The Prophetic Times | Dr. David Jeremiah

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I don't have to tell you that this has been  about the strangest year we've ever had just   about every way you can imagine we have been  reminded that life is uncertain in fact if   you go back over these last days not just this  year but these last two or three years you stop   to think about it for a moment it's not that  we've just had one thing crossed the stage but   that many things have crossed the stage all at  the same time we barely get over one thing and   something else happens never have there been such  stressful headlines I've had more people say to me   in recent days I've given up on the news I don't  even watch it anymore it's too discouraging too   depressing and it seems as if those who give  us the news are absolutely committed never to   give us any good news even if there is good news  serious people are asking everywhere you go if   these things are happening today what will be the  future for my children and my grandchildren well   there's only one reliable source of information  about the future only one that has an astounding   record of accuracy and that's the Bible if you  want to know about the future there's only one   place you can go and find any good information  don't read the futurists read the prophets the   Bible is filled with information to help us  navigate the uncertain course that is before   us but there are many people today who strangely  enough even in our good evangelical churches have   decided that Bible prophecy is irrelevant that  it shouldn't be taught I've had more than one   preacher say I never touch prophecy because it  has nothing to do with the day-to-day lives of   my people and when they say that I am reminded  that they haven't read any prophecy because   almost every passage that tells us about the  return of the Lord Jesus has within the major   context of that prophecy and admonition given  to us so that we know what to do people say I   don't believe in prophecy but they do it wasn't  so long ago was it that you could hardly turn   on your television turn one channel to the next  in every every time you turn the channel here   was some psychic person willing to tell you your  future they even had a network called the psychic   network and that they went out of business  you would have thought they would have known one pastor I know said that he doesn't ever preach  on prophecy because he said prophecy distracts   people from the present and astute colleague  definitely responded well then there's an awful   lot of distractions in the Bible one of the most  convincing evidences that the Bible is God's Word   and that is inspired is the staggering number  of prophecies that have been fulfilled in the   past with pinpoint accuracy for instance take the  coming of the Lord Jesus Christ born of a virgin   born in Bethlehem to be our Savior take that event  did you know that in the Old Testament there are   300 prophecies concerning the first coming of  Jesus Christ and now we have lived past that   and we can look back in the annals of history  we can examine the prophetic word and we can   compare it to what we know to be true and we will  discover as we do that that every single one of   these 300 prophecies was fulfilled to the minutest  detail in ways that defy explanation apart from   Almighty God there are 300 prophecies in the Bible  concerning the first coming of Christ but there   are three times that many prophecies in the Bible  concerning the second coming of Christ if Almighty   God prophesied his first coming over here and now  time has passed and we can trace what happened and   we say you know everything he said what happened  happened and now he's prophesying another coming   with the same kind of verbiage in the same  prophets what do you think he will do I think   he'll fulfill them don't you I think the things  that he says will happen will happen and all my   friends how many truths there are in the Word of  God about the days in which we are living and the   time what is yet to come if you want to know what  in the world is going on you have to turn to the   Bible for some answers I want to remind all of you  that we're living in this unprecedented time some   of you are going to say well pastor Ike would have  just been happy to have been born and lived in the   good old days if you can ever figure out what  they are I would have loved to have been born   in that special generation the one they call the  best generation I wish I could have been born some   of you were but have you ever asked yourself  this question why am I on this earth at this   particular time did you know that Almighty God  could have dropped you down along the landscape   of history any place he wanted well he put you  here he put you here for now God wants you here   for now so don't complain about not having lived  at a different time or wish you could live in some   future time embrace the fact that God has given  you this time and then find out everything you   can about how to live this time in the Holy Spirit  power that he wants to give you so where are we   what's happening well let me just say first of all  we're living in the generation of the rebirth of   the nation of Israel when I was seven years old  something happened in our world that has forever   changed the landscape going forward it almost  happened off the radar screen as far as many   people are concerned it was 1948 so you do the  math and you figure out how old I am it was 1948   and the nation of Israel was born it all began  much earlier than that in fact the beginning