The Psychology of Zenkichi Hasegawa (Persona 5 Strikers)

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this video was sponsored by tokyo treat and sakura coat the monthly japanese snack subscription boxes but more on them later hi my name is john and for those of you who aren't familiar i have my master's degree in clinical mail health counseling and a while back i posted this poll on the community tab on the youtube channel trying to figure out what psychology of for a persona character you wanted to see next and zenkichi absolutely ran away with the results and so while it's been a long time coming i'm so excited to finally talk about the psychology of zenkichi hasegawa so if you like this kind of content you want to see more of it coming from the channel make sure to like the video subscribe and why even ringing that notification bell so you never miss another upload but with all that out of the way let's just jump into the video [Music] now before we can really dive into who zenkichi is when he meets the phantom thieves we as always need to look at what happened in the past that helped to shape him into the man he is at the beginning of persona 5 strikers as a young man zenkichi hasegawa married the love of his life aoi and eventually the two of them gave birth to a daughter named akane they ended up settling down in tokyo however because sankishi was a member of law enforcement he was often away from home leading to his wife becoming the primary caretaker of akane and honestly they seemed to live a pretty quiet and happy life that is until about two years prior to the events of persona 5 strikers in true persona 5 fashion it's here that aoi is hit and killed by a car driven by a drunk june awada a corrupt politician who at the time of the incident was under the thumb of everyone's favorite scumbag masayoshi shido and this would have been a tragedy in and of itself had aoi just died alone but what makes it worse is that akane saw everything but even though she saw the event with her own eyes the blame for the incident was ultimately placed on owada's secretary who committed suicide leaving a note that took full responsibility for the crime but since akane knew this was a lie in her eyes it was now ultimately up to zenkichi to uncover the truth and catch her mother's killer and initially he was ready to bring the man who killed his wife to justice but before we go any further into that i think we need to revisit the concept of grief styles because the loss of owie has a profound effect on both zenkichi and akane and their relationship moving forward and this is a topic that we have admittedly talked a lot about on this channel because grief is something of a staple in the persona franchise and something that almost all of us will feel at some point in our lives this means that to truly understand where zenkiji's head is in the story we need to understand how he managed this grief when he faced the death of his wife now grief is often defined as the anguish experience after significant loss usually the death of a beloved person and so with this definition in mind we need to look at how zenkichi in this particular situation copes with that grief now to keep it simple there are three core grief styles that have been proposed by doctors terry martin and kenneth doka that operate along a continuum with these styles being instrumental grief or people who want to experience their grief more intellectually or physically in essence the individual will want to have control over their emotions and they'll focus more on trying to solve problems and complete tasks to cope with their grief the second style on the opposite side of the continuum is intuitive grief which is characterized by a heightened experience and expression of emotion and a desire to talk about the loss and the third is a blended grief style where the individual displays both intuitive and instrumental attributes so when looking at zenkichi i think he skews much more towards the instrumental side of the spectrum after the loss of owie and so wins and kichi heard about this tragedy in their family from akane this led him to begin his own investigation into what really happened that day because he knew that akane wouldn't lie about this so i think it's safe to say that his desire to avenge his wife was at least in part to cope with his own grief and find a solution to not only avenge her death and bring the man who killed her to justice but also to find some solace within himself so that this atrocious individual doesn't have the opportunity to hurt a his family any further but anyone else in the process and if he a member of the public security intelligence agency and the kyoto prefectural police was not able to bring to light the truth of this situation then no one else would essentially zenkichi is trying to take action in order to move towards closure for his family and this is his attempt to cope with his loss instrumentally but unfortunately we know that this doesn't actually end up working anytime zankichi would pick up a lead the evidence would be destroyed by owada's men and when it was apparent that zankichi would not let this case go owada did what any innocent man would do and he sent a threat against akane's life if zenkichi didn't stop his investigation so of course zenkichi left the investigation dead in his tracks so that he wouldn't lose the only member of his family that he had left akane because he knew that if anything happened to her he would never be able to forgive himself while this may have ultimately protected her life we learned later in the game that because he never actually tells her the circumstances surrounding why he couldn't get the evidence to convict awada this created an immense rift between zankichi and his daughter but before we can dive into his relationship with akane we really need to consider who he is as a police officer and how this role in his life affects who he is as a person when the fam thieves meet zenkishi for the very first time let's be honest he is not here to be making friends with them i mean sure he