partook in decidedly undignified games of sardines throughout the historic residence apparently she she also adored a game where eaten boys were chased by a pack of hounds for her pleasure Queen Elizabeth who appeared proper and Prim on the surface had a penchant for indulging in alcoholic beverages that would leave some grown men staggering according to reports the Queen's daily routine included a dubonet at noon red wine at lunch a port and a martini at supper and two glasses of champagne during dinner while Queen Elizabeth was at the height of her Fame her TR trory had to encounter some downward spins in 1947 during a tour of South Africa her typically composed demeanor cracked revealing a less flattering aspect of her character when a fan approached her car too hastily she struck him forcefully on the head with her umbrella she was known to look down on the Lesser folk and would stand firm with her racism and much like her lifestyle rationalizing it as patriotism for the rest of her life there have been many reports of Elizabeth despising the little people which is classism at best according to her equiry she was prejudiced always wondering why people were offering their babies up for her to kiss or mimicking the voice of a former servant who had come to visit her even the wife of the British ambassador to France called her rather mocking not very kind for one she opposed the Democratic elections in India and supported white supremacist rule in rodesia more shockingly she once walked into a reception for a Japanese Prince loudly proclaiming nip on nip on to his face I could keep on going but it seemed like none of these known facts were looked into and most likely swept under a rug until they passed in the early 1950s King George VI 6's Health took a severe downturn he had been grappling with circulatory issues for years and in 1951 he received a grim diagnosis of lung cancer although the king underwent surgery to remove part of his lung and appeared to recover it proved to be in vain in February 1952 he passed away and in a single devastating blow Elizabeth lost both her title as Queen consort and her beloved husband overwhelmed by grief she retreated to seclusion in Scotland vowing never to resume public duties it took the persuasion of none other than the Prime Minister Winston Churchill to coax the former Queen out of retirement definitely one to hold grudges Elizabeth held two individuals responsible for King George's premature death the former King Edward and her long-standing adversary Wallace Simpson she was convinced that if her birdie had not been burdened with a crown he might have lived a long and healthy life Ed and Wallace by abandoning their Royal roles had in her rise sealed her husband's fate as Queen Dowager to her daughter Elizabeth II she was no longer inclined to engage in Trivial parlor games when Edward and Wallace Simpson expressed their intention to attend King George's funeral Elizabeth adamantly denied them entry yes she refused entry to Albert's own brother at his burial if you think that is cold wait until you find out that she shed not a single tear at King George's funeral after all she also had to maintain her Public Image as the unwavering pillar of England during her widowhood the 51-year-old Elizabeth never lost sight of her significance she insisted that her daughter Elizabeth bestow upon her the unprecedented title of Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother this was not just to prevent confusion but primarily because Elizabeth wanted everyone to recognize that she was still a queen asserting her royal status in her Twilight years Elizabeth didn't simply Fade Into the background in 1998 the newspapers exposed a scandalous Revelation the elderly Queen Mother had somehow amassed an astonishing 4 million pound overdraft at her bank indicating a pension for extravagant spending displaying a remarkable nonchalance the very day the article was published The Queen Mother attended a day at the races The Very definition of unbothered ultimately the queen mother became one of the longest lived Royals in history and her 100th birthday in the year 2000 was a cause for celebration throughout the Commonwealth it was also an occasion for personal celebration for the centenarian herself Elizabeth insisted on having a janous splash of Jin or two in the icing of her momentous birthday cake I would say she definitely deserved that one in the 1980s the royal family went through one of the most memorable crises when Prince Charles and Princess Diana married encountered marital issues and eventually divorced yet few are aware of the queen mother's disquieting role in this tragic chapter she developed an intense aversion to Diana in her scandals once remarking I know she's very young she ought to have known better however Elizabeth have had other undisclosed reasons for her unfavorable opinion of her new family member at its core the Queen Mother held a stonch opposition to everything that Diana represented as the people's princess as a traditionalist until her final days Elizabeth strongly believed that Diana and her Associated controversies were turn fishing the monarchy's reputation conspiracy theories Beyond Diana's death seemingly pointed to a conniving and particular Monarch mostly fueled by one of Diana's last interviews eerily predicting her demise at the hands of the palace is one that to this day remains unfounded in the later years of her life a final Scandal emerged that had the potential to Mar Elizabeth's otherwise impeccable Legacy in 1987 one of the most significant family secrets was brought to light it was revealed that two of her nieces Catherine and nesa Bs lion who had long been assumed and reported to be diseased had in fact been concealed in a psychiatric hospital all along and every single one in the royal family knew of it and did nothing in fact supposedly no one ever even visited to check them on their well-being and was simply forgotten as if they were dead just like with the rest of the world subsequently it was unveiled that Catherine and Nissa were not Afflicted with mental illness but rather mental disabilities the public swiftly and justifiably accused Elizabeth and her family of hiding them away out of Shame and then using falsified death certificates to cover their tracks the family defended their actions by attributing the apparent notification of death to a mere administrative error while Elizabeth disavowed any knowledge of the events entirely these explanations left many Skeptics unconvinced and to be honest I don't buy it either why did Elizabeth never correct the error and E when the Scandal broke she was more concerned in pointing out that the madness was not from her side of the family and made sure it was duly noted seems rather cruel don't you think or what about her nephew Timothy the one who is reportedly a chronic alcoholic and she would nothing to do with so much so that she never visited him in fact she never even attended the funeral of Timothy's wife either who killed herself after their child died a child who was also Elizabeth's great knes despite all this most royalists had unwavering support and love for the Queen Mother among Elizabeth's most significant achievements was the support she provided for her husband birdie as he struggled with a pronounced stammer as she stood by him throughout his speech therapy sessions with a pioneering Lina log an episode in their life later dramatized in the Oscar winning film The King's Speech the Queen Mother possessed the ability to Captivate crowds wherever she appeared and one particular incident stands out in the annals of history on one occasion during a public engagement Elizabeth found herself in a longing line shaking hands when a stray dog unexpectedly wandered into the ceremony without missing a beat she cheerfully extended her hand to shake the dog's paw as well one of Elizabeth's most unusual legacies was her habit of rarely speaking in public as a young newly wed she earned the moniker The Smiling Duchess for her cheerful yet silent demeanor she maintained this image throughout her husband's Reign for Elizabeth maintaining silence was integral to being an enduring figurehead a strategy she referred to as being utterly oyster despite her extraordinarily long life Elizabeth's final days were marked by a poyant sense of vulnerability as her health deteriorated she took great care to Shield her aging body from public view when she could no longer travel without a wheelchair she insisted on using a helicopter for her trips to and from Windsor Castle determined to prevent the public from witnessing her in a frail State on March 30th 2002 Elizabeth passed away in her apartments near Windsor Castle ever attentive to her Public Image the queen mother's final wishes were both thoughtful and moving her funeral featured a wreath made of Chamas from her own garden and she specifically instructed her aids to place this Arrangement once more at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior mirroring the same gesture she had made on her wedding day nearly 80 years earlier earlier in the British royalty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother remains a luminous figure whose Legacy continues to shine her remarkable life was graced with dignity resilience and a touch of mystery as we conclude our journey into the Lesser known secrets of the queen mother's life we are reminded that beneath her Regal exteriors lay a woman of depth and complexity as her secrets are revealed we gain a richer understanding of the person behind the crown a woman whose life is a testament to the enduring strength of character if you enjoy history and exploring the Lesser known facets of a historical figure's life subscribe to the channel and stay tuned for more
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Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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