of   it takes you all the way back to the first book of  the Bible and the twelfth chapter of Genesis where   Almighty God gave a promise to Abraham the father  of the nation of Israel and Almighty God said some   specific things to Abraham he promised to bless  him he said Abraham I'm going to bless you and   he certainly has did you know that Abraham's name  is revered among Christians and Jews and Muslims   alike he said Abraham I'm going to make of you a  great blessing and he has done that as well did   you know that the Bible is a Jewish book did you  know that your Savior and mine is a Jewish Savior   did you know that the law that is basically the  basis of jurisprudence around the world is the   law that was given to Moses on Mount Sinai God  has made of Abraham a great blessing and then he   said I'm gonna bless those Abraham that bless you  and I'm gonna curse those that curse you it hasn't   fared well for those who have taken Israel on as  an enemy Almighty God has miraculously preserved   them even in spite of all of their suffering and  the history books show that those who have blessed   Israel have been blessed and those that have  cursed Israel have been cursed but the one promise   that God made to Israel that for 2,500 years went  unfulfilled was the promise of a land Almighty God   said to Abraham I'm gonna give you a land a land  of your own and you will live there as a nation in   that land for 2,500 years there was no evidence  that that could happen then through a series of   amazing events in 1948 the nation of Israel came  to be and the significance of Israel's reemergence   in her ancient homeland is critical to us because  in order for all of the other end time prophecies   to happen Israel has to be at home in her own land  and so now the beginning of the regather ination   of Israel has happened Israel today is Exhibit  A in the lineup of convincing evidences that   the Bible prophecies concerning the future are  going to be fulfilled here after all these years   is this little nation confounding everyone with  their military ability and their commitment to   survival and you know it happened miraculously not  just over in Israel but it happened almost on this   side too back in 1948 the President of the United  States was Harry Truman and he was the first to   recognize Israel as a nation that this was God  at work in Israel was illustrated when several   months later the chief rabbi of Israel came to the  White House and made an appointment with President   Truman and this Jewish rabbi said to Truman  mr. president God put you in your mother's womb   so that you would be the instrument to bring  about the rebirth of Israel after 2,000 years   and those who were there in that meeting said  they looked over and Truman was shedding tears   because he comprehended the significance of that  event which hardly anyone ever talked about but   today is becoming front-and-center did you know  that the nation of Israel is mentioned more on   the news than any other nation except the United  States it's amazing the little nation of Israel   is 119th the size of California not even as big as  New Jersey and yet here it is God's special plan   God's special place just as God said it would be  arising in the end time to be present so that all   the prophecies that surround it could take place  not only do you have the rebirth of Israel as a   nation but you have the redistribution of wealth  through oil each year billions of dollars are   being paid to rogue nations in the Middle East for  their oil from the coffers of this peace-loving   nation to the Treasuries of Arab nations that have  openly announced their desire to destroy Israel   and the United States after the 1948 refounding of  the nation of Israel in her ancient homeland even   Bible believing Christians often wondered what  would draw the attention and animosity of the   whole world through that little nation I remember  thinking you know I read the Bible and the Bible   says it's all going to end over there in Israel  make any sense this little tiny nation and all   of a sudden everybody began to realize it's the  oil the Bible says God is going to put a hook in   the jaws of the nations and I believe that hook  is the oil oil in the Middle East will be like a   magnet drawing all of the nations to that focal  point for the final war that will take place on   this earth I remember reading not long ago that  Golda Meir when she was in office once made the   comment that she was very angry with Moses she  said Moses lit us throughout the wilderness for   40 years and then plucked us down into one place  in the Middle East where there isn't any oil some   people are saying that maybe that's not true that  perhaps oil is in Israel and the Zion isle company   is prospecting right now using the Bible to try to  find the places in the Holy Land where oil might   be deposited so we have the rebirth of Israel  in our lifetime we have the redistribution of   wealth in our lifetime and then keep your eyes on  Europe the realignment of Europe as well 30 some   years ago Don and I were invited to go to Europe  to speak at a missions conference that was held   in Holland we'd never been to Europe before so we  spent enough time there to take the train across   the across Europe and I'll never forget it every  place you came to a border the train stopped the   customs people got on they checked your passport  stamped it they got off and you went to the next   place you get to the next border they get back  on and so we had lots of stamps in our in our   passports by the time we got across Europe you go  to Europe