The QI Crop Circle - QI Series 8 Episode 3 Hoaxes Preview - BBC One

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there's some characters behind me shifty-looking guarantors what were they up to last night now we're up all night making a picnic table before you get to insulting they're in the studio tonight winning the mr. handsome they hurt harming horses you know when they pimp our horses that slash horses it was a nighttime covert activity like like slush Oh so slashing go no let's let's assume we wouldn't invite into the studio pretending to be gas men and stealing the property of aged people if I told you that this was in Wiltshire would that help Cathedral stealing grave robbing grave robbing so is it well they thought they'd do something rude in the Stone Age they to say crude and stone no rock circle well done crop circles the equipment needed for crops serving a plank with rope but what was the crop circle we commissioned them oqi crop circle and they did it for us and it's rather impressive provided by an alien would you like to see would you like to see it I said anyway no that's happy we actually went to the expense of having a traveling aerial shot [Music] what do you think of that that's real oh you fail I'm afraid it was now the extraordinary is almost within half an hour of it being completed and the dawn rising we were contacted by people someone wanted to know he said is it real or is it man-made [Applause] it's a rather marvelous example of a breed of phenomenon that has there's been going since when it's the farmer is the agent here tonight we have recompense the farm it doesn't actually much how many how many mice were frightened this is older than we suspect it's actually very recent it is really a tease well seven days it began anybody got more and more refined there was a mountain people are expressed there were a couple dug power Dave Chorley and they admitted that they've been responsible for almost all the crop circles these to be on the news the end summer there be aerial shots and there were people who call themselves serie ologists who genuinely believed that these were the work of of people from outer space or from magnetic forces from ley lines all kinds of things that they do a crop circle and then they believe a couple of scorch marks or something yes there are three here but yeah he said John John London yeah they like this John can you tell me how you did yours without giving away too many trade secrets what's the most technological item you need we need something called a stalk stomper which is a plank of word and a loop of rope that you put under your foot to flatten the crop and to actually mark out a design you use a surveyors tape so it's very very kind of simple techniques and very simple tools spaceship signing up for one but the fee I got for this it's going to take a while so how many do you do a year in the season we don't say how many roommates but we've made hundreds over the years that we've been doing it and do people are there still those who believe who refused to believe that it's all hoaxes like you absolutely what I've been running bringing your production office isn't no that's right John lund oh thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: BBC
Views: 199,944
Rating: 4.7922077 out of 5
Keywords: The, QI, Crop, Circle, Hoaxes, BBC, One, Comedy, Stephen, Fry, Alan, Davies, Sean, Lock, David, Mitchell, Danny, Baker, funny, hilarious
Id: yVSQuNBreQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 55sec (235 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2010
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