saves them from a drunk man who's harassing them as their head back to leblanc but he is ready to twist their arm to serve his needs and the police force's needs he points out that after the talk show hosts suddenly proposed to alice hiragi on live television without any indication of even knowing who she was weeks prior to her appearance on the show in the police force's eyes this sudden change appears similar to the phantom thieves changes of heart and this prompts zenkichi offer a deal to the phantom thieves which would prevent them from being arrested and in return they will help him to find the one who's actually been changing the public's hearts and this is just the beginning of their professional relationship and it starts putting things in motion so that the phantom thieves will help him to solve the cases that he needs solved and over the course of the story we're able to get more context into the world view of zenkichi and one instance that i specifically want to highlight is during the mariko hyodo arc of the game and it's this moment in particular that really stood out to me my take is you kids are naive what do you mean it's clear that mariko yoda was cornered by a pair of rotten scumbags tragic i agree but what is she doing in response isn't it just as wrong to change people's hearts and manipulate them that may be true but furthermore that accident was her responsibility being that she's the top of command regardless of who did what a real leader takes the fall but even so it may be a bitter pill to swallow especially for a group of justice loving kids operating outside the law but the real world isn't so cut and dry and the longer you keep up this hero charade the harder it'll bite you in the ass down the line this scene illustrates to us a couple of things but the most striking is that zenkichi is clearly drawing on his own experiences of trying to be the quote-unquote hero while he too was once idealistic just like the phantom thieves wanting to bring the bad guys to justice he has since become bitter and jaded even as a member of the kyoto police and public security the one supposedly meant to uphold the law of the land he was powerless to stop awada's corruption this is why he believes that a real leader should take the fall and his ideations about what's right and what's wrong only led to akane's life being put in danger this left zenkichi's hands tied and the only course of action was to throw all of his weight and trust into commissioner kabaragi whom he had been reporting all of his interactions with the phantom thieves to the whole time if he ever wanted to see owada even possibly be brought to justice and let's be honest this feeling of helplessness is what led zenkichi to become the jaded individual he is when we meet him throughout these first couple arcs of the game if we are to use the well-known kubler-ross cycle of grief which if you're not familiar with it is defined by the american psychological association as being a hypothetical model originally described in 1969 by elizabeth kubler-ross depicting psychological states moods or coping strategies that occur during the dying process or during periods of bereavement great loss or trauma these begin with the denial stage followed by the anger stage then bargaining depression and acceptance the model is non-linear in that the stages do not necessarily occur in the given sequence or for a set period of time moreover they can recur and overlap before some degree of psychological and emotional resolution occurs i believe that this is a good outline to illustrate where an individual is in the grieving process even though it can oftentimes be a huge over simplification but i believe that in the first couple chapters of the game zenkichi would definitely be in the depression stage we can see that wow zenkichi has essentially accepted the fact that his wife is dead in order to avoid any further loss he has to stop trying to avenge her this leads enkichi to maintain his feelings of loss regret uncertainty in guilt as he knows that awada is still out there and he goes through the motions of putting all of these eggs in kavaragi's basket so that some days someone more powerful than him can potentially avenge aoi and so he remains steadfast in his role as a police officer even though he hates the system that he is a cog in however when makoto expresses her interest in following in her father's footsteps to become a police officer we see even further into what he believes about himself in the police force as a whole during this conversation it's here that we truly see his resentment for being constrained by red tape superiors and how the more dangerous or powerful a target is the less likely anything will happen to them after playing the game we know that he is specifically talking about the owada situation up to this point in the game he's done an incredible job of portraying himself as a very competent and self-assured individual if not a little bit lacks and lazy at times but in reality his self-esteem or his perception of himself and his abilities is incredibly low zakichi's a man who has been beaten into submission by the very system that's meant to protect people but at the same time he will not leave because he holds on to that small glimmer of hope that this broken system may potentially still be able to work under the right leadership because without that glimmer of hope in his mind what is there left to look towards and so he's decided that he will follow officer kabaragi's orders to the last even if that makes him just another spineless dog and in turn this leads him to focus entirely on his job because it's difficult for him to face akane knowing that her mother's killer was not brought to justice and this is what has created such an immense rift in their relationship not unlike another father-daughter duo that we've seen in this franchise but he can only avoid her for so long and so now we need to talk about zenkichi's role as a father now akane and zenkichi's relationship is at least in my personal opinion one of the most compelling aspects of