today you don't have to do that Europe   is becoming a seamless continent in fact in Europe  today we are seeing the fulfillment of a prophecy   that many folks don't even know about did you know  that in the Book of Daniel in the second and in   the ninth chapter Daniel saw the opportunity to  interpret a couple of dreams these two dreams   basically are about one thing they're about the  history of the world from Daniels time until   Almighty God sets up his kingdom on this earth the  first vision is of a statue the other is of beasts   but either way what they're saying is that there  was Babylon and then there was Mito Persia and   then there was Greece and then there was Rome but  when Rome comes at the end of the story Rome is   not finished Rome sort of fades off into oblivion  and then all of a sudden you read this that when   Almighty God sets up his kingdom after the seven  years of tribulation that a form of the Roman   Empire will be functioning on this earth in the  vision it talks about ten toes or ten leaders in   Europe literally what the prophecy is saying men  and women is this that what is happening in Europe   today this reorganization of Europe 27 nations now  in the European coalition their own coins called   the euro dollar this reconnection of all the old  nations of the Roman Empire are fulfilling the   prophecies of Daniel and pretty soon they will  have their own president they already have their   own Constitution they tell us that this is now  the most powerful bloc of nations in the world   equaling almost the power and dominance of the  United States you say pastor Jeremiah what is   the significance of Europe why is that important  it's important for this reason the Bible says that   in the end time there is going to be a ruler who  comes upon this earth he will rule the whole world   he will be the ruler of the whole world I thought  at one time that would be impossible it's becoming   more and more possible all the time is it not  through all of our technology through all the   things were able to do the Bible says he will  abrogate power to himself and he will rule the   whole world now what the scripture says is this  this world ruler will come out of the reunited   European Coalition in other word out of the old  Roman Empire revived in the last time this ruler   will emerge he will come from there he's not going  to come from the United States the Bible says that   the Antichrist will not be revealed until after  the rapture so if you think you know who he is   you've been left behind stop and think about it  for a moment here is the nation of Israel back in   her land here is all of this control being moved  to the Middle East through the redistribution   of wealth here is the realignment of Europe and  then of course we have all lived every one of us   here we're the first generation to have to deal  with the rise of Islamic terrorism it all began   to be very apparent to us on 9/11 and we have  never recovered nor will we ever not long ago   someone put in my hands a book that was written  by George sada who was an Air Force general under   Saddam Hussein though ethnically an Iraqi he was  not a Muslim but in a Syrian Christian and in his   book Saddam's secrets how an Iraqi general defied  and survived Saddam Hussein sada tells some of the   story behind the Islamic Revolution he said I'm  often asked about militant Islam and the threat   of global terrorism more than once I've been asked  about the meaning of the Arabic words Fatah and   jihad what I normally tell them is that to follow  a militant brand of Islam these are the doctrines   that express that Allah has commanded them to  conquer the nations of the world both by cultural   invasion and by military domination so Fatah  means they move in the communities and they set   up strong blocks of influence so little by little  they're able to gain control of influence in the   community and jihad means that they believe those  who are not is lamech are heretics that includes   all of the Jews and all of us I'm not condemning  the Islamic people I actually have a number of   friends who are Islamic the vast majority of  Islamic people are peace-loving people they do   not want to participate in all that is going on  today in our world someone has said that while   the majority of the world's 1.5 billion Muslims  want no part of deadly violence an attempt to   live in peace with their neighbors the number  of radicals who preach violence and terror is   mushrooming around the world and experts say that  15 to 20 percent of Muslims are radical enough   to strap a bomb on their bodies in order to kill  Christians and Jews if this number is accurate it   means that there are about 300 million Muslims who  are willing to die in order to take you or me with   them oh one other word that's in their vocabulary  it's the word Mahdi believe it or not the Islamic   belief system has as a part of their belief system  the concept that their 12th Imam is their Messiah   who is going to come one of the names given for  the Messiah is the Mahdi and they believe that   the Mahdi will only come to this world as their  Messiah when there is an absolute worldwide chaos   fomenting on this earth I never even heard any  of these terms when I was growing up and most   of you did not either it was something that was  going on over there not over here in fact I just   recently read that the fastest-growing religion  in America is Islam the rebirth of Israel as a   nation the redistribution of wealth through oil  the realignment of Europe the rise of radical   Islam pastor what are we to do the Bible says  that all these