"The public image of the black hole is fake. I saw the real one." Creepypasta Audiobook

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the image you all saw came from a vastly sophisticated scientific collaboration called the event horizon telescope this project involved over 200 scientists in 20 different countries that have been working together for nearly a decade I am one of those scientists the black hole we pictured was at the center of the Messier 87 galaxies about 55 million light years away it's an understatement to say we were excited imagine how much resources this all cost the politics that had to be juggled to maintain the working relationship between all the countries involved internal fights about theories and proposed ideas it wasn't easy but we succeeded so it was heartbreaking when we decided not to show the public what we found what is circulating in news articles and social media is fake to understand everything first one has to understand what a black hole is it isn't just some hole punched a void like they are in cartoons somehow a flat disk existing in our 3d space the dark spot shown in the picture is also surrounded in a flare of light to put it simply a black hole is black because of a singularity or a region where the very fabric of time and space has collapsed in on itself forming a single point with infinite density it is just as grand as you can imagine if you know anything about gravity and its relation to density then you can imagine how powerful the gravity is of that single point light coming from behind and in front this swallowed up when it gets too close it swallowed and effectively removed from the universe but then why is the ring brighter and the perceivable light around it this part is harder to simplify but I will try the innermost edge where the light starts isn't actually the event horizon it's known as the photon orbit its diameter is about two and a half times larger than where the event horizon starts meaning the black hole is even smaller than what you probably thought it was at first glance we can see the moon because light bounces off of it however light sadly doesn't make it when heading to a black hole the light ring is an interesting story simply put the sheer gravity of the black hole warps light close by light fortunate enough to not get swallowed but unfortunate enough to be affected is shot around and carried on a trajectory dictated by the curve of the black hole's gravity to picture it imagine how water curves when you turn on the tap and it hits the back of a spoon that's what we're seeing the white splash of the water which silhouettes the spoon showing us it exists but never being able to see the spoon everything had to go right for this image to exist there had to be some radiation emanating around the black hole and it had to have a direct path to earth without any celestial objects knocking it off course eight observatories all over the world had to sync up their clocks perfectly to an absurdly specific degree everything had to be perfect and it was at least that so far public knowledge goes because if you see the real image the quality was much higher we weren't apprehensive at first our desire to relish in our achievement drum tower thoughts of concern we sent it around the various other labs involved in the collaboration telling them not to share it but letting them bask in the glow of victory we are told a number of press that we might have something to show and we were in the process of putting together a press release when we were interrupted with a reply from a concerned scientist he simply told us to look closer the messages lack of detail puts us on edge the common sentiment is when a scientist finds something we tend to go overboard in details it's in our nature the blunt message made us apprehensive and we took it as a serious tone to slow down we took to the scans and decided to explore the closer details something we were planning on doing together after getting approval from the board checking the perimeter we saw nothing out of place it was what we expected various degrees of heat picked up by the radio telescope the temperatures represented by the shades of color by seeing nothing mutters of confusion murmured around the lab we looked again nothing we looked a game nothing as I call which we were used to repetitive testing being in our nature it wasn't until the voice of stupidity spoke up that we tried something different why don't you try looking in the middle a lot of us cuffed it was a black hole it was mathematically impossible for anything to be in the middle if there was it it'd be a speck on the sheet or a glitch on the computer the whole point of the experiment was to see the black hole by not seeing it by using the silhouette of the light to show its whereabouts so when we did decide to humor the request and ran a number of filters we all froze and something stood out theories were spat out in hushed conversations some thoughts we didn't catch a black hole but some other space anomaly of this thought has proved that there was a problem with the sensors and that our decades of research was a failure we would have went along with any of these theories if something didn't stand out the fact that the shape resembled something random smears sure it could be played off as a sensor problem or a glitch but it wasn't random the space anomaly would be believable if we weren't 100% sure we were aimed at the right section of the Messier 87 galaxy exactly where the black hole should have been this had to have been a picture of the black hole so the question that lingered in the silence was why was there something in the middle there are a few specks of white and gleams of jagged angles that outlined something so alien but with a feeling of familiarity there was no doubting at what we were seeing was the front of a face none of us could come to a consensus of what it truly looked like though some said it vaguely resembled an animalistic creature eyes and a jagged mouth some thought it looked vaguely human you would think the inserted he would have eased us into thinking we were simply imagining it but no matter who we asked everyone claimed to see a face a face that was perfectly centered big enough to demand its own faint outline of light which meant it was cosmically big but it had a gravity field that could curved light this is where things started to feel grim it was in the center big enough to be detected by a radio telescope but so in line with a black hole that it didn't disturb as much as a pixel of the outer rings light it was centered which we all agreed made it look like it was staring directly back at us our collective hearts sank or we all came to the same realization it was looking towards Earth not only that but from its faint outline we determined it was moving it was heading towards Earth the black hole is fifty five million light years away which meant that what we saw was a snapshot of the distant past from an era where dinosaurs ruled but there is no solace knowing this is from the past because that only meant that whatever it was has had a head start it saw earth many millions of years ago and took it upon itself to come this way we don't know how close it was when it was pictured we don't know how fast they can move we have no idea the true scale of the beast we do not have any ideas of what it wants but it wants something from us and it has been travelling for millions of years to get it everyone involved in the event horizon project has been sworn to secrecy we were immediately ordered to create a fake image to satiate the press one based on the original but have a much lower quality as the show the world the worth of space research but giving them nothing to be worried about funds are being organized from some countries extorted from others at a rapid pace for more research nothing is being held back all of our worldly perceptions have been altered some scientists have disappeared choosing to stay at home to be with their families while others have chosen to practically live at the lab desperate to find out a grain of information from this vast Beach of a mystery we have not given up neither should you be aware but not scared and maybe find some humor in the fact that space force may not have been such a bad idea after all [Music]
Channel: CreepsMcPasta
Views: 192,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: black hole, event horizon telescope, science, creepypasta, space, creepy pasta, creepypastas, creepypasta reading, horror stories, creepsmcpasta, horror, scary story, Scary Stories, creepypasta stories, paranormal, asmr, podcast, reddit, nosleep, black holes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 19sec (739 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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