this game by far when we meet akane it doesn't take an empath to realize just from their initial phone call that their relationship is uh intense to say the least and when they meet up in front of owie's grave akane takes absolutely no prisoners when verbally attacking her father throwing the fact that he couldn't catch a wada back in his face that she doesn't even see him as a father to her anymore and while as the player we know that this eats zenkichi alive and will soon learn that she really only has half of the information in this situation it's really hard to blame akane for taking this stance against her father because in large part his behaviors are caused by the defense mechanisms and the parenting style that zenkichi has adopted since his wife's death and so i really want to hone in on what it appears to be zenkichi's defense mechanism of choice over the past two years and as i'm sure you're familiar with there are a huge amount of different kinds of defense mechanisms that people can develop for a wide a variety of reasons and situations but zenki cheese is pretty easy to pinpoint as being avoidance which the apa defines as being the practice or an instance of keeping away from particular situations environments individuals or things because of either a the anticipated negative consequences of such an encounter or b anxious or painful feelings associated with them now psychology brings several theoretical perspectives to the study of avoidance its use as a means of coping it's used as a response to fear or shame its existence as a personality style or predisposition and its existence as a component in anxiety disorders well zenkichi's work naturally takes him away from home i don't think that this is inherently unintentional at this point once the phantom thieves get back to zenkichi's house we can see this on full display whenever ryuji brings up akane's mother and what happened you see him slightly shut down but begrudgingly answer the question in a very curt and to the point fashion once akane on haru and makoto go to take a bath we see him fully avoid the topic when ryuji tries bringing it back up instead faking that he's tired and he needs to go to bed i don't think it's a reach to say that just the sheer act of being around akane brings up a lot of painful and anxiety-inducing feelings for zenkichi he knows when he sees her that she will be unhappy with him and in reality he knows that at least in part she is justified for this so what does he do he avoids these confrontations it's undeniable that he loves his daughter but looking at her simply reminds him of the fact that he failed to catch iwata being home likely reminds him that he will never see owie again so he stays away he avoids his home and his family just so that he doesn't have to experience the pain he knows he will feel whenever he returns though in his own way he's always trying to make peace with what happened like when he went out of his way to reconnect the lost boy with his parent and all of this leads us into talking about how this has manifested into the way zenkichi parents akane and honestly seeing the interactions between zankichi and akane it make me a little bit sad that dr maruki isn't canon and persona 5 strikers because i think that they both could use someone to talk things out with even if he's not the best counselor in the world and i think his first suggestion would be that they need some snacks and that brings us to today's sponsor tokyo treat in sakurako tokyo treat is a monthly japanese subscription box full of popular japanese candy and snacks such as japan exclusive kitkats ramune ramen and many more and soccer it comes a monthly japanese subscription box full of authentic traditional japanese snacks from japan's local artisan snack makers both are delivered straight from japan to your door so that they can share japanese culture to the world through the medium of snacking which i think would make dr maraki absolutely jump for joy so because tokyo treat and sakura ko's boxes come with different themes every single month i wanted to make sure that my wife ali was here so that she could dive into the valentine's day theme boxes for february and so do you want to start with tokyo treat or soccer eco sure thing let's start with tokyo tree so this box comes with this amazing booklet which not only is beautifully designed but also contains a bunch of information about what is in the box and also history about japan in japanese cultures yes all right so right from the top we already have these kit kats which i just look so good i'm thriving for those and if you can see in the box this is chock full absolutely chock full of goodies all right dink and sink dink and sink that's so good the strawberry flavoring is on point no that's really really good and i'm a sucker for strawberry and so are you anyways what a good box to start with i love strawberry yeah all right and next i feel like we should try this hi-chew because i recognize that brand name and i know i love them yeah this should be delicious stop it i love high chew because it's kind of like gum without actually being gum and as much as i would love to just go on and on and eat literally everything in the tokyo dream box yes i think we need to give some love to soccer eco because just the packaging alone is absolutely incredible yes i mean look at it it's so pretty like i feel fancy yes and then you open it up and just right away blown away by the art and so i just want to dive straight in and the first thing that's catching my eye is these little heart-shaped candies they look like chocolates oh i love that that's perfect for valentine's day perfect oh they look kind of crunchy they are crunchy and a little salty i love it no they have little crackers in the middle oh no there's just a lot of flavors happening all at once yeah you got the crunch you got the salty you got the sweet this is really and so after looking around the box for a while we found this littler box yeah inside of it is this gorgeous ceramic plate oh wow there's actually a lot of history to this it looks like in traditional japanese culture these patterns are used for weddings as a symbol of good luck we just got married we did just get married oh and i love that and it kind of looks like you're tying the knot love that and if you look at these two boxes if you just like look at everything combined and this isn't even everything because we we've eaten some of it uh yeah like there's so much here there is so much bang for your buck in these boxes and they're all delicious and oh no about for you but at least for us these are a lot of snacks that we just never would have tried prior to getting these snack boxes yeah so if you want to try all of these snacks and also extra snacks on top of this because if you use the code in the link in the description down below not only can you get these amazing snacks you would get the same snack boxes that we got with additional snacks while helping us out and we appreciate that always so make sure if you are even remotely interested in tokyo treat or the soccer eco boxes make sure to get them celebrate valentine's day the right way and go to the link in the description down below but with all that out of the way let's just jump back into talking about zen kichi and akane's relationship because they've had a snack break we've had a snack break maybe they can work it out yeah so when looking at parenting styles there are four key styles that most parents will fall into to some capacity with these styles being authoritative uninvolved permissive and authoritarian and while i definitely recommend looking into each of these parenting styles in more depth i particularly want to focus on the permissive style of parenting which is illustrated by the graph and it's based on zenkichi's demandingness and responsiveness to akane while on the surface i think it could technically be argued that zenkichi may fall into the uninvolved category this just doesn't say right with me while he may be very avoidant of akane a lot of the time because of the guilt that consumes him about the loss of owie when he is around her he truly expresses nothing but warmth and affection towards her albeit in a very rigid and kind of awkward way because he feels the need to tiptoe around her zenkichi has very few rules for akane likely because he just desperately wants to be on her good side so that he can have some semblance of a relationship with his daughter even though she resents him so incredibly much with that said though he's entirely focused on making sure that she is safe insecure in essence he moved her away from tokyo her home so that she could be with her grandparents and then she could be looked after when he wasn't around which is most of the time essentially leaving their relationship in limbo there i mean let's think about it two years ago yes akane lost her mother aoi just like zenkichi did but she was also taken away from her home in every support that she had and her father has become very flighty and avoidant around her so really all she has now is her grandparents who we don't even get to see so we don't know how involved in her life they actually are we can even see how out of touch zenkichi is with his daughter when he asks them to hang out with her in her room not realizing that they would soon be ambushed by more phantom thief merchandise than they ever could have dreamed of while he knew she was online a lot he had no idea that she held a genuine online following where she talks with countless people on the internet about her love of the phantom thieves as makoto points out zenkichi's love for akane is unquestionable and he wants her to love him the way he loves her and this is made very clear when he asks makota what she thought of her own father before they even reach owie's gravesite and until he can mend this relationship he will remain stuck in this limbo of wanting to become closer to his daughter while also holding her at arm's length so that he won't unintentionally hurt her again which in turn is hurting her even more now let's be honest while zenkichi is a crucial part of the story for the majority of the game it's the kyoto jail that truly permits us to see the man behind the mask up to this point we've seen a very guarded and calculated version of zenkichi who is acting only in the interest of himself and at least in his perception akane we know the fam thieves were initially intended to just be a means to an end for him to allow kavaragi to tie up the recent uptick of change of heart cases and it was his role to investigate them and turn them in should there be any evidence of the phantom thieves being guilty however instead of them simply being the subject of his investigation like they should have been zen kichi got a bit too close he saw the humanity in the phantom thieves and the idea of turning on them gradually became less and less digestible but he stuck with the plan because he believed in kavaragi even if he was reluctant at times that is until they get back to kyoto once they get back to kyoto kabaragi who has been coerced by iwata to frame the phantom thieves and catch them springs a surprise attack while they're staying at the bath house and this is when zinkichi is given a moral decision does he stand by the police force in the woman he has thrown all of his weight behind for the past two years or does he follow his conscience and save the phantom thieves who he knows are innocent while it may seem pretty clear-cut what he needs to do since we know that the phantom thieves are innocent and that the police force is completely out of line we have to consider what exactly zenkichi is risking for them while in the context of the story we see that sai is able to get him out of jail pretty easily without saya by going against kabaragi and internal wada he was risking never getting the justice his wife deserves in exchange for the fam thieves freedom and safety he was willing to give up his own he was willing to give up seeing his daughter in order to save the phantom leaves for a crime he knew that they were framed for because if there's going to be any justice in this world