things are happening and they're   preparing the way for an event listen to me now  that could happen tonight the Bible speaks of a   moment in time and it's called the rapture the  rapture is an event that is yet to happen on   this earth and the Bible speaks of it in first  Thessalonians chapter 4 I do not want you to be   ignorant brethren concerning those who have fallen  asleep lest you sorrow as others who have no hope   for if we believe that Jesus died and rose again  even so God will bring with him those that sleep   in Jesus for this we say to you by the word of  the Lord that we who are alive and remain until   the coming of the Lord will by no means precede  those who are asleep for the Lord himself shall   descend from heaven with a shout with the voice of  an archangel and the trumpet of God and the dead   in Christ will rise first and we who are alive  and remain shall be caught up together with them   in the clouds to meet the lord in the air and thus  we shall always be with the Lord there for comfort   encourage one another with these words now Paul  wrote this to a church in Thessalonica for one   specific reason listen carefully almost everybody  who was there in the church at the time believed   that Jesus was coming back they had been taught  that and they accepted it is true but what they   didn't understand was this they had godly parents  and grandparents and sisters and brothers and some   of them children who also had trusted Christ but  they had died and their bodies had been buried   in the ground and the facility ins wanted to know  what about them what happens to them and so Paul   begins his little verse by saying I would not have  you to be ignorant brethren concerning those who   have fallen asleep you all know that fallen asleep  means died that's what you say about a Christian   who dies he falls asleep Paul addresses this  to the ignorant brethren somebody said that's   the largest congregation in the whole world the  ignorant brethren I don't know if that's true or   not but these brethren were a bit ignorant about  what was going to happen to their loved ones and   so Paul wrote this letter he said let me set this  all straight for you and he gave them a crystal   clear outline first he said I want you to know  that one day there's going to be a return one   day the Lord Jesus is going to come out of the  skies and he's going to come into the heavens and   the Bible says he will come with a shout and the  voice of an archangel and the trumpet of God he's   not going to send his angels it won't be the Holy  Spirit it's not going to be John the Baptist the   Lord Himself will return and then Paul made this  astounding statement he said you're worried about   those who have already died don't worry about  them for he said the dead in Christ once again   those are not the people sitting in the third row  of your church guys I want you to know the dead   in Christ are not the people that fall asleep on  Sunday but that in Christ are the people who have   died and are buried and Paul says now listen the  Lord is going to come back but before he comes   after you he's going to get all of those who have  already died and they're going to rise up from the   ground and there's going to be a resurrection and  then he says after the resurrection happens after   all those who have died in Christ have been raised  up and to go up to the heavens with the Lord the   Bible says and then those of us who are alive and  remain in other words we haven't died and the Lord   has come back we're going to be caught up together  with them to be with the Lord and so shall we ever   be with him listen to me men and women there's  coming a day when there's going to be a shout   and the voice of an archangel and the trumpet of  God and only believers will hear it and the Bible   says all of the graves that have been occupied by  those who are Christians will be opened and their   bodies will be resurrected and go up to meet the  Lord and on their way up all of their bodies will   be reformed and remain as a resurrection body and  as soon as that happens all of us who are still   walking around on planet Earth and I plan to be  here the Lord willing I think he's going to come   that soon I tell everybody I'm not looking for the  Undertaker I'm looking for the upper taker amen   aren't you want to go up then we're going to  be caught up to be with the Lord and then the   Bible says together with our loved ones who died  before we did we're going to be ushered into the   presence of heaven and there we will be forever  that's what we have to look forward to I hope   that's what you have to look forward to if you  know Jesus Christ that's your future plain and   simple one of these days the Lord's coming back  and if you know him you will be taken to heaven   to be with him we say we believe this but do we  if you knew Jesus was coming tomorrow night what   would your tomorrow look like and people say well  you know the Bible says he's coming back I don't   know what to do what should i do pastor read the  words of prophecy first of all the Bible says were   to stay centered on Christ over in Colossians it  says since we have been risen with Christ were to   sin our affection on things above not on things  below as we wait for Jesus to come back were to   set our affection upon him and the Bible says  were to stay confident in God's Word committed   to it with all of our hearts were to understand  that the only thing we have that will help us in   these difficult days and prepare us for the time  to come is the Word of God the commitment to the   Word of God stay centered in Christ stay committed  to the word and here's what I want to talk about   for just a moment stay compassionate toward other  people here's what it says in 2nd Thessalonians   chapter 3 may the Lord make you increase and  abound in love to one another and to all just as   we do to you so that he may establish your hearts  blameless in holiness before our God and father   at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ listen Paul  writes to the Thessalonians you said the coming of   the Lord is is coming it's happening it's going to  be here soon so what you should do is increase and   abound in love toward one another and then he adds  this little troubling phrase and toward all what   is the temptation that we have when we're going  through times like this right now I'll tell you   what it is all of us have faced it maybe we're not  caught up in the scandals that have been happening   in our country maybe we haven't been laid off and  maybe it looks like we've got some security going   forward our temptation as followers of Christ  is to say okay I'm going to gather this all up   to myself I'm gonna batten down the hatches board  up the windows don't tell anybody we're okay hang   in there by ourselves until this thing gets  over that's what the majority of people are   doing today they're trying to get everything  they can and conserve it for themselves and   not worry about anybody else and let me tell  you something that's the exact opposite from   what God has called us to do as his people this  is an opportunity for us to be compassionate an   opportunity for us to reach across all kinds  of lines into the lives of other people who   are hurting many many people are hurting so  much worse than you can imagine men and women   these are difficult times these are the times  that were prophesied we would experience before   the Lord's return but here is the opportunity for  us to shine like we have never shined before you   know it grieves me when I come into a city like  this city and you don't have to be in a city very   long before you start hearing a little bit of  this and a little bit of that and well this is   these people aren't getting along with these  people that you know what the time has come   for us to put all that aside we are Christians  and the body of Christ needs to come together really doesn't have anything to do with the color  of our skin or authenticity or where we came from   or what how we speak it has to do with our faith  in Jesus Christ and the Bible tells us that in   these days before Christ comes back we need to  reach out and join hands with other believers   and then we need to spread our hands out wide  and help people who need our help let this be   the finest hour for the church instead of the  hour when people look at us as a bunch of stingy   people who closed everything around us and try to  wait for the storm to pass you know what Almighty   God has put us where we are at this particular  time as I said at the beginning because he has   called us to this time and to this place and there  are many other things that we're told to do we're   told to stay connected to the church did you know  that the Bible says forsake not the assembling of   yourselves together as the manner of some is but  so much the more as you see the day approaching   what does that mean it means as you realize Jesus  is coming back you need to get together with God's   people more than you're used to I've lived in the  generation where we watched services fall off like   broken limbs when I was growing up we had prayer  meeting every Wednesday night you don't ever have   to see that anywhere anymore not in California we  had Sunday night services that's also archaic in   most places I'm not saying we have to go back to  Wednesday night church or Sunday night church I   don't know what your deal is here what I do know  is the Bible says this is not a time for us to be   scattering as God's people this is a time for us  to be gathering as God's people listen to me there   are only two times in the New Testament where this  expression gathering is used once it's used for   Christians gathering in the church and once it's  used for when we gather together with the Lord in   his coming and I'm convinced that both are equally  important God is looking forward to the time when   we gather with him but in the meantime while  we're waiting for the return of Christ we need   to be gathering with one another you say I can  worship God on the golf course you cannot anymore   than you can play golf in the church building  you can you need to be with God's people if   you listen to turning-point you hear me say this  every Friday night every Friday after and whenever   you listen to turning-point I say don't you ever  use this broadcast as an excuse for not going to   your local church men and women you belong in the  local church if you're here tonight and you're not   involved in a local church you need to find one  and there are many representatives here tonight   and get involved in that church the Bible says  that as we're looking for the Lord's return we   should stay calm in our spirit this is not a  time for anxiety and panic did you know there   was another time in the New Testament when the  disciples were filled with anxiety they began to   hear the rumors that Jesus was going to lead them  Jesus was all they knew he said he was gonna leave   and go to a place and they didn't know where it  was and Jesus said how could he tell him and they   were filled with fear and filled with anxiety  and then Jesus said these words to them he said   let not your hearts be troubled you believe in God  believe also in me in my father's house are many   mansions and if it weren't so I would have told  you listen I go to prepare a place for you and if   I go and prepare a place for you I will come again  and receive you unto myself that where I am there   you may be also the Bible says you don't have to  be filled with anxiety let your heart become it's   all under control Almighty God's still on the  throne he's got his plan all laid out and he's   coming back and the best news in that passage  of Scripture my friends is this God loves you   and he wants you to be where he is he is doing all  of this for us listen to the verse again let not   your heart be troubled you believe in God believe  also in me in my father's house are many mansions   if it were not so I would have told you I go to  prepare a place for you and if I go and prepare   a place for you I will come again and receive you  unto myself that where I am there you may be also   God is interested in you he wants you in heaven  and that's why he's doing all of this as many of   you know California has been visited by fires very  frequently 2003 one day we were having church and   I began to see people get up out of church and  leave while I was preaching I had no idea what   was going on and someone told me that they were  getting text messages that their home was in the   fire zone and they need to get home eight or ten  of our families lost their homes in that fire we   were told that our campus was going to go down in  the in the flames on a Monday morning Almighty God   somehow blew the flames south and we didn't get  burned down Don and I had to evacuate our home   in 2003 we thank God that we had the opportunity  to minister to a lot of people there's a little   village up above our church called crest almost  every home up there was burned down we set up our   presence up there in a tent we lived up there for  about six weeks providing food and clothing and   help and rebuilding and all that we could do to  help those people after 2003 the fire departments   in Southern California got together and realized  there were some major glitches and getting people   away from the danger of fire so they came up with  an ingenious plan it's called reverse 911 and   here's how it works if your home is in a fire zone  if your home is in a place where fires can come   everybody knows where that is in California you  register with reverse 911 Network you give them   all your numbers they input them into a massive  computer when the fire comes as they watch it from   their helicopters and from their their ability  to see where it's going and trace the wind if   your home is in danger they press a button on  this computer and it calls all of that all of   the numbers in that zone and when you answer the  phone it simply says fire get out fire get out   it worked for the very first time in 2007 when  we had the highest number of evacuations in any   place in history for fire over a million people  were evacuated in Southern California sad to say   there were some people who got the 911 warning and  didn't believe it and we know of several families   where there were tragic deaths because they  refused to listen to the warning there is another   9/11 coming the Bible says it this way that if we  do not have our names in the Lamb's Book of Life   when Jesus comes back for his own we will not go  with him we will be left behind to experience the   tragedy of the seven years of tribulation and the  ultimate carnage of Armageddon and there will not   be another chance you say pastor Jeremiah how do  I get my name in the 911 book of heaven the Bible   says you asked Jesus Christ to forgive your sin  you asked him to come and cleanse your heart you   acknowledge that you're a sinner you tell him that  you're sorry for your sin and you realize that   you're not going in the right direction you accept  the fact that God loves you and now it's time for   you to love God you open your heart and by prayer  you receive them into your heart and the Bible   says the moment you do that your name is listed  in the Lamb's Book of Life and when the heavenly   911 comes at the rapture your name will be called  and you will be rescued and evacuated from this   earth I want to ask you this question tonight and  I want you to listen to me carefully is your name   written in the book have you trusted Jesus Christ  as your Savior you say well pastor I'm young and   I have lots of plans and I got some things I want  to do before this and I've got plenty of time no   you don't first of all there's never been a time  when it appears as if the Lord's coming could be   at any moment like it is today but secondly you  have no guarantee of a tomorrow if you were to   die tonight and stand before Almighty God and he  were to say to you why should I let you into my   heaven what would you say and if you cannot say  with certainty Lord God I come to your heaven   tonight with the assurance that I belong here  because I have trusted Jesus Christ your son   as my Savior if you don't know that do today what  you're going to be thankful you've done when you   stand before the Lord give your heart to Jesus  Christ you will look back upon this moment as   the greatest moment in your life it will change  you from the inside and make you a new creature
Channel: David Jeremiah
Views: 908,065
Rating: 4.7699375 out of 5
Keywords: David Jeremiah, Revelation, Bible Prophecy, Jesus, God
Id: XVHnUVcf8Kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 24sec (2244 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2018
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