it's probably not going to actually come from the police force at this point it's going to come from the phantom thieves while he understands that going against the police force will be hugely detrimental to his life he cannot bear to allow another abuse of justice go unopposed while he has the ability to stop it and so once he is inevitably freed by saya this is when we see him face the greatest obstacle of his life saving his daughter and the phantom thieves no longer is he going to be scared hiding behind someone else in hopes that things will get better if he just follows orders up to this point yes he's been the one giving the phantom thieves all of the intel that they need so that they can start catching all of the monarchs in the various jails across japan but he's been a very passive player on the whole yes he's made the arrest that he needs to and he's been on site for everything for the most part but he hasn't been able to truly be a part of the action or the resolution he's been leaning on the phantom thieves just like he's been leaning on kabaragi for so long and so he can't be a scared dog anymore and instead he will fight for what he believes in even saying that he is willing to risk his life in order to save his daughter i think that this is an amazing characterization of eric erickson's seventh stage of psychosocial development which looks at the conflict between generativity and stagnation now because typically on this channel we are talking about teens and young adults just because that tends to be the age of video game and anime protagonists so i don't know if i've ever actually had the opportunity to do a deep dive on this psycho-social conflict before but essentially what it focuses on is the idea that the individual has reached a point where they will either begin feeling its time to start making their mark on the world and in turn making it a better place or risk feeling disconnected with society as a whole and up to this point we are constantly seeing this conflict play out viscerally within zankichi we know that in his heart he loves his daughter that he wants to be a good father to her and that he wants to bring justice to the world through his work as an officer but the broken system he found himself trapped in has stifled this desire in him meaning that before he met the phantom thieves and because these conflicts operate along a spectrum he was leaning more towards this stagnation the zenkichi that we met at the beginning while not self-centered necessarily had all but given up hope that he could do anything himself to make things better he had all but isolated himself from akane and pretty much everyone but as he spends time with the phantom thieves something started changing in this jaded demeanor he started to see once again that things can change he has people who believe in him and who he in turn also believes in while when he had first approached them he had meant to twist their arms purely for his own benefit along the way he began to see the big picture again he acted as almost a mentor figure to the phantom thieves and this is why he put his future at risk for theirs but this was only the first step when he finally got out of jail he fully understood that by entering the metaverse without a persona he would be risking his life in order to find some way to hopefully save everyone with futaba and while he eventually gets to the thieves and akane this is when he was finally able to admit what had happened with the investigation into his wife's death but there's a distinct moment of hesitation on zenkichi's part we can see him almost slip back into his avoidant nature when confronting the shadow of akane in the jail you can tell that admitting this is incredibly difficult for him and he almost goes into that fight-or-flight nature but makoto coaxes him to go on and once he reveals that all he ever wanted was to protect akane from owada she rejects this essentially calling him a coward who sacrificed others for his own benefit whether it be the phantom thieves owada's secretary who committed suicide on owada's behalf and so many others along the way just to keep akane safe and that she does not support that and while i'm sure we could have an entire conversation about the morality of zenkiji's actions up to this point because it's certainly not a black and white issue what i care more about is what impact these words have on him this is the moment that prompts him to begin awakening his persona finally the voice of valjean prompts zenkiji to look at himself critically the mistakes he's made the people he's used and stepped over to ensure his daughter's safety and while the guilt of this could have very well led him to withdraw back into himself he instead confronted it and faced it head on accepting the phantom thieves words and denouncing his past self and his past actions yes it was all well intentioned just to keep his daughter safe which as a parent it's hard to fault him for that but still he understands that his vision was often much too narrow in blurred he didn't allow himself to see the bigger picture out of the very legitimate fear that he would lose the only family that he had left and when he finally is firm in his resolve he hears his persona valjean say this [Music] they condemn the good to slavery pretend they do not see their agony [Music] just as he once did i am thou art i if you yet seek true justice we will see it done fine seal the contract now aside from this being one of the best awakenings that we've ever seen i think it's fascinating that his persona is based on jean valjean from les mis and while we could dive deep into the comparison between jean valjean and zankichi i think that the game's brief description sums it up quite nicely as to why this just makes sense after being unfairly imprisoned valjean went on to become a champion for the poor and downtrodden just like zankichi would become a ray of hope for the world that has beaten him down time and time again no longer will he use others for his own selfish gain and with this awakening he has let loose his rebellious spirit in order to make sure the world is a better place as a phantom thief and so while akane flees deeper into her jail zankishi and futaba are able to free the rest of the team with zenkichi resolving to call himself wolf because he's tired of being a trained dog that barks on command eventually when zankichi and the fan thieves are able to confront akane and to feed her fake phantom thieves it's here that zenkichi hasegawa a man who has been dominated by fear for years is able to confess absolutely everything to his daughter promising to avenge her mother's death and when his daughter eventually collapses his paternal instincts take over and he runs to her holding her in his arms and while it's not as though he no longer prioritizes akane's safety i don't want to imply that at all or even that he no longer grieves the death of his wife he does find the resolve to follow through with what he started so long ago to ensure that kanoe and owada can't hurt anyone anymore he realizes that things won't change if he doesn't take action so instead of maintaining his avoidant behaviors instead of wallowing in shame in self-doubt and guilt he instead is ready to tackle everything head-on just like he did to make peace with akane but before he does this he takes the time to care for his daughter and explain everything to her that's happened thus taking the first steps to breaking free of his permissive and borderline uninvolved parenting style instead moving towards what we can assume will be a much more authoritative style of parenting which is defined by the apa as a parent or caregiver encouraging a child's autonomy while still placing certain limitations on behavior in essence he wants to be the father he used to be and someone that not only akane is proud of but also someone that she can rely on and it's through the rest of the story that we really see this development settle in zankishi is eventually reinstated as an officer by kaburagi and he works with the phantom thieves to bring down kanoe and once they are able to defeat him as a monarch he is able to personally be the one to arrest kanoe this is a huge moment for zen kichi because while we could very well have seen his rage take hold of him when he met the man who had supposedly brainwashed his daughter was working with owada the man who killed his wife he instead requests that kanoe atone for his actions and turn over a new leaf zankichi knows better than anyone else that you can't separate the world into good and bad and while kanoe has done some terrible things he's not irredeemable i think it's fitting that zenkichi's mask looks like a pinpoint blindfold because once he awakens valjean he has both literally and metaphorically begun improving how he sees the world after claiming ownership of the mistakes that he has made in hopes of protecting his family i think that he can see that kanoe while incredibly misguided never truly wanted to be an evil person like awada nor did he even realize that he wasn't the hero until it was too late and this is why i love zenkichi because while it's great contrasting the phantom thieves with their typically adult counterparts it's nice to see interactions like this where we can look at two fully grown men who have both made a lot of mistakes in their lives and appreciate just how far zankichi has come since the beginning of the game when compared with kanoe who is just now realizing his mistakes and so once zenkichi and the thieves are eventually able to take down the false god demiurge because it's a jrpg you have to kill a god it's a rule and shut down emma for good we are able to see him finally accomplish his goal of catching owada zankichi has quickly become one of the characters in the persona 5 universe that i personally love the most it's not often that there's a game like persona that you can truly delve into the struggles of established adults who are not only fighting their own demons but also trying to cope with the impact that their choices and decisions have on their children like we see in the case of zenkichi while he's certainly not perfect by the end of the game i think that we can definitely appreciate how much he's grown yes his emotions still take hold of him from time to time i think it's hard to deny that his heart is always leading him in the right direction it's just whether or not he chooses to follow it and so by the end of the game he's no longer a chain dog tethered by obligation but a wolf ready to lead and defend his pack at any cost but that'll do it for this week's video guys and i want to pass the question off to you what are your thoughts on zankichi hasegawa and would you be interested in me doing a separate video entirely focused on his daughter akane hasegawa leave your thoughts in the comment section down below while you're down there why not liking the video subscribing why not even ring that notification bell so you never miss another upload and make sure if you are interested in either tokyo treat or soccer eco to go down in the description and check out those affiliate links because a it helps out the channel a lot and you can get some amazingly delicious treats out of the deal so make sure to check that out and as always i hope you have a fantastic rest of your day a fantastic rest of your week and why not even a fantastic rest of your month and we will see you in the next video later
Channel: ThoughtBubble
Views: 21,875
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: persona 5, Counselor Reacts, clinical psychology, Mental Health, psychology, Psychology in Video Games, masters in counseling, persona 5 review, persona 5 ps4, persona 5 royal review, Video Game Analysis, persona 5 royal gameplay, phantom thieves, playstation, ps4, jrpg, atlus, Reaction, React, Analysis, thoughtbubble, Persona 5 Royal Reaction, persona 5 ost, ペルソナ5, ペルソナ5 ザ ロイヤル, video games, gaming, p5r, persona 5 strikers, persona 5 strikers ost, p5s, zenkichi persona 5, p5s zenkichi
Id: 3tu9rjlyKug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 